Really disappointed with DJI Service
1092 11 2015-6-23
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I ordered the hardshell backpack near one month ago, and the shipping status is still pending. I ordered because they said 5-7 working days for the shippment. I opened the chat to see whats going on and they only say that I can cancel my order whenever I want. Is this a good custormer service? No solution, lying to us and arrogant attitude.

If I cancel the order it will take one more month for the money back so I only can wait to their extremly bad service. Never seen something like this.
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Lovely... when I ordered mine two weeks ago it said "10-15 working days after payment is confirmed."  So I used Paypal because I thought it would be quicker than the 1 to 3 additional days it takes for a credit card to get approved.   
And heck, I thought May 9th would be a good day to order because it was supposed to be a good number.  Or so I read somewhere because 9 has the same pronunciation with - Jiu, meaning everlasting.  Apparently running that through the DJI Convoluted Chinese Calendar to English means I will be waiting everlasting for my order to arrive, huh?  Maybe I'll get it sometime in the year of the Pig.  As in, when pigs fly...
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same case for me ...
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Flight distance : 78612 ft
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"On the internet, no one knows you're a dog."

In fairness to the host of DJI employees on the other side of the Pacific, I wonder if what many of us think we are seeing/hearing is merely cultural differences or language differences.

I made the quote above first, because I think it's still important. If a group of us all sat down for coffee one morning and discussed what we liked/disliked, the way we talk, our expressions, our "body language" would all be patently obvious to each other. If I'm struggling with something and someone else figures it out before I do, my response might be "Joe, you S.O.B." immediately followed by a high five between the two of us.

If you do that on the internet - Facebook, forum, blog - even with emoticons, a lot gets lost. A lot gets lost quickly!

You can't see the glint in my eye, it's much harder to detect sarcasm, etc.

Is it possible when a DJI customer service employee writes "Cancel your order" is he/she really being arrogant? It's highly likely that English is not that person's native language. How many of us are still upset that, seemingly, 95% of every help desk in the world was staffed by someone we couldn't understand - certainly that's been the perception. For all we know, dozens (more?) of people have been hired "over there" to handle the obvious crush, and most of them are looking at a "cheat sheet" that says "...if the customer does/says this, here's the appropriate response."

So, the rep says "...I'm sorry, you *do* have the option to cancel your order."
What we hear is "...cancel your order..."

Of course, I might be stretching and giving an incredible benefit of doubt. At times, it's funny, but apparently not very funny when I have my bird, my props and my extra batteries and you don't!

An old, old TV ad comes to mind. A man is in a sporting goods store. He picks up a "duck call" and says to the clerk " much for the duck call?" The attendant says "...yes sir would that be cash or charge?" The guy repeats " much for the duck call?" The clerk responds, "...we have a terrific layaway plan, sir." After a couple more passes, the guy trying to buy the duck call is about to have a stroke and still doesn't know how much for the duck call.

So when some of you complain about the back-pack (or whatever) I think of the poor guy trying to buy the duck call. I think some of this dealing with DJI requires more patience that I possess!
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United States

aburkefl@gmail. Posted at 2015-6-23 20:37
"On the internet, no one knows you're a dog."

In fairness to the host of DJI employees on the other ...

Waxing poetic again I see.......

DJI and their online sales group are the epitome of how to not do business in the USA.

The commerce laws of various countries triumph Chinese culture.

When I go to place an order and the website claims available for immediate shipment, then it should ship, maybe not the same day, but the next or so. I haven't seen one person posting here that has received their order in a timely fashion. That in my opinion isn't a cultural thing, that's poor business practice.

In my case, I ordered direct believing that DJI would fill internal orders before supplying dealers or if nothing more, limit what dealers were receiving. a direct sale gives DJI the full retail price verses selling wholesale to a dealer.

DJI was fast to charge my account as they were yours. Too bad that they don't respect their customers to perform in a fashion where communications are fast, friendly and productive.

