Landing away from home point.
1145 6 2017-12-9
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Jake Phantom 3
Flight distance : 2639747 ft
United States

I have a question. I want to land at my friends house with my Phantom 3, and I'm at my house about 1000 feet away. Of course there are trees and other obstacles between us. Now I know if I press the land icon it will go straight down and land in his yard even though the transmitter and I are 1000 feet away. Questions is, when the Phantom 3 (or any drone with RTH) loses connection with the transmitter will it continue to land or will it automatically rise to the set height and return to home?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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It would probably initiate RTH - but that's just a guess.
It would be easy to test and find out for sure.
Go to a large, open area with no buildings, trees etc.
Fly your Phantom more than 20 metres away and and press the land icon.
Power off your controller to simulate losing control signal and see what happens.
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Mark Guille
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2277992 ft

Hi Jake,

It depends on what you have set it to do, RTH/Hover or land.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

Set your ac to land and not Hover or RTH if it loses contact to the controller. Fly over to your friend, locate the landing spot with your camera facing down and descend until it either lands or looses contact.  In which case it should continue its descent and land alone. You will have to go and collect it though.
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Sunny D
Flight distance : 70883 ft
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United States

I assume you’re trying to land manually, but wondering what will happen if you lose signal while you’re landing?
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

what if you go into the settings and reset the home point to AC once you are over the landing spot? bearing in mind that this could prove disastrous should there be an issue with GPS lock
but i think thats only if you set it to the controller, i think  answer  as per Dockater is ya best bet
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Aloha Jake,

     All the suggestions you are receiving are great and should help you think about your flight.  I think you might be surprised by the communication strength of your P3.  Depending on the amount of material made of metal or that holds water (bushes & trees after a rain), you might have full control during the whole flight.  But you are right to plan for a loss of communication.

     I do what you are suggesting regularly and have even put up two landing pads for the fun involved.  My site is 1000 feet away and 100 feet higher in altitude, but it is in a jungle area so I use parabolics to strengthen the transmitted signal and reception of the return signal.  But, we have it down to a science these days.  Our only big challenge is we have to go and weed-wack the landing pads when the Pili Grass gets too high.  The thin, very tall grass will come down into the rotors if they are not cut back.

     Have fun!  BTW, when you land and restart (if you still have communication) the landing spot will be your new "Home Point", so you need to deal with RTH issues if the take-off point is your Home Point.

Aloha and Drone On!
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