Pixelation! Now what DJI? Rollback from .0400 to .0200
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3694 69 2018-7-25
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United States

After having incrementally updated Mavic Pro P, Remote Controller to latest firwmare of v01.04.0400, and refreshing firmware,

and updating Crystal Sky Ultra to latest firmware v02.06.06.00, and refreshing firmware
and updating GO-4 to version v4.2.20
and doing IMU, Vision, Gimbal, and Compass calibrations succesfully,
and turning off CPU cycle burning features of GO-4,
resulting in experiencing two problems: serious - pixelation-smearing-blurring and minor - left(right) joystick causing left(right) gimbal tilt,
and possibly third problem: RC / MPp disconnect, yet to be tested for do to above serious problem.

Followed by updating GO-4 to pushed version v4.2.21,
still resulting in experiencing the afforementioned two problems.

Follwed by rolling back Crystal Sky Ultra to firmware v02.06.03.00,
and GO-4 going back to version v4.2.16 with CS FW rollback,
and re-doing IMU, Vision, Gimbal, and Compass calibrations succesfully,
resulting in minor problem (joystick / gimbal tilt) disappearing, leaving serious pixelation-smearing-blurring problem (screensnap below)
and third problem not tested for...............

Problem is with LiveView video stream, being other info (number data, graphical icons, compass, and map) are not effected.

Worth noting: Saw video stream problem even inside where CrystalSky was only warm vs. outside where it was hot to point it was uncomforable to hold.
However the pixelation-smearing-blurring problem appeared to get worse as CrystalSky got hotter.  As if system was reducing processing power to reduce heat generated.

All that is left that I know to do is: rollback Mavic Pro P firmware to v01.04.0200, knowing v01.04.0300 previously showed serious pixelation-smearing-blurring.

Thus the: Now what DJI?

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DJI Natalia


Hi. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this caused you. I just want to clarify, have you tried to reset your camera settings? For reference, please see the attached image below.  Also can you please try to reset your Micro SD card? Thank you.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 10731690 ft
United States

Man sorry to hear.  I really do hope they fix this very bad DJI GO 4 versions they have been putting out.  
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

SparksBird Posted at 2018-7-27 14:32
Man sorry to hear.  I really do hope they fix this very bad DJI GO 4 versions they have been putting out.

How strange that I have done a lot of flying today with my Crystalsky 7.85 HB and DJI GO4 version 4.2.21 without having any issues at all and without ever having rolled back anything...
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First Officer
United States

Late Wed, after outside temperatures had cooled down to 83 deg F, sun had just set, and CrystalSky, RC, and Mavic Pro P had cooled down to inside temp of 72 deg F - went back outside for a test flight.  After prepping system for launch, took off.  No Live view video problem.

Tried inducing problem with rapid camera panning so there was lots of scene changes, that had to be processed for transmitting, transmitted, received, and processed for display on CrystalSky.   Flew all around, with CrystalSky getting very warm, but still no Live view video problem.

Jumping forward...

Today, around 4:45 PM, sun still up and bright, with an outside temperature of 87 deg F, took CrystalSky, RC, and Mavic Pro from inside temp of 72 deg F outside for test flight.  Kept CrystalSky shaded as much as possible while powering up Mavic Pro, get GO-4 active, and RC powered up and connected.  Few minutes went by while verifiying GPS Sats, Compass, and RTH.  Checked Live view video feed was working and clear, along with checking camera focus.  CrystalSky showed outside case temp of 97 deg F.

Took off, hardly got any distance in air and away from take off point and Live View started pixelation-smearing-blurring problem!  Tried a few camera movements and rotations of Mavic Pro, but Live view appeared frozen.  Quickly verified both RC antennas were aimed towards drone.  Finally, changed GO-4 App view, went to CrystalSky settings menu, then back to GO-4, and Live view was now working and clear.  

Flew around for sometime without any further Live view problems.  During last part of flight, outside case of CrystalSky showed temp of 123 deg F.

What ever is causing the Live view pixelation-smearing-blurring problem does not appear to be associated with warm or hot temperatures.

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First Officer
United States

Wachtberger Posted at 2018-7-27 15:24
How strange that I have done a lot of flying today with my Crystalsky 7.85 HB and DJI GO4 version 4.2.21 without having any issues at all and without ever having rolled back anything...

Not strange at all.  Problem is not impacting everyone, and problem comes and gos - as my original post and follow-up post demonstrate.
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First Officer
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-7-27 14:24
Hi. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this caused you. I just want to clarify, have you tried to reset your camera settings? For reference, please see the attached image below.  Also can you please try to reset your Micro SD card? Thank you.


