Curious about flying locations and general public perception
800 10 2018-7-1
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Hello all...

I posted this in the photo section by mistake under a different title...
Im just curious as to everyone's thoughts.  I'm new to the drone game and have read alot of the FAA, AMA and general do's and don'ts.

They basically amount to common sense,  but always state don't fly over personal property,  crowds,  people,  etc.   

I see ALOT of amazing pictures and videos on here.   Videos/images I aspire to achieve.  However,  alot of what I see are videos on the beach (over crowds),  cities (over crowds)flying over neighborhoods or tourist locations(private property and crowds).

Most people I know are freaked out over the idea of the drone... They think it's for spying.

Is everyone throwing caution to the wind in all the videos I'm seeing or am I just hyper-sensitive since I'm new to all this.

Thoughts and comments welcome.

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United Kingdom

In the UK we are allowed to fly over buildings and people as long as it is not classified as 'congested' and the drone is at least 50m / 165' AGL. Some pilots on here are also qualified to fly for commercial operations and may have obtained permission from their aviation authority. Be sure to know the back ground of the pilot before judging the images - they may very well be completely legal.
As for public perception - I don't care. Drones are legal here. I bought it from Apple and paid my taxes on it. I fly in line with the regulations set by my national aviation authority and after nearly 1,000 flights I have been asked to land just once and that was my own stupid fault on my very first flight with a P3P back in 2016. Know the regulations, fly safe and ignore the haters. Though in the majoity of cases I receive far more compliments and interest when flying than anything else.
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Yes public’s perception is a bit warped about drones, and it’s all in the name, if you told 10 people you flew  a small unmanned aircraft (SUA) they wouldn’t bat an eyelid, but drone has connotations of spying and it’s usually this that springs to people’s minds first thing, how we change that I don’t know, maybe never use the word drone, “ I’m an SUA pilot” I fly small unmanned aircraft, but I feel drone is a very ugly word to those who are not really aware.

I don’t believe SUA’s are for filming people , yes long shots are fine , private shots ok , but trying to film up close to people , well there are so many better tools hand held gimbals which honestly will give much better honest photography, so if someone flying an SUA is trying without permission to get to close or up in somebody’s face, he’s just been an a*s.

Yes if you have permission and or working commercially also with permission, are confidant and have done proper risk assessment.

I think as much as it is humanly possible stay within the rules for your country, yes we all drive 10 miles over the limit, so use this as a barometer when flying your drone.

For me the most satisfaction I get is when there is almost no one around , it’s much more relaxing, I usually fly early morning or late evening, best light for photography, and much less distractions.
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United States

A CW Posted at 2018-7-1 11:49
In the UK we are allowed to fly over buildings and people as long as it is not classified as 'congested' and the drone is at least 50m / 165' AGL. Some pilots on here are also qualified to fly for commercial operations and may have obtained permission from their aviation authority. Be sure to know the back ground of the pilot before judging the images - they may very well be completely legal.
As for public perception - I don't care. Drones are legal here. I bought it from Apple and paid my taxes on it. I fly in line with the regulations set by my national aviation authority and after nearly 1,000 flights I have been asked to land just once and that was my own stupid fault on my very first flight with a P3P back in 2016. Know the regulations, fly safe and ignore the haters. Though in the majoity of cases I receive far more compliments and interest when flying than anything else.

Thanks for the information.....  However, I wouldn't say I was "judging" anyone.... more like being curious.  I believe the shots and videos are amazing and even stated is what I aspire to achieve.    I was also wondering about everyone's experience , as I stated, new to "the game".  And what better way to learn than ask and get the information from those in the  know.   

I'm too interested in the commercial license, but want more experience flying before.

Thanks for the replies gentlemen.. I value everyone's input and help in learning the fascinating industry....

HALLMARK007 -  Love the idea of "renaming" it to help change perception.
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Flight distance : 14754314 ft
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United Kingdom

308Shooter Posted at 2018-7-1 13:51
Thanks for the information.....  However, I wouldn't say I was "judging" anyone.... more like being curious.  I believe the shots and videos are amazing and even stated is what I aspire to achieve.    I was also wondering about everyone's experience , as I stated, new to "the game".  And what better way to learn than ask and get the information from those in the  know.   

Sorry, I was not implying that you personally are judging but there are a fair number who do...
This forum is a good place to learn and share for sure. Good luck.
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United States

308Shooter Posted at 2018-7-1 13:51
Thanks for the information.....  However, I wouldn't say I was "judging" anyone.... more like being curious.  I believe the shots and videos are amazing and even stated is what I aspire to achieve.    I was also wondering about everyone's experience , as I stated, new to "the game".  And what better way to learn than ask and get the information from those in the  know.   

I agree with Hallmark in that i don't use the word drone a lot.  When the average person hears the word 'drone' the image that comes into their head is the predator drone used by the military.  Like this.  That's the biggest reason i rarely say drone.  Even in the forum.  You'll see me refer to it as an aircraft, or UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), or quad (quadcopter).  
I have taken flights over a beach as well.  I made it a point to take off and as soon as it is ready, to take it out over the water, or high enough that it doesn't bother people.  I also asked permission of those around me to make sure everyone was ok with it.   I've seen the videos of people freaking out, but in my experience, the reaction has been much more welcoming, and even curiosity.

I've been able to talk to people, and really change their perception about the industry and what we really do with them.  I keep a few links handy to allow them to watch a video or two.  I invite them to watch while I fly, and let them see what the screen shows.  When they realize that at 100' up, you can't really see any faces, they normally say "oh, what's all the fuss about?"  They inevitably ask me to do something that is going to violate at least one of the regulations/rules, or something that is inherently dangerous.  I share with them why i'm not going to do what they've asked, and share with them some of the rules that govern us.
This again gives people a better respect for the pilots that are out here flying these things.

Read the rules, and really understand them, so that you can educate people when they ask.  Like flying over private property.  There is currently no law or rule stating you can't fly over private property.  But most of us use common sense and don't hover around our neighbors yards. Or silly stuff like that.
You can't fly over crowds of people unless you have consent prior to the flight.

If you fly with common sense, and respect, you probably won't have too many problems.
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United States

Never had a issue! Actually so many people ask me to take a video or picture and they even offered me money to send them copies but I tell them am doing it for fun.

Fly safe, stay away from people, buildings, etc. and you would be OK.
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First Officer
United States

They basically amount to common sense,  but always state don't fly over personal property,  

I fly over personal property all time!

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United States

A CW Posted at 2018-7-1 15:19
Sorry, I was not implying that you personally are judging but there are a fair number who do...
This forum is a good place to learn and share for sure. Good luck.

No harm, no foul.... I agree, and in a way I guess I am judging a little......  but judging them and wondering how the h#*# are they so good and wishing I was
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United States

Thanks all... It's good to have a community to learn from.  Appreciate everyone's input and experience.
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Flight distance : 14754314 ft
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United Kingdom

308Shooter Posted at 2018-7-1 18:59
No harm, no foul.... I agree, and in a way I guess I am judging a little......  but judging them and wondering how the h#*# are they so good and wishing I was

That comes with a lot of practice. You'll find a niche in the hobby and perfect that. Mine is photography and I still have a lot to learn about videography - the learning curves are all part of the fun.
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