Interference from large metal structues
5681 11 2015-4-29
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United States

I dida search and didn't see anything pop up.  I've been flying in open fieldsbut will have my first flight on a construction site where there are largemetal beams and trusses that are part of the building structure as well asnumerous cranes.  I will obviously keepclear of the cranes but should i be worried all the metal structures causinginterference with the controls?  As I understand it, metal can attenuatewifi signals.   Any advice or experience you can share?
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Nice question. What happens if you fly through steel bride. Or stay under it.
anyone tried?
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United States

jorukavi1 Posted at 2015-4-30 15:15
Nice question. What happens if you fly through steel bride. Or stay under it.
anyone tried?

There are way too many things to consider, but the safest answer is YES it does affect signal, and reliability of the channel used. It can also affect the compass.

You can while on mid flight go to the advance settings and sensors and check if your compass is getting a little "off" by any possible interference, and determine then if you are ok flying around it or not. Check on your signal levels from RC to bird as well and how it is affected or not as well.

I have flown over large metal structures, buildings, without negative effects, but I creep close eye on these parameters.
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Bob Marley

United States

The correct answer is NO.
I do loops encircling high tension power lines and metal bridges all the time.
There is NO effect, as if there were made of plastic.
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United States

Bob Marley Posted at 2015-4-30 23:47
The correct answer is NO.
I do loops encircling high tension power lines and metal bridges all the t ...

So ferrite/metal composed materials do not affect the bird's compass nor play significant relevance to RF interference? And electromagnetic fields from power lines do not affect our birds either? Even though an electromagnetic compass is nothing but a polarized, magnetized bipolar metal? Lol!!  How about GPS signal? You do not believe electromagnetism affects the built in GPS  modules on our birds?
Other than your experience.. What actual scientific facts can you offer to make such a statement?

I do not believe there is a "correct" or wrong answer to this one...but we can certainly make it wrong by simply stating experiences as if they are facts (unless they coincide). Some other people might have different observations/flight experiences than yours or mine, but exposing the science (not just observations with non-substantiated basis stated as matter of fact) yield to safer flying practices..  


Please read on.. The good thing about the web is that you can check on claims made and verify their truthfulness. We live on a highly  electromagnetic world, naturally occurring and man made. There is  RIF, and bounce of RF signals on surfaces and their materials (specially metal) and if coupled to electricity (EMI) can make a number on signal reliability, strength and can make for unpredictable behavior on our birds.

You don't even have to go that far... If you read the manual for the Inspire, DJI asks that you do not calibrate compass near metal structures as to avoid its interference while calibrating... The compass is obviously and electromagnetic device  and thus heavily affected by metal objects, electric currents, EMI,and others... The good thing is that our Birds have a very advanced radio transmitter and receiver that has GPS built in modules, compass, and uses both to determine its position on a grid, and our TX even has dual antennas to enhance transmission and reception from bird... All of it combined allow for great signal "lock"... And the reason we can get away with flying over and under metal structures...electrical posts etc...  This does not mean they are not affected...

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Fred D
Flight distance : 56184 ft

I fly near metal structures quite a bit and I have not had any problems yet. But I am aware of how metal objects can effect a compass and signal strength, so I am extra vigilant when near these structures. One time I was flying around an industrial area and I got the I1 on the other side of a large metal building where I lost sight of it, the I1 lost contact with the controller and went into RTH, as the I1 popped up over the building I regained control. I won't do that again. My experience has taught me to be extra cautious around metal structures and I don't fly near power transmission lines.
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Prop-Lock Girl
Flight distance : 2419163 ft

I never had issues flying through metal structures, watch this...
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Bob Marley

United States

GENETTICO Posted at 2015-5-1 14:59
So ferrite/metal composed materials do not affect the bird's compass nor play significant relevance ...

STFU already dude, I have had ENOUGH of you !!!

Flying around metal objects will have absolutely ZERO effect PERIOD.
I am sooooo sick of people posting 100% bullshit.
You can stick your compass and ferrite/metal materials up your ass, then, come out of your library and actually fly your bird around metal objects and show us some video proof !!!

To prove this point in the past, I have done loops around high tension lines and metal bridges, (loops, round and round and round, no interference AT ALL 72mhz, 2.4, 5.8, NO INTERFERENCE.

It's just bullshit, making noobs worry about stuff for no reason, (there is enough for them to worry about).

