Question About Red Lights
3098 39 2015-4-30
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Hey Y'all. I'm a newbie to this phantom flying thing..I have a couple questions for you experienced folks. I'm sure these questions have been asked and answered but I can't locate the threads for answers. Some firsts: I did all the research prior to buying/Bought the SYMA for practice/learning, Read owners manual till my eyes bled, watched the what-not-to-do video's etc. I've got about 2 hours of flight time with my Phantom 2 vision plus V3.0 NO ISSUES AT ALL with it, I'm very happy thus far: Just upgraded firmware to 3.14.

Question 1: My DJI app shows my phantom pointing 180 degree's off. I'm behind it its pointing at me and the map is flipped too. I just calibrated the compass on my phone (Per suggestion) I won't know if this worked until later this evening. If anyone has any other idea's on why that happened or how to fix it I'd appreciate it. My phone is an Iphone 5 up to date. It worked fine the first 2 outings, then it suddenly flipped pointing direction.

Question 2: On take off, I followed all instructions. I flew out about 1000 ft, 200 ft up ( I was clearing a hill) flying in GPS mode. I was bringing it back to home and as I was decsending at around 130ft I noticed the Green lights went to red for about 4 secs then back to green. Is this a sign of a potential issue? I had flown one battery prior to this one, the battery had about 65% charge as I was bringing it in.

Sure would appreciate some answers to these.


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United Kingdom

Question 1, the phantom should be pointing away from you, so its the phantom that's 180 degrees off.
Question 2, What flight mode are you in ?
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United States

johnwarr@live.c Posted at 2015-4-30 23:12
Question 1, the phantom should be pointing away from you, so its the phantom that's 180 degrees off. ...


Question 1-Yes you're right the Phantom is 180 off.  Any ideas about that? It worked fine for the first two flight outings, then it went 180 out the third trip out.

Question 2. I had the top right hand (S-1right?)switch all the way up (GPS) I noticed the other switch (S-2) in the middle which wasn't my intention I have been flying with both switches up (As was suggested for beginners) is it possible that the S-2 Switch in the middle caused the red lights to blink on while I was brining it down?

Thanks for your response.
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United States

I have experienced a red light incident when flying as well.  Unfortunately, I have no solution, but want to share the circumstances.

I was flying, and came to hover around 15 feet off ground, near me.  The battery charge remaining was well into the green, also around the 65% point to my recollection.  The red lights came flashing on, and the indication on my Iphone  said low battery.  This lasted maybe 20 seconds, and then the lights returned to green and the charge level was back to green.  I landed and recharged the battery after I let it sit a while.  The charge lights showed 3 lights, so the battery thought there was charge left.

I have taken my packs and totally discharged them per the P2V+ User Manual.  I wanted to be sure the state of charge chip in the battery pack was optimized (Note 2, section 2.5 of manual v1.6)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 6467 ft
United Kingdom

Bushwack, sorry I do owe you an apology, my brain is just not working today, and I read your post as you were standing with the Phantom facing you, hence the pointer 180 degrees out.
I have had a similar problem although it was only 45 degrees out and deleting and re-installing the app fixed it.
As for the brief red flashing, it could have been a false low battery warning, hopefully a one off, but I would keep an eye on it.  
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United States

thpnne@cfl.rr.c Posted at 2015-5-1 02:41
I have experienced a red light incident when flying as well.  Unfortunately, I have no solution, but ...

So did it ever happen again? Manual says to discharge battery's after 20 times. I've got 4 recharges on mine.
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United States

johnwarr@live.c Posted at 2015-5-1 02:55
Bushwack, sorry I do owe you an apology, my brain is just not working today, and I read your post as ...

I reloaded the app, it was still there. I recal'd my phone compass I'll be checking it out this evening and will let you know if it helped.
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United States

Oh and johnwarr no worries, no apology necessary. Its confusing to me too :-)
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United States

Well, that didn't work. Okay.. Still getting the red lights (2X tonight) everything is fine, I let it hover a bit, get 10 Sats and the "Ready to fly" signal on my phone. Flew it up for 80 ft, noticed red lights again (Where green lights are supposed to be) and the "Ready to fly" signal on my phone went red for a sec didn't get a chance to see what it said, then green lights came back on. So I kept flying it didn't happen again.

I am going to discharge both of the batteries I used tonight. Anyone have any other ideas or suggestions for me?

The phantom direction is still wrong on my phone too. Would love to get some help with this, got a big trip planned soon and I got to figure this out before I take it out for some real fun.

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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 11:04
Well, that didn't work. Okay.. Still getting the red lights (2X tonight) everything is fine, I let i ...

Hello BushwackCA

The red light question needs you to tell us if you are in Phantom Mode or Naza Mode in the Assistant software (not where your switches are) to properly answer your question.

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United States

Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 11:13
Hello BushwackCA

The red light question needs you to tell us if you are in Phantom Mode or Naza M ...

I'm flying in beginner mode. Both switches up and didn't change the settings in the DJI assistant yet. I figured I'd fly around a little in GPS mode for a while until I get comfortable.
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United States

BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 11:32
I'm flying in beginner mode. Both switches up and didn't change the settings in the DJI assistant  ...

