Flight distance : 1500794 ft
Hi Everybody!
After about 40 charges two of my TB-47 batteries showed the "Battery Cell Broken" error message. As I am out of warranty I gave it a shot and tried to "fix" the battery myself.
It turned out that the root cause of this error message is a too high cell voltage variation. I don't know why but unfortunately the battery firmware is not able to balance out this cell variation during recharge. So I decided to try to "manual balance" my battery cells and it turned out that this seemed to do the trick. My batteries don't show this error message anymore and can be fully charged again. I am aware that the error message might come back but for the time being it looks good.
As this might be helpful to others I have written a detailed description on how to manually balance LiPo cells on my blog.
TB47 Broken Cell fix