dji mic (1st gen) will shut down and just keeps blinking slowly
425 9 2024-9-15
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United States

Wireless Mic - First Gen which I have  owned since it came out, but the past year is just keeps failing even  after DJI services it

I have had so many issues with the 1st gen over the past year, not using it daily it has gone back 3 times for the same issue. ??

One of the transmitters is constantly blinking green slowly. No matter what buttons I try to do hold. It will not record to internal, and while using (2 time after last repair) it just stopped working while I was using it, so lost all my audio on the action4 camera where it was attached via receiver.

When will DJI send me a new mic system to get rid of this Lemon? 4th time the same issue ???

Does anyone know how to hard re-boot it?
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United States

sorry this didn't show its for Wireless Mic - First Gen which I have owned since it came out, but the past year is just keeps failing even after DJI services it
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please try to connect your DJI Mic to the computer and please update the firmware and check if the issue persists? You may watch the tutorial below for your reference.

Please keep us posted. Thank you.
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United States

DJI Diana Posted at 9-16 02:02
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

It's not the dam firmware! I have done that over and over, it has even been in for repair to your service locations 3 times already!

The last time it stopped working after only 2 uses. The MIC #2 will NOT record to internal storage, and eventually stop recording as it starts to blink slowly as if it is searcing for something or its showign an error code.

Is there a button sequence to reset the mic back to original settings? Is there a way to stop screwing around and just send me new not-refurbished or half ass fixed transmitters?
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United States

DJI Diana Posted at 9-16 02:02
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

not the firmware! I have tried updating it many many many times. Still not working
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DJI Natalia

djiuser_OfkHCGDRUgoA Posted at 9-16 05:35
It's not the dam firmware! I have done that over and over, it has even been in for repair to your service locations 3 times already!

The last time it stopped working after only 2 uses. The MIC #2 will NOT record to internal storage, and eventually stop recording as it starts to blink slowly as if it is searcing for something or its showign an error code.

Hi there. Thank you for sharing your concern with us. We apologize for the inconvenience that occurred. Could you please share the case number in order for us to check further on this matter?
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 9-16 10:09
Hi there. Thank you for sharing your concern with us. We apologize for the inconvenience that occurred. Could you please share the case number in order for us to check further on this matter?

you want me to upload my personal issue tickets to a public forum??
I replied to the emails with all 3 of them
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DJI Natalia

djiuser_OfkHCGDRUgoA Posted at 9-19 07:00
you want me to upload my personal issue tickets to a public forum??
I replied to the emails with all 3 of them

Hi there, kindly share us the case number via private message ( DM ) so we can check further on this for you and share the updates.

Looking forward to your response. Thank you.
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 9-19 19:36
Hi there, kindly share us the case number via private message ( DM ) so we can check further on this for you and share the updates.

Looking forward to your response. Thank you.

I can’t DM doesn’t work here. I’m on my phone and out of service area so can’t you email me or look me

Why can’t I pm you directly from phone?

This is frustrating that you want my details for an on going problem with this crappy mic system that has been sent in 3 times and co times to fail. Is there a button sequence to reset stuff?
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DJI Natalia

djiuser_OfkHCGDRUgoA Posted at 9-20 05:31
I can’t DM doesn’t work here. I’m on my phone and out of service area so can’t you email me or look me

Hi there. We have escalated your request to the related department and they will get back to you soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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