The unexpected consequences of updating firmware
1617 16 2015-5-3
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Second Officer

United States

(nothing fancy, really wanted to see how close to directly above the tracks I could get it and since there was just a major update to the software I use, I experimented with the new colorboard adjustment feature to see how it works.  So may look funky.  Oh and it got a seal of approval at the end.)

I had decided on a quite intricate GS mission and had done all the planning to the foot/second of flight time. Everything was charged and ready to go.  I just wanted to make sure that my horizontal distance was set at the right limit.  So,not thinking at all about the recent update to 3.14, I hook up my quad and go to the limits tab.  While I was resetting the limit, I get a message "Firmware successfully updated:  WTF?  I didn't ask it to update (I don't think it should do it automatically - it should be my choice, anyway I digress).  So I am thinking "Okay, it just updated, let me do a full cal and an adv. IMU cal."  Which I do and no problems are noticed.

I go out to my planned flight area, get all set up, do the compass dance, go to GS in the app and "What?"  I now know what someone was complaining about in a thread a week or so ago.  There was now a limit of 1600 horizontal feet for GS mission waypoints. I tried to program my flight as planned, but it just would not do it - 1600 feet tops.  My first solution was to stay within my preferred ecosystem as far as devices and platforms go, so I download an app that in its description says it will do what I want.  

After many frustrating hours I am informed that the options described were not in fact available yet.  This is where the 'unexpected consequences' come in.  A good friend wrote and described his system and software he uses for GS flights.  I was hesitant at first.  Reluctant to the point that I drove out of the hills and to the mall and had one in my hands on Friday night, yet, went home empty handed only to go back Saturday and get the device.  I had an excellent teacher in getting the device set up and getting the new app set up. As a result, I was able to go out last night and do some experimental GS runs and again this morning.  I have to say - I LOVE IT!  not for anything else, but for flying the device is excellent and I think I have found my new default flying app.

The turtle - as last night was experimental, I had the FPV resolution set to the lowest.  I could not see anything but fuzz on my screen.  I had no idea the turtle was there - it was purely accidental that he was under the quad when I went close to the water.  I knew there were no geese, never thought about turtles.  I had a GS planned for this morning, actually two of them.  The first went off great.  The second (learned the first glitch with the software) I didn't because when I got there it said my mission was almost 6 miles long and would take 28 minutes.  I was confused.  So I just flew around in ATTI for the duration of a battery.  When I got home I realized what had happened.  I did not shut down the app, just closed it to the task manager so when I go to the next point, it was including the driving distance between the two as if I was going to start from where I currently was.   Anyway, the mission is saved and I will go back and fly it this evening.

Hopefully I won't be as slow as the turtle in getting some more vids up.  I do have a lot of work that needs to get done and of course, as soon as everything is charged back up, I could always be lured into more flight time.


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United States

so - first "lessons learned" is if you don't want autoupdate to occur - disconnect your PC from the internet when running Phantom Asst?

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Second Officer

United States

MAD In NC Posted at 2015-5-3 22:51
so - first "lessons learned" is if you don't want autoupdate to occur - disconnect your PC from the  ...

If I had known it was going to update automatically, I would not have connected and started the Assist software.  So yes, that lesson was learned.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States


Glad you're in the air again! I love the turtle, he must have seen the bird and come up to investigate. I'm being very careful about the auto update as well. I don't want it updating until I tell it to. After about 4 hours I got the bent gimbal arm replaced. I don't want to do that again any time soon. Ran my first test flight a few minutes ago. Looks good so far. Looking forward to some more videos, a bridge perhaps!

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Second Officer

United States

JtrJr-Droner Posted at 2015-5-3 23:47

Glad you're in the air again! I love the turtle, he must have seen the bird and come up to inv ...

As it turns out the update didn't harm anything.  In fact, I swear my quad sound 'healthier' and more powerful.  In any case it has flown flawlessly and I have every confidence in it.  Glad you got the gimbal straightened out.

Got one more vid almost done on youtube and at least two more to process.  Have to go run some errands so may not get to anymore until tonight.

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Second Officer

United States

Last one for now.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States

nrgwise Posted at 2015-5-4 00:57
I don't get it.  I up load a video and it is HD but youtube won't play it at anything greater than 3 ...


I noticed a few of mine coming up at 480p or360p as well but when I go to the icon in the lower left corner of the YouTube screen, the gear, I can manually change it to 720p and the view does change. I don't have any idea why it does this, internet speed maybe?

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United States

What are the normal ground station horizontal limits?
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Second Officer

United States

trsmith18@hotma Posted at 2015-5-4 03:40
What are the normal ground station horizontal limits?

With the DJI app - 1600 ft. apparently.  Mine weren't always limited to that.  Only after the update to 3.14 did it start that.  Before that I had no limit and all I used was the DJI app.
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Second Officer

United States

In the previous two updates I had the limits. However there is a DJI app that had only been modified to remove the limits.  The only thing is you have to be mindful of the flight time and distance so you can make it back. If interested do an Internet search on ilovecoffee.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States


Beautiful country! Love the scenes and the music on Sunrise on Stratton Hill. That test GS run will be great when the train is coming through! Thanks for the Videos and the story.

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Second Officer

United States

roy@mcscomputer Posted at 2015-5-4 04:26
In the previous two updates I had the limits. However there is a DJI app that had only been modified ...

I am very pleased with what I have moved to.  More than meets my needs.  I improved my FPV screen significantly and my flight planning/capabilities significantly as well.
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Second Officer

United States

JtrJr-Droner Posted at 2015-5-4 04:33

Beautiful country! Love the scenes and the music on Sunrise on Stratton Hill. That test GS r ...

When the train is coming through I plan on being much lower in altitude.  This is where I either need two Phantoms or two people with phantoms or at least two people one having a video camera for footage or have to do it in two separate shoots and combine which would not be shot under the same conditions nor of the same train.  I can't drive fast enough to be set up at a different locations on the same train on the same run.  I can if just using my camera, but not with the quad - only so many places I can get that in the air where I can also get near the tracks and safely park the car.  Now if I had a truck still, that would be different.
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United States

The limits were always there green circle at 500m on the map was the max distance you could plan out a GS mission. This is not something that is specific to 3.14.  Been that way since 3.08. It sucks but it is what it is.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States

Can't contribute to your software issue as I've yet to attemt a GS flight.  As to your turtle, I'm surprised there was only one.  Sheesh, my pond is lousy with 'em.  some of them are freaking HUGE.  Maybe if I acquired a taste for turtle soup I could thin out the herd.
(Hmm, what DO you call a group of turtles... )
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United States

gil Posted at 2015-5-4 06:43
Can't contribute to your software issue as I've yet to attemt a GS flight.  As to your turtle, I'm s ...

a bale or turn of turtles

(see ... you-call-a-group-of)
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Second Officer

United States

gil Posted at 2015-5-4 06:43
Can't contribute to your software issue as I've yet to attemt a GS flight.  As to your turtle, I'm s ...

A yurdle of turtles of course!
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