Oh and Hi Yug
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Axeman Posted at 2015-5-1 11:34
Hey Bushwack I've experienced the red light issue myself usually on a 30-40% charge remaining batter ...

Thanks Axeman. I had over 80% left on battery. I was bringing it down and it was a little windy. Not a lot maybe 5-7 MPH. Tonight if I remember right, I got the red lights mid spin heading different direction.

I also got to thinking about a Ham Radio tower in our area, could that be interfering with it? Maybe I need to move to the other side of the park... Thanks for your input Axe that sure makes me feel a lot better.
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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 11:32
I'm flying in beginner mode. Both switches up and didn't change the settings in the DJI assistant  ...

Hello again BushwackCA

OK if not in Naza then it is not normal (if it is not a sequence of red flashes).

Is it what I think you are saying and that it is one red flash/es every now and again?

When you get the flash does the Phantom do anything unusual?

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United States

Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 11:46
Hello again BushwackCA

OK if not in Naza then it is not normal (if it is not a sequence of red fl ...

No Yug, Phantom doesn't do anything weird, just turns the green lights red for a couple of secs then goes back to green. The green lights aren't solid they blink like the green ones a couple times then back to green
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Axeman Posted at 2015-5-1 11:34
Hey Bushwack I've experienced the red light issue myself usually on a 30-40% charge remaining batter ...

Hello Axe

If that is so then it could be confusing because in Naza we also get a red flash or flashes with the different number of satellites.

Man this hobby keeps the brain cell moving around the inner skull !

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United States

Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 11:50
Hello Axe

If that is so then it could be confusing because in Naza we also get a red flash or fla ...

So would you suggest I move into Naza mode and see what happens? Not sure yet, don't want this thing becoming a meteor, I work for a living and this aint cheap.

Here's what I'm doing now: Discharging both batteries (I used 2 tonight) I hope I'm doing it right, just slap it in the phantom and turn it on until it gets to 8% then recharge right?

After I discharge/charge them, I'm going to the other end of the park and see if the problem is still there. If it is, unless someone has any other ideas, I'll consult tech support... I hear that's fun. LOL
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United States

How about the phone/phantom direction thing? Any ideas about that? Could both of these things be connected?
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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 11:50
No Yug, Phantom doesn't do anything weird, just turns the green lights red for a couple of secs th ...

The only other point is make sure it is red you are seeing not orange because that is something different and I am not sure if the Phantom will only display orange lights when it has lost the required number of satellites for a few seconds (non Gps) or as soon as it has.

Also I think the moment it has lost the Transmitter it will flash orange but it needs to lose it for 3 seconds before FailSafe so if your flash is orange not red then this is the most likely cause (Losing Transmitter signal momentarily)

I know this is a stab in the dark because you said red but thought I would ask to be sure.

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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 12:00
How about the phone/phantom direction thing? Any ideas about that? Could both of these things be con ...

Both Axe and I are Phantom Non Vision so we don't use the phone App sorry.

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United States

Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 12:05
Both Axe and I are Phantom Non Vision so we don't use the phone App sorry.


Nope, they are red as my eyes after a good night... But like I said, it doesn't do anything different just goes red for a couple then back green. I just hope its not an indicator of something going wrong.
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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 11:58
So would you suggest I move into Naza mode and see what happens? Not sure yet, don't want this thi ...

Yes I suggest Naza but not fly until you are confident what Naza can do if you get into trouble.
With switch 1 make sure if you select Naza in Assistant you select position three as failsafe and not manual.
With Switch 2 be careful not to move it from the top position unless you are confident what it does and are wanting the Phantom to Course Lock or Home Lock.

As for the batteries unless you have done 20 charges I would not bother. Up to you.

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Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 12:12
Yes I suggest Naza but not fly until you are confident what Naza can do if you get into trouble.
W ...

Well Sh... Okay, yeah I got one at about 20% I'll let this one get to 8% and recharge. And I'll try the other side of the park in case that Ham radio tower is causing some interference, if that aint it, I'll go to NAZA.

Thanks for your help guys. Really appreciate it.
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United States

Axeman Posted at 2015-5-1 12:15
Here's a lil more reference material for you Bushwacker.
Sorry w ...

Thanks Axe I read those till my eyes bled, don't remember seeing anything about intermittent red lights. I'll check again.

Thanks for your help
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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 12:08
Nope, they are red as my eyes after a good night... But like I said, it doesn't do anything differ ...

In conclusion then it must be a pre cursor to a battery warning but why has got me stumped.

Check the battery main contacts and also the small contacts on both the Phantom and your batteries. Also make sure the battery goes all the way in with the clip doing it's job.

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Axeman This user has been deleted
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Axeman Posted at 2015-5-1 12:28
Read this m ...

you guys are awesome, thanks for the help. I don't see anything that would cause it, nor do I find anyone who has had the issue and then had major malfunctions so that's a plus I guess...

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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 12:21
Well Sh... Okay, yeah I got one at about 20% I'll let this one get to 8% and recharge. And I'll tr ...

Another thing to check is.......

