class action??
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4607 50 2015-4-27
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am sure DJI will have this pulled within an hour!
Wondering if there is grounds for some sort of class action against DJI for the Inspire! and how would you go about it...

The email today is surely an admission that they have failed to deliver on the features that they used to sell these Inspires!

It is 6 months now and my Inspire is in its box. As a user I don't feel confident to fly it due to a string of problems and the complete absence of the features that influenced my decision to buy. Now they have a released a statement confirming that all of these promised features.....wait for it.....are coming soon!!!

At this point I feel as if I am entitled to compensation!

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Flight distance : 26875098 ft
United Kingdom

Grow up! The Inspire 1 is a great aircraft and should be flown and not used as an excuse to feel sorry for yourself.  I have carried out 2 firmware upgrades without any issues by following the instructions. Today's email suggests to me that DJI is listening to user concerns and that the features we want (once fully tested) will be delivered. Go flying and find out what the Inspire 1 already can do and stop moaning.
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Flight distance : 318205 ft

Time for you to ship your (boxed) inspire back to your dealer for a refund. Many of us are using our inspires every day successfully. You have no real grounds for a class action and even if there was a class action, you would receive what??..10.00 once the lawyers dragged it out for then you still have nothing to show for it. Take it out of the box and fly it or send it back. I am sick of the negativity. Use the thing instead of complaining about it. My point is, you have a choice..either use it and enjoy the features as they come or send it back..
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United States

Have you asked for a refund?  don't know how you can argue you are entitled to anything beyond returning a product you are too nervous to operate.  Plenty of us are enjoying our DJI Inspires, I fly mine regularly and love it.  
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United States

Email Today?  What did I miss?

Im happy with my I1, still a few little bugs but no show stoppers

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Flight distance : 18931532 ft
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I am not so sure I would be using the companies website to rally the troops.
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Flight distance : 75673 ft
United Kingdom

Why should you be compensated over YOUR lack of confidence?  Sorry to be blunt but it sounds like you need to grow a pair and go and fly.  There are risks with everything in life.  That doesn't mean you have to lock yourself indoors with the lights off and the curtains shut.
You said yourself 'The promised features are coming soon' so go and enjoy your purchase.

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Flight distance : 2456043 ft

Unforunately, it's difficult to help you if you are vague about the specific issue.  If the issue is confidence, then I would suggest that the inspire 1 is not ideal as a first quad...unless you have the will and desire to build that confidence. That, you cannot buy , sorry.
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United States

I may criticize DJI for things they should be doing, but the fact of the matter is that our Inspire has performed admirably since we got it.  I've seen some of the reported problems, and I will admit they make me nervous, but not nervous enough not to fly it.  We've done every firmware upgrade, every app update.  Even had a hard landing in which the camera separated from the aircraft - leaving both the camera and the aircraft completely undamaged.  A trip back to the shop to meticulously clean it up (computer keyboard vacuum and tiny paint brushes) and it has worked perfectly ever since.  I really can't fault the engineering, at least in terms of my personal experience with THIS individual aircraft.

Are there things I think DJI should deliver on that they haven't?  You betcha.  Lawsuit?  You'd never get it into court.
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Flight distance : 19633 ft
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United States

PeteGould Posted at 2015-4-28 03:11
I may criticize DJI for things they should be doing, but the fact of the matter is that our Inspire  ...

Well said, I too fly every chance I get. I'm having a great time with this incredible bird.
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Chris Con
Flight distance : 501175 ft
United States

IS DJI a company that bold faced lies to their customers?  ABSOLUTELY.

Are they a company that is only bringing a feature to market now because a competitor did? (ground station. 3dr, yup) 100 percent.

Do they ship defective products?  .. I'll let your new props and need for ND Filters for any shot decide that.

Do they purposely have planned obsolescence for products in a  100 day period?...  Hi Phantom 3.

Do they have the worst customer service?  Ask the unpaid interns in Senzchen that answer your 24 hour chat request.  (seriously.. they are all foreign language majors and unpaid)

From an International perspective is DJI basically the worst type of company?  Yes.. in my opinion it is.  They consistently over promise and under deliver. To a point where we are almost foolish to listen to anything they say based upon their track record.

That being said- Is this shit storm worthy of a class action lawsuit? It isn't.

Is the inspire 1 a bad product? It actually isn't. It's pretty amazing.  It's an awesome product, from a decidedly unimpressive company that is willing to do anything to get a sale (lie to customers).   That is terrible, though not a crime.  