No, I have not tried to reset my camera settings.  microSD card has already been reset.

See my Update as to Live view video stream problem first disappearing, then problem brief returning, and then disappearing again.
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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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This problem is only effecting one that I can see, and you have been harboring this for quite some time, maybe as others have said you have real problems with your CS, there are very few complaints regarding CS and this matter, since the overheating problem was sorted in earlier FW. I don’t believe your problems are anything to do with new 0.400, but a simple fix would just be roll back to the FW and app that were working for you, or return your what seems to be a very problematic CS.
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First Officer
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-7-27 14:24
Hi. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this caused you. I just want to clarify, have you tried to reset your camera settings? For reference, please see the attached image below.  Also can you please try to reset your Micro SD card? Thank you.


Have reset camera settings.
Have swapped out microSD card and reformatted it.

When I get a chance, I plan to make two more tests flights.

Is there anything us DJI would suggest before I make test flights?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2768694 ft
Hong Kong

Is any other apps running on the device? Try kill all apps before starting Go.
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First Officer
United States

GDL Posted at 2018-7-28 21:33
Is any other apps running on the device? Try kill all apps before starting Go.

SmartDevice is CrystalSky.  No other Apps.
Seen Live View video streaming problem even from complete power-up.  Not simply wake from sleep.
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Flight distance : 505295 ft

I had the same problem yesterday after the firmupdate to v01.04.0400, getting better after downgrading to v01.04.0200 and resetting the camera as suggested. But additionally found out, that with my old mobile, which I just recently changed there were no problems with pixelation-smearing-blurring, even with a newly update to the latest firmware v01.04.0400. So I assume the problem is rather more related toCrystal Sky Ultra than to the Mavic firmware.

Hope this helps.

Only that my mobile always asks to update to the newest firmware, because it does not recognize v01.04.0400 -> ???
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First Officer
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-7-27 14:24
Hi. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this caused you. I just want to clarify, have you tried to reset your camera settings? For reference, please see the attached image below.  Also can you please try to reset your Micro SD card? Thank you.


After doing a factory reset of CrystalSky and

Reinstalling OS v02.06.03.00 on CrystalSky, which also reinstalled GO-4 App v4.2.16 and
Refreshing OS v02.06.03.00 on CrystalSky, which also refreshed GO-4 App v4.2.16 and

After reseting Mavic Pro P camera settings (per DJI's suggestion) using GO-4 App and
Swapping microSD** card with spare, and formatting microSD card (per DJI's suggestion) in Mavic Pro P,

the following is result from today's (Sunday) test flight.


Was able to get Live view Video stream cleared up by exiting Go-4 and re-entering GO-4.
But only temporarily, Live view Video stream Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problem repeatedly returned through out test flight.

Temperature outside was 86-deg F, with bright sun.

** Both microSD cards are SanDisk Extreme PRO, Class 10, U3, V30, A1 64 GB (write speed - 90 Mbps rated for 4KUHD)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2768694 ft

Any possible your device overheated by exposure to sunlight?
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First Officer
United States

GDL Posted at 2018-7-29 23:12
Any possible your device overheated by exposure to sunlight?

See this Post above.
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First Officer
United States

Two brief test flights and one short test flight today.  

No Live view Video stream Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problems during any of flights.
More testing is still needed.

Prior to today's test flights, last night and this morning, jumped Mavic Pro P and Remote Control firmware back to v01.04.0100.  
Followed by updating Mavic Pro and R.C. from v01.04.0100 to v01.04.0200.
Followed by refreshing Mavic Pro and R.C. with v01.04.0200.
Lastly doing all calibrations, except for Compass.
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First Officer
United States

Another flight from complete power-up for Mavic Pro, R.C. and CrystalSky.   Longer flight time and longer distance.
Followed by a flight of equivalent time, but in close; near power lines and several sources of WiFi.

No Live view Video stream Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problems during two flights.  Looking better and better.

If Live view Video stream Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problem does not return, then cause was updating to v01.04.0400.  Similar to what happened when updated to v01.04.0300 from v01.04.0200.  

