MP, missing photo cached on phone - Android
4606 34 2018-3-7
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft
United States

Mavic Pro to start out... Samsung Note 5, Android 7.0
App version 4.2.6
AC Firmware 01.04.0300
Controller Firmware 01.04.0300
Photo settings for Jpeg, 16:9 and Cache set for 6 gig, Clear cache as needed.
Cache Locally When recording:  Turned on
Record Audio with Video Cache:  Turned off
Swapped USB Cable several times with known tested cables.  

First of all, my photos are all on my SD card with no problems there.  But my shots on my phone are missing.  The videos are present on the phone, but no photos.  They USED to appear there.  I got a buddy that also flys a MP and he had the same problem of no stills on the phone, but present on the SD card.   He had to delete the app, then re install it and they came back.  

So I did the same.  Uninstalled the app, re booted the phone, reinstalled the app and bingo, new pictures were showing up.  That is, until I went flying this morning.  Everything was present on the SD card both videos and Stills, but only Videos on the phone.

This started recently, sometime AFTER updating to 01.04.0300 and AFTER the update to 4.2.6.  

It's not a CRITICAL error, but aggravating to say the least..

Now, I've got it set up on my desk and testing it.  Videos appear on the device.  Stills don't...   

Am I missing something here?

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hi Brad, this is an known issue with the Android's latest version DJI GO 4 4.2.6, you can try to restart the drone and see if the cached pictures exist, or download the original pictures to the editor. If it is convenient, you can try to downgrade the DJI GO 4 app, or try an iOS device at the moment.
And this issue will be fixed by the app update, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft
United States

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-3-7 23:23
Hi Brad, this is an known issue with the Android's latest version DJI GO 4 4.2.6, you can try to restart the drone and see if the cached pictures exist, or download the original pictures to the editor. If it is convenient, you can try to downgrade the DJI GO 4 app, or try an iOS device at the moment.
And this issue will be fixed by the app update, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Unknown issue?  Ok..  I wonder if me and my friend are the only one experiencing it?  For me, it's not that big a deal.  For my friend, he works doing home inspections and uses the drone for roof inspections.  For him, it's easier to email the photos straight from the phone than it is to pull the SD card out in the field.    Oh well, as long as you are aware of the bug.  Thank you sir.  
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

I have the same issue (latest firmware on MP and dji go 4.2.6 for Android)
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-3-8 04:44
Unknown issue?  Ok..  I wonder if me and my friend are the only one experiencing it?  For me, it's not that big a deal.  For my friend, he works doing home inspections and uses the drone for roof inspections.  For him, it's easier to email the photos straight from the phone than it is to pull the SD card out in the field.    Oh well, as long as you are aware of the bug.  Thank you sir.

Sorry, that's a typing error, I mean it is a known issue. Sorry for the missing leading. And the issue will be fixed by the app update. Thank you for your patience.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Numero 5 Posted at 2018-3-8 05:03
I have the same issue (latest firmware on MP and dji go 4.2.6 for Android)

Hi there, please refer to my answer on 2#, thank you for your support.
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-3-9 00:06
Hi there, please refer to my answer on 2#, thank you for your support.

Hi Dji Thor thank you, I've tried several times to reboot my phone but pics are not there (only videos)...
I've got this problem since app update to versions 4.2.X, never had with 4.1.XX.
Furthermore with latest app/firmware versions I have very choppy video transmission during flight
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft
United States

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-3-9 00:05
Sorry, that's a typing error, I mean it is a known issue. Sorry for the missing leading. And the issue will be fixed by the app update. Thank you for your patience.

For me, that's not a problem.  Thank you sir.  I look forward to the update.  
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-3-9 00:05
Sorry, that's a typing error, I mean it is a known issue. Sorry for the missing leading. And the issue will be fixed by the app update. Thank you for your patience.

Hi Thor...  just a question... this thread was originally concerning Go 4 4.2.6 and a bug with the photo album.  I'm now running 4.2.12 and still got a bug.  I went flying this morning and when I got in my truck, I checked and I had these folders in my Gallery.

Pay no attention to the AadhkTime album.  Doesn't involve DJI.  
I got home, pulled my SD card and downloaded to my computer.  I got Videos and photos all high quality from the SD card.  My gallery on my phone didn't change.  I formatted the SD card and reinstalled.  Now, 5 hours later, I check my gallery on my phone and I have this:

The album CACHE_IMAGE contains my photos taken, but with a file size of from 12.75 KB to 378 KB.  Previous versions, when I landed I had DJI_ALBUM, DJI_RECORD and DJI_SPALSH (whatever that is)   Now I got Low resolution Photos, all my videos, SPALSH and two galleries with 27 short 5 second commercials for DJI.  

