DJI in the New York Times today
2306 19 2015-1-28
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United States

DJI in the New York Times today :

DJI said today in the New York Times they will release a
Mandatory Update V 3.10 expanding the U.S. no fly zones.
Please let us know what you think about the soon to
be released DJI mandatory firmware update?

Video after the break:

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

I think anything which will force more responsibility on the budding pilots will help the industry in a general sense.

It would be great if we lived in a world where people actually took responsibility....but software makes more certain of it.
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United States

I don't know how they plan to made it mandatory. If I never update my copy of Vision assistant or run it while my computer is connected to the net how would my Phantom get updated? My only real problem with this update at this point is will it screw up anything on my Phantom that might cause a mishap. The fact that it is a quick reaction to a current event makes me concerned about the QC that will take place for this build. It's not like DJI has a proven track record with firmware updates.

If it is just for the Washington area I don't need it, but if it is not will all the other restricted airspace be entered in the database correctly? I sorry but I don't trust DJI to get this right.  

Also since they are going to do this they should be addressing this situation via a posting or a comment on this forum. We should not have to hear about this only via the news quote on the internet and not directly from the manufacturer on the their own website and or forum where their users who are effected are.  

DJI has a lot to learn about public relations and customer service. They need to hire a knowledgeable person who provides support to questions that are ask on the forum that are outside the knowledge of the regular users that frequent this site. Some of the questions ask are valid technical questions that deserve an correct answer and not just a guess by us. Even if that person only addressed stuff on this forum 2 or 3 days a week would be much better than what is being done now.
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United States

And how do they plan to stop a NON GPS flight?  If you're in ATTI mode the Phantom will not "Know" it's in a no fly zone.  Or am I missing something?
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United States

The item that is of interest to me (due to my home of 3.8 acres where I fly daily) is the "Mandatory Update V 3.10 expanding the U.S. no fly zones".   According to the current "No Fly Zone" which in my city is a 5 mile radius I'm good today as I am less than 1/2 mile or .8Km away from the "border" today.   

If DJI expands beyond governmental defined and agreed areas of their own accord and by their own decision to force software to "expand" the present No Fly Zones, beyond the 5 mile limit in my case, they better be prepared for myself and I assume thousands of DJI customers that no longer will have access to a device that was operational up to the new software push with DJI forced change - but not legally mandated to.  What will today's customer repsonse be.  What is the loss of future buisness going to be.  Areas are blocked, typically in a higher density MSA.   Not every town has an airport like Denver out in no where....
If I was really irked as I'm sure somebody else will be if this really occurs, my next step would be to take an ad out in the local paper for my town and throughout the state and maybe even the states around me to find other DJI customers with the same issues to pursue a course/ claim of restitution from DJI -  in form of buyback of device and all DJI accessories, cost of ads, time spent to recover claim and any other justified costs...

DJI better be looking at this forum and understand the consumer liability exposure and consequences they could put themselves at risk with.

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I would like to think DJI read this forum, I know the guy in charge of it wants to make it a success but I have my doubts. I have dealt with China business for many years and making them understand that in  the west people expect more than just buying an item can be hard at times. The idea of engaging with your client base is almost unheard of. Remember that up until very recently (and even now) very few Chinese firms were more than wholesalers and even that was rare as most were faceless manufactures for western companies and had no direct contact with the end user. In China you pretty much buy something and you're on you're own. All this is new to them.

As to the no fly zones well they had to be seen by both regulatory authorities and the public at large to be taking a proactive stance to prevent incidents from occurring. Of course it won't have any effect on non GPS flight but to the public at large it looks like a responsible company has taken steps to stop idiots doing dumb things and that is good for them and good for us. Industries that self regulate historically attract far less mandatory regulation than those who stick their heads in the sand and ignore a developing situation. That is a good thing because anything DJI impose on us is bound to be better than what would would be forced upon us by the powers that be. It is not in DJI's interest to go over the top in regulation.
If I was really irked as I'm sure somebody else will be if this really occurs, my next step would be to take an ad out in the local paper for my town and throughout the state and maybe even the states around me to find other DJI customers with the same issues to pursue a course/ claim of restitution from DJI -  in form of buyback of device and all DJI accessories, cost of ads, time spent to recover claim and any other justified costs...
Not going to happen mate, it is near impossible to pursue a China based comany thru the legal system, ask the makers of high end fashion accessories, watches etc how their claims against Chinese makers of fake goods are going. Even in cases of fake drugs and aircraft parts where people's lives are in danger it has proved near impossible to litigate.
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SavannahQuad Posted at 2015-1-29 10:40
And how do they plan to stop a NON GPS flight?  If you're in ATTI mode the Phantom will not "Know" i ...

