OSMO Pro not talking with CrystalSky
2230 19 2018-6-16
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United States

This is very frustrating (but aren't all problems).
I was wrapping up a three-day shoot cross-country in Las Vegas where I used my Osmo quite extensively, and it worked like an absolute charm.

I use the Osmo Pro with the Osmo Pro/RAW wired video adapter hardwired to the CrystalSky monitor.

This worked flawlessless the entire shoot except for the VERY end...

My usual protocol would be to start with the CrystalSky monitor OFF, and then power on the Osmo. The CrystalSky monitor would then automatically power on, boot up, and open the DJIgo app.  I would just have to touch the Osmo icon on screen, and then I was up and running and good to go.

At the end of my last day shooting, I was needing to get one last shot but I saw my Osmo battery level was very low, powered everything down to change batteries.  When I powered back up, the GO app no longer recognized the Osmo.  Not only would it not just pop up by default, but even if I manually selected the Osmo Pro as the intended device it still wouldn't work and I could not connect.

If I removed the wired video adapter and just tried connecting the WiFi way like the old days, I CAN connect to the Osmo, but get almost zero functionality. I only get a black screen (like everything was working except I had a lens cap on), and controls are minimal at best... all camera controls seem to be stuck in "auto" even though I'm in manual (for example, I can't change ISO, or shutter speed, or white balance... which is all a moot point anyway since I see no images on screen).

I can't understand why this was working so perfectly for several days, and then after one battery change everything became unusable.

I desparately need the Osmo back for shoots this upcoming week.  I have NOT tried the CrystalSky with my Mavic Pro yet (because of traveling, I'm not where my Mavic is right now), but will do that at the next opp to see if the CrystalSky is sucessfully talking with it.

Suggestions anyone?

Much thanks,

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Flight distance : 321519 ft

This has definitely happened to me before, I cannot guarantee results, but I can tell you what always seems to work for me, whenever the app and osmo stop connecting, first thought is always restart everything. Completely shut down the osmo, and close all apps on the crystal sky. To do this, hit the menu button bringing up the crystalsky popup menu and then the third icon at the bottom "page view" brings up the open apps and close all running DJI apps. but keep the crystalsky on. Then I manually open the DJI go app and then boot up the osmo pro, wait a few seconds, and the app should recognize the osmo and function normally. Sometimes I do let the crystalsky auto boot up and connect like you do, by just powering on the osmo, but whenever they don't connect properly, I make sure to manually connect everything. Also, side note, I'm not sure why this helps, but sometimes I remove and reconnect the SD card, something about the way it communicates with osmo and crystalsky can help reconnect. I'm curious as to what happens next, be sure to follow up.
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United States

Thanks Robert...

I appreciate you taking time for such a thorough suggestion.

I'm really glad it worked for you... unfortunately it did not work for me at all.  I followed your suggestions to the letter, but i get the same results.

Well in fact, it actually gets weirder.  I once DID get CrystalSky to recognize the Osmo and connect... but its display was dark (no camera image) and many (most) of the app functions were not working properly.  For example, it was locked in PHOTO mode, I couldn't get it into video mode at all, and in Photo mode many things seemed to be stuck in "Auto"... even when switching camera functions to "manual" I had no control over ISO, iris, shutter, white balance, pretty much anything.  Useless.

I would sometimes get slightly different results if, like you, I swapped SD cards, even different when I swapped lenses. But nothing was right... or even remotely workable.

On a lark I loaded the DJIGo app on an Android phone and connected via WiFi (I haven't had the app on my phone since I got the CrystalSky).  The Osmo will instantly connect... but the app thinks there is an Inspire connected, not an Osmo.

Grrrrr... very frustrating.

I DID try the CrystalSky with my Mavic Pro and everything seemed to work fine there, so I don't think it's the monitor or the app.

The weird thing is that it always worked SO flawlessly before, and then suddenly after one battery change everything went to heck.

