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6248 50 2018-2-10
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Hi all!!   Hope you can help and give me an advice as Im not sure how to tackle this situation.

So I went out to enjoy a day in the park with my Mavic PRO.  Everyhing connected as it should and assisted takeoff was initiated. Home poit recorded (return to home altituted set @ 164ft) Started to ascend and fly away. At 116ft altitude and 151ft away from my takeoff position I lost all conection. Not sure wat happened to the drone as I was checking the screen at the moment of incident. When looked up in the air, the drone was nowhere to be seen so i'm not sure which direction it has traveled. Was hoping it would fly back to takeoff location, but it never has. Spent 3hrs serching the area whithout any luck. Also tried using "find my drone" option, but that did not work.  Any advise much appreciated!!!



last seen

last seen


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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Can you upload the flight log this may give a clue to what happened and posible last flight direction.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 9109311 ft

Upload your flight log from your device HERE
and post back the link to it.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Here is the log you have requested. Hope this helps.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 920489 ft

I am sorry for your loss  
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Mohinder Posted at 2018-2-10 17:57
I am sorry for your loss

Was saving so long for this drone    
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Flight distance : 1624 ft

I dont think thats the right log. Does the flight path look correct?
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Simmo1 Posted at 2018-2-10 18:08
I dont think thats the right log. Does the flight path look correct?

Yes, only thing is the line should be a bit higher over the visible path.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 9109311 ft

crafchyk Posted at 2018-2-10 18:14
Yes, only thing is the line should be a bit higher over the visible path.

Not much to see in the log. It is just hovering and waiting for commands the last seconds.

Have you contacted Dji Support?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 9109311 ft

crafchyk Posted at 2018-2-10 18:14
Yes, only thing is the line should be a bit higher over the visible path.

Are you sure this is the only log? If the app crass and restart it make new log.
There seams to bee some misleading info on your photos from find my drone.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

G_Sig Posted at 2018-2-10 18:54
Not much to see in the log. It is just hovering and waiting for commands the last seconds.

Not yet.  
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

G_Sig Posted at 2018-2-10 19:14
Are you sure this is the only log? If the app crass and restart it make new log.
There seams to bee some misleading info on your photos from find my drone.

Yes, this is the only log I have from today. The green line on "find my drone" is just pointing to my location.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2018645 ft

Something doesn't seem right..
My guess is:
1. It fell due to complete lost of power
2. It landed due to lost of GPS & RC signals
3. It flew to an imaginary home point (incorrect recording of home point)
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Flight distance : 1624 ft

Nup, I was wrong....
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Terribly sorry to hear about your case, have you contacted our support and reported this case to them? If not, please contact our support to start a ticket, we will help to make data analysis if the drone is under warranty period (within 12 months old), if it's a warranty case, we will compensate the drone according to After-Sales Policy.
Here’s the link to contact us: http://www.dji.com/support
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 10562290 ft

does this kind of stuff happen often?  This makes me very nervous as I just purchased one yesterday.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Picanoc Jack Posted at 2018-2-11 00:48
does this kind of stuff happen often?  This makes me very nervous as I just purchased one yesterday.

This was first issue I had with mine after about 4 months of owning it and was @ around 80 flights.
Hope this doesn't happen to any one else. Its a terrible feeling and a weird one too. I feel almost as my dog ran away and is somewhere out there. .... i know weird.  
I also had a police officer come up to me asking what I was doing. When I explained what happen he was nice enough to help me search until he got called in.  Good cops do exist.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-2-11 00:41
Terribly sorry to hear about your case, have you contacted our support and reported this case to them? If not, please contact our support to start a ticket, we will help to make data analysis if the drone is under warranty period (within 12 months old), if it's a warranty case, we will compensate the drone according to After-Sales Policy.
Here’s the link to contact us: http://www.dji.com/support

