Many tips and story of footage on sailing race Italian championships
10725 98 2018-6-13
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AlexVideoShark 5
Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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DMX_MT Posted at 2018-6-24 05:47
I really Admire You Alex !

You are so Dedicated and Organised ! You are an Inspiration for me.

I ever hope to get better ...
with these cameras , we can do a lot ...
in my experience done , surely , to get better , I need time and passion ...
DJI can give me the means ... here , I found Ispirations from all of you ...
thanks again for your support
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First Officer

AlexVideoShark 5 Posted at 2018-6-24 06:09
I ever hope to get better ...
with these cameras , we can do a lot ...
in my experience done , surely , to get better , I need time and passion ...

Well said Fratello !

You are One of the Best !

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AlexVideoShark 5 Posted at 2018-6-24 05:59
thank you very much
It's nice to know you liked it
thanks again

you are welcome
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good, that i found this theme ! thanks guys !

Telecom network configuration software
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AlexVideoShark 5
Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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sunvizionnet Posted at 2018-6-26 02:25
good, that i found this theme ! thanks guys !

Telecom network configuration software

hi .. I'm sorry I do not understand the link with this post ...
I think there is no connection with this video or Tip
maybe you could explain the connection to us
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AlexVideoShark 5 Posted at 2018-6-23 04:59
Hey to all ...

I finally  put something together

hey man  this is a really EPIC
thank you so much for this your sharing , pdf file will be very useful
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AlexVideoShark 5
Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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SanDrone23 Posted at 2018-6-28 22:58
hey man  this is a really EPIC
thank you so much for this your sharing , pdf file will be very useful

Thank you very much for your support here
I’m happy you enjoyed pdf file tip too
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Flight distance : 543763 ft
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AlexVideoShark 5 Posted at 2018-6-18 09:33
hey ... thanks for your comment.
for the camera settings ... I could suggest you use the same ones I described above.  
but the very important thing ... I repeat the histogram ... ( little wave inside and central )

Thanks, Alex for the replay,

I had M100 with X3(4K ) and Z30(full HD) cameras, few of my friends had phatom3 and Mavic also, please guide me for video editing techniques.
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AlexVideoShark 5
Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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VikramDrone Posted at 2018-7-2 03:29
Thanks, Alex for the replay,

I had M100 with X3(4K ) and Z30(full HD) cameras, few of my friends had phatom3 and Mavic also, please guide me for video editing techniques.

can you try to go here : ...
and download pdf file ...
in pdf file there is my opinion/ TIP about Histogram ...

I don’t know very well your M100 and what you are going to took , but for sure there will so many options, about light , weather, position in respect with light , time and others...
So , when you are taking your pictures or your clips  ... keep under control Histogram...
then ... in post production... (I like use Final Cut) ... you could have some corrections
but only when your clips/pictures have filmed all colors and light ...
you can do some corrections about background, backlight or dark point ...
That’s why I think is so important to keep a good Histogram setting

Let me know when you have downloaded pdf TIP file and what you think about

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DJI Grace
Flight distance : 405039 ft
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Hong Kong

so instructive !!! like reading your words
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AlexVideoShark 5
Flight distance : 4851788 ft
  • >>>

this comment makes me really proud ...
thanks DJI Grace ...
I really like this forum, the good and talented users are all special
you ... you have created something really exceptional ...

T H A N K    Y O U
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AlexVideoShark 5
Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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DJI Grace Posted at 2018-7-4 02:25
so instructive !!! like reading your words

Sorry ... I don’t understand what's happening ..,
when I try to add new topic
I receive this
Can you please try to help me DJI Grace to understand what are going on?
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United States

Hey man ... when your next vid

I’m going to have some flight over water from a small boat .... with fingers crossed
Thanks for your helps and tip
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Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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SanDrone23 Posted at 2018-7-20 03:43
Hey man ... when your next vid

I’m going to have some flight over water from a small boat .... with fingers crossed

The latest tip I can add here is
fly flies and then keep flying ... have more fun than you can my friend ...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 609724 ft

AlexVideoShark 5 Posted at 2018-6-23 04:59
Hey to all ...

I finally  put something together


Most excellent file and tips! I saved it for myself as a reference.
This is something which we really do appreciate – a set of tips and cautions in one place for easy reference.

My feedback:

Most of your specific instructions do not apply to Spark (but you do say that it is for Inspire or Phantom). Perhaps adding at the beginning of your tips that some specific instructions may not apply to Spark or Mavic may be good. Or perhaps say that your screens are Inspire or Phantom specific.

