FLY AWAYS: Are they really common or do I have some really bad luck?
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4366 96 2017-10-17
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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

Hi Guys. I am a noob so take it easy. I am sorry in advance if I come  across daft. I bought a Phantom 4 Pro in May. Flew it 31 times for just  under 6 hours of flight time. One fateful day I was landing it in an  open space public park and suddenly it went haywire and flewaway in the  distance. Tried RTH but video link was severed and it said the GPS link  was too weak to establish a new home point(battery was running low). I  just wants to know if there is anything I can do to get DJi to give me a  replacement. I have my flight records but dont know if they will be any  help in determining what happened. Here are my flight logs for my last  flight.

Kindly let me know if this makes any sense and if so, do I have any hope of DJI taking ownership of whats happened.
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Are you sure that flight record is from your last flight?
It shows a flight that appears to have ended with a normal landing 57 ft from the launch point.
There's no sign of any flying away or any RTH.

Your mention of GPS link too weak to establish a new home point sounds like you were trying to reset the home point and the tablet/phone either had no GPS unit or was under cover and had no GPS signal.
When you initiate RTH, it would never display a message like that.

One other thing is that you ran the battery down to 11% on that flight which is too close to critical low level.  Doing that can cause the Phantom to initiate RTH itself which may make you think it was flying away if you weren't expecting it.

See if you have another flight record.

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DJI Susan

I'm sorry for read your post. Generally, data analysis is recommended as the drone is still in warranty period. Have you contacted our Support to start a case via If yes, please kindly offer your case number for follow-up. Thank you in advance!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

It looks like there was strong interference according to the warnings and it terminated the flight due to low battery not to far from the Home Point. Did you try the "Find My Drone" feature to locate it?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

It's  out there somewhere close to where you took off.  Someone may have just picked it up and took off.
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Rodger8 Posted at 2017-10-17 05:17
It looks like there was strong interference according to the warnings and it terminated the flight due to low battery not to far from the Home Point. Did you try the "Find My Drone" feature to locate it?

That's obviously not the flight record from a "flyaway".
He's safely landed the Phantom in that flight
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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

ALABAMA Posted at 2017-10-17 05:51
It's  out there somewhere close to where you took off.  Someone may have just picked it up and took off.

i looked ta the map and went around knocking onb peoples door asking about it. Nobody said nothing. Check find my drone feature as well but nothing. Even posted reward flyers on poles etc but never heard anything
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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 2017-10-17 05:52
That's obviously not the flight record from a "flyaway".
He's safely landed the Phantom in that flight

I think I may have posted the wrong record. Let me check it again. Thanks
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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

Try this please. I think this one is the correct one.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

fans20bee045 Posted at 2017-10-17 08:08
Try this please. I think this one is the correct one.

That looks like the right log.

Both logs keep dropping into atti mode when there are plenty of GPS satellites and I assume from the warning message that it wasn't you that asked for atti mode.

I don't know why it would do that, I suggest following DJI Susan's advice and asking support for an explanation.

Not sure what the situation on a replacement would be, it appears to still be responding to commands but you failed to fly it back, presumably because you don't know how to fly it in atti mode?

If it was new I would hope they would replace it, and maybe with only 6 hours flight time it is, although you have had it a while.  It will be interesting to hear what happens...

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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

Thanks Nigel. I have already opened a case with DJI. I gave whatever info dji needed 3 months ago but the support guy on the phone never did what he said he would do. I was told I will be contacted in 2 to 3 days but that never happened and I forgot about it. I opened a case with an online advisor who was kind enough to create a case for me. Regarding the drone,  I tried controlling the drone but the drone was not responding. Let's see what dji has to say. I must say I am not impressed thus far.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Renegade316 Posted at 2017-10-17 10:33
Thanks Nigel. I have already opened a case with DJI. I gave whatever info dji needed 3 months ago but the support guy on the phone never did what he said he would do. I was told I will be contacted in 2 to 3 days but that never happened and I forgot about it. I opened a case with an online advisor who was kind enough to create a case for me. Regarding the drone,  I tried controlling the drone but the drone was not responding. Let's see what dji has to say. I must say I am not impressed thus far.