Just emailed the customer support now with all the info.  Purchased the drone in November.
Not sure how to upload the flight record on there though. I gave them a link to this thread, may be they can use the info from here?  Thanks for your help!!
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 10562290 ft

well thank you for your reply and I am hoping that you do find your drone,  I will keep looking at this in order to find out if you had any success.
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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

i am confused why there are 2 green lines showing differant paths although more or less paralel. did you fly over the path or over the trees. Any way my guess it that it maybe got clipped by the top of a tree. Lucky for you both green lines end in the bush so probably no one else will find it and should be there somewhere. I would go to the point according your gps location and look up in the trees. stand a distance away from the "gps crash point" to see what the tops of the trees look like - then go to the base of those trees around that area and look trough the trees one for one. also check the ground, it can get blown out by the wind. hope you come right
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Bekaru Tree Posted at 2018-2-11 08:38
i am confused why there are 2 green lines showing differant paths although more or less paralel. did you fly over the path or over the trees. Any way my guess it that it maybe got clipped by the top of a tree. Lucky for you both green lines end in the bush so probably no one else will find it and should be there somewhere. I would go to the point according your gps location and look up in the trees. stand a distance away from the "gps crash point" to see what the tops of the trees look like - then go to the base of those trees around that area and look trough the trees one for one. also check the ground, it can get blown out by the wind. hope you come right

I was flying over the path towards  the trees. I was above the tree line @ 120'  The green line from the screen with "missing duration" is not the line of travel. That's pointing to my physical location when I used "find my done" in the app. I searched for about 3 hours. I even had help from a police officer and another random guy that showed up also to fly his drone.  We had lots of snowfall over night so that just made things worse.  : (
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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

give me an idea where you launched from (take off position) A - B or C or other
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Bekaru Tree Posted at 2018-2-11 11:09
give me an idea where you launched from (take off position) A - B or C or other

Take off position @ C,  lost it @ X.   That's only about 160' from take off position. I was looking at the screen to align the camera to capture a video and that's when I lost it. When I looked in the sky it was gone.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

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Hello. Just a hunch. Did you noticed anyone around? Mavic dji series especially Pro series have robust communication system called occusync that is very resistive to transient signal losses and common interferences. So, considering such little distance, your situation (total loss of all communications suddenly) with high probability would be JAMMER effect. See droneshield.com to have small idea about what I said. Regards.

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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

without knowing your take off position these are just my best guesses. i am working from the assumption that it either crashed into a tree or landed in a tree. the trees that i have marked below appear to be the tallest trees there. my guess is either tree D or the trees other side of the building from tree D.
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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

all i can suggest is the following - go to google earth to this place. using the ruler function start at your launch position and make an arc 50m down (or what your distance away from home your drone was last recorded at according to your records - i think it was about 50 m)
When i do this then the line goes over some trees marked in my image sent previously (tree C or D)
the arc also goes through about the centre of the building (ontop of which is a high arial) - check that it is not hung in the arial tower.
and then some other trees before the end of the path on the left side - some of them look pretty tall.

good luck
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Bekaru Tree Posted at 2018-2-11 11:54
all i can suggest is the following - go to google earth to this place. using the ruler function start at your launch position and make an arc 50m down (or what your distance away from home your drone was last recorded at according to your records - i think it was about 50 m)
When i do this then the line goes over some trees marked in my image sent previously (tree C or D)
the arc also goes through about the centre of the building (ontop of which is a high arial) - check that it is not hung in the arial tower.

Currently there are no leaves in the trees so it was fairly easy checking through all tree tops.
Like i mentioned before, I searched the area pretty well with two other people.  Although  there is a lot of snow on the ground and its a steep hill where the trees grow making the search difficult.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

PedramN Posted at 2018-2-11 11:33
Hello. Just a hunch. Did you noticed anyone around? Mavic dji series especially Pro series have robust communication system called occusync that is very resistive to transient signal losses and common interferences. So, considering such little distance, your situation (total loss of all communications suddenly) with high probability would be JAMMER effect. See droneshield.com to have small idea about what I said. Regards.

