Flight distance : 1153780 ft
Return home set to 70, max altitude set to 120m.
Taking off from a cliff maybe 50m by the sea.
Went off, and my app crashed around 2k away whilst trying to get to - group of islands.
No panic as I know the drone would come home as taken all the necessary steps.
Restarted the app after pressing the home button.
By the time I was back in, the drone had climbed 500m! But was close to home.
I then went back out, and tried, and whilst flying away at around40m altitude from take off point, 500m away, hit the button, and the drone climbed to 70m, then started coming back... but whilst coming back, climbed to around 100m.
Anyone seeing this behaviour?
I do get an imu warning whilst the drone warms up each time, which disappears once gps acquired.
I have done calibration twice but this is for a different post.
Potentially an issue here.
Always compass calibrate it before take off.
Not sure what am doing wrong.
Anyone? |