Doesn't sound very satisfactory.  You could reply to DJI Susan's post giving her your case numbers and ask her to look into what happened with the original support request and help with the new one.

Did you have any practice using Atti mode before loosing it?  

From the log file it does appear to have responded to your requests, although if the GPS wasn't working then the map will be wrong, if the GPS was working then why was it in Atti mode?
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Flight distance : 1448799 ft
United Kingdom

Is this the complete log? It starts at 10 minutes in and suggests take off with just over a half battery.
Active Track 300 feet away?
Are those altitudes correct? In UK?
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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

This is the log I was able to find. I am not technical enough to answer these questions. The support rep has noted on the account that a previous support request was not dealt with. I have sent dji all the info they needed including serial number of my drone and remote controller. I have received an acknowledgement suggesting they will analyse the data and get back to me as soon as they can. I am guessing it should not take them more than 2 to 3 days to go over them as there is no physical inspection involved.
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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As it looks like you lost your Phantom on that flight, I would guess that it is the right one
But I can't match your description of what happened to what the flight data is saying.

You said:
One fateful day I was landing it in an  open space public park and suddenly it went haywire and flew away in the  distance. Tried RTH but video link was severed and it said the GPS link  was too weak to establish a new home point(battery was running low). I  just wants to know if there is anything I can do to get DJi to give me a  replacement.

I can't see anywhere in the flight record where you were landing.
What I do see is that you flew away and kept flying further and higher.
You launched at 10:11, played around with active track at a low altitude until 15:16 when your Phantom was 325 feet away.
From then you climbed to 167 ft, then 325 feet, 427 feet and finally 725 feet, all the time flying further away.
All the climbing, turning and speed changes are matched by the recorded joystick inputs which shows that you were in full control.
So I'd like to know where in the flight record you were landing and where it went haywire and flew away in the  distance.

I also see that at 17:33.3 at a height of 323 ft, the Phantom achieved a speed of 39.8 mph with the right stick pushed full forward.
That is a hint that there was a significant tailwind.
Immediately after, you left the right stick centred until19:04.5 (for 1.5 minutes) but the Phantom continued to drift in atti mode (which you had set) at about 18 mph.
This confirms that the wind was very strong at that level and shows the direction it was blowing.

I already mentioned what looks like confusion between activating RTH and resetting the homepoint.
You never activated RTH and didn't reset the homepoint.
At the end of the flight record at 19:33.1, the battery was down to 20%, the Phantom was up 750 ft in atti mode and pointing southeast with you pushing the right stick hard forward.
It was 3400 ft from home.
You had lost downlink 19:11 and 19:32 which is telling you that you were getting close to losing signal.

When your Phantom lost signal, it would have initiated RTH as it is programmed to.
But being up 750 ft where the wind was blowing strongly, in RTH your Phantom would have tried to make its way home at that altitude.  
RTH only flies at 22 mph and your Phantom was close to autolanding because it was going to reach critical low battery level.
I think I've done enough arithmetic so I'll let you work out what happened after that.

Kindly let me know if this makes any sense and if so, do I have any hope of DJI taking ownership of whats happened.

The flight data makes a lot of sense.  Your tall tale, no so much
And you want DJI to take ownership for all the mistakes you made and trying to con them?
Really ? !!!
I'll let you guess what I think your chances are.
And you can also guess what I think about flying your Phantom away and giving a false story to cover up.
In post #11 you said:
I must say I am not impressed thus far.  
That makes two of us.

In the old days, you could lose your Phantom and tell everyone that it "flew away".
Since DJI gave us flight data recording we have been able to investigate the actual details of a flight and often find out exactly what did happen.
To answer the question you put in the thread title, Flyaways are  extremely rare but cases of Phantom owners losing their Phantoms due to  operator error (or incompetence) are not uncommon.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 2017-10-18 04:52
As it looks like you lost your Phantom on that flight, I would guess that it is the right one
But I can't match your description of what happened to what the flight data is saying.

"I also see that at 17:33.3 at a height of 323 ft, the Phantom achieved a speed of 39.8 mph with the right stick pushed full forward.
That is a hint that there was a significant tailwind.

That is where it temporarily got a GPS fix after drifting in ATTI with no GPS for a while only estimating its position, and it then corrected its reported position over a period of a few seconds to match the new GPS position, thus leading to an apparent high speed, not a real high speed.

