Airspace Warning?
3931 23 2017-11-28
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Flight distance : 983816 ft
United Kingdom

Only flown my new Mavic Pro for a few flights, delighted with it and a far more complex beast than my dear old Phantom 3 Standard.
But, why immediately after takeoff do I get an On Screen Airspace Warning which I have to agree to say YES to when I am in UK Class G airspace, surrounded by open countryside.
As a GA pilot I can only assume the thing doesn't know where it is, or, the GEO map thinks I'm somewhere else. Is it me ??

Any / All advice appreciated.

PS Took my iPone 6 out of Zoomed screen and can now at least remove / accept the black airspace warning placard .....
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Flight distance : 748675 ft
United States

Probably have a registered grass airstrip within a couple of miles/Km of you. I have two grass strips near me, always get the warning, just turn it off and fly, But keep you eyes and ears ope,n looking out for small aircraft which might be flying in or out of those grass strips. And thanks for the zoom time. just did the same for you iPhone 6.
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Flight distance : 983816 ft
United Kingdom

Thank You, but there is no aviation activity within 10miles of where I fly from. I am aware of all the rules regarding where to fly and stick to them always. Something seems amiss with the DJI database in that it doesn't seem to know wher I amf flying from. again I am in the Open FIR, UK Class G. There should be no obstructions as none are shown on the current UK CAA Charts or NATS "Altitude Angel", which I use for info. Do DJI have any comment?
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

fansd556ffc7 Posted at 2017-11-28 09:24
Thank You, but there is no aviation activity within 10miles of where I fly from. I am aware of all the rules regarding where to fly and stick to them always. Something seems amiss with the DJI database in that it doesn't seem to know wher I amf flying from. again I am in the Open FIR, UK Class G. There should be no obstructions as none are shown on the current UK CAA Charts or NATS "Altitude Angel", which I use for info. Do DJI have any comment?

DJI forum admin and support staff typically direct such questions to as the group responsible for map adjustments monitor that address.
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Flight distance : 983816 ft
United Kingdom

Thank you. Well, ler's all see some action please  DJI Forum.

What is your response?

Mail it to here please, don't give us the old run around.
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Lobstah Mobstah
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1218379 ft
United States

fansd556ffc7 Posted at 2017-11-28 09:24
Thank You, but there is no aviation activity within 10miles of where I fly from. I am aware of all the rules regarding where to fly and stick to them always. Something seems amiss with the DJI database in that it doesn't seem to know wher I amf flying from. again I am in the Open FIR, UK Class G. There should be no obstructions as none are shown on the current UK CAA Charts or NATS "Altitude Angel", which I use for info. Do DJI have any comment?

How about a hospital with a helicopter landing pad?
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Flight distance : 983816 ft
United Kingdom

Thank you, but there isn't  anything like that within 20miles.

I know it sounds daft but I have lived and flown around here for many (too many!) years, this is why I am puzzled as to why I get the warning. I can only think the database has not recognised my launch site, and seems to think I'm somewhere in or near a restricted zone ??

Can I delete it and reload it. What a pain !
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Flight distance : 748675 ft
United States

in the us we have air maps like this, you must has something similar in the uk. all the little R are grass fields.

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Flight distance : 983816 ft
United Kingdom

Yes we do have charts like yours in the USA, ours are published by the UK CAA and are required to be up to date and must be used/carried on all flights (in case the electronics pack up in your aircraft!). In addition there are several other aids e.g. Sky Demon and for us UAS guys, our NATS advise the use of their App which uses the Guardian Angel software. I actually use all 3 almost every day and for that reason can't understand my warning issue as there is absolutely nothing to be advised of in my local UAS flying area.

Can DJI please comment ??
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

fansd556ffc7 Posted at 2017-11-28 14:18
Yes we do have charts like yours in the USA, ours are published by the UK CAA and are required to be up to date and must be used/carried on all flights (in case the electronics pack up in your aircraft!). In addition there are several other aids e.g. Sky Demon and for us UAS guys, our NATS advise the use of their App which uses the Guardian Angel software. I actually use all 3 almost every day and for that reason can't understand my warning issue as there is absolutely nothing to be advised of in my local UAS flying area.

Can DJI please comment ??

It sounds like your Mavic thinks it's in an Enhanced Warning zone. Have you checked DJI's Geo map for the location you were flying in to see what might be nearby?
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Flight distance : 983816 ft
United Kingdom

I think you are correct Captain !!

It seems that almost all of where I live (North Yorkshire, England) is depicted as an Enhanced Warning Zone. I guess that may be because this area is marked on all aeronautical charts, like the UK CAA publications as an airspace area where Military flying training often takes place and occurs from surface level to FL190 (Vale of York AIAA).

Thank you for that Sir,  I guess we should alert all of Yorkshire who may not understand why this area appears on DJI's map.
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Flight distance : 748675 ft
United States

I am glad you got it figured out. Bummer about the Military training area. Surface to FL190 seems extreme, unless they are flying realllllly close to the deck.
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Flight distance : 902034 ft
United Kingdom

fansd556ffc7 Posted at 2017-11-29 00:34
I think you are correct Captain !!

It seems that almost all of where I live (North Yorkshire, England) is depicted as an Enhanced Warning Zone. I guess that may be because this area is marked on all aeronautical charts, like the UK CAA publications as an airspace area where Military flying training often takes place and occurs from surface level to FL190 (Vale of York AIAA).