Is there a light at the end of this tunnel??  Just checking to see if the engineers are still trying to figure out what happened to a wonderful Android App.  

Thank you..
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-4-27 13:51
Hi Thor...  just a question... this thread was originally concerning Go 4 4.2.6 and a bug with the photo album.  I'm now running 4.2.12 and still got a bug.  I went flying this morning and when I got in my truck, I checked and I had these folders in my Gallery.


As far as I know, it is because Android system will save the images on the local album which were opened/seen/loaded.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

???  What does that mean?   I used to have an album filled with beautiful photos. Does this mean that the ONLY photos that my mavic can save now are visible only on the SD card? What's the reasoning for removing this feature?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 8330187 ft
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United Kingdom

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-3-7 23:23
Hi Brad, this is an known issue with the Android's latest version DJI GO 4 4.2.6, you can try to restart the drone and see if the cached pictures exist, or download the original pictures to the editor. If it is convenient, you can try to downgrade the DJI GO 4 app, or try an iOS device at the moment.
And this issue will be fixed by the app update, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Thanks for confirming this Thor; it's been really annoying me over the last month!
The pictures ARE present, by going into the 'Edit' area on the Go 4 App, but they won't appear in the albums.
Either way, be great to get this sorted V fast Thor!  Really frustrating!
Thanks for the info

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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

Up to 4.2.14 and the problem is still present.  If this is something changed, why is the setting still present on the camera page that says:

Auto Sync HD Photos: If this setting is enabled then the aircraft will stream full resolution pictures taken from the drone to the mobile device during flight.

This isn't working anymore.  
Use props
Flight distance : 2217402 ft
United Kingdom

Still the same on my mp on version 4.2.14 583 Android go app missing photos.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
  • >>>

Same issue and a few more issues as well after last android update. I had no option but go IOS ipad mini 4's for all our drones as the android issues drove me/us insane.  Since changing to IOS No issues.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww...  sorry... can't go that way...  I am not an iPhone fan at all..  too many bad experiences.  I'll wait for them to fix the Android version.  LOL
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
  • >>>

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-5-9 16:24
Ewwwwwwwwwwwww...  sorry... can't go that way...  I am not an iPhone fan at all..  too many bad experiences.  I'll wait for them to fix the Android version.  LOL

I'm not a fan of the cost involved in buying additional ipads for sure.   It's frustrating as All my Samsung's worked fabulously prior to the update, thereafter they all went downhill S5 S6 & S7, missing images, no histogram, no exposure warning and the deciding factor for change I was unable to record a home point, a major worry. I Tested on the ipad we use for the inspires and everything worked flawlessly so now have dedicated ipads for our mavic's.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

My Samsung has been rock solid for everyone of my flights.  It was just recently that I've lost the photo gallery.  Like you, my histogram vanished.  Then I found that with the new version of the app, it got turned off.  I checked the Auto Sync HD Photos setting and it was still on.  So I turned it off and then back on to see if that would help.  It didn't.  And the funny part is, my Note 5 isn't even on the approved list.  
As for the Apple products, I had a very bad experience with an iPhone years ago after an update.  I contacted Apple about it and asked if I could rollback to a previous OS.  They said that they couldn't allow that.  So I asked what could be done to fix the problem.  They said for me to buy a new phone.  So I did.  Samsung.  Haven't regretted it.  This was after losing all my photos, then losing all my contacts, then all my contacts being duplicated, then my phone turned into a brick...  Well, you get the idea.  LOL
I just hope that the engineers get the bug fixed soon.  For me, this isn't a CRITICAL matter since all my photos are on the SD card in pristine condition, but its more of an Irritant.  And WHY does the app wait 10-12 hours then suddenly create a folder called CACHE_RECORD with 15kb photos in it?  Oh well.  
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-4-30 04:02
???  What does that mean?   I used to have an album filled with beautiful photos. Does this mean that the ONLY photos that my mavic can save now are visible only on the SD card? What's the reasoning for removing this feature?