When parity of technology and price point is achieved by other companies you'll see DJI's customer service improve quickly...   For now- this is DJI.  The comcast of quad copters.  They should be ashamed to say in the media that they are trying to emulate Apple.
And this is the conundrum .. I'm flying the best "ready to fly" quad copter available today.  I love it.  Everyday flying is a pleasure. Though I've had to void a warranty and fix it myself since I didn't want to wait 6 weeks. I was lied to on this board that someone would follow up with me about a part by a moderator. I was lied to by DJI Inc. during their sales pitch about product features (dynamic return to home..It doesn't work. ever. even with beta firmware) I've been subject to promises of accessories that today are still vaporware....  A month with no IOS/Apple App. A free case that fell apart. A free lanyard that arrived broken. Weeks where I was told not to fly due to a product defect.  I bought something from a company that 120 days later sold a nearly exact product for half the price.  I love my Inspire 1 when it's in the air (with my aftermarket ND filters to produce great video and new props I paid for because I didn't want to wait another month to fly safely). I hate just about everything else regarding owning it.
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United States

Mowog2 Posted at 2015-4-28 04:26
Actually Telling Lie's to sell a product is a crime in Australia.

I am far from an Australian legal expert - BUT: generally if you want to criminally charge someone you need to prove their intent.  Is it a lie if the teller believes it at the time he tells it, and circumstances change?  How would you go about proving that DJI knowingly and intentionally lied, versus having technical issues arise that they did not foresee?  Much of the problem with the Inspire appears to be that it was much more successful than the company anticipated and outstripped its resources.  If so they have a tiger by the tail and are trying to harness its energy without getting mauled.  That's not easy to do, and frankly they're not doing a very good job of it.  But I don't think it rises to the level of a class action suit (much less criminal prosecution for intentional misrepresentation).

Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying no lies were told here.  They may well have been.  But one has to PROVE they were lies.  That's not easy to do in court.
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United States

I have asked for a refund because I haven't been able to fly since the NFC firmware disabled my bird. what would you guys suggest I do if I no longer can fly without traveling 15 miles from my address?
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United Kingdom

Chris Con Posted at 2015-4-28 04:13
IS DJI a company that bold faced lies to their customers?  ABSOLUTELY.

Are they a company that is  ...

Actually, Apple customer service isn't that brilliant if you ask me. The senior management also hide themselves from their customers. So I think there are some parallels to the two organisations.

With regards to the OP, with their recent announcement of the development of the missing compnents that were originally advertised (e.g. Ground Station), then I don't see ground for mis-selling. Sure its taken a while for the firmware to become clean, but many of us knew we were early adopters. If/when they deliver the missing parts, I'll be a happy customer indeed.

In my mind the only failing in the Inspire is a front facing camera. This can be serviced by the after market.
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Flight distance : 226450 ft

Hi Daniel.Oreilly,

If you are still looking to refund your bird, could you let me try and beat whatever money back that your supplier offers you?

I recently had my inspire stolen and am in desperate need of a replacement.

I can see where your coming from with your frustrations with DJI... I have been there myself with other products of theirs and now only purchase from them on the merits of the current available features that I have seen working.   I hope the features you need are released in a timely manner as I would also love the groundstation functionality for myself.

Let me know if I can buy your bird, I am in B.C. Canada.
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Chris Con
Flight distance : 501175 ft
United States

lethbrp Posted at 2015-4-28 05:18
Actually, Apple customer service isn't that brilliant if you ask me. The senior management also hi ...

Imagine a world where your inspire 1 could be fixed in 1 week and the company automatically e-mails prepaid shipping documents and if necessary a free specifically designed box to return your broken inspire 1 for free.
Imagine a world  where you could take your inspire 1 to a physical location and it can be fixed or swapped out while you wait..
Imagine a world where you could pay a premium fee and give a credit card to  have your Inspire 1 swapped out before you have to mail the broken one in...
Imagine a world with 24 hour customer service (actual customer service).

That's apple.

Now imagine waiting a month and a half to have your inspire 1 fixed with no other options.

That's DJI
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United States

Scotflieger Posted at 2015-4-28 01:43
Grow up! The Inspire 1 is a great aircraft and should be flown and not used as an excuse to feel sor ...

I agree with you completely. I mean this respectfully but I think with the announcement people should stop complaining about DJI (maybe besides the customer support, cuz that's a major issue). This is a sign that DJI. has not abandon the Inspire and we can MAYBE expect s change in their ways....maybe.
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Flight distance : 18931532 ft
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United States

Chris Con Posted at 2015-4-28 05:25
Imagine a world where your inspire 1 could be fixed in 1 week and the company automatically e-mails ...

That's also Canon. I have dealt with every major camera maker in the game. Canon customer service is second to none. Nikon is as bad as it gets and there is no doubt that DJI is worse than Nikon. That is saying something.
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United Kingdom

Chris Con Posted at 2015-4-28 05:25
Imagine a world where your inspire 1 could be fixed in 1 week and the company automatically e-mails ...