Difference being Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problem was more worse with v01.04.0400; than with v01.04.0300.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Thing about this thread is it’s just confusing the whole issue regarding pixelated and laggy view, this has nothing to do with 0.400 or any other FW, it’s clearly a fault with app , and android users, and rolling back your app should clear the problem, pixelated or laggy view was not a known problem on 0.300, except it seems for the OP, who from reading his posts has had nothing but problems with his CS on both .300 & .400, but seems to be very much alone in this as I have seen very little issues of this nature being reported anywhere on this forum.
The MO of the OP seems to be to make this problem as complicated as he can, when the solution is much less complicated.
I suggest the OP return his CS , because if you were to read all the complaints he writes about it, it needs to either go back or go in the bin.
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First Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-7-31 07:26
Thing about this thread is it’s just confusing the whole issue regarding pixelated and laggy view, this has nothing to do with 0.400 or any other FW, it’s clearly a fault with app , and android users, and rolling back your app should clear the problem, pixelated or laggy view was not a known problem on 0.300, except it seems for the OP, who from reading his posts has had nothing but problems with his CS on both .300 & .400, but seems to be very much alone in this as I have seen very little issues of this nature being reported anywhere on this forum.
The MO of the OP seems to be to make this problem as complicated as he can, when the solution is much less complicated.
I suggest the OP return his CS , because if you were to read all the complaints he writes about it, it needs to either go back or go in the bin.

Regardless of your proclamations, rolling back GO-4 firmware did not stop Pixelation / Smearing / Blurring problem.

Regardless of your proclamations, rolling back Mavic Pro and R.C.'s firmware appears to have stopped Pixelation / Smearing / Blurring problem.   More testing still to be done.

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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Testing for yourself, your problems are obviously much worse, but for simply rolling back app is sufficient. There are very few problems being reported here regarding .400 that did not already exist in other FW, so no need to be creating further problems for users won’t help.
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First Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-7-31 08:04
Testing for yourself, your problems are obviously much worse, but for simply rolling back app is sufficient. There are very few problems being reported here regarding .400 that did not already exist in other FW, so no need to be creating further problems for users won’t help.

but for simply rolling back app is sufficient

What part rolling back GO-4 app did NOT work is confusing too you?

One would think if CrystalSky was cauase of Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problem as you point to; that DJI would have suggested I return CrystalSky, instead of DJI saying ''I just want to clarify, have you tried to reset your camera settings?  For reference, please see the attached image below.  Also can you please  try to reset your Micro SD card? ''  

After I reported back DJI's two suggestions did not help - DJI also had chance to follow up with other suggestions, including return your CrystalSky, but DJI did not,

Further, if my CrystalSky was cause of Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problem as  you point to and should be sent in for repair - then why did changing Mavic Pro and Remote Control firmware from .0400 to .0200 (thus far appear to)** stop  Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problem?

**More testing needed, but another two flights since UPDATE post-#17 did not have Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring problem.  Did run into radio interference that briefly cause a Live view glitch at takeoff on second flight, but it cleared on its own.  Unlike previous problems involving Pixelation-Smearing-Blurring I could see transmission interference, and such interference where I last flew would be expected 7 WiFi sources alone.

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First Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-7-31 08:04
Testing for yourself, your problems are obviously much worse, but for simply rolling back app is sufficient. There are very few problems being reported here regarding .400 that did not already exist in other FW, so no need to be creating further problems for users won’t help.

so no need to be creating further problems for users won’t help

Yet here you are doing exactly that.  I reported outcome, and you choose to ignore results and instead confuse.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-7-31 09:49
so no need to be creating further problems for users won’t help

Yet here you are doing exactly that.  I reported outcome, and you choose to ignore results and instead confuse.

Your sorted so, that’s the main thing go fly now...
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First Officer
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-7-27 14:24
Hi. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that this caused you. I just want to clarify, have you tried to reset your camera settings? For reference, please see the attached image below.  Also can you please try to reset your Micro SD card? Thank you.


DJI Natalia:

Having eliminated updates of CrystalSky OS and GO-4 App as possible cause of Live view Video stream Piexelation / Smearing / Blurring problem by backing off updates.  
And at this time it appears rolling back Mavic Pro and Remote Control Firmware from V01.04.0400 to V01.04.0200 has stopped the Piexelation / Smearing / Blurring problem.  
And several people are absolutely insisting there is nothing wrong with V01.04.0400 Mavic Pro Firmware, the conclusion is something else would have to be causing problem.
There are only two things directly related to V01.04.0400 FW, the Mavic Pro drone and Remote Control - both hardware.  Which leads to question:

Does DJI believe Live view Video stream Piexelation / Smearing / Blurring problem is result of faulty hardware or result of updating Mavic Pro and Remote control to firmware V01.04.0400, possibly starting with V01.04.0300?  

