Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States
Some days the same gap is wider. Some days it seems to have become a lot smaller. I guess easy days and hard days.
The Neo seems to be a very robust little quad. Low mass, relatively slow in N and S mode, propeller guards all help in those "gap" moments. So far, only scars on the Neo are some light cosmetic scratches on the propeller blades from crashing on stubble. Discovered it doesn't take much in terms of stiff "grass" to activate the motor obstruction shut off. Fine with me that it seems on the sensitive side. Beats stressing a motor or dinging a propeller blade. Walk of Shame is well deserved when you crash a drone.
Recently I've been bouncing off tree trunks. No park benches. Just too many trees. Better feel of the Neo developing, more aggressive flying, end up with similar "incident" rate. In S mode most the time the Neo recovers itself. M mode, it's crash time. Find the FOV relatively narrow compared to the non dji analog quads. Not that the wider FOV help preventing crashing. I just see the tree trunk a fractions of seconds before impact and go twitchy thumbs and then crash.