I imagine a world where when they (Apple) release a new version of OS X, it actually does what it says. We are now in its third iteration and it still their continuity functionality doesn't do what it advertised. Now, try and get hold of one of their developers to fix the issue, because the Genius guys are somewhat limited in information - good luck with that. If this isn't a parallel to DJI then I don't know what is. With hardware failures that are in warranty, I agree they are quick to replace.

I only use Apple computing equipment, so don't get me wrong, I like their stuff and have spent thousands on their products, but they are a very long way from being perfect.
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Flight distance : 303356 ft

lethbrp Posted at 2015-4-28 05:39
I imagine a world where when they (Apple) release a new version of OS X, it actually does what it  ...

iMacs can't  fly! Inspires are suppose to!!

Your mac throws a spanner in the works with a "Bug" in its software... the mac survives!

Your Inspire throws a spanner in the works with a "Bug" in its software... Inspire beat up or dead!

the same goes for faulty hardware or defect parts.... kind of a big difference from Apple issues imho

P.s I've been Mac since the beginning of time and they are in a different league all together
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United States

Mowog2 Posted at 2015-4-28 08:12
The ACCC and State Fair trading offices in Australia will take action if they believe a company ha ...

Well... I guess we'll see what happens if an Australian consumer wants to press the issue.  I have no idea where the bar is set for such cases over there.
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Flight distance : 42014 ft
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United States

Daniel,  Grow up and put your big pants on.  Send it back for a refund and go find some other hobby to make you unhappy and spread the wealth.  
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United States

I can somewhat sympathize with @daniel.oreilly. I was one of the guys that had to send my I1 back to DJI to unbrick the camera after a failed update on the first patch. I too kept mine boxed for a bit until the horror stories (e.g. "my drone fell out of the sky") started to subside. DJI released the product WAY too early and the customer support experience is laughable at best. All that said, the latest patch went off flawlessly and I'm now flying with confidence in the platform. A Class Action is a little overkill, but I can certainly understand the frustration. DJI's marketing team needs to give DJI's amazing engineering team a voice at the table next time. It is a case study in how not to launch a product.
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Scotflieger Posted at 2015-4-28 01:43
Grow up! The Inspire 1 is a great aircraft and should be flown and not used as an excuse to feel sor ...

excuse me. I have invested my hard earned cash in a product that has failed to deliver on its pre-sale promises. If I choose not to fly the product because I lack confidence in it, that is my prerogative. you fly away at yours. DJI have not delivered on their promises and have delivered a beta product. I will consider otherwise when they have delivered on all of their pre sale promises. I won't make assumptions about you or your background but you can be assured that I have a sound technological background so forgive me for not taking your criticism onboard.
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Chris Con Posted at 2015-4-28 04:13
IS DJI a company that bold faced lies to their customers?  ABSOLUTELY.

Are they a company that is  ...

an excellent response that is more tuned in to the state of things with DJI than the comments above. I am sure it is an excellent flying machine but This is my 3rd DJI quad. Both previous products have been flown extensively. I am dissatisfied with the entire provision by DJI with regards the inspire. Choosing not to fly is more of a protest but I haven't returned or looked a refund as I hold out in hope that DJI will deliver.....but they haven't done so and I am getting fed up.

With regards class post is a conversation starter. I have no intention of launching some Erin Brokovich style crusade against a Chinese based company.
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Ph02on Posted at 2015-4-28 02:39
Why should you be compensated over YOUR lack of confidence?  Sorry to be blunt but it sounds like yo ...

it's not my lack of confidence to fly. it's my 3rd DJI quad. there is a big difference in lack of confidence and lack of consumer confidence in a product that has undeniably under delivered to date.
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tpallai Posted at 2015-4-28 05:25
I agree with you completely. I mean this respectfully but I think with the announcement people sho ...

their email is no more than crumbs to a frustrated customer base. It gives absolutely no hint at a time line or a timeframe. Had they said 'Coming in June 2015' I'd have been happy but it's just more empty promises instead of delivering.

People on here are applauding the firmware updates as if they are revolutionary new products given out for free.....the least they can do for a 3 grand product is provide a stable firmware.
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FictitiousPerso Posted at 2015-4-28 06:20
iMacs can't  fly! Inspires are suppose to!!

Your mac throws a spanner in the works with a "Bug" i ...

imagine Boeing adapted the same approach!
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United States

I understand your frustration Daniel. It seems a lot of Inspire 1 owners have bent over backwards with their patience for DJI, and that's fine, to each his own. But, I wonder if the level of patience would be the same if DJI was selling cars? Cars missing various advertised components you paid for? Say your new car was missing cruise-control, GPS navigation, anti-lock brakes, etc. and the car dealer (DJI) was silent when asked about the missing components. I guess the parallel would be: you drive what you got and be happy you weren't screwed even more.