What I do find is that DJI are defining circular areas - where as in practice the shape can be far more complex. As a consequence large areas are being defined as restricted when in fact they arn't.  
For example the Yeovil area in the UK is actually a square with the NW coner cut off - whereas DJI show it as a circle.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

RocketChap Posted at 2017-11-29 02:45
What I do find is that DJI are defining circular areas - where as in practice the shape can be far more complex. As a consequence large areas are being defined as restricted when in fact they arn't.  
For example the Yeovil area in the UK is actually a square with the NW coner cut off - whereas DJI show it as a circle.

Yes, the Geo areas are all circular because that's what's practical for them to implement. DJI's zones aren't meant to be a perfect representation of the airspace but just a very rough approximation of where you should and shouldn't fly.
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Flight distance : 902034 ft
United Kingdom

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-11-29 03:48
Yes, the Geo areas are all circular because that's what's practical for them to implement. DJI's zones aren't meant to be a perfect representation of the airspace but just a very rough approximation of where you should and shouldn't fly.

Whats not practical about implementing polygons? - the original data is defined that way.
It's trivial software.  Someone must be converting the base data from polygons into circles.
Its leading to false positives on exclusion zones.

If you are going to restrict a prodiuct at least get the data right.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

RocketChap Posted at 2017-11-29 14:28
Whats not practical about implementing polygons? - the original data is defined that way.
It's trivial software.  Someone must be converting the base data from polygons into circles.
Its leading to false positives on exclusion zones.

I'm not sure what "original data" you're referring to, but it takes more computing resources to determine whether a given point lies within a circle than within an arbitrary polygon. And no, I don't think anyone is converting polygons into circles: I think they're identifying a point that represents the "center" of an airport (usually the middle of a runway) and adding that to the GEO database.

If you are going to restrict a prodiuct at least get the data right.

It's ultimately the pilot's responsibility to determine where flying is and isn't allowed, and from what I've seen GEO generates far more false negatives (allows people to fly where they shouldn't) than false positives (prohibits them from flying where they can).
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Flight distance : 902034 ft
United Kingdom

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-11-29 14:33
I'm not sure what "original data" you're referring to, but it takes more computing resources to determine whether a given point lies within a circle than within an arbitrary polygon. And no, I don't think anyone is converting polygons into circles: I think they're identifying a point that represents the "center" of an airport (usually the middle of a runway) and adding that to the GEO database.

If you are going to restrict a prodiuct at least get the data right.

What I mean is that for example, the City of London  area EG R158  is defined as :
513125N 0000547W - 513118N 0000439W -
513043N 0000418W - 513016N 0000433W -
513037N 0000704W - 513108N 0000653W -
513125N 0000547W

And  EG D139 Fingringhoe is defined as a rectangle :
515000N 0005458E - 514954N 0005852E -
514833N 0005848E - 514839N 0005452E -
515000N 0005458E

No center specified - someone/something has converted that into a circle and is as a consequence probably false positive on 30% extra area.

Sure, some areas are defined as circles based on a center - but I'd say the majority aren't.
I've implemented polygon based GPS geofencing and I can tell you that its pretty trivial to know how far inside or outside a polygon you are.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

RocketChap Posted at 2017-11-29 15:06
What I mean is that for example, the City of London  area EG R158  is defined as :
513125N 0000547W - 513118N 0000439W -
513043N 0000418W - 513016N 0000433W -

DJI has nothing to gain by preventing its customers (or potential customers) from flying where they're allowed to. If you believe that you have a superior approach that will more accurately reflect airspace reality then by all means you should submit it as a suggestion to DJI, and if it really is a more practical option than what they currently have I'm sure they'll gladly embrace it.
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Flight distance : 902034 ft
United Kingdom

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-11-30 03:06
DJI has nothing to gain by preventing its customers (or potential customers) from flying where they're allowed to. If you believe that you have a superior approach that will more accurately reflect airspace reality then by all means you should submit it as a suggestion to DJI, and if it really is a more practical option than what they currently have I'm sure they'll gladly embrace it.

I'll give flying near the Fingringhoe danger area a try (its reasonably local) to see if DJI are actually geofencing the CAA rectangle or the circle they have on flysafe.   And report it as a problem that way.
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Flight distance : 18530 ft


Is there a link to watch the south america map? Thank you!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

AlejandroCalori Posted at 2017-11-30 09:48
Is there a link to watch the south america map? Thank you!

Yes, South America is included in the GEO map: just go to the web page, select "South America", then the specific country (Argentina) you want to see. It's a Google Maps application, so you'll probably already know how to use it.
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Flight distance : 902034 ft
United Kingdom

DroneFlying Posted at 2017-11-30 03:06
DJI has nothing to gain by preventing its customers (or potential customers) from flying where they're allowed to. If you believe that you have a superior approach that will more accurately reflect airspace reality then by all means you should submit it as a suggestion to DJI, and if it really is a more practical option than what they currently have I'm sure they'll gladly embrace it.

Just came across this thread where people are having real limitations by the problem:
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

RocketChap Posted at 2017-12-1 16:00
Just came across this thread where people are having real limitations by the problem:

Yes, I've seen posts like those (and yours) periodically for quite a while.

I'm guessing you noticed the part at the end of that thread about how DJI will allow you to unlock an area if you can show that you're allowed to fly there. That's probably the best you're going to be able to do.
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United Kingdom

Hi when I first got my mavic early in feb this year. I got permission from parks management where I live to fly in the park away from people and used to get the same message but as I have upgraded it seems to gone and I only get the message when I move to another area once I agree for that area then it goes away ask a stupid question but do you have the latest firmware?
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