Downward sensor pics
1915 69 2018-8-28
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

I think dji and for that matter all manufacturers put in place a time bomb into everything they manufacture.
My p4p has just come out of its warranty period and all of a sudden its having issues with the internall cooling fan ( loose connection ).
So now ill have a go at pulling it apart and repair myself.
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Flight distance : 1159409 ft
United States

Hellsgate Posted at 2018-8-29 13:16
Its ok apology accepted.
Many people have confused gimbal guard with gimbal lock.
I was not trying to insinuate that you were a dork.Its just that in your post you were talking about the gimbal guard as tho it was the gimbal lock

Thanks. And like all text messages and other forms of writing replies things or meanings get lost in translation sorta speak.. Meaning that I did not think for one moment YOU were calling me or implying i was a dork ... I am a dork when i misunderstand things but still think i'm right .. case in point Gimbal lock/Gimbal guard.. Perfect sample. So help me get this right please.. The gimbal guard is the cross piece one would install across landing gear to keep grass or what ever from hitting gimbal??? and the LOCK is the one that's on the ac when you take it out of the package for the first time ?? Yes / No ???   Thanks for not staying upset with me over my dorkness . I'm a old guy and have suffered a major motorcycle accident some years back and broke my back and left leg and coma for well over 45 days and to this day I'm a different dude/dork . I used to be in the motorcycle club life 1%er but now i'm retired.  TMI wow sorry. Thanks again for your help TTUL !      
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-30 10:57
Thanks. And like all text messages and other forms of writing replies things or meanings get lost in translation sorta speak.. Meaning that I did not think for one moment YOU were calling me or implying i was a dork ... I am a dork when i misunderstand things but still think i'm right .. case in point Gimbal lock/Gimbal guard.. Perfect sample. So help me get this right please.. The gimbal guard is the cross piece one would install across landing gear to keep grass or what ever from hitting gimbal??? and the LOCK is the one that's on the ac when you take it out of the package for the first time ?? Yes / No ???   Thanks for not staying upset with me over my dorkness . I'm a old guy and have suffered a major motorcycle accident some years back and broke my back and left leg and coma for well over 45 days and to this day I'm a different dude/dork . I used to be in the motorcycle club life 1%er but now i'm retired.  TMI wow sorry. Thanks again for your help TTUL !

Yes you are correct about the difference between the two.  And just fyi in case you werent aware gimbal guards can and do cause the error you have been getting thats the reason why you have been asked about wether you had one attached or not.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Damned if you do, and darned if you didn’t!! hahaha

Yes, send it in... ;-)

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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

Hellsgate Posted at 2018-8-30 12:36
Yes you are correct about the difference between the two.  And just fyi in case you werent aware gimbal guards can and do cause the error you have been getting thats the reason why you have been asked about wether you had one attached or not.

Ok.. I understand now.. Thank you for clarifying. Have a awesome rest of the day. Ttul
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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-8-30 13:09
Damned if you do, and darned if you didn ‘t!! hahaha

Lmao.... thank you too!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Nothing but LOL...


The fellow in the white cowboy hat, is the gimbal guard. Haha

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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

LMAO... I bet he is. Locked and loaded ! Mr Gimbal himself....  love the pic!
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-30 15:04
LMAO... I bet he is. Locked and loaded ! Mr Gimbal himself....  love the pic!

Yes, they are well prepared... for a camera or rangefinder breakdown. Ha

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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

Oh by the way the P4 is on its way back for another round of repair time... This time I do feel more confident about the right issues being addressed. I put pics and forum replies in with the ac in the box plus the info I wrote in the service page or what ever it’s called. So as long as they fly it for a few moments I’m sure the warning will pop up for them as it did me. ... Fingers crossed!!
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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

So what’s the story with this point system here on this forum ??
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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-8-30 15:09
Yes, they are well prepared... for a camera or rangefinder breakdown. Ha

Now there is a nice unit and very expensive....
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-30 15:10
Oh by the way the P4 is on its way back for another round of repair time... This time I do feel more confident about the right issues being addressed. I put pics and forum replies in with the ac in the box plus the info I wrote in the service page or what ever it’s called. So as long as they fly it for a few moments I’m sure the warning will pop up for them as it did me. ... Fingers crossed!!

Good luck, fingers crossed...

Hope it’s corrected.

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-30 15:11
So what’s the story with this point system here on this forum ??

For every 180 points converted you get $1 DJI credit.

1,800 = $10
18,000= $100

Have fun...

