200m away, Spark loosing connection, GPS and compass, all on same...
3968 87 2018-5-29
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First Officer

JJBspark Posted at 2018-6-4 04:16

As i said to you I never make fun about people.


Case Closed now. Lets move on.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13365584 ft
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DMX_MT Posted at 2018-6-4 04:22

Here you go - so you won't edit it.

LOL, my text was written in general. So "all" does not equals your name.

But happy that you translate my dutch saying and got the feeling that it was written solely for you, actually it was not.
But your reaction means to me that i triggered your conscience, well that is bonus for you and this forum.

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First Officer

JJBspark Posted at 2018-6-4 04:30
LOL, my text was written in general. So "all" does not equals your name.

But happy that you translate my dutch saying and got the feeling that it was written solely for you, actually it was not.

No problem JJB, its clear enough for me if it was in general or not.

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Flight distance : 500597 ft

Peace, Love and Understanding to all of you!
I wrote this tread to be able to know more about my problem!

Thanks to you guys I have learned:
1. alot more information how I could analyze my flights.
2. I’m not alone with the problem.
3. If I train and prepare better I could hande the situation better in future.
4. There exsist a floating jacket för Spark.

I appresiate all input from you all, but I’m sorry for you getting upset with each other because of my post.
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First Officer

ThomasLydhig Posted at 2018-6-4 06:08
Peace, Love and Understanding to all of you!
I wrote this tread to more about my problem!

Glad you learned something Thomas.

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Jakab Gipsz
Second Officer


ThomasLydhig Posted at 2018-6-4 03:10
I must admit, that I got a little confused by the tone after submitting my problem in this forum. I hade to read what I wrote several times to understand what I did to get this tone. My conclusion was I critizised SPARK. That’s what I think made to many say ”100% pilot error”.

I like to test new technology and very often do. And therefore I also know that new technology almost come with flaws and unexpected behavior. I AM SUPERIMPRESSED BY ALL TECHNOLOGY THAT ARE BUILT IN IN ONE OF THE CHEAPEST DJI DRONES!

This is the best question I read since the first post!

Yes, I think this is a technical problem that can be solved with firmware programming, but for some reason the DJI does not hurt to solve it.

There may be economic reasons, for example: Mavic Air came out that could bring more revenue and concentrate on it.
Somewhere I read it would not be possible to get Spark, they will not produce it anymore.

It may be cheaper to make up for lost Sparks than solving the problem.

The error:
- is there a bug for a compass (weak, cheap construction?)
- The system will then switch from GPS mode to ATTI mode (despite 20 satellites)
  (At that time, it would not have been a disaster, because with the small compass and little practice, the drone would turn it back home)
- But unfortunately (and this is really fatal) the connection to the remote control is terminated
(In GPS mode, this would not be a problem because the RTH would be activated and coming home) -this is together, a deadly combination

Engineers plan and programmers write down control processes and what happens if something happens.

That's why it's unclear how and why it says about the stable GPS control due to the compass error and why disconnection is interrupted?

I understand that in many cases the compass is important because it knows where the front is and which engines to control it to start in the desired (GPS) position but ...
in the case of a compass error, you could just come home with a GPS signal: you could find your own direction without the compass, just move forward (in the direction of the camera) and then calculate the new GPS position to calculate where the front is at and where to turn home point. Repeat this way to come home smoothly.

Instead, it will be a catastrophic fall of the scenes of a mismatch of a (small) problem. This is a factory failure!

I really like Spark, a brilliant gadget but I do not trust her as much as when I bought it.

You would have a car whose brakes are generally good, but read about 10 cases when the brake is defective and the owner died ...?
You never know when you're coming ...

And what has so far not been said: what happens if this error occurs over a populated area and from a high altitude drone fall into the people?

DJI has to give a dense response to why this is happening!

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Flight distance : 500597 ft

Jakab Gipsz Posted at 2018-6-4 14:58
This is the best question I read since the first post!

So this is a Spark problem!? DJI haven’t solved this issue by firmware that makes you think it’s hardware related. How long time has this issue been known/reported?
This doesn’t happens on a Mavic Air? Does Air has better gps hardware?

I haven’t seen DJI people in this thread. Are there DJI people try to answer our qusions in the forum?

You said that DJI give defensive answers about the problem. So what do they say? Are there threads that they have answers to this problem?

I think it’s interesting that there are polls in the forum for new features of the next version of Spark. Without a stable gps reception, I think no new features are necceaily! You can not make a wificonnection that couldn’t be lost, but you can make a stable gps reception to make controlled hovering, controlled manual flight and safe RTH.
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Jakab Gipsz
Second Officer


ThomasLydhig Posted at 2018-6-4 21:15
So this is a Spark problem!? DJI haven’t solved this issue by firmware that makes you think it’s hardware related. How long time has this issue been known/reported?
This doesn’t happens on a Mavic Air? Does Air has better gps hardware?

Please write down your event to be comparable to other cases.
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