There were some people in the park at the time of incident, but  mostly just kids sliding and having fun in the snow. I don't think anyone would bring such a sophisticated device to the park like a jammer.
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Bekaru Tree
First Officer
Flight distance : 15513100 ft
South Africa

crafchyk Posted at 2018-2-11 12:06
Currently there are no leaves in the trees so it was fairly easy checking through all tree tops.
Like i mentioned before, I searched the area pretty well with two other people.  Although  there is a lot of snow on the ground and its a steep hill where the trees grow making the search difficult.

shame man - good luck - i am sure it is there - i hope you find it - check the aerial, it could be hung up there
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crafchyk Posted at 2018-2-11 12:09
There were some people in the park at the time of incident, but  mostly just kids sliding and having fun in the snow. I don't think anyone would bring such a sophisticated device to the park like a jammer.

Hi , again. Some of these jammer solutions are only in size of a mobile and could be effective via some distance. Tottal sudden loss of communications in Mavic is so wired. But also, I wish you luck and good chance to find baby mavic. Good luck man.
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Flight distance : 1008924 ft
United States

You were right there by me I know that area well. I hope you have good luck sorry to hear you lost your MP.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 10774613 ft
United States

PedramN Posted at 2018-2-11 12:26
Hi , again. Some of these jammer solutions are only in size of a mobile and could be effective via some distance. Tottal sudden loss of communications in Mavic is so wired. But also, I wish you luck and good chance to find baby mavic. Good luck man.

Jammers are expensive and using one in these circumstances would be highly illegal where he was flying, so it's extremely unlikely that this is what occurred.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Hi all!
Thought I would update on how this turned out. Here is part of my conversation with DJI tech support,

For your claimed case XXX-XXXXXX-XXX, we have already finished the analysis, and the result is as follows:
1. The aircraft worked in GPS mode, and responded to the pilot's command well;
2. At flight time 01'08'', H=35.3 m, D=45.9 m, the flight record ended. The last point: 41.6794755 -87.8634244.
With the record ended without any sign of abnormality, we could not verify what happened afterwards.
We truly appreciate your support for DJI. If you could not recover the product and consider to purchase another aircraft,
we can try to especially apply for a 30% off coupon for aircraft without charger and remote.

I appreciate your help and time. I do agree that the aircraft responded correctly while it had connection. The abnormality of flight record ending is it ended mid air and never reconnected, unless DJI considers this to be perfectly normal and acceptable occurrence.
One of the big selling points on your product is "return to home" option when something like "connection lost" occurs.
This is where the drone failed me. It never returned to home point which was set at time of take off.  A friend of mine is already paranoid to fly his drone after I informed him what has happened to mine. Also, not to mention the 60GB
memory card loaded with personal footage in the drone. Is there any chance you can reconsider a better offer? It just hurts to lose $1000 piece of equipment do to software failure and having to spend another $585 three months later.

Thanks for getting back to us and sorry for the late reply caused by traditional Chinese New Year holiday.
We really want to figure out why the aircraft didn’t return to home. Because if it’s pilot error, we want to give advice to the customers and also if it’s not, we want to improve our products.
However for this case, the cause was not recorded.
The aircraft showed no signs of a manufacturing defect or malfunction. Since we did not find any conclusive information to explain the detail of the incident, a 30% discount was offered.  If we could help to get higher discount, there is no reason why I don’t do that for you. For this case, 30% off for Mavic Pro without charger and remote is already the best offer for you based on the analysis result while obeying the warranty policy.  
We are sorry about the frustrating experience you have had. We assure you we do not deliver this result lightly. We carefully examined your case, and are confident the data assessment is accurate.
We have offered you the 30% discount, as a sincere gesture of our apology. You are not obligated to re-order the lost product, but if you choose to do so, we are here to help.
For the SD card, we feel sorry for your loss. If it was purchased from our official online store, please kindly offer us the proof invoice or related order number, then we can try to see if we can especially add this to the 30% off coupon code for you as well.
Again, we apologize for your loss.

Any thoughts on this?  
Use props
Kibosh 3

That's garbage... pretty scary to see that DJI does not support their customers when their product appears to be faulty.

Does not inspire confidence to use any DJI products if it can just randomly disconnect and have customer support offer you only 30% off a repurchase ...
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

Kibosh 3 Posted at 2018-2-25 18:13
That's garbage... pretty scary to see that DJI does not support their customers when their product appears to be faulty.

Does not inspire confidence to use any DJI products if it can just randomly disconnect and have customer support offer you only 30% off a repurchase ...