This has about beaten me for the day... maybe tomorrow I'll look at firmware updates (although everything SHOULD be fine).  After that, I'm going to borrow the handle from a friend's Osmo and see if it works any better than mine.  I'm at a total loss.
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United States

I've done some testing, and have a little bit more information (although I'm not sure it helps me)...

I borrowed a friend's (regular) Osmo, and began testing by swapping out parts.

My HANDLE works with his camera head... so I can assume the problem is not in the handle electronics.

My Crystal Sky works with his camera head, on both his handle and my handle... so I can assume the problem is not with the CrystalSky nor the DJIGo app.

As for my X5 camera, it will not successfully talk with my CrystalSky, nor the DJIGo app on either an Android phone nor on an iPhone, irrespective of which handle I am using.   The best I can do, IF I get a connection, is that the app thinks that it is an Inspire1.  Although the app doesn't immediately recognize the camera, I CAN go in and seem to connect by manually selecting the Osmo Pro within the DJIGO app, but when it opens there is no image from the camera and I get the Inspire1 interface on screen.

This all leads me to believe the issue is within the X5 camera somewhere.  

That doesn't get me any closer to a solution, but maybe will help track it down.

I see there are others who find their Osmo Pro is being Idenified as an Inspire1 as well (although no solutions).  

DJI, do you have any advice??

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United States

Update:  Spent a long time with tech support late this afternoon (well over an hour, I'll give the guy some credit for patience).

Bottom line seems to be that we've done all we can do remotely to try to track down the issues... the camera head has to go back to DJI for diagnostics.  Grrrrr.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 320118 ft
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FauxFilm Posted at 2018-6-18 19:48
Update:  Spent a long time with tech support late this afternoon (well over an hour, I'll give the guy some credit for patience).

Bottom line seems to be that we've done all we can do remotely to try to track down the issues... the camera head has to go back to DJI for diagnostics.  Grrrrr.

I had the same issue and DJI support couldn't help. So I found a solution myself. I described it here in the DJI forum in another thread: (easy solution)

https://forum.dji.com/forum.php? ... D429%26typeid%3D429
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United States

Hi EMBE, yes I had seen your suggestion regarding firmware updates.

It doesn't work for me, nor solve my problem.  I was already running with the latest firmware, and the camera will not let me attempt to update it again.

Looks like it will have to go back to DJI.

I appreciate the suggestion, though, I wish it would work.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 320118 ft
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FauxFilm Posted at 2018-6-19 10:34
Hi EMBE, yes I had seen your suggestion regarding firmware updates.

It doesn't work for me, nor solve my problem.  I was already running with the latest firmware, and the camera will not let me attempt to update it again.

Did you try a downgrade to the "latest" software dji offers on their support webpage? And than upgrade again?

Pretty strange that it worked fine first and than stopped after a few days. Maybe the cable has an issue?
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United States

Yeah, it's a mystery.  I'm glad that solution worked for you, but sadly it does not for me...  

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United States

This just gets worse and worse.

I sent the unit back to DJI for evaluation, as their tech guy suggested.

Finally I got a response today with a service quotation.

Firstly, the service quote was for "Repairs to the Inspire 1."  I didn't send them an Inspire 1, I do not own an Inspire 1... I sent them my Osmo.   Ok, I understand the X5 is the same camera on both, so I can sort of understand this.

BUT... then came the list of repair parts that were needed... "the yaw/pitch/axis motor module, the motor base module, and the auxiliary arm model, for a "Broken Gimbal roll axis to to impact."

Absolutely NOTHING was wrong with the gimbal when I sent it in, it was operating perfectly.  And there certainly has never been any "impact" (after all it's for the handheld Osmo, not a drone).

Nor did they at ALL address the actual problem that I DID send it in for... not even a passing mention of it.

I tried to talk with someone online in tech support, and got trapped in a web of circular logic, the person there didn't seem to be following what I was saying in the least.  Eventually they started talking about warranties and could I give them a proof of purchase etc... I hadn't even MENTIONED warranty work nor expected it, I knew I was long out of warranty, and the "conversation" was very frustrating.

