Caught a guy Flying a Yuneec in Arches National Park
3099 78 2018-9-15
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

M2Wair Posted at 2018-9-15 16:35
Watch your own video evidence fella, sit back and digest the scenario, now ask yourself what you would do if somebody approached you in that manor and didn't respect your right to being left alone by extensively another member of the public who approached you aggressively. Bear in mind you didn't identify yourself as law enforcement!

Nobody is saying the guy wasn't flying illegally, just your method of approach sucked, that's all.

I know exactly how I approached him! My authority has no weight 3000 miles from home! And as a citizen of the USA I have a right to approach someone breaking laws you didn’t see what he was doing over the people BUDDY  people like you just add to the issue! Also he was on public land that MY TAX $$ pay for I have a right to stand up to anyone that’s doing something to harm my use of it it’s no different than someone tagging the rock or shooting animals in the park!
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United States

What a tool you are. You are very lucky the guy didn’t drag you out of your window. Do you go running down the street like Gomer Pyle screaming citizens arrest, citizens arrest when you see someone speeding? How about expired meter, I bet your snowflake head explodes over that.  Catch someone on a cell phone.... dang, bet you call your friends on that one as back up.  I’ve seen and heard it all now. By the way ,what’s that got to do with DJI anyhow? I’m calling your mommy on you now.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

Hedsic Posted at 2018-9-15 16:36
Im pushing 40 and I still think the snowflake thing is a lazy ass argument when someone cant think of anything better to come back with.

It’s as PC as you can get it’s better than calling someone a Young Punk imoI am still old enough to be your father so I have seen a lot of changes in the world! Even some my elders complain were coming!
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

C716S Posted at 2018-9-15 16:41
What a tool you are. You are very lucky the guy didn’t drag you out of your window. Do you go running down the street like Gomer Pyle screaming citizens arrest, citizens arrest when you see someone speeding? How about expired meter, I bet your snowflake head explodes over that.  Catch someone on a cell phone.... dang, bet you call your friends on that one as back up.  I’ve seen and heard it all now. By the way ,what’s that got to do with DJI anyhow? I’m calling your mommy on you now.

Wow you are a piece of work drones are not toys! So F U A$$ hole I will defend my hobby against idiots! Unless you are buying my equipment and paying for any fees I might have to pay because of people like you
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 16:29
I’m on my side! I have to much invested in my Equipment to let someone make the hobby more costly or restrictive! I don’t know what side your on? Unless you have a endless cash pile these acts are only going to cost us more in the end! Dji doesn’t put the NFZs in the Firmware free it cost money and resources to develop the software! And when the government starts requiring expensive licenses to fly! You can only thank those breaking the rules!

obviously you are on your own side....i wouldn't expect anything less of you.  

we arent taking sides though i dont think.  we just want you to be civilized, specially since you claim you are a part of law enforcement..  but seeing you act so jealous and immature... i hope to god you arent or that you get over watever is bothering you

im going to make this point again, be selective.  someone wants to fly their drone in a national park, i personally dont give a single sh*t as a drone pilot myself who wishes to keep this open hobby, i dont care, as long as they mind their own business and dont bother anyone or anything... they can enjoy themselves...  and because you elected to not tell us what he was doing, im going to guess he wasn't doing anything wrong ..   
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Flight distance : 83638 ft
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United States

My guess is that when anyone says they're "part of law enforcement", well that means they are not an actual sworn peace officer, they're more like some other kind of support personnel (reserve, security, etc). Actual sworn law enforcement people (well, the vast majority anyways) would most definitely have approached this situation far differently. The FAA created the legislation to prohibit drones in national parks for safety of people and preservation of natural resources. That's the letter of the law. Most peace officers agree it's the spirit of the law, not the letter, that makes all the difference. Here, while it is clearly not legal, is it really a safety issue? Enough to warrant getting all red-faced and huffy and running to the NPS crying foul? Do you have any idea how understaffed national parks are? Most parks have only a handful of law enforcement rangers to cover hundreds of square miles. A far more acceptable solution would have been to say that it wasn't legal to fly drones in the park, move on.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

HereForTheBeer Posted at 2018-9-15 16:45
obviously you are on your own side....i wouldn't expect anything less of you.  

we arent taking sides though i dont think.  we just want you to be civilized, specially since you claim you are a part of law enforcement..  but seeing you act so jealous and immature... i hope to god you arent or that you get over watever is bothering you

What do you need all the details the video is in the hands of the law enforcement! You don’t need all the dirt!
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Flight distance : 478757 ft
United States

The only proper response would be to shoot the knobs drone out of the sky because 'MURICA!!!!!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 16:38
I know exactly how I approached him! My authority has no weight 3000 miles from home! And as a citizen of the USA I have a right to approach someone breaking laws you didn’t see what he was doing over the people BUDDY  people like you just add to the issue! Also he was on public land that MY TAX $$ pay for I have a right to stand up to anyone that’s doing something to harm my use of it it’s no different than someone tagging the rock or shooting animals in the park!

No fella, you are exactly the issue here as you have clearly demonstrated, your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance. You just can't see your manor of approach was confrontational, aggressive and unwarranted and reason why people are questioning your motive. But like you said, you had no authority and out of your jurisdiction, so you can't take the law into your own hands and enforcement of law should be left to those in authority, right.

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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

Hedsic Posted at 2018-9-15 16:50
The only proper response would be to shoot the knobs drone out of the sky because 'MURICA!!!!!

If it was legal I’m sure someone would have ! They are developing alll kind of anti drone devices that are going to be abused it always happens!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 16:47
What do you need all the details the video is in the hands of the law enforcement! You don’t need all the dirt!

then i i repeat, how the f*ck do youu expect anyone here to honestly side with you?  only thing you proven to us is:

1. you a sh*t officer that doesnt know how to handle situations

2.  a really bad video proven ..a guy was holding a controller which could from video also been a tablet or something like that,  and that your initial and only interaction was terrible..and by the way, no drone in the video, just no evidance of him even flying...