If Live view Video streaming problem is caused by faulty hardware, then those of us experiencing Piexelation / Smearing / Blurring problem need RMA's to return our Mavic Pro and Remote Controls.  Being Live view Video streaming problem will continue re-occur with every firmware upgrade following V01.04.400.

Thanks in advance.
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Flight distance : 547618 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-7-31 19:30
DJI Natalia:

Having eliminated updates of CrystalSky OS and GO-4 App as possible cause of Live view Video stream Piexelation / Smearing / Blurring problem by backing off updates.  

I agree w/ you
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First Officer
United States

Got permission from my neighbor to do a fly over, for a 2,300-foot one-way flight.
Took several overhead pictures of neighbor's property as good will, and got neighbor best pic.  
Neighbor was very happy, said picture was better than one taken from private plane.

Running V01.04.0200 firmware on Mavic Pro and Remote Control, no Live view Video Stream problem - up, hovering, and back.
Use props
Flight distance : 283904 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-8-1 18:34
Got permission from my neighbor to do a fly over, for a 2,300-foot one-way flight.
Took several overhead pictures of neighbor's property as good will, and got neighbor best pic.  
Neighbor was very happy, said picture was better than one taken from private plane.

Hi Hedge

I have very similar live view issues with mine as well, minus the CS. Downgraded the Go to version 16 and it helped somewhat but today the live view was exactly like your images. I may just revert to firmware 200 and give it a try and see if it gets better.

A sticky post by DJI saying they are working on a fix would certainly go a long way towards informing us that they are working on it. Come on DJI!!
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First Officer
United States

Good grief!  

Thought I would make a video this evening of some fun work.  Had not tried videoing since rolling back Mavic Pro P and Remote Control firmware from .0400 to .0200.
Taken snap shots without problems, but had not bothered with videoing.

Started videoing, and Gimbal does tilt (? 30-degrees / right).  First thought was, drone has lost control and is headed in.  Quick VLOS and drone is hovering fine.
After flying forward about 150-feet Gimbal went back to level on its own.  

However, Mavic Pro P had stopped videoing.  Took several attempts to get it to continue videoing.  Start videoing, Gimbal would tilt, Gimbal would recover, and videoing was stopped.
Somewhere in middle of video / gimbal tilt / no video; I found Gimbal would no longer go up or down.   Oh Joy - Not!  
After getting video to stay going, Gimbal started working like normal.  Oh Joy.

What is aggravating about this is, previously when running Mavic Pro P and Remote Control on firmware .0200 there were no problems with:
1) video starting then stopping
2) Gimbal tilting do to videoing
3) Gimbal failing to respond to Up or Down command

Which leaves me wondering what caused problem?  And why problem (for now) ceased on its own.

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First Officer
United States

Another day, different Good grief!  

Took Mavic Pro out for a needed look-see flight.  As normal, everything was fully charged.

After powering everything on and up, verifying all ''Green'', Good to Go.  Went to camera settings and Formatted microSD card in MPP.
Next turned on Focusing Peaking Threshold - ''Standard'' (was ''Close''), and Overexposure Warning to On.

Panned camera down / up, and checked focusing.
Started Video Recording.
Spun up props, took off, and hovered while checking system again, and video was still showing recording.

Went to flying altitude, and started flying out for look-see - No problems.

About time Mavic Pro gets to area of interest, now a dot in sky.  Live view Video Stream starts pixelating / smearing / blurring.
Tried exiting GO-4 and returning, which has worked to clear Live view Video Stream.  Not this time.
Go into camera video settings Turnoff Overexposure Warning and set Focusing Peaking Threshold to ''Close''.
Live view Video Stream clears up.  Yeah!  

Except that means CrystalSky Ultra bright can not handle GO-4 App extra load of Overexposure Warning and Focusing Peaking Threshold.  Boooo!
But it does not end there...

Returning to purpose of flight, decide to get couple of Snapshots.  When return to videoing, GO-4 App quits.
Worse GO-4 App will not reconnect.
Worse, being I was busy messing around with Live view Vieo Stream, then GO-4 App qutting; I can no longer find ''dot in sky''.  

I can however, raise and lower Mavic Pro.  For safety and to buy sometime, I take MPp lower, closer to tallest tree height.

Quickly try disconnecting and reconnecting CrystalSky from and to Remote Control.  GO-4 App will still not connect.
Last try is power-cycle of Remote Control and CrystalSky.  Naturally that triggers RTH.  Great at least something worked as it should.
About time CrystalSky is fully booted up and GO-4 is starting, here comes Mavic Pro.