It then lost the GPS again for the rest of the log.

It couldn't do an RTH, either low battery auto or manual because the GPS was not working.  It didn't even report that it was low on battery and needed to RTH because it didn't know where it was, most of the map trace is not accurate because it is only an estimated position not a GPS position.

It does report: "Satellite positioning off. Fly with Caution." because there was no GPS.

The strange thing is that when the GPS fails it reports 21 satellites, almost as though it is overloaded with satellites!  I have never seen 21 satellites in the UK, not convinced it is possible!

It was lost through a GPS receiver failure when there was a perfectly good GPS signal, the pilot then failed to fly it back under Atti mode through lack of experience.  Whose fault that is and who should pay for the replacement I don't know, but I do know that DJI have replaced them in the past when the GPS has failed in the first few flights which seems very reasonable to me.  I think people should learn to fly in Atti mode in case of failure, but we do buy GPS guided aircraft expecting the GPS to work reliably.
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Nigel_ Posted at 2017-10-18 06:22
"I also see that at 17:33.3 at a height of 323 ft, the Phantom achieved a speed of 39.8 mph with the right stick pushed full forward.
That is a hint that there was a significant tailwind.

His Phantom was in atti mode because he switched it to atti mode.
You don't have a full set of GPS satellites and be in atti mode unless you switch to atti mode.
There are messages that show in Google Earth that indicate that he switched to atti rather than the Phantom lost GPS.
It had full GPS the whole time and the mapped track is accurate - the Phantom just did not use GPS for position holding.
It would have been able to RTH after signal was lost (if not for the high wind/altitude/distance/battery situation)
The Satellite Positioning Off message appears to have been momentary and had no effect on the flight.
It means that the system detected an error in the position for that 1/10th of a second - not that there was no GPS.
Every 1/10th of a second it was getting new position data and calculating speed etc - all quite accurately.
The story told does not match the recorded data and I stand by my analysis

Can you see anywhere in the flight where he came in to land?
Can you see where it went haywire and flew away?
I can't but I can see where it was deliberately flown away and it's flight exactly matches the joystick inputs.
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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

WOW! I am flabbergasted by the pure savagery on display here.

I take your point that maybe I could have done a lot more in light of the data shown on the drone flight log but my name aint "Sully" and I am most certainly not a mathmatical genius like you. Nobody is trying to cover up anything. So to say I am making a false claim is ludicrous at best. I lost my drone. Pure and simply. I think, in my personal and humble non arithmatic opinion, the drone should not hav acted the way it did. Suppose if it was upto you, I would probably be behind bars and banned from ever flying a drone for the next 1k years. You are, at the end of the day, entitled to your opinion and I respect that. But please refrain from being Judge, Jury and executioner.

Thank you for your explanation. I am not that bright to analyse all the info on display but appreciate your input. I took the drone with me on holiday and got some sick pictures and footage. I lost connection several times with the drone but as soon as it used to lose connection, it used to return back using RTH. I would have expected it to function the same way. That was one of the reason why I wanted a DJI product rather than Yuneec or a Karma. Lets see what DJI come back with as they did send me an email stating they will get back to me in 2-3 days. I will update the thread as and when I get the update.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Renegade316 Posted at 2017-10-18 06:51
WOW! I am flabbergasted by the pure savagery on display here.


Renegade ... the data tells the story and yours doesn't match.
That's not savagery, it's the truth (and it took a lot of time to put together).
I made some very specific points - can you point out where any are incorrect?

You can ignore it if you choose but I've explained to you what went wrong and why DJI denied your claim.
Even if you don't learn from it, others can.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

I hope others will learn that when they would like the membership's help, they can at least have the courtesy to be careful enough to be sure they post the correct data file and not some other data file which has nothing to do with their flight or their problem.  I suspect there were a number of people (myself included) who spent a fair amount of time studying the first data file in an effort to help the OP - all for nothing.  
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Flight distance : 135151 ft
United Kingdom

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-10-18 07:04
I hope others will learn that when they would like the membership's help, they can at least have the courtesy to be careful enough to be sure they post the correct data file and not some other data file which has nothing to do with their flight or their problem.  I suspect there were a number of people (myself included) who spent a fair amount of time studying the first data file in an effort to help the OP - all for nothing.

