United States
DJI created profiles for cameras by locating in the Rx, they also have a rx gain, and tx gain, my understanding you did all that?
If you offer the camera you are using,
if you offer the rx gain level set to
if you offer the tx set to on the rx side
and placement of the mic/
Maybe who owns that kit can help out to isolate the issue and concern, I have the Sony ZV1M2, use my gain on the camera to level 15-17, on the Rx gain I lower to -3db, and tx I lower to a -5 db and my mic hangs on my chest at a fist level (4 inches from the chin. I tal loud and clear. and my audio track is at -6db hard for me t get to -12db level where the sound counts.
hope the staff has mere a technical response to help out
regards Fish |