United States
I registered all my drones with the FAA (US), they now have a list of the serial numbers of my drones and I have FAA 10 digit numbers FAA numbers for each drone. I found a location on my Mavic 2 Zoom in DJI Go4 for the 10 digit FAA number but I can't find where ithe FAA number goes in DJI Fly for the Anata 2. The Anata 2 shows the RID is green but with the drone sitting on a table or flying I see no drones on the Remote ID Scanner, all four of them.
Where is there direction to setup Remote ID to make my drones legal to fly? I have 5 DJI drones I can't fly!
In the Avata 2 user guide:
c. Enter DJI Fly > Enter the camera view > Tap in the top right of the screen > .... Safety >
UAS Remote Identification, and then upload UAS Operator Registration Number
Does NOT work, the .... opens Transmission / Livestream
I powered up the Mavic 2 but can not see anything in the Remote ID apps on my phone