FAA Part 107 Airspace Question
7755 50 2017-1-31
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Mark The Droner Posted at 2018-1-11 09:56
Now I'm double confused.

This is not a DJI Geo fence thread.  It has nothing to do with DJI or their geo fences.  This is a 107 thread.  You can tell because it says "107" in the title.  

I give up, you win...
I am very sure in time you will come to the proper conclusion and figure it all out correctly...
Take it easy
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M.C. Pilot
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Genghis9 Posted at 2018-1-11 16:03
I give up, you win...
I am very sure in time you will come to the proper conclusion and figure it all out correctly...
Take it easy

Genghis9 you are too funny....  

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Stan B
Flight distance : 44580 ft

Old thread but so confusing for no reason.  Maybe this will help someone who just stumbled upon it.

1.  The OP is probably in Class D so you need to file airspace authorization with the FAA.   But Airmap still gives me warnings when I'm in Class E extensions so who knows.

2.  Part 107 - as long as you're in "uncontrolled" (G airspace) you are not required to notify any airports that are within your 5 mile radius.  I do anyways because many of those smaller airports don't know the rules, and also as a general courtesy.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Stan B Posted at 2018-3-27 14:15
1.  The OP is probably in Class D so you need to file airspace authorization with the FAA.   But Airmap still gives me warnings when I'm in Class E extensions so who knows.

To be clear, the OP went to a fair amount of trouble to make it clear he was flying underneath Class D.  Unfortunately, I don't think there's a such thing as flying underneath Class D since my understanding is Class D isn't tiered like C and B.  

Thanks for posting
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Flight distance : 719 ft
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RE: FAA Part 107 Airspace Question

Stan B Posted at 2018-3-27 14:15
Old thread but so confusing for no reason.  Maybe this will help someone who just stumbled upon it.

1.  The OP is probably in Class D so you need to file airspace authorization with the FAA.   But Airmap still gives me warnings when I'm in Class E extensions so who knows.

I am going to pull this question back out of the internet graveyard for a minute.  I was searching around for the same questions.  I also had the same understanding regarding a Part 107 pilot in G airspace within 5 miles of an airport.  

I reached out to the local airport manager to get his understanding.  It is an uncontrolled Class E airspace with a 700' AGL floor.  So, the normal 400' AGL ceiling for sUAS ops should be kosher, and part 107 per the regs is not required to notify the airport.  Or so I thought.  

He said he reached out to the FAA because he wanted clarification on why Part 107 pilots did not need to notify him.  Here is the interesting part.  The FAA told him that it was an oversight when they wrote the regs and they are going to revise it to require all sUAS operation within 5 miles to notify the airport.  So, despite the regs not requiring it (meaning there is not much they can do if you don't), my local airport is requesting all ops within 5 miles notify them per this FAA communication.  

Anybody heard of this being an FAA screw-up and that airports want the notification anyway?  I do not have an issue with notifying them, they have made it really easy with an online form.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

I've never heard of such a thing.  

Also, the 107 pilots are not supposed to communicate with the tower directly.  They're supposed to use the new LAANC system, or if that's not available, file a request through FAA's "DroneZone Portal."    So how does this supposedly new upcoming regulation transfer to Class G airports?  

Another point - from what I've read in various posts, a lot of these airport managers don't have a clear understanding of how UASs are regulated so it seems to me he could possibly be confused/mistaken about what he told you.  If he was actually a Class E airport, meaning Class E at the surface (which is rare but they do exist), he would be correct in requiring notification, but the 107 pilot would have to do it through the proper channels.  But if the Class E is overhead, the airport is likely a Class G, and there are no notification requirements for a 107 flight.

Here's a somewhat recent (two months ago) FAA Part 107 news item summary and there isn't a mention of a coming Class G UAS regulation change.


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Flight distance : 719 ft
United States

Mark The Droner Posted at 2018-9-25 06:00
I've never heard of such a thing.  

Also, the 107 pilots are not supposed to communicate with the tower directly.  They're supposed to use the new LAANC system, or if that's not available, file a request through FAA's "DroneZone Portal."    So how does this supposedly new upcoming regulation transfer to Class G airports?  

You are correct, the airport is itself in G and uncontrolled with a 700' E around (and over) it.  They have set up a web form on their webpage to send notification to them, so it is really easy to do for hobbyist flying within the 5 mile radius.  

He remains convinced that despite the fact his airport is indeed G and requires no notification from part 107 pilots per the regs, that he can still require it per the email traffic he has back and forth with the FAA and that the regs are going to change to make it required "anytime now".
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

fans36928848 Posted at 2018-9-25 07:36
You are correct, the airport is itself in G and uncontrolled with a 700' E around (and over) it.  They have set up a web form on their webpage to send notification to them, so it is really easy to do for hobbyist flying within the 5 mile radius.  

He remains convinced that despite the fact his airport is indeed G and requires no notification from part 107 pilots per the regs, that he can still require it per the email traffic he has back and forth with the FAA and that the regs are going to change to make it required "anytime now".

Okay - well, I guess we'll see.   THANKS  :-)  
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Flight distance : 719 ft
United States

The reply I got from the FAA.

9:46 AM (59 minutes ago)
to me

Mr Brown

Thank you for contacting the FAA's Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Support Center.

14 CFR Part 107.41 states:

§107.41   Operation in certain airspace.

No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in Class B, Class C, or Class D airspace or within the lateral boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport unless that person has prior authorization from Air Traffic Control (ATC).

If the airport is not surface area Class E, but as you state Class E with a 700' AGL floor, then you do not require ATC authorization and you are not required to notify the airport.  

Keep in mind Part 107.43 goes on to say:

§107.43   Operation in the vicinity of airports.

No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft in a manner that interferes with operations and traffic patterns at any airport, heliport, or seaplane base.

With that in mind, if you are going to operating in that airspace on a regular basis then even though you are not required to notify, a courtesy call may assuage any potential conflicts.
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Flight distance : 719 ft
United States

Seems nothing has changed from what we all knew.  The airport just appears to making its own rule to enforce the hobbyist requirement on Part 107 pilots with no real regulatory teeth behind it.  
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Flight distance : 706539 ft
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United States

Do you have a Part 107 and also fly DJI? If so we need you please goto - https://www.facebook.com/groups/DJIPart107RemotePilotNation/
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