After that I tried phone support where I talked to a nice fellow (who despite his thick Indian accent was named "James"... hmmmm).  He was no more help than the other guy.

Now I've emailed... we'll see what good that does me.

This is VERY frustrating.  Like all DJI users I love their products, but their customer service is right below Bank of America and Comcast.  But I think they know that.

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Flight distance : 321519 ft

FauxFilm Posted at 2018-6-26 15:55
This just gets worse and worse.

I sent the unit back to DJI for evaluation, as their tech guy suggested.

Wow, a strange turn of events. I really didn't expect it to go in this direction. After the last time I commented here, there was an update for the Crystalsky, apps and such and I was a little fearful updating it would lead to something like this. I can, thankfully, report that the update didn't disrupt the use of the Osmo pro or original Osmo.

It's so strange how this happened to your X5, admittedly, there's never a time I use the Osmo pro setup where something isn't a little wonky. Always takes a few seconds to start recording, pixelation and screen tearing, settings resetting or unresponsive, the list goes on and it's EVERYTIME, but it always seems to work in the end. I had a few times on a recent shoot where it went black like we discussed but I always just reset it like I described before and it always seems to work.

I really wish there was more I or anyone could do, or that DJI had a repair and diagnostics location somewhere in the US. I hope they have an option to return the device to you untouched if they quote you some outrageous repair price.

Let us know how it turns out.
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United States

Well my issues started before the update... and persisted after it with no change.

There are diagnostics/repair in the US, my unit is currently across the country in California.

I have not had any issues with the Osmo Pro until now... none.  Especially since going with the wired adapter and CrystalSky, it always fired up perfectly and instantly.  But when things decided to go wrong, they really went wrong.

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Flight distance : 321519 ft

FauxFilm Posted at 2018-6-26 18:59
Well my issues started before the update... and persisted after it with no change.

There are diagnostics/repair in the US, my unit is currently across the country in California.

Didn't know they had a repair spot in Cali, I live in California, so it's slightly comforting to know. Still, that's a crazy issue to have. I agree the wired adaptor and crystal sky definitely improved the experience, working with a phone was a nightmare, but it still was never as smooth and reliable as a traditional DSLR or camera.

I actually ordered the Ronin-s, arriving Thursday, and picked up the GH5S. I'm ready for something new and improved, I will miss just turning on the Osmo pro and it being perfectly balanced but the quality improvement and the fact that I can use all my lenses is just too tempting. I'm also excited to get to try out bigger and wider lenses that were not supported on the Osmo Pro like the Olympus 7-14mm.

In any case, sorry again about the issue, let me know what they hit you with next. Also, did you happen to film the issues you were having before you sent the camera off?
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United States

Tuesday afternoon after additional communication with DJI (both via on-line chat and by phone), I was told they would revisit the situation.

I was promised they would get back to me in 24-48 hours.

It has now been 72 hours and I have not heard a peep.

This is totally unacceptable.  I spend a LOT  of money with DJI (SEVERAL thousand dollars so far) and expect better.  I love DJI products but we always pray nothing goes wrong with them because customer service is such a disaster.

Very frustrating.
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United States

Just an update.

I'm not too smart, every time I think that DJI customer service is just as bad as it possibly can be, they always seem to go the extra mile to help me realize that yes, it can indeed be worse.

This "repair" has been a nightmare.

They have been holding my X5 hostage for weeks now, insisting it needs gimbal repairs (I note that the gimbal left here working perfectly) due to an "impact" (an impact which never happened) yet never ever mentioning even ONCE the one and only problem that I actually sent it in for.