If I was you Daniel, I would fly your Inspire 1 until the props fell off (figuratively speaking). If something goes wrong it's under warranty. No worries.
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United States

I don't know about a class action. But I'm astonished that a single Inspire owner is defending DJI.

Considering the cost of the product, the inherent risks of flying this thing at less than 100% reliability and the deceptive marketing tactics, it's completely mind boggling that some of the victims of their shady business practices (YOU!) defend them.

I wouldn't be surprised if the demise of DJI is ultimately the result of people who are maimed or killed by flyaway drones suing DJI into oblivion. With all the fly aways it's kind of surprising it hasn't happened yet but if/when this unfortunate event occurs the backlash against DJI will be fierce.
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United States


100% reliability doesn't exist in flight, commercial aircraft crash despite a massive regulatory system for design, maintenance and operation.  Cars are not 100% reliable, Apple computers are 100% not reliable.  If 100% reliability is necessary, perhaps you should find a new hobby.  The company is quite clear about the safe operation of their product, if a customer chooses to ignore these warnings and flies over large groups of people, then they will likely bear far more of the liability for a mishap than a company based in a  country where liability is not enforced.  The rest of the whiners can wait five or six years when this technology is much more refined and easy to operate, but the rest of us enjoy the ability to use technology that is on the bleeding edge of consumer product capability.  We fly these knowing that 100% reliability is not realistic, we carefully consider our  operating environment and are prepared to deal with he consequences of our actions, which may include having a fairly expensive piece of consumer electronics break, with little recourse but reaching for the wallet.  
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

Fools...... DJI still not being HONEST AT ALL. And no DJI is not adding any NEW features to the Inspire itself or to the Pilot APP itself... DJI is putting out a set of SDK for OTHERS DEVELOPERS to Take on the Challenge.....  STOP SPREADING MIS-INFORMATION.... Do your research and stop making excuses for A company that Dfntly needs to improve and do better.  If you feel you being cheat then go ahead and sue the crap out of them...
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United States

Hooks Posted at 2015-4-28 05:21
Hi Daniel.Oreilly,

If you are still looking to refund your bird, could you let me try and beat what ...

$2400 for my bird plus 2 extra batteries.
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Flight distance : 606237 ft
South Korea

Ronny, you keep repeating this same sentence, where do you get your informations from? where did you see that the SDK will be release before an update of the soft including GS?
Do you really believe that you can sue a company in China because you are unhappy with a product you bought from them? If it is the case, I am glad to see that some people can remain so naive...
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United States

Both sides have valid arguments but for us inspire 1 owners that are in the mist of the no fly zone, I'm grounded and my bird useless.  I have to travel 15 miles in all directions in order to fly.I'm suggesting that DJI refund those individuals that purchased in the no fly zones
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Flight distance : 606237 ft
South Korea

No fly zone, is not an invention from DJI, they were their before you bought the inspire.. They are made according to the location and to the national regulations...
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United States

alexmarnas Posted at 2015-4-29 01:03
No fly zone, is not an invention from DJI, they were their before you bought the inspire.. They are  ...

No. Firmware enforced No-Fly-Zones is a DJI invention. Same as the 500m altitude limit. DJI has added No-Fly-Zones primarily to placate government policy makers and the general public too.
I heard DJI is thinking about adding an alcohol breathalyzer test function on the controller next, flashes warning: “You’re Too High To Fly” if you fail the test and then locks the motors (kidding, at this time).
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Flight distance : 226450 ft

That seems like a pretty good deal.  Any chance I can get someone else interested in the batteries to buy them?  I already have 6.

DC Aerials, Could you contact me through email.
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

alexmarnas Posted at 2015-4-29 00:47
Ronny, you keep repeating this same sentence, where do you get your informations from? where did you ...

DJI itself... Just watch the P3 Launch Event Video again.. DJI CEO or who ever was that talking was very clear about what he said... Also in another post here or in the P3 forum.. A DJI(employee, not sure if it was Ed or someone else) but they also said the same thing.. and i am registered developer for the DJI SDK myself... I can tell you thats what going to happen.. Not if you all wanna believe the fairy tales and excuses being spread on this forums on a daily basics... Then go ahead and do so... The SDK for the I1 and the P3 is coming soon.. So says the developer page...
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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

Hooks Posted at 2015-4-29 02:00
That seems like a pretty good deal.  Any chance I can get someone else interested in the batteries t ...

Are you selling it to buy a P3 and move on to something else completely different????
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