The GPS is still active in non GPS flight so the controller can still cut the flight off if you fly into a restricted  area even if in Atti or Manual mode.  Only way to circumvent this would be to disconnect the GPS
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Second Officer

United States
Offline Posted at 2015-1-29 20:16
The GPS is still active in non GPS flight so the controller can still cut the flight off if you fl ...

If you unplug the GPS, it won't start.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2015-1-29 20:16
The GPS is still active in non GPS flight so the controller can still cut the flight off if you fl ...

Yes that is what I have heard from other forums. GPS is not used to assist in flight but can used to track your location in all modes. Best bet is to never update the firmware. DJI keeps referring to a mandatory update so I'm assuming if you plug it into the computer and start up vision assist program it will force you to update the firmware so the best bet is to never plug it into the computer and start up the program or make sure you are not connected to the internet if you do. Does anyone know if this also effects Phantom 1's?
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United States
Offline  to your point of:

"Not going to happen mate, it is near impossible to pursue a China based comany thru the legal system, ask the makers of high end fashion accessories, watches etc how their claims against Chinese makers of fake goods are going. Even in cases of fake drugs and aircraft parts where people's lives are in danger it has proved near impossible to litigate. "

I understand what you are saying but DJI in the US has resellers who take and pay local taxes, service depots and an infratructure registered as an US based operarting entity/ corporation with associated exposure and fiduciary responsibility.  The products in discussion are not copy's to the many of attempts of restitution or cease and desist in your example above.   This is not a knock off product, clone or purchased direct as "buyer beware" from the marketplace in Shanghai.  This device is 20x+ times the price of the $50.00 stocking stuffers.  It is not a small claim item that we are talking about.   

Ironically enough today my local state goverment agencies will be holding a press conference and have announced : NC not waiting on FAA to explore commercial drone use

My point being and the reason I post that link above is that business and goverment can work together and there is a belief that there is value of this technology.  Here many say/ see that the FAA cant get out of there own way. Washington DC shoud be protected but I do not support the idea that a single event of a drunken idiot gives the executive branch of the goverment the right to demand additional restraints on all others across the country who today operate accordingly.  There are to many analogies to apply against this example such a single drunk driver event restriciting all others who comply with the present law from drinking, celebrating and even driving etc... What would the booze industries response be to this example.  This example stated is not to start a political debate here on this forum as we all see the noise around us every day of these political items being discusssed - everywhere.  I hope this indutry has a lobbyist group like big tobaco, liquour, auotmive, banking etc because if they dont have one they are conforming to a branch of the goverment that has no.....[stop].... not going off track - back to topic.

Bottom line is it all comes down and back to the business question.  Does DJI want to fund, support and take on a customer base in one of their largest markets for them of the impact of restricting usage?  For many of us that have had paid and have acess to the technology today and whether commercial or a hobbyist use are expanding the market for DJI.  Not good positioning if you state to future customers we "further restricted applicability of usage".  As customers we all live with todays DJI's support capabilities and quality of the poduct from DJI.  Can you imagine the impact when there is a 2x incoming call rate because "my quad wont fly?"  There are over 10,000 airports in the US that are now removed from usage if all apply the new software we assume will have this capability.  What about the new customer who buy, start up and cant lift off?  How will DJI insure usage?  How wil DJI handle who knows how mch more returns due to this restricition.   DJI should have restricted usage before hand as once somebody has the item its going to be a challenge to take it back or remove usage.  Bottom line is nothing comes for free....  It might be cheaper for DJI to buy back all the sold items impacted by "self expanded" no fly zones they stated will be applied in the next mandated release and generate a "can not use site" for future customers.