Finally I decided to take their offer of a "discount" off the nearly $300 repair bill and get it fixed and see if that solved the problem (fully expecting to get the camera back still with the same issue).  The new issue was, they wouldn't tell me what the "discount" would be.  I begged customer support to send me an invoice, numerous times, so I would know what the new total would be. I was promised they would get this to me over and over.  FINALLY it came, a mere $27 dollar discount.  If I had known it would be such a paltry amount I would not have wasted a week begging for a new invoice.

I paid it, we'll see what happens.  A big part of me does NOT expect to received a correctly-working repaired camera back.
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United States


DJI now officially doesn't know its ass from a hole in the ground.

After paying for repairs, DJI last night sent me an email asking for a screenshot of my payment info, and instructions on how to pack up and ship back my Mavic Air.

Grrrr... I tried to be nice when I wrote the reply explaining yet AGAIN that that was NOT the product I have nor the problem that I have, and that they ALREADY have my camera and have been holding it hostage for weeks.

I think I may put on my journalism hat (previous-life job) and write an article documenting this circus (occasionally write for a couple of industry publications).  We'll see if anyone in DJI media relations has the guts to get back in contact with me about that.  I'm frankly expecting about the same expertise service from media that we all get from tech support.

This is the problem when you have a company that makes cool innovative products but doesn't have any competition.  They definitely adopt a take-the-money-and-run attitude.
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United States


After almost $300 in repairs and a couple of weeks, my camera was just returned.

It functions (or rather MALfunctions) exactly as it did when it left our studio.  In short, it still doesn't work, it has exactly the same problems as before.

I spent more than an hour chewing out some poor tech guy online, but the bottom line is that I have to send it back to them YET AGAIN.

OH!... and I'll note that the serial number on the camera I received back does NOT match the serial number of the camera I sent... and no one ever said anything about replacing the camera.

The tech guy apologized again and again... and as I explained to him, that's the problem... any time I've had to contact them it's nothing but a barrage of apologies, over and over.  That is indicative of the problems with DJI.  Also, after a lag in the conversation he apologized (of course) and admitted that he was on four chats at once... another example of how DJI prioritizes customers, just wants to sell you things, and doesn't give two hoots about customer service after the fact.

When I told him I expected an OVERNIGHT label to ship back to them, he said he would note that... and that I would be receiving that in 48 hours or less.  Sigh. Two days just to get a frikkin' shipping label.

When he said they wanted to do whatever they could to  "make it right" I told him I had no choice but to do as they say, but that's not "making it right."  Making it right would be to say "You are a great customer and have been one for years and spent thousands of dollars with us, so you can expect your replacement to be delivered tomorrow, just send the old one back at your convenience."

But doing thing "the right way" and doing things "the DJI way" are two very different things.
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Flight distance : 81401 ft
United States

FauxFilm Posted at 2018-7-18 13:20

After almost $300 in repairs and a couple of weeks, my camera was just returned.


Since your camera has been replaced, did you check the firmware version?  You know you have to be running the latest firmware to communicate to the CrystalSky via the wired adapter.

My apologies if you already have.  I just received my OSMO Pro/CrystalSky combo a few days ago.  It wouldn't work right out of the box.  I updated the CrystalSky as well as the camera and then got it working.

I also was greeted with the black screen UNTIL I registered the camera.  Once I registered the camera it worked perfect..

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United States

Thanks, but yes, the firmware is up to date with the latest... and DJI confirmed that today.

The thing is, I used this combo many many times perfectly and successfully... then at the end of a three-day shoot after a battery change the problem started.  There was no event, no trauma, no anything (other than the battery change)... the trouble just suddenly started.

And it's not just with the wired adapter, I get a black screen with WiFi, too.

Glad yours works, though.  Wish mine did.
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Flight distance : 81401 ft
United States

I'm sorry to hear that..   I have a love/hate relationship with DJI.  They produce killer devices, but when it comes to service, it's a nightmare.

Were you able to register the new camera to your account?  My screen was black wireless and wired until I was able to register it to my account.   It took several times for me to reset the camera and open up the app before I was greeted with the registering screen.
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