Hi, this is my first post here. Today I was testing my F450 for a problem with video Tx. Did my home recording in an open area and the video didnt worked as soon as I took off. I decided to fly it a bit and film the area where i was anyway. The first 50 mts were business as usual, but suddenly it started to move away at a high speed, I inmeditly tried to control it but it did what ever it wanted. If i tried to fly it to the left it went to the right, forward up, down. you name it. it responded briefly and i flew it towards me and then again it went crazy. It was exactly like trying to control a very scared horse. I tried using Home lock and it went in other direction turned it back to gps. Used course direction and the same. Finally i could get it close to me in a clear area and I just crashed land it before it went looney again! Has this happened to anyone? why is this?