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-30 15:13
Now there is a nice unit and very expensive....

Yes, tax payers foot the bill.. ;-)

I like pea shooters too...



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Flight distance : 1159409 ft
United States

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-8-30 15:23
For every 180 points converted you get $1 DJI credit.

1,800 = $10

Thanks for that info. And good morning to you ! Its 3am here and i just opened up where i work getting ready for all the crazies to start showing up ! LOL ! Have a great day as i know you will !
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-31 02:51
Thanks for that info. And good morning to you ! Its 3am here and i just opened up where i work getting ready for all the crazies to start showing up ! LOL ! Have a great day as i know you will !

Where do you start work at 3:00 am?

You must be a baker...

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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-8-31 11:46
Where do you start work at 3:00 am?

You must be a baker...

No thank God I’d be a very large man if I was a baker.. lol. Steel Mill. I go in at 3am to get the place fired up and ready for the employees to do their thing. They start at 5am.. I work from 3am till  5 or 6pm but since I’ve been flying these drones around I sometimes bounce out around 1ish or 2 so I have time to fly before bed at 7pm.. Now that ya know my life’s history.. lol... Question you know those clear plastic prices that are next to the motors that you would take out if you wanted to use blade guards?? Little things on the very end of the arms.. anyway I was flying with guards and still do if I’m around trees and other things so my question is do I or should put those back in when not using guards . ? They don’t serve any purpose do they ??? Thanks and have a great weekend because I’m will if you will. Lol
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-31 16:16
No thank God I’d be a very large man if I was a baker.. lol. Steel Mill. I go in at 3am to get the place fired up and ready for the employees to do their thing. They start at 5am.. I work from 3am till  5 or 6pm but since I’ve been flying these drones around I sometimes bounce out around 1ish or 2 so I have time to fly before bed at 7pm.. Now that ya know my life’s history.. lol... Question you know those clear plastic prices that are next to the motors that you would take out if you wanted to use blade guards?? Little things on the very end of the arms.. anyway I was flying with guards and still do if I’m around trees and other things so my question is do I or should put those back in when not using guards . ? They don’t serve any purpose do they ??? Thanks and have a great weekend because I’m will if you will. Lol

Steel mill. That must be hotter than, working around walk in ovens, at the bakery? Ha
You sure  put in long days, so you deserve some quality drone time. ;-)

Sounds like you are flying a Phantom 4. No I have narry an idea what those plugs do besides keeping the bugs and debris out.
But yes, I suggest reinserting them, if they were there in the beginning of your adventure.

People are always looking for small parts they misplace, or lose mid flight. Hang on to yours.

Nothing major planned for the weekend. I’m semi retired, so every Monday here, is a long weekend. ;-)

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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-8-31 17:36
Steel mill. That must be hotter than, working around walk in ovens, at the bakery? Ha
You sure  put in long days, so you deserve some quality drone time. ;-)

Yes I get Monday off. I was semi retired about 6 years ago then I ran out of money so went back to I have a Phantom P4P V2.0 about 3 weeks old now. The Phantom 4 I have is the one I’ve been having such a hard time with and DJI has it again and hopefully they can repair and or replace it . I asked about those plastic parts because the first time I sent the P4 in for repairs they were in the box and not on the ac and DJI installed new ones and sent it back so was thinking they had some importance to flying so was just trying to find out... Thanks again for your reply and help... as always it’s nice to chat with you.. take care.... ttul !
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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-31 17:50
Yes I get Monday off. I was semi retired about 6 years ago then I ran out of money so went back to I have a Phantom P4P V2.0 about 3 weeks old now. The Phantom 4 I have is the one I’ve been having such a hard time with and DJI has it again and hopefully they can repair and or replace it . I asked about those plastic parts because the first time I sent the P4 in for repairs they were in the box and not on the ac and DJI installed new ones and sent it back so was thinking they had some importance to flying so was just trying to find out... Thanks again for your reply and help... as always it’s nice to chat with you.. take care.... ttul !

P.S. we don’t make the steel we just roll it up into coils at a certain length and weight for customers and I make sure all the equipment that does the rolling and cutting and packaging stays running. I’m the fix it dude.
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This is a known issue.  Several people have posted the problem including myself .
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-31 17:53
P.S. we don’t make the steel we just roll it up into coils at a certain length and weight for customers and I make sure all the equipment that does the rolling and cutting and packaging stays running. I’m the fix it dude.