I'm sorry that DJI customer service is backed up but it's a job that they were tasked with.
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l agree that it is more choice and perhaps an unawareness (or disregard) of western culture that we do value customer service. The choice part l say because as others have mentioned, they're still choosing to show stock available when clearly it isn't. lf they were more honest and show back-ordered until..., those of us who aren't in a hurry for something might still order. An example of that is propellers. l ordered a bunch expecting they'd be about 6 weeks away. l got a tracking number 6 days later and they arrived at my door the same week. Obviously they were in stock   

Selling directly to us, or having us buy through a dealer and having to replenish the dealer's stock of the same amount, still results in a sale for DJI. I don't understand why they're not at least trying to perfect the logistics even if they have a cultural block on the human side of things.
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Flight distance : 78612 ft
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CapitAn Posted at 2015-6-23 22:16
l agree that it is more choice and perhaps an unawareness (or disregard) of western culture that we  ...

Hey, I think I agree with both you and Gregg - just trying partially to play Devil's Advocate.

I guess where I'm the most surprised is that DJI has apparently enjoyed robust sales with the Phantom, Phantom 2, Vision, etc., encompassing several models. When I made a moderately disparaging comment one day (the Phantom 3 being my first DJI product) some one suggested "...Oh, this is your first time dealing with DJI, huh?"

That certainly implied that the customer service handling of the Phantom 3 is not anything new - which should, for an apparently successful company, be quite surprising. Despite my age maybe there is time to go back to business school!
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United States

aburkefl@gmail. Posted at 2015-6-24 01:11
Hey, I think I agree with both you and Gregg - just trying partially to play Devil's Advocate.

I  ...

"Despite my age maybe there is time to go back to business school!"

Going to business school is like wrestling with pigs, you get dirty and the pigs enjoy it too much.
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Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States

gregg1r Posted at 2015-6-24 06:50
"Despite my age maybe there is time to go back to business school!"

Going to business school is l ...

I think that one goes along with the one that says:

"Never get into an argument with an idiot. It brings you down to their level and then you don't have a chance!"

I'm paraphrasing - doubt that I got it right. I enjoy your posts. Even though we don't always agree, you're polite about it and I sometimes just have to write like I'm about to kill something, and then just delete it and go merrily along my way! (Not to your posts - but to a few, in general.)

If there were an IQ test to participate in the forum, many of us might not be here!
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United Kingdom

I think if you used paypal to order it's wise to open a dispute if you haven't received the item after about a month.
If you don't start the process in 45 days it's not certain you can get a refund.
They still have a further 20 days to resolve it by sending your stuff (batteries in my case)
But note you still have to escalate the dispute yourself in the set time if no progress continues.

DJI are a reputable company but from my experience querying the ever-pending order is they are quite happy to close your ticket without even answering.

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United States

I also ordered the back-pack case when the store had this at 5-7 working days... after waiting 3 weeks and still not shipped I contacted them and after that horrible experience they left me no choice but to cancel and get paypal refunded which they did. I am currently on a separate dispute with them for a paypal refund which they have refused.

DJI should not be selling direct to the American public. It's a disaster. In fact they should have no dealings with the consumer at all. Eventually this type of bad customer service will catch up to them but then it will be too late.
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emptymind Posted at 2015-6-24 21:04
I also ordered the back-pack case when the store had this at 5-7 working days... after waiting 3 wee ...

l agree completely! They're excellent at what they do, which is innovation in the drone market. But they need a "face", a customer service wing, or use a separate company that will un-do all this damage from the bad taste.
The biggest issue (to me) is the complete lack of communication. lt's like pulling teeth trying to get any word on anything, be it sales, updates, releases, problems, inventory status, service status, shipping status, anything.
Even on this forum we have smatterings of critical pieces of information everywhere. We have to know it exists so we can go look for it. l don't know how those people who don't belong to this forum keep their drones in the air. l learned so much from the regular guys over in the P2 forum that l would have never known from any "official" DJI communication.
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