I'm done - had my say and Good Day trailtec!   Happy flying to ya!

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Gerry1124 Posted at 2015-1-29 20:25
If you unplug the GPS, it won't start.

GPS is optional with the  standard Naza-M V2 and if it is a must have with the Phantom Version then just shield the GPS antenna to not get any Sat locks ;).
It's the same kind of debate that came up when DJI updated to the initial No-fly zones, now they just update their no-fly zones to be more compliant to the actual regulations so IMO I don't see what the big deal is.  Update or don't update or buy another manufacturers multi copter that doesn't have no-fly zones or whatever,  it's a choice every individual can make on their own.
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Second Officer

United States
Offline Posted at 2015-1-29 21:57
GPS is optional with the  standard Naza-M V2 and if it is a must have with the Phantom Version the ...

The antenna has to be plugged in the main board in the correct spot to start the motors.  It will still start if you are receiving less than 6 sats in either mode, but if the GPS antenna is physically NOT plugged in, the motors will NOT start.  I did the shielding mod on mine and forgot to plug the antenna back in, it did nothing when I went to start, until I took the top back off and plugged in the antenna.  Shielding the antenna would work, but it cannot be disconnected.  That was my point.
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Flight distance : 3160344 ft
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United States

This is one area where I support better regulations.  DJI may have done a knee-jerk reaction but they had to.  We may take a short-term hit but in the end it is better for us that DJI reacted.  I am a pilot.  Yesterday I was flying over the beach when a plane flew over at 200 to 250 feet, which is too low since there were people on the beach.  I flew the opposite way from him but he was being stupid.  
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United States

Does anyone have a link to the DJI statement about the 'mandatory' firmware update? Any idea when this update will be issued? Also, DJI can't force Phantom owners to apply the firmware update, right?
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United States

JATO Posted at 2015-1-29 09:59
I don't know how they plan to made it mandatory. If I never update my copy of Vision assistant or ru ...

DJI doesn't need to post anything on this site.  The owner's manual clearly states what actions your Phantom will take if you try to fly near or in a no-fly zone.  The White House area has always been a no-fly zone, but the Phantom didn't know that since the White House doesn't send out the same signal that airports do.

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United States

I hope everybody understands that with the FAA taking the stance that it is, DJI HAS NO CHOICE but to take these matters VERY seriously and do something about it IMMEDIATELY.  The consequence of NOT taking immediate action is that THE GOVERNMENT WILL.  And maybe you don't realize it, but neither DJI or we want that to happen!

Let's play the role of government for a moment....  "Well!  Looks like the FAA was right to be cautious.  Somebody flew a drone onto the White House property with no payload today, but tomorrow there'll be a small explosive device attached.  Dear DJI, you may no longer sell these devices until we figure out how to protect ourselves from them."  And, just like that, the future of UASs is indefinitely suspended.

So if you're up in arms about this update, chill out!  This is a GOOD thing.

I look forward to DJI's continued public safety efforts.
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Flight distance : 3160344 ft
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United States

Just tried ot update firmware and it is not available yet.
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Today I read that DJI will also implement a "No fly zone" accross country boders. This is bad news for me. I live 1 km from the French border and sometimes fly over the Rhein river. That will be the end of that then.
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markus2015 Posted at 2015-1-30 01:14
Today I read that DJI will also implement a "No fly zone" accross country boders. This is bad news f ...

That may not apply to all borders just to some "critical" ones.  each additional limit fence will take memory and I don't know how much space there is for such things.
We'll have to wait and see on that one
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

Guys, take a breath and calm down.  The restrictions right now are for North America.  Will they expand to other areas, yes but not right now.  We are responding to a specific incident.  I will say that our implementation of the Airport restrictions was sloppy.  I was able to take off within 100' of a live runway of an international class A airport.  That cannot happen in the future and will not.  I live within the 5 mile radius of my airport.  I am height restricted, not flight restricted.  There is a difference.
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