I agree with you 100%. The first log was posted by mistake. My apologies for that. It was not my intention to waste anyones time.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 2017-10-18 06:36
His Phantom was in atti mode because he switched it to atti mode.
You don't have a full set of GPS satellites and be in atti mode unless you switch to atti mode.
There are messages that show in Google Earth that indicate that he switched to atti rather than the Phantom lost GPS.

"Can you see anywhere in the flight where he came in to land?
Can you see where it went haywire and flew away?"

  • The log starts at 10 minutes so we don't know what happened before that, presumably another flight.
  • He then takes off, flies 88m away and starts experimenting with ActiveTrack, not very successfully , but I can understand that for an inexperienced ActiveTrack user.
  • He finishes playing with ActiveTrack at 15:18, puts it into P-GPS with it at 3.5m height and 99m distance from home.
  • @16 minutes he gains height to 52m and then heads towards home, presumably to "come in to land".
  • @16:33 it drops into Atti because the GPS has failed, still 69m from home and still at 52m altitude.
  • This is the point where it "went haywire and flew away" because it is no longer under GPS positioning.

Now it was probably in sight and reasonably easy to land at that point, if you know how to control it in Atti mode, if you don't then you have problems, it certainly doesn't respond as normal so the "haywire" description is not unreasonable given that it was genuinely out of control, although controllable with experience.

I'm happy to listen to other explanations and logical reasons why my explanation is wrong, but the big issue is - what happened to the GPS?  I say it failed, you say it was working perfectly!  If the rest of the story is correct or not is not very important.
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Flight distance : 12321627 ft
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Nigel_ Posted at 2017-10-18 07:29
"Can you see anywhere in the flight where he came in to land?
Can you see where it went haywire and flew away?"

I don’t think anything happened to gps he was flying in Atti mode . He switched to Atti mode.

I’m thinking he thought it was in sport mode.
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Irate Retro
United States

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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

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Flight distance : 1448799 ft
United Kingdom

Bad outcome. Bad flying as well, sorry.
Significant altitude - nearly double the UK maximum permitted - over a densely populated area, in Atti mode with a wind speed at ground level, on that day, around 11-12mph.
And, appears to be encroaching the Leeds Bradford CTR.....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 2017-10-18 06:36
His Phantom was in atti mode because he switched it to atti mode.
You don't have a full set of GPS satellites and be in atti mode unless you switch to atti mode.
There are messages that show in Google Earth that indicate that he switched to atti rather than the Phantom lost GPS.

"The Satellite Positioning Off message appears to have been momentary and had no effect on the flight."

I think it's just a notification of what you said two lines above that, the GPS is good but 'position hold' or 'Auto Hold' as labelled on RC, using GPS, is off now that he had switched to ATTI mode.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

Aardvark Posted at 2017-10-18 12:06
"The Satellite Positioning Off message appears to have been momentary and had no effect on the flight."

I think it's just a notification of what you said two lines above that, the GPS is good but 'position hold' or 'Auto Hold' as labelled on RC, using GPS, is off now that he had switched to ATTI mode.

The message I get when switching to Atti mode is:

"Flight Mode Set to Attitude__Set Flight Mode to GPS to fly safe"

I don't get a "Satellite Positioning Off" message.

I'll be interested to see what DJI Support say, but I still think it stopped using GPS due to a fault, not because the switch was operated!

Bit of advice to the OP - make sure you know how to use RTH without using the App before flying again, and then have a practice!  You can press the big RTH button on the controller, or if you are not sure it is working then turn the controller off.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12321627 ft
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Renegade316 Posted at 2017-10-18 07:07
I agree with you 100%. The first log was posted by mistake. My apologies for that. It was not my intention to waste anyones time.

Did you switch the toggle to A mode?
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Irate Retro
United States

Since he's currently without a drone, I don't think RTH practice is what he's got on his mind at the moment.  The immediate order of business is to get a another drone.   I'd recommend the Syma X5C in this case.  Because while mode confusion might have been a contributing factor, the actual cause of the loss was the inability to fly the aircraft.

