Fotos 360 / 360 photos
1021 2 2024-9-6
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 109478 ft


Buen día, alguien sabe por qué cuando quiero exportar desde la Dji fly app una foto 360 hacia Facebook, se le quitan los retoques que le hice en la  app de fotos del iPhone? Hay alguna forma de que se exporte con la edición que le hice? Por qué hasta ahora para que salga en 360 en Facebook solo he podido compartiéndola directamente desde la app de DJI / Good morning, does anyone know why when I want to export from the Dji fly app a 360 photo to Facebook, the retouching I did in the iPhone photo app is removed? Is there any way to export it with the editing I did? Because so far I have only been able to share it directly from the DJI app to make it appear in 360 on Facebook.

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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

The sphere panorama is a visual model created by special processing from algorithms. It's a synthesized flat panoramic photo, like the photos we take with our phones. When you download it to your phone or share it with friends and family, you're sharing a flat effect of the photo. This isn't due to an error with the photo, it's because phones don't have the necessary algorithms to process them. If you want to share a sphere panorama, just upload it to "SkyPixel" and share the generated link. Your friends will be able to view the effects by clicking the link. I hope this helps.

Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us for assistance. Thank you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 25188186 ft

Hola, no tengo un iPhone para comprobar como se haría, pero intenta primero exportarla de DJI Fly a tu galería, editarla allí, y luego “compartirla” a Facebook desde la galería.
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