testing range on second flight //Kicked out of park.
1788 10 2015-5-17
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United States

I took my phantom 3 out last week to do a little more testing. Up until this point I hadn't taken it beyond 500 meters. Anyway I took it out to about 1600 meters and I still had full signal for video and control. This is a more real world setting with hills and lots of trees so I was very impressed. Problem is as I was taking it further a park ranger came up to inform me I couldn't fly it in that park. He then asked where it was and I said about 5000 feet away. He was impressed and then stayed to watch me bring it in. He said he wished he could have one of them to patrol the park. It really is too bad these have such a bad rep. Everyone's perception is making it tough for me to find a place to fly.
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United States

I have not had anything like that happen yet in PA. I would be very pissed since my taxes pay for that public park. If we can't fly our birds then I assume no one can fly kits or throw a Frisbee. I hate hearing this crap. I have stopped calling them drones cause for some reason drones are bad..
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Flight distance : 119137 ft
United States

That sucks that you weren't allowed to fly your P3 in the park. At least the ranger was cool about it and watching over a park would be a good use for  a P3. Maybe you could go to different parks and show them the P3 and  maybe they'll allow the Rangers to fly them and allow people at the park to use them too.
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United States

Photography in a public place, while not interfering with the duty/investigation of a public official is protected under the constitution. Some state parks have regulations regarding commercial photography, but I don't think a casual hobbyist flying a "pro-sumer" RC device with a camera attached qualifies.  
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United States

jdwebb Posted at 2015-5-18 13:04
Photography in a public place, while not interfering with the duty/investigation of a public officia ...

When at length they become small, and silent...all of these problems shall pass.

'Silent' is actually the tougher nut than 'small,' oddly enough.
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Mr. Clear
Flight distance : 232566 ft
United States

Park personnel are uninformed and/or confused about aerial cameras, so it's up to us pilots to enlighten them. I try to fly away from the park office or station, just to avoid taking time out to educate them. If engaged by  park personnel, I identify myself as a nature photographer. I carry my AMA card, copies of the current Federal Law that specifically exempts model aircraft from FAA regulation (until the new regs are issued in 2016), as well as the new Florida Law that only regulates the surveillance of persons and property. When using the device for my property inspection work, I carry my Florida Professional License as stated in new Florida Law. Unless there is a specific local rule or ordinance that park personnel can cite and show, You're good to go. Be calm, courteous and leave if you think that you can be unlawfully detained. Try to get the park staffers name(s) and document the encounter, then contact your local AMA Chapter and elected officials requesting written clarification. If it's positive, go back to the park and show it to them.
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United States

Yes, I agree. Being inconspicuous is the key, and having the appropriate documents is also being responsible. After doing some limited research, I have seen where National parks have issued restrictions, but from everything I've read, Congress is the only entity of the US National park system that can make rules,  National parks themselves can't just make up rules. I'm not in favor of confrontation, but flying in areas where there are no people and there is a high degree of safety, I will fly until I get caught. And while we're at it, we might as well ban bicycles, skateboards, all aircraft,  motorcycles, weed whackers, chainsaws...as far as noise and things falling from the sky and things that injure people, where does it end?
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United States

What's an AMA, what is it for and how do i get one?
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United States

Academy of Model Aeronotics
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Flight distance : 348022 ft
United States

Mr. Clear Posted at 2015-5-18 21:52
Park personnel are uninformed and/or confused about aerial cameras, so it's up to us pilots to enlig ...

Mr. Clear,
Can you help clarify if there is an exemption for the Mode C "Veil" for model aircraft?  I've seen conflicting things... and basically everyone says it's a gray area.  I am a pilot, both at work and for fun, and now with my Phantom 3 too!  I truly understand the need to stay away from airports, but what I'm thinking is, for example, a flight at 100 feet, 29 miles from a major/class B airport that would have the Mode C requirement.  I can't see how that could be unsafe at all, but I also don't want to have my FAA license in jeopardy!  Thanks for the help.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
  • >>>
United States

hyosofi Posted at 2015-5-19 07:33
What's an AMA, what is it for and how do i get one?

When you join you are pledging NOT to fly like the OP did........
Line of Sight (LOS) is the only accepted method of flying- in general that means close enough to you that you can see and control it. Binoculars not allowed.

Even the new proposals which allow 500 feet instead of 400 specify LOS.
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