Sure enough, GO-4 App now connects Mavic Pro P; in time for me to watch MPp descend for Auto land.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Flight Log....
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First Officer
United States

Finally had time to access ScreenSnap on CrysalSky, move to MacBook for upload.
No useful info to see, other than Disconnected.



Remote Controller was still connected, because could change MPp's altitude, and verify by LCD display.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 689334 ft
South Africa

Although some people still try to tell the majority of people with problems, that it does not exist, because their drones fly perfectly, i have come to one conclusion, which will help all of us with problems.
I am sure that if we downgrade anyway, some remnants of the upgraded firmware, software can not be removed and will continue to run in the app.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-8-6 19:40
Finally had time to access ScreenSnap on CrysalSky, move to MacBook for upload.
No useful info to see, other than Disconnected.

You should have all warnings located in warnings in your app, and I’m sure phantomhelp log will reveal a lot.
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First Officer
United States

Charissa Posted at 2018-8-6 23:01
Although some people still try to tell the majority of people with problems, that it does not exist, because their drones fly perfectly, i have come to one conclusion, which will help all of us with problems.
I am sure that if we downgrade anyway, some remnants of the upgraded firmware, software can not be removed and will continue to run in the app.

I am sure that if we downgrade anyway, some remnants of the upgraded firmware, software can not be removed and will continue to run in the app.

No argument from me.  It does appear that rolling back leaves Bugs behind.
Mavics, RCs, and CrystalSky all need a way to do a Full factory reset.  From what I can tell, the resets are only partial.  

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First Officer
United States

In goes the CrystalSky Ultra.
Nothing in part 1of2 and part 2of2 FlightLogs of any help with latest problem.  
Might as well let DJI try address Cs-Ub's touch screen, running hot, and inability to handle Focus Peaking and Exposure warning.

Being, my Mavic Pro P can not be updated to either .0300 or .0400 without suffering Live view Video streaming problems.
In goes the Mavic Pro P and R.C. too.  Besides, MPp and RC could be involved in latest problem.

Assuming DJI finds hardware problem(s), it will be strong indication that P.O.S.T. of involved device(s) needs serious work.  
Along with need for DJI's Assistant-2 or GO-4 App to include diagnostics.  Even if it means downloading diagnostics for each DJI device.
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First Officer
United States

No Assessment on CrystalSky Ultra as of yet.

Mavic Pro Platinum Assessment -- bad Core Board
Remote Control Assessment -- bad Main Controller Board

Something is extremely amiss, given -
- complexity of what is working without inducing other problems,
- a common limited problem between boxes,
- simultanous failure of two distinct boards in different boxes (problem disappears on rollback and returns on update) and
- unqiue failure with a change in frequency seen between firmware revisions .0300 & .0400.
Coupled with some others having reported similar Live view Video Stream Pixelating / Smearing / Blurring problem, whilst most others have no problems.

The ''Amiss'' possibly being - firmware code that fails on specific batch run of circuit boards.  Batch run that possibly uses a different manufacture's (not fully compatible) chipset or chipset revision with manufacturing problems.

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First Officer
United States

and I’m sure phantomhelp log will reveal a lot.  

Phantomhelp message summary I kept.

Log #1:
Remote controller assisted takeoff initiated.
Tap the screen to focus.
Tap the screen to focus.

Log #2:
RTH: Heading alignment
Ground Plain. Safe to Land.
Precision Landing__Correcting Landing Position

Screen snaps from FRAP:


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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-8-11 14:56
and I’m sure phantomhelp log will reveal a lot.  

What’s in those logs, I don’t see anything, why not just put up the link to the correct logs, your all the time asking others to post logs, this screenshot means nothing.
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First Officer
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-8-11 15:19
What’s in those logs, I don’t see anything, why not just put up the link to the correct logs, your all the time asking others to post logs, this screenshot means nothing.

Those were only messages in two logs.  No warnings, no errors.
The reason for two logs are simple, as I stated, I power cycled both RC and Cs-Ub in attempt to get GO-4 to reconnect via RC to drone.
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First Officer
United States

Update on CrystalSky Ultra brite.

DJI is either going to repair Cs-Ub or replace Cs-Ub - under Warranty.   

No information as to problem(s) found.  Only other piece of info is bill for cost of bare Cs-Ub, with $0.00 due.
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