FACT - Flying around metal object does NOT affect the flight of your bird.

Now run Chicken Little, hurry, the sky is falling!

FWI - Not that it's anyone's business but my own, but I have been filming cell tower inspections  ALL LAST WEEK, almost touching them, high power transmitters, ferrite/metal EVERYWHERE. I1 flies smooth and stable for HOURS without 1 twitch. There is ZERO effect, now STOP !!!

Bob "had enough" Marley :@

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Bob Marley

United States

ahkim, I added pics to your thread so you can see who has proof and who has bullshit.

Bob Marley
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United States

Bob Marley Posted at 2015-5-1 21:59
STFU already dude, I have had ENOUGH of you !!!

Flying around metal objects will have absolutely  ...

No one is disputing you can fly around metal objects or power lines. Re-read the title and the question posted. I myself as posted above said I have done such flights...

Either way ladies and  gents..  and though Bob's bird and mine have not seeing the affects of electromagnetic fields as obviously posted by his pics, does not change the FACTS and physics associated to electromagnetism, RFI, EMI and our birds. One day and variable environmental conditions is all it takes to send your bird onto a tree if you are lucky and not something else.


Being safe  and cautious  armed with knowledge is a better way to take control over your well founded concerns, and to make you gain confidence on your abilities and the the bird's. Some people  I guess skip the libraries alltogether and decide to just take ill-informed practices and share as "law"... Some people just read a few fellow fliers experiences and feel confident about what is being exposed... It is up to you to discern lines.

So you have two options:

1.Experience flying over objects, small and large,take notes, examine bird's  sensors and see how your bird reacts to it, follow manufacturer's manual, and then move to other objects, structures and make notes on environment and whether  you noticed anything "off" with the bird or not that day, and the next and so on.. this way you can gathered your own experience and data and learn from it. As well as read, inform yourself about the risks.

2. Fly over high power lines,Microwave, Radio towers, on close quarters as Bob and I have (I have on bridges, stadiums... I wont take the chance to Microwave towers and high tension lines) done and cross your fingers you will NEVER have an issue because you were told on a forum by some Joh Doe that just licked his finger, pointed it up to the skyes (like those empiric meteorologists do ) and somehow measured that you are ok flying around high tension lines because he was able to measure as matter of fact that theres no interference made.

Obviously you are the guy that wants to read before flying, "measure twice before cutting something" type of guy... otherwise you would not be on these forums reading and asking for help on understandable concerns.

We are also not just flying for ourselves, but represent our hobby, which is already under  lots of scrutiny, so being smart about decisions, and how and where you fly and taking considerations of risks to your bird, people,and animals around you and other property, are paramount on ensuring we can keep on droning.. And do so safely.
Dont get me wrong, sometimes there is not a book on a subject, so you are limited to people's experiences... This is not necessarily bad, but certainly limits one's ability to make a much more informed decision. You couple experiences with facts, and I believe you can rest a bit more assured on your decision after that.

Either way...I hope you can disregard the polluted information here and get what you need to make your own decision. Im going to back to the library.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Well said Genettico!
Bob clearly has a case of 'little man' syndrome when it comes to you and is feeling very threatened.
As is his usual habit, all he can do is attack and try to demean others.

The proof is out there - the quality of your work is years ahead of the amateurish crud and ill-informed opinion he puts forward.
You have done the work, used sound engineering methodology, actually produced working product and shared it all with the community.

What has Bob done? Tried to big note himself and complain / attack when everyone fails to bow down and praise his 'Genius'.
We accepted his call for a truce a while ago with good faith, but he is clearly abandoning any promises to behave.

Suggest that one of you US based flyers copy / paste his 'proof' above to the FAA, advising that he is undertaking commercial flight ops without an exemption.
A prosecution and large fine may well change his behavior.

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United States

GENETTICO Posted at 2015-5-1 22:52
No one is disputing you can fly around metal objects or power lines. Re-read the title and the ques ...

This is the second major area in which the person with the nom de plume "Bob Marley" has told new flyers to disregard the manuals, the postings by company representatives, and information supplied by those with actual expertise, and follow his edicts instead.  I don't know what drives him to do this but he certainly doesn't mind putting other people's equipment in jeopardy.  Not to mention the legal exposure this sort of "advice" could create.  Thanks for helping to set the record straight.
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