Chapter 1

You did confirm what I am saying about need for calibration when travelling long distances and you eluded in simple terms why: “ it stores the data and assumes that these forces are normal for the current position and will be consistent throughout the flight.”
Your wording is not scientific, simple and the recommendation summarizing them is correct.

I would add the following to make your description and recommendation complete:

Due to the delicate nature of Spark’s compass, it can loose its calibration if Spark is exposed to strong magnetic interference (for example if you put Spark in the vicinity of your car subwoofer when driving). DJI GO app may or may not detect problems with compass calibration. Be vigilant for any “compass error” or “yaw error” warning messages. If you see such errors during flight and there is no obvious source of interference, re-calibrate your compass (you may want to re-calibrate IMU as well) – just to be on the safe side.

When you calibrate your compass, turn Spark slowly – do not rush. Let the magnetometer do its work correctly and precisely.

Chapter 2

In your recommendations for IMU calibration you say: “ Each foot can be adjusted by placing pieces of paper underneath”.
This is not necessary (but will not hurt either). Yes – I know the people asked and discussed this. However, when you calibrate IMU you calibrate it in each of 3 axis. When you put it on the side and the prop arms position cause the Spark to angle a bit it is OK because IMU, at that moment, measures different plane – horizontal plane along Spark’s axis and not the vertical plane which is slightly skewed.

Chapter 4

You say: “It is important to land with reserve power, because if something goes wrong and you are forced to delay the landing it is necessary enough time to find a new landing spot and solve the problem.

I would add for completeness – “Remember to account for the wind. If your return home is against the wind it may take longer time, use more battery power and you may not make it back. RTH sequence does account for wind, but be extra cautious.”

Chapter 6

For Spark I would recommend to set “RTH at current altitude”. It prevents Spark from landing on the spot when less than 20 metres from HP. I have seen cases on this forum where Spark landed in water when RTH was invoked because people did not understand how RTH works. This is just extra insurance policy.

Chapter 7 does not apply to Spark

Chapter 8

When you set mobile in air mode you have no access to map. When you do so, cache the map before you fly.

Chapter 9 does not apply to Spark

Chapter 9 (again – mistake in chapter numbering) – talking about propellers

I advise against using third-party propellers. Propellers are too important a part of Spark. I do err on the side of caution.

Chapter on other useful things

I like UAV Forecast application (you did not mention it) – highly recommended.
In your travel with a Drone on a plane chapter I would add that some airlines do require that lithium-ion polymer batteries are discharged to 20-30% of their capacity before you can take them on the plane.

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Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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United States

Mirek6 Posted at 2018-7-20 05:53

Most excellent file and tips! I saved it for myself as a reference.

Hey Mirek
Thanks a lot for your detailed analysis...
the important thing is , have a proper checks to make sure do not have any problem during your flight
Planning your flights and try to take account of everything... like interference, higt , wind , weather, distance and others...
think about what and how you want to shoot
Then .... again.... checks list
It’s true ... in pdf file I have try to put in the same place tip and advise in order to remember my points...
(BTW Thanks again to improved it )
And then... flying and flying again, try , have fun , shoot , take pictures and fun
I’m only a drone appassionate ... but I think that in this play/work , my way is have fun and  to try to improve again and again... for exaple right now I’m trying a new app with some new functions...
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Klaus W.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 118366 ft

Excellent tip: Hovering instead of landing upon RTH when taking off from a body of water + making sure battery reserve is sufficient for extended hovering to allow for rescue of the drone
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Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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Klaus W. Posted at 2018-8-16 04:25
Excellent tip: Hovering instead of landing upon RTH when taking off from a body of water + making sure battery reserve is sufficient for extended hovering to allow for rescue of the drone

honestly, I pretty sure that anyone have to choose the right strategy, planning first and then flight...
there are so many different situations that it’s difficult to have just one way ...
so I’ve used this way to feel confident , keeping my mind free to follow my flight at the best possible.

I’m just an enthusiast... and so , I need to be focused on the flight to try to have some chance to get some good shooting....

I hope you found this useful and maybe already share with someone else ;-)
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Flight distance : 4851788 ft
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Klaus W. Posted at 2018-8-16 04:25
Excellent tip: Hovering instead of landing upon RTH when taking off from a body of water + making sure battery reserve is sufficient for extended hovering to allow for rescue of the drone

BTW if you need , you can download a pdf file at the comment # 73 ...
where I’ve collected my TIPS and check list
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