Newbie about to buy Phantom 2 -questions
1382 8 2015-5-7
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Flight distance : 80810 ft
United Kingdom

Hi, I'm looking to buy a Phantom 2 (probably Vision + V3, probably from ebay in the UK) and have a few questions...

1. I like the idea of the Vision+ because of the integrated live feed of video back to my phone.  I have assumed I would not get this if I bought a non+ (gimbal only) then a Go Pro 3.  Is that right?

2. I assume I should go for a V3 machine as there is hardware diff as well as SW and so would be tricky (pos expensive) to updgrade.  Also thinking re-sale value.  Is this right?

3. I assume it's not worth going for a Phantom 3 at this point as they will be ~50% more than a S/H P2 - is there any really compeling reason to go for a P3?

4. I hear mention of 'PC based flight simulation software' that can help train, does this come with the QC? or is it an extra cost?

Any other advice on buying S/H machines that I should be aware of?



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Flight distance : 6467 ft
United Kingdom

Personally I would not touch a second-hand Phantom, unless you can visit the owner and he/she can demonstrate it all working as it should.

Now onto your questions :-
1. Correct, the Vision or Vision +, have built-in First Person View via the Vision app for smartphones, the GoPro alternative will need a FPV kit fitted, although S/H you might find one already done.
2. I have a V2 its fine, V3 better, Phantom 3 better again, its all down to how much you want to spend. Resale ? forget it, whatever you buy is going to loose money fast, even faster if you let it flyaway. Do not spend more than you can comfortably do without.
3. The Phantom 3 has a  lot going for it and frankly it was released at a crazy low price, probably to stick two fingers up at the competition and make a statement.
4. The Phantom 3 pilot app has a simulator on iOS with Android coming, but apart from that, no, you will need to find a PC sim that works.
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Bear in mind that the Phantom 3 seems to be sold out right now.  It is certainly better than the P2, except you may have to wait some time.

For me the two main advantages over the P2 are:
1) improved camera, i.e. rectilinear lens, rather than the P2's fisheye lens with fuzzy corners.
2) Ground sensors on it's belly for controlled flight indoors or without GPS.

Otherwise, go for one of these: ... -phantom-2-fpv.html

That's the most expensive option, especially after adding on the cost of a Hero 4 Black GoPro, which is a very good camera.

The disadvantage is that it is not as fully integrated as the Vision+ and the new P3.  Some apps may not work correctly, if at all.  The Hero 4 Black GoPro lacks GPS tagging in photos for example.
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United States

Have you flown RC before?  If not a simulator and low cost durable trainer are definite aids.
The  SIm is not a compelling reason for a P3  vs P2.  But it is a help if you buy the P3.

You should not train on Phantom to learn how to fly.  While they are relatively easy to fly they still are aircraft and what goes up comes down.
It does take some skill to fly well and this usually involves some number of crashes - hence a ow cost durable trainer like a Latrax ALias.

You can crash repeatedly and once you can fly it well the Phantom will be a piece of cake.
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Not sure about the UK, but some stores over here have stock ready to ship. The people who ordered early are still waiting, but the stores got their stock and some have leftovers. l got mine 4 days after ordering.
Your point number 3: if you want the same camera, the P3 Advanced is actually cheaper than the P2V+V3 (over here anyway). lt has benefits like lightbridge and the flight sim, and VPS if you consider it a plus.
Second batteries are not yet in stock with the P3s so that is a hindrance for a couple of weeks. And the P3 doesn't let you do waypoints yet.
l guess it depends on what you want it to do, but cost-wise the P3 is very good.
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Flight distance : 80810 ft
United Kingdom

joe@heliflightc Posted at 2015-5-7 21:02
Have you flown RC before?  If not a simulator and low cost durable trainer are definite aids.
The  S ...

Thanks Joe, I am considering a low-cost 'learner' but equally, I don't want to spend £400 on a trainer and then £700 on another if I can get away with it.  A friend is taking me to try his P2 tonight, so we will see!  Thanks for the recom on the trainer though - although I have not seen that one in the UK, need to google.
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United States

I see the Alias for £119  in UK.  So not very expensive.  Maybe just one crash?  It is more money upfront but I can guarantee it will be less in the long run.
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United States

The Phantom is easy to fly and very durable. No flight simulator necessary, but you should keep it low and in a wide-open (treeless) area until you are very proficient with the controls. I'd also recommend removing the camera---and just practice flying for the first few flights, so when you crash the camera will be unhurt.  Come to think of it, maybe a flight simulator WOULD help eliminate the first few minor crashes...
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United States

I would agree the Phantom is very easy to fly and very durable. I would say if you fly in an open Grassfield you would be fine.
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