Marcin Kelm
Flight distance : 257936 ft
LV_Forestry Posted at 12-9 09:58
This geoid is outdated and from an unreliable source.
Also I'm not sure if importing into Terra works anymore. DJI never been able to do it properly.
You are right about geoid version to be officially used - since april 2022 geoid-2021 is valid.
Importing does not work anymore - there is the database prefed by DJI I guess. Hence, my inquiry directed to DJI officials - when, if at all, will it be possible to add / import local geoids in Terra?.
According to my understanding and knowledge, the geoid in Poland is above ellipsoid WGS84 mostly in range of 22-40 meters. But indeed, talking about ellipsoid height the equation I found ( is h = H + N, where h is ellipsoid height, H is orthometric heights and N is undulation, which is positive in this part of Europe. But you may be right, that in Terra when searching for H (orthometric height) we shall provide H = h - N, then we need to subtract undulation offset / value from ellipsoid height.
I will try to follow your workflow. As far as I work with 200x200 m areas I use PROJ.ORG, but for wider ranges I would need right geoid rather ora at least right calculations.
Thanks for your reply. Hoping to hear from DJI on possible developments and updates of Terra in terms of LAS pointcloud registration and geoids.