Well from what I understand, since I didn't have a video recording (my memory cache was full) I don't have enough proof to support my statement and what has actually happened. I would think that i had solid argument since the "return home" option was engaged during a take off and is shown it the flight record but it never returned home after lost connection.  I guess according to DJI tech support its perfectly normal and they didn't find any issues with the software and 30% discount makes it OK.   :/
I still think that DJI makes great equipment but thought they would stand a bit more behind their product.
Use props
Flight distance : 16860 ft

That was the last reply of DJI? I just created a ticket towards their support, I had the exact same issue. The drone was only 2:45min in the air and all of a sudden connection was lost. I was also looking at my screen so I didn't really see what happened. In a matter of maybe 10 seconds the drone went MIA. It was a Mavic Air and only 3 weeks old. I really hope DJI will replace this drone completely free because this is clearly a technical issue.

Using the find my drone function and all log files I just get the last location I was flying on 120m altitude. If the drone crashed it probably wouldn't fall straight down? I already looked for hours and I will look more but I'm starting to lose hope.

A brand new Mavic Air gone! DJI please replace!
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

tw_stockman Posted at 2018-3-24 23:55
That was the last reply of DJI? I just created a ticket towards their support, I had the exact same issue. The drone was only 2:45min in the air and all of a sudden connection was lost. I was also looking at my screen so I didn't really see what happened. In a matter of maybe 10 seconds the drone went MIA. It was a Mavic Air and only 3 weeks old. I really hope DJI will replace this drone completely free because this is clearly a technical issue.

Using the find my drone function and all log files I just get the last location I was flying on 120m altitude. If the drone crashed it probably wouldn't fall straight down? I already looked for hours and I will look more but I'm starting to lose hope.

Hi there. Sorry to hear this. I know the feeling.
Unfortunately yes, my case ended in receiving a 30% discount for a new aircraft and battery which I didn't use yet. I have till the end of this month to request a discount code and that another month to use it.
Trying to postpone as much as I can in hopes the prices will drop a bit.

     Maybe if we put our two cases together, or if you use mine as an example they wont tell you that everything functioned properly as they told me. This is my  case # CAS-1482450-Z4G1X2 if you want to use it against them.   Did you start another thread on here?
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Flight distance : 16860 ft

crafchyk Posted at 2018-3-26 04:08
Hi there. Sorry to hear this. I know the feeling.
Unfortunately yes, my case ended in receiving a 30% discount for a new aircraft and battery which I didn't use yet. I have till the end of this month to request a discount code and that another month to use it.
Trying to postpone as much as I can in hopes the prices will drop a bit.

Hi! I luckily retrieved the drone the day after but sidenote: drone was completely demolished. It crashed from an altitude of 120m, no idea how this happened and I can't ready out the .DAT files from the drone, that's apparently only something DJI can do... I opened a repair case with data analysis and shipped my DJI Mavic Air today. I absolutely hope DJI comes back with a fair solution because I really can't see any other option than a tech failure. When I lost connection the drone had 82% battery and when I found it in the morning it still had 78% so there must have happened a complete shutdown of the drone... If they don't offer a fair solution I will mention your case although it was actually with another drone.
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Flight distance : 272195 ft
United States

tw_stockman Posted at 2018-3-27 12:44
Hi! I luckily retrieved the drone the day after but sidenote: drone was completely demolished. It crashed from an altitude of 120m, no idea how this happened and I can't ready out the .DAT files from the drone, that's apparently only something DJI can do... I opened a repair case with data analysis and shipped my DJI Mavic Air today. I absolutely hope DJI comes back with a fair solution because I really can't see any other option than a tech failure. When I lost connection the drone had 82% battery and when I found it in the morning it still had 78% so there must have happened a complete shutdown of the drone... If they don't offer a fair solution I will mention your case although it was actually with another drone.

Man that sucks! So I'm thinking its same thing that happen to me but I wasn't able to find mine after  
4hrs of searching. I even had a police officer help me search the woods for like 30 min after he told me I should be flying in the park.  Hopefully DJI will be able to get more info from your drone and make you a better deal. Keep us posted and best of luck!
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