P.S. Are you sure that "pressing" RTH is enough?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Renegade316 Posted at 2017-10-17 12:11
This is the log I was able to find. I am not technical enough to answer these questions. The support rep has noted on the account that a previous support request was not dealt with. I have sent dji all the info they needed including serial number of my drone and remote controller. I have received an acknowledgement suggesting they will analyse the data and get back to me as soon as they can. I am guessing it should not take them more than 2 to 3 days to go over them as there is no physical inspection involved.

Could you please provide the case number so I can try to see where it is in the process thus far?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 503241 ft


Renegade316 Posted at 2017-10-18 06:51
WOW! I am flabbergasted by the pure savagery on display here.


The problem is that the evidence does not support your description of the events.  There is no evidence of a GPS failure.  The track coordinates were being updated and recorded in real time from up to 21 satellites, and it is not typical of a malfunctioning unit with random or no coordinates being detected.

I agree with Labroides analysis above.  For large sections there is no forward propulsion recorded and the aircraft was in ATTI mode, and was therefore left to drift in the wind.  It is likely that the mode switch was changed to ATTI either deliberately or accidentally.  The aircraft did respond to all stick movements without fail, with corresponding roll, yaw and pitch changes recorded.   It acted precisely as it should have in that flight mode and in response to the flight commands.  The GPS was working and recorded at all times while in ATTI mode, but was not utilized for position holding as expected.  It was still available for RTH if so required.  We observed more satellites available than usual due to the excessive height, making more equatorial satellites visible.

We see a number of error messages throughout the flight which were not heeded, but none indicating a "weak GPS link affecting home points".  While close to home we see multiple "Strong Interference. Fly with caution" warnings, suggesting there was interference close to the home point.  This may have been responsible for the signal being severed abruptly at the end of the record.  I have no explanation for why the record suddenly stops, but it may have been caused by poor orientation of the controller antennas, or an obstruction such as a person between the controller and aircraft etc.   You mentioned a loss of video, which often occurs at the edge of range, however the telemetry and control signals are still operational.  It is possible you lowered the controller or stopped flying once the video feed dropped out, which may explain why the telemetry dropped out abruptly.

There was not a failure of the aircraft in this situation, and you were in full control at the time of loss.  Being in ATTI mode does not constitute "genuinely out of control".  It is a flight mode that is unassisted by GPS positioning, but you are still in the driver's seat.  Just because you may not know how to drive in that mode does not automatically make it a case for DJI to cover the replacement of a lost aircraft.    DJI will not assume responsibility for a loss in those circumstances.  This is what is referred to as "pilot error".   Unless you are able to demonstrate the electronics or software failed, you are unlikely to get a replacement.  You may get an offer for a discounted replacement, as they often offer a 10-20% discount in reported cases such as these, as a good-will gesture.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

endotherm Posted at 2017-10-19 04:56
The problem is that the evidence does not support your description of the events.  There is no evidence of a GPS failure.  The track coordinates were being updated and recorded in real time from up to 21 satellites, and it is not typical of a malfunctioning unit with random or no coordinates being detected.

"We observed more satellites available than usual due to the excessive height, making more equatorial satellites visible."

It was seeing 21 satellites at 11m 9.8s when it was at 18.9m above home, or about 80m above sea level, there is a hill close to the south which is 200m above sea level blocking the southern horizon.  It was far enough north to have a good chance of zero GPS satellites to the north so it was doing exceptionally well to see 21 in those conditions.  At the end when it reached 229m and could see over the hill it still had 21, although shortly before it had dropped to 19!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Nigel_ Posted at 2017-10-19 07:54
"We observed more satellites available than usual due to the excessive height, making more equatorial satellites visible."

It was seeing 21 satellites at 11m 9.8s when it was at 18.9m above home, or about 80m above sea level, there is a hill close to the south which is 200m above sea level blocking the southern horizon.  It was far enough north to have a good chance of zero GPS satellites to the north so it was doing exceptionally well to see 21 in those conditions.  At the end when it reached 229m and could see over the hill it still had 21, although shortly before it had dropped to 19!