Here, is where I used to labor.

Worked around plenty grades of steel, overhead cranes, welders, plasma cutters, blow torches. All while learning  about fabricating heat exchangers and other technical equipment for the oil patch... you know the routine. I was a boiler maker apprentice. I do live in Alberta the Oil Capital of Canada.

Anyway, yes, plenty of knowledge and experience around that industry. Small world.

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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-8-31 17:50
Yes I get Monday off. I was semi retired about 6 years ago then I ran out of money so went back to I have a Phantom P4P V2.0 about 3 weeks old now. The Phantom 4 I have is the one I’ve been having such a hard time with and DJI has it again and hopefully they can repair and or replace it . I asked about those plastic parts because the first time I sent the P4 in for repairs they were in the box and not on the ac and DJI installed new ones and sent it back so was thinking they had some importance to flying so was just trying to find out... Thanks again for your reply and help... as always it’s nice to chat with you.. take care.... ttul !

I would leave any part on the drone, unless it falls off by itself. ;-)

All though I have a perfect Phantom 3 Pro, and have never had a problem with it, that wasn't pilot error.
I can sympathize and do feel the discomfort many who enter this forum, share in their posts.

I understand having a buggered costly drone, or broken RC that fails to work as expected or promised by our hosts, the DJI drone manufacturers. That has got to be painful, and certainly would give one second thoughts about future purchases. But when the drones and equipment are working correctly it’s a dream to experience the fun. The pics and video we can collect and others often share here are awesome.

So, yes, it’s a gift when it all comes together. If not, frustration may set in.
I hear how hurt some can feel, while waiting for. their precious drone to come back from service.

I wish no one ever had bad journeys, only grand memories and fantastic experiences, with their model, and time spent here on the forum.

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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

You posted this on the thread about  the drone crashing in to the sea

With all the deep water swimming that I’m reading about I’ve made me up some water wings for my ac.( V2.0) And she’s going to wear them whether she likes it or not. Lol. I see someone has them for the spark and Mavic but nothing on phantoms. At least if my bird wants a drink I’ll have time to get to her before she goes down for the count. About 48 mins before she starts to list to one side. Hell maybe I can take my parachute out of my rocket and somehow attach it to my ac .. no wait .. that’s no help over water. Well poop I guess I’ll just stay away from water till I perfect my water wings.... Just a thought.... And I’m so so sorry for your loss .. I would be SOOOO upset... hope the best for you...

So, naturally it got me thinking............
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

You are thinking? What about...?

What’s on your mind?

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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

RedHotPoker Posted at 2018-8-31 23:14
You are thinking? What about...?

Mr Redhotpoker I admire your humor and wit. You sound like the wise man on the mountain some people seek knowledge from. Lol and yes we’re both from the same cloth as far as work experience. Thanks for your replies I enjoy reading them and as to mu idea of water wings for phantoms when I perfect them I’ll share the idea. My idea comes from the little orange or yellow boat key floaty thing just Incase you drop boat keys ya have time to fish them out before they sink. Same concept on drones small enough to not bother flight but yet big enough to keep ac on top of water for at least 1 hour. So far 40 something minutes with same weight.
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Flight distance : 1159409 ft

RAONE Posted at 2018-8-31 18:13
This is a known issue.  Several people have posted the problem including myself .

You are right almost everytime I log onto this forum I read another water foul story and not sure about anyone else but I work very hard for my money and at basically $1000 bucks a wack I really can’t afford that type of loss every other month or so. If my new V2.0 just lost power and took a swim and I could not retrieve it. I WOULD NOT buy another DJI product ever again. But if it was my fault we’ll then I would hang my head in shame and save up for another one. Lol !
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can you post another pic....
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Reds2tall55 Posted at 2018-9-1 07:44
Mr Redhotpoker I admire your humor and wit. You sound like the wise man on the mountain some people seek knowledge from. Lol and yes we’re both from the same cloth as far as work experience. Thanks for your replies I enjoy reading them and as to mu idea of water wings for phantoms when I perfect them I’ll share the idea. My idea comes from the little orange or yellow boat key floaty thing just Incase you drop boat keys ya have time to fish them out before they sink. Same concept on drones small enough to not bother flight but yet big enough to keep ac on top of water for at least 1 hour. So far 40 something minutes with same weight.

It’s been s grand and glorious ride, through the narrow streets of my life...

Thanks for thinking of me... ha

I do love to laugh and get a kick out of others humour on here, as well.


We all do...


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