With your battery connected and in Assistant check the three cells are close to equal, the battery remaining life is what you expect.



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United States

Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 12:37
Another thing to check is.......

With your battery connected and in Assistant check the three cell ...

Yeah I did check that, all seems to be just fine.
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BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 13:10
Yeah I did check that, all seems to be just fine.

You've got me BushWacked with no place to go!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States

BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-1 13:10
Yeah I did check that, all seems to be just fine.


I have also gotten the "red light" issue that you speak about. I know with certainty that it occurred on at least two occasions. In the first instance, I had just taken off, got about 30' out and about 50' up and bang, green lights go solid red. I immediately landed and took the bird to the computer. I check everything in the assistant software and found nothing amiss. The second incident was after power up. I had powered on the extender, the Tx and then the bird. I watched my rear lights as I always do. I got required Sats and the rapid green sequences for both Course Lock and Home lock. I throttled up the bird to take off and bang, green lights go red. I did the same as I did the first time, powered down and checked in assistant, again everything is good.

Now here's where it gets a bit mucky. At the time I was using a 3rd party Android app. I was also getting an "MCU Config Error" on my tablet. I have been unable to replicate the error with any of the other Android apps or the stock DJI Vision app with my IOS device. I've had a great deal of communication with the developer of the 3rd party app. He believes that his app is relaying an error to my device that the other apps are also getting but they are not passing the information, or the message that I got to the device. He actually contacted DJI's software developers about the issue and asked them to investigate. I received a note from the developer yesterday and he included the response from DJI. Here is what the developer relayed to me:

"This means one of 2 things: (1) There is an issue in the SDK that DJI cannot find and doesn’t believe is possible, (2) the LEDs are not turning red when the issue is reported and the other apps are ignoring the reports so they give the appearance of not have the issue."

I really don't understand what this means, I'm just relaying the information to everyone here that may be interested.

Here's what little I know at this point. I have been flying the heck out of my bird for the past two months. I have 4 batteries and have at least 35 cycles on each. So approximately 140 battery cycles in total. I have been very careful in pre-flight and maintenance procedures. I cannot attribute any ill effects from the "red light" issue and I'm paying very close attention in case it occurs again so I can continue to try to isolate the cause. If it does occur again I will follow the same procedure. Power down everything, physically check the bird and do so in the assistant software, swap the battery (just in case) and fly.  Since my last occurrence, I have flown at least 40 cycles without incident. I've flown 3 GS missions in excess of 4 miles and even today I ran 8 cycles just running the bird in short bursts as fast as I could get it to go.

Bottom line from my perspective, I don't know what the hell is causing it. I'm paying close attention in case it occurs again but I'm slightly less concerned about it than I was initially. I am not in any way trying to convince anyone that there is no issue (I'm still concerned that there is an issue, I just don't know whether it is serious or not), nor am I suggesting that my course of action is the correct path for anyone else to take. After reading this thread I just felt obligated to relay my experience. Sorry this post is so long but I wanted to be as specific as I could be.

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JtrJr-Droner Posted at 2015-5-1 14:05

I have also gotten the "red light" issue that you speak about. I know with certainty t ...

Hello Jerry

Read your account with interest. unfortunately by powering down the chances of the fault being apparent is slim. Having said that I don't know if you have any other choice. What is needed is a black box type App to have any chance of isolating it.

I presume it has happened to you before the latest update and wonder if you have updated?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States

Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 14:21
Hello Jerry

Read your account with interest. unfortunately by powering down the chances of the fa ...

No Guy, I'm holding off on the update for a while. I don't know what it is but I don't want to throw a wrench in things with the new update until I'm sure the update is working for a majority of the users. Bird flew great the past few days. No issues at all and a heck of a lot of flying!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States

Yug Posted at 2015-5-1 14:21
Hello Jerry

Read your account with interest. unfortunately by powering down the chances of the fa ...

1:30am here, heading to bed. Good night.

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United States

JtrJr-Droner Posted at 2015-5-1 14:05

I have also gotten the "red light" issue that you speak about. I know with certainty t ...

WOW, thanks Jerry, that helps a lot... I've got a theory now after today's tests....

I took my bird to the other side of the park. DJI dance then I flew 2 batteries with ZERO issues regarding red lights.

Then I took it to where I had been flying re did DJI dance, and lifted off w/new battery. 35ft up got the red light blink for a few sec then back to green. I brought the bird down, went to the other side of the park, re-did the DJI dance lifted off with no red lights at all...

So, my theory is: I have a guy in our hood with a Ham Radio tower shooting out of his back yard. Its about 25-30 ft up. Its about 50 yards from my normal flying area (Right across the street) I think I'm getting interference from his equipment.

Is there any chance of that? Is there any ham radio/cell towers etc around where you had the issue Jerry?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States

BushwackCA Posted at 2015-5-2 03:56
WOW, thanks Jerry, that helps a lot... I've got a theory now after today's tests....

I took my bir ...


That's a very interesting theory indeed! I am not aware of any Ham radio or cell tower signals but I do get wireless wifi since I live in a rural area. I suppose it could have something to do with the wireless ISP signal? I'll have to keep an eye on it. Thanks for your thoughts!

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