Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
United States
Hey Inspire owners!
I'm looking for a couple still pictures for use in my writing (I run droneflyers.com and other such sites). Sure, I could use DJI's stock photos but ideally I'd rather use something from a creator...
I'm looking for 3 types of STILL photography....
1. A nice pic from the Inspire of scenery, city, etc.
2. A nice pic OF the Inspire on the ground
3. A nice pic of the Inspire flying
The best pics for my use are those where the various subjects of the photo are instantly standing out - meaning that these photos are usually glanced at rather than studied.
Obviously I'd want your permission to use them - and will offer credit if I actually write an article or other work with them in it. I can't pay $$$ at this point - but you may get a thank you in some form....plus links to your work, web site, etc.
If you have multiple pics already published you can point me to them and I can get from the web as long as resolution is decent.
If you have something to share, send email to cissod@gmail.com or post in this thread.
Craig Issod