Un-Commanded Circling
1334 8 2018-6-21
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Flight distance : 3775476 ft
United States

We have a m100 that we us for hazing birds at an airport and we have experienced a loss of control numerous times, where the m100 begins to circle, and continues in ever increasing circles. Almost always close to the ground during either on takeoff or landing. This only happen in the P-Mode. The circling can be stopped by switching from P-Mode to A-Mode and gaining altitude, before returning/switching to P-Mode.
Here is a sample from the FLY.log.txt. and the a picture of the circles from the .kml file
83.722 :    4076 [L-HOME]Update. lati: 1.2274693 longti:-2.6114006 alti: 53.68
84.967 :    4139 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. set home0)
85.678 :    4175 [L-FLYMODE][Ctrl<6>] REQ_APP_WM610 AUTO_TAKEOFF_HOLD ctrl_auto_takeoff
86.452 :    4214 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. Normal Flash(0)
86.917 :    4237 [L-FMU/FSM]state changed. cur: in air
86.922 :    4238 [FDI][IMU] set imu switch level = 8
88.942 :    4340 [L-FLYMODE][Ctrl<1>] REQ_RC_NORMAL ATTI_HOLD ctrl_gps_atti
130.724 :    6454 [L-NS][AHRS] yaw aligned 1
137.461 :    6795 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:gps yaw err large
137.658 :    6805 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:gps disable
158.608 :    7865 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:compass yaw err large
159.202 :    7895 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:gps disable
180.746 :    8985 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:compass yaw err large
180.943 :    8995 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:gps disable
192.802 :    9595 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:compass yaw err large
193.197 :    9615 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:gps disable
193.790 :    9645 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:gps disable

194.581 :    9685 [L-GPS](0)Lost. Reason:gps yaw err large

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DJI Susan

Hi Parzival, we're sorry to read your post. May I know what's the current firmware version? Could you upload the original flight records and flight logs in the aircraft? We'd like to forward to our engineers for analysis.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Calibrate the compass. This is classing TBE behaviour.
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Flight distance : 3775476 ft
United States

Farnk666 Posted at 2018-6-22 04:58
Calibrate the compass. This is classing TBE behaviour.

Both the compass and IMU were calibrated correctly immediately before the flight. That's not the problem.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Parzival Posted at 2018-6-22 10:48
Both the compass and IMU were calibrated correctly immediately before the flight. That's not the problem.

Your flight behaviour and error logs are showing compass issues. If it's calibrated OK then you may have a hardware / firmware issue. Log a call with DJI Support and get them to look through it.
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Flight distance : 3775476 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-6-21 23:57
Hi Parzival, we're sorry to read your post. May I know what's the current firmware version? Could you upload the original flight records and flight logs in the aircraft? We'd like to forward to our engineers for analysis.

Hi DJI Susan, I have attempted to upload the FLY###.dat files for this issues, but the system to upload the files does not complete the file transfer. Is there another option to upload the files? they are approximately 200MB each.
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Flight distance : 645804 ft


First, the date I'm posting is June 27th. The OP posted on June 21st, just a few days ago. I'm also using the latest firmware and I'm also having the same issues.

In my case, I use my M100 for autonomous grid mission for agriculture. I'm usually out in the middle of nowhere or at least far away from the nearest house. I'm using an iPad Air with its own cellular connection and I have an iPhone in my back pocket. My Honda Pilot is my "base of operations". I usually walk out about 30 paces or so from the vehicle to pick a spot for takeoff.

When I start the mission (I'm using either Beyond the Cube FlightPlan or in rare occasions DroneDeploy) the aircraft will start ascending from lift off and at about 35 feet or so it begins to corkscrew upwards in bigger and bigger circles until it reaches the planned altitude (usually 350 AGL) then its fine and goes onto to do the mission as planned. Makes me **** my pants.

I've gotten to the point of paranoia now, by starting out with calibrating the compass then flying once in P mode with the Go app. Sometimes that works right away and sometimes I have to wrestle with the aircraft controls, as it acts like it wants to do a fly-away. Kind of like riding a bucking horse. And once its settled down and will stay stationary for the most part, I land it and then switch apps and do the grid mission. But even then it sometimes does the wild circling/corkscrew thing.

I thought DJI was done fiddling with this drone and that we now have a stable platform. No?

What is the remedy here?

Thank you,

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DJI Susan

Parzival Posted at 2018-6-23 07:03
Hi DJI Susan, I have attempted to upload the FLY###.dat files for this issues, but the system to upload the files does not complete the file transfer. Is there another option to upload the files? they are approximately 200MB each.

Sorry for the late response. Please kindly upload the file to Google  Drive or Dropbox, then share the link with us, thank you!
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Flight distance : 3775476 ft
United States

My schedule has not allowed me to complete this as yet. Please be patient, and I will get these uploaded as soon as I can. I have been on temporary assignment elsewhere for a while.
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