I am sorry, I might've misunderstood the point. If you want the original pictures to store on the mobile device, please check and enable the option "Auto Sync HD Photos".
If the option is enabled and still no HD pictures, please provide me with a screen recording of this case (take a picture then click back to Editor, open this picture). I will forward this case to the engineers. As for now, you can click the playback button and download the original pictures there.
The issue I mentioned above was the images not saving on Android device. And this issue has been resolved.
Thank you for attention.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-9 19:12
I am sorry, I might've misunderstood the point. If you want the original pictures to store on the mobile device, please check and enable the option "Auto Sync HD Photos".
If the option is enabled and still no HD pictures, please provide me with a screen recording of this case (take a picture then click back to Editor, open this picture). I will forward this case to the engineers. As for now, you can click the playback button and download the original pictures there.
The issue I mentioned above was the images not saving on Android device. And this issue has been resolved.

The option "Auto Sync HD Photos" IS  checked and has had no effect.  

Previously, I had synced my records, uninstalled the app, Cleared the Cache from my phone, Rebooted my phone, Re-installed the app, Re-synced my records and the problem continues.  

I have a friend that does roof inspections with his MP.  He has the exact same problem.  He usually flies the inspection, lands and then emails the photos from his tablet to the owner.  Now he has to wait until he gets home to unload the sd card.  Slows him down a lot.  

This bug started with Android version 4.2.6 and is still present at 4.2.14.  I am running the current firmware version on everything.  I only get the CACHE images to appear on my device after 10-12 hours.  Nothing after the flight until then.  
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-5-10 04:12
The option "Auto Sync HD Photos" IS  checked and has had no effect.  

Previously, I had synced my records, uninstalled the app, Cleared the Cache from my phone, Rebooted my phone, Re-installed the app, Re-synced my records and the problem continues.  

Sorry for the late update. Would you please do me a favour? Please try to connect the drone to the app, enter camera live, click Playback button and download some original pictures manually.
After that, check the folder and see if the DJI Album folder is created.
Please kindly keep us updated. Thank you.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-14 22:57
Sorry for the late update. Would you please do me a favour? Please try to connect the drone to the app, enter camera live, click Playback button and download some original pictures manually.
After that, check the folder and see if the DJI Album folder is created.
Please kindly keep us updated. Thank you.

Sorry for the Delay.  I've been at work today.  However, tomorrow afternoon i will be out flying.  I'll test it out tomorrow and let you know as soon as I can sir.  

Thank you.  
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-5-15 14:56
Sorry for the Delay.  I've been at work today.  However, tomorrow afternoon i will be out flying.  I'll test it out tomorrow and let you know as soon as I can sir.  

Thank you.

It's okay. Thank you for your efforts on this issue.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-16 23:20
It's okay. Thank you for your efforts on this issue.

Hate it when work calls and I lose a good day of flying.  SIgh..
Ok.. I did as you requested.  I went out this morning and flew, taking both videos and Photos.  I landed and clicked the playback button.  I went to photos, selected all and then clicked download.  After it finished, I shut everything down and checked my phone.  

I have DJI_RECORD, DJI_Album and DJI_SPALSH.  DJI_Album contains all my photos in amazing high resolution.  As in 3.6 MB in size.  

I get home and after about two hours, I look at my phone again and now I have another folder named CACHE_IMAGE that appears with the exact same images as DJI_Album, but this time the images are only 15.4 KB in size.  

I hope that this helps sir.  This is getting confusing.  LOL  

And again, thank you for your help.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-16 23:20
It's okay. Thank you for your efforts on this issue.

Ok.. good news, bad news.... I was heading out to fly this morning and found my phone downloading Go4 4.2.16.  Great....

The good news is, 4.2.16 flew perfectly.  Not a single problem.  Great range, anywhere from 17-19 Satellites on GPS, not a single flicker or dropout other than the one time that I accidently hit the wrong button on my phone...

The bad news is, I am still not getting DJI_Album automatically downloaded as I use to.  I get DJI_RECORD after the flight, and several hours later, I get CACHE_IMAGE several hours later.  Maybe.  I've only been back a few minutes.  CACHE_IMAGE hasn't appeared yet, but I expect it soon.  

The option for Auto Sync photos in the camera settings is turned on, but nothing syncs.  Prior to 4.2.6, everything worked fine.  Now.....?  

Any word?
Use props
Flight distance : 605466 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-14 22:57
Sorry for the late update. Would you please do me a favour? Please try to connect the drone to the app, enter camera live, click Playback button and download some original pictures manually.
After that, check the folder and see if the DJI Album folder is created.
Please kindly keep us updated. Thank you.

