Dual remote control or command -pass
443 2 2024-9-7
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Hello, is there any way to pass the control of Mavic 3 pro from one RC pro to another RC pro while in flight? Original mavic pro had dual controller capability and Cart 30 has dual operator mode, but it doesn't seem to be the case with Mavic 3 series. I'm asking because I usually fly in the mountains, and it would be great if two operators on different points can control the drone (not necessary at the same time), so I can fly VLOS and for longer distances. The other way would be having a signal repeater, but as far as I concern, there is no such a thing. A repeater would be also great for the fly cart 30 since dual operation can be tricky in the mountain for most professional jobs. I saw that this was an issue in its testing at Everest Camps.

Many thanks!

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United Kingdom

With the mavic 3 pro - not that I have read. But I will stand correction.

But you can do this with the Mavic 1 & 2 series drones, ( Go4 app ) however there are drawbacks.

The controllers have differing authorities, one is considered the "primary" and the other is considered the "secondary".
The secondary has VERY LITTLE access to control menus. One consequent worry would be that the secondary MIGHT NOT be able to reset the home point, which might be NEEDED in your proposed flight, other wise the drone would RTH (low battery RTH, failsafe RTH etc. ) to the takeoff point.

You can also do this ( in theory at least) with the original DJI FPV, where one controller is the normal joystick controller and the other controller is the motion controller.
Coordinating the switch over would be a bit awkward. The first controller to connectto the drone must be switched off or disconnected from the drone before the second controller can take over, done that but with BOTH controllers at the take off point, and in the interval the drone might start a failsafe RTH.
You would have to leave the failsafe setting at RTH as I think it would be too risky to set it to "hover".

Whether or not that idea carries over to the Mavic 3 I do not know,
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Not with the mavic 3 series - consumer or enterprise.

The m30/t is the cheapest currently being sold with this feature using the rc plus ..

Some people mentioned it was coming for the mavic 3 enterprise but I think that ship sailed.. it was never and never will come for a consumer drone ever again.. from mavic 3 series onwards DJI made a very hard and clear line on consumers and enterprise.. and what features each segment would have
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