Don't get distracted by the number of satellites - it's not having any effect on what the Phantom did.
The numbers observed are high but entirely believable.
A graph showing satellite numbers and altitude shows that numbers were high that day in that part of the world.
12 seconds into the flight record, at a height of 13 feet, 18 satellites are being received for a short time.
While low and in active track, the numbers vary between 13-17 but whenever the Phantom is above 100 ft, the number of satellites received is 20+.

Pay more attention to the thick blue line and ask yourself if that appears to be showing:
1.   a drone "going haywire and flying away into the distance?
2.   a pilot trying to bring a runaway Phantom back ?
3.  a pilot in full control of altitude flying higher and higher?

If you can read the full spreadsheet of 5121 rows and 40 columns of data, you also see that all the joystick inputs match the speed, direction and altitude that the Phantom is flying.
The pilot was in complete control and 100% responsible for what the Phantom was doing.
Some degree of disorientation and inexperience may have been a small factor in the incident.
But there is no evidence to support a theory of GPS malfunction.
Neither is there anything to support the fairy tale we were told about loss of control and a runaway drone.

Up in post #20 the OP said I took the drone with me on holiday ... I lost connection several times with the drone but as soon as it used to lose connection, it used to return back using RTH. I would have expected it to function the same way.
This suggests he was in the habit of flying off until losing signal and relying on the magic of RTH to bring the Phantom back.
But the effects of high altitude, a strong headwind and a low battery show that RTH is not magic.

I find it interesting that the OP is "flabbergasted at the savagery" of the analysis, yet has not disputed any of the points made.
I'll let you draw your own conclusion as to why that might be.
GPS graph.jpg
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Labroides Posted at 2017-10-19 15:33
Don't get distracted by the number of satellites - it's not having any effect on what the Phantom did.
The numbers observed are high but entirely believable.
A graph showing satellite numbers and altitude shows that numbers were high that day in that part of the world.

Your honor, we, the members of the jury have come to a verdict...

Bailiff, please read the verdict...

We the undersigned jurors, having been appointed by the DJI Forum find the defendant under count one Failure to maintain aircraft control - Guilty
count two Committing Pilot Error - Guilty

Judge: based on a jury of your peers and upon careful and thorough analysis by Forum experts have been found guilty of all charges and you are hereby sentenced to time served, based on the loss of said property and at your personal expense.

This court is adjourned...all rise
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

We have seen many posts where people are asking will DJI replace their drones because they somehow magically flew away. Here's how the replacement procedure works.  Pilot puts drone into a strong tail wind at height changes to ATTI mode and loses control of drone. Uploads flight records which show the pilot is 100% at fault. Pilot then says the judgement on his flying skills are harsh. Yes life is harsh when you fly your expensive toy far far away. Replacement comes when you pay for a new drone.

I've been trying to get my drone to fly far far away. For some reason it never does. It always comes back even from near 3 miles distance.  
My Blackcrusader DJI P3S knows no limits.  That if for the pilot to discern.

I fly my drone at altitudes above 11000 feet and miles away from home point at the max 1640ft 500m height. I send my drone on Kamikaze missions but it has always failed that mission and returned.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

blackcrusader Posted at 2017-10-19 18:18
We have seen many posts where people are asking will DJI replace their drones because they somehow magically flew away. Here's how the replacement procedure works.  Pilot puts drone into a strong tail wind at height changes to ATTI mode and loses control of drone. Uploads flight records which show the pilot is 100% at fault. Pilot then says the judgement on his flying skills are harsh. Yes life is harsh when you fly your expensive toy far far away. Replacement comes when you pay for a new drone.

I've been trying to get my drone to fly far far away. For some reason it never does. It always comes back even from near 3 miles distance.  

Nice video!
But whoa there dude you are scaring me a little bit...Kamikaze missions?
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Genghis9 Posted at 2017-10-19 18:44
Nice video!
But whoa there dude you are scaring me a little bit...Kamikaze missions?

Its OK, I don't think he has any Japanese in his DNA......
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2017-10-19 18:54
Its OK, I don't think he has any Japanese in his DNA......

I sure hope you are right about that...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 689774 ft

Geebax Posted at 2017-10-19 18:54
Its OK, I don't think he has any Japanese in his DNA......

You never know, my grandfather is buried in Japan, my parents were married in Japan, my cousins are half Japanese, my aunt Japanese.

Kamikaze missions

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