Yes folder is created and pictures downloaded to the phone.  So this is a good work around.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-5-21 08:52
Ok.. good news, bad news.... I was heading out to fly this morning and found my phone downloading Go4 4.2.16.  Great....

The good news is, 4.2.16 flew perfectly.  Not a single problem.  Great range, anywhere from 17-19 Satellites on GPS, not a single flicker or dropout other than the one time that I accidently hit the wrong button on my phone...

Sorry for the late update. I had forwarded your case to the engineers to check the situation. If there is any feedback, I will let you know.
BTW, nice shoot above, cheers.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Yachtsman Posted at 2018-5-21 09:31
Yes folder is created and pictures downloaded to the phone.  So this is a good work around.

Thank you for your feedback, but as the OP said, if "Auto Sync Photos" enabled, original pictures should be synced to editor manually.
I had forwarded this situation to the engineers to check, hopefully, there will be an update soon.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hi there, please try to click the playback button after shooting, don't need to download the images, then please check back the editor, see if the original pictures have synced to the local. Thank you.
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-29 19:26
Hi there, please try to click the playback button after shooting, don't need to download the images, then please check back the editor, see if the original pictures have synced to the local. Thank you.

Sorry about the delay, but we've been having some WONDERFUL Texas Winds for the past few weeks and I like my MP so much I didn't want to risk it.  (40 mph/18 meters/second)

But I did manage to get it out today and fly around.  After landing, I clicked on the playback button as  you suggested and it immediately created an album on my phone called DJI_ALBUM and populated it with 21 beautiful high resolution photos with an average size of 3.4 MB per photo.  So that works great.  All I had to do was to look at the folder and it started the download by itself.

But I still have the CACHE_IMAGE Directory on my phone with the same Low resolution images.  

But once again.  Why do I have to click on the playback button when it formerly was automatic?  When there is an option in the setup menu for Camera Options?

Why is it totally different now than what it use to be?  

DJI GO4 Android App 4.2.20 now
All Firmware up to latest versions
Samsung Note 5 (yes, not on the approved list but has functioned perfectly for the past year.)
(Note:  Problem originally appeared with Go4 version 4.2.6)
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-29 19:26
Hi there, please try to click the playback button after shooting, don't need to download the images, then please check back the editor, see if the original pictures have synced to the local. Thank you.

You aren't going to believe this.... but after all this time, and now running 4.3.0, uninstalling the app, rebooting the phone, clearing the Cache, Reinstalling the app, updating the firmware to the latest release, uninstalling the app again and reinstalling.... My photos are back again.  HD Sync is running finally.  Got no idea if it was a fluke or something that your engineers did, but whoever, Thank you.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-9-7 14:34
You aren't going to believe this.... but after all this time, and now running 4.3.0, uninstalling the app, rebooting the phone, clearing the Cache, Reinstalling the app, updating the firmware to the latest release, uninstalling the app again and reinstalling.... My photos are back again.  HD Sync is running finally.  Got no idea if it was a fluke or something that your engineers did, but whoever, Thank you.

Brad, I am regretful for missing your last reply, but glad to know that the cache image is now working properly on your mobile device. If there is anything further I can help, you can let me know, I will do my best to help.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 673862 ft
  • >>>

Check the cache settings on your phone. You may have to increase it?
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Brad Bilger
Second Officer
Flight distance : 14843274 ft

Mini-G Posted at 2018-9-9 05:32
Check the cache settings on your phone. You may have to increase it?

Cache settings on the Go 4 App have been increased from the standard 2 gb to 6 gb and pretty much everything in between.  (done over a year ago and rechecked after every update, Firmware AND app)
Photo cache is cleaned out prior to every flight.  
All DJI albums are deleted prior to every flight.  
Phone cache (General Cache) is cleaned out every few weeks.
All Cache cleaning is part of my pre flight along with going through phone settings and shutting down any background app that may be running.  
Have synced records, uninstalled app, rebooted, reinstalled app, resync'd with no change many times.  

Dunno what started it or corrected it, but I'm glad that the problem is resolved.  (for now)

But thanks for the suggestion.  
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 673862 ft
  • >>>

Brad Bilger Posted at 2018-9-9 06:46
Cache settings on the Go 4 App have been increased from the standard 2 gb to 6 gb and pretty much everything in between.  (done over a year ago and rechecked after every update, Firmware AND app)
Photo cache is cleaned out prior to every flight.  
All DJI albums are deleted prior to every flight.  

The app does strange things...
The iOS version also has unexplainable quirks.

All the best!
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