3. you shouldn't be in law enforcement.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

M2Wair Posted at 2018-9-15 16:53
No fella, you are exactly the issue here as you have clearly demonstrated, your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance. You just can't see your manor of approach was confrontational, aggressive and unwarranted and reason why people are questioning your motive. But like you said, you had no authority and out of your jurisdiction, so you can't take the law into your own hands and enforcement of law should be left to those in authority, right.

What a idiot you are just a passive approach to everything! Trust me it doesn’t work and never will! I am going to protect my hobby from morons you are obviously one to watch out for!
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Flight distance : 83638 ft
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United States

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 16:54
If it was legal I’m sure someone would have ! They are developing alll kind of anti drone devices that are going to be abused it always happens!

Sounds like you're your own anti-drone technology device. Sheesh, man, let it go already.
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Flight distance : 2030272 ft

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 15:14
Like I said there more than what you saw I spotted the drone from over a mile away because of what he was doing! He had no respect for anyone around him! I'm not going into detail but the rangers have all the video and want to find him because it wasn't a simple flight he was doing some really messed up things and in a agressive manner!

Well, what was he doing? If you tell us what upset you then maybe we will be able to understand you more. I don't know why you're picking on this guy that is flying on the parking lot. I am more concern at the other drivers on the road 'cause they do more crazy stuff than a drone flyer. We see all these crazy car drivers everyday and nobody reports them. Give the guy a break. Have you ever driven over a speed limit. I believe you do.
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Flight distance : 97224 ft
United States

Yflyer Posted at 2018-9-15 16:58
Well, what was he doing? If you tell us what upset you then maybe we will be able to understand you more. I don't know why you're picking on this guy that is flying on the parking lot. I am more concern at the other drivers on the road 'cause they do more crazy stuff than a drone flyer. We see all these crazy car drivers everyday and nobody reports them. Give the guy a break. Have you ever driven over a speed limit. I believe you do.

Maybe your will se it on the news? All I’m saying is it was dangerous! If I was close enough when I saw it I would have tried to knock it out of the sky I have my reasons for no divulging the details! I was asked not to! That’s enough. I’m done here I can see how the other UAV Pilots think this is ok ! I was actually shocked so many supporters of this behavior it’s just shows the hobby is probably doomed!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 17:02
Maybe your will se it on the news? All I’m saying is it was dangerous! If I was close enough when I saw it I would have tried to knock it out of the sky I have my reasons for no divulging the details! I was asked not to! That’s enough. I’m done here I can see how the other UAV Pilots think this is ok ! I was actually shocked so many supporters of this behavior it’s just shows the hobby is probably doomed!

pfft.. why would we manage to see it on the news if your so unwilling to tell us here?   if we going to see it on the news then its not even private/confidential...  

im going to assume he wasnt flying dangerously since your so unwilling to say anything..
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 16:57
What a idiot you are just a passive approach to everything! Trust me it doesn’t work and never will! I am going to protect my hobby from morons you are obviously one to watch out for!

LMAO I thought as much..... and I Would Challenge You To a Battle of Wits, But I See You Are Unarmed, so will bow out and part with a simple message to Keep taking the meds.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

"Only a sith deals in absolutes" -Obi wan Kenobi

I guess I missed the show but read the thread.. what happen!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 367352 ft
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Over 60 posts and not one in your favor.

Some people would take that as a learning tool and
revaluate the situation and there actions.

But not you, are you just to old, senile, stubborn, self righteous, low IQ?

Your not part of the fix, your part of the problem!
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Flight distance : 478757 ft
United States

This is a very yuneek situation we have here. One guy breaks the law, other guy aporochaes him rudely instead of first trying to act civily.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

Hedsic Posted at 2018-9-15 17:18
This is a very yuneek situation we have here. One guy breaks the law, other guy aporochaes him rudely instead of first trying to act civily.

hhahaha.. very punny
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1118323 ft

Just saying, guys like you are the cause that the whole world thinks that Americans are a joke when it is about there "rights" the only right you have is to shut up, and evaluate this whole thing, and then, if you have the balls, say okay guys, maybe my approach wasn't that subtle... we never said we agreed on this guy breaking the law. We only said your approach sucks.. and you only show everyone here what a d*ck you are.
You say young people are the problem and never listen, how do you expect people to listen if they see someone yelling and shouting,without them knowing what they did wrong? You don't like to be yelled at, he doesn't either, neither are we. We tried to explain, but you apparently are to stupid to understand that we do have a valid point. All you say is: it is my right, I pay tax so it is my land also. Well, it is probably his land aswell in that case, and one can fly on his land right?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

GhostWolf010 Posted at 2018-9-15 17:43
Just saying, guys like you are the cause that the whole world thinks that Americans are a joke when it is about there "rights" the only right you have is to shut up, and evaluate this whole thing, and then, if you have the balls, say okay guys, maybe my approach wasn't that subtle... we never said we agreed on this guy breaking the law. We only said your approach sucks.. and you only show everyone here what a d*ck you are.
You say young people are the problem and never listen, how do you expect people to listen if they see someone yelling and shouting,without them knowing what they did wrong? You don't like to be yelled at, he doesn't either, neither are we. We tried to explain, but you apparently are to stupid to understand that we do have a valid point. All you say is: it is my right, I pay tax so it is my land also. Well, it is probably his land aswell in that case, and one can fly on his land right?

amen to that!
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Flight distance : 14670299 ft
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United Kingdom

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 15:03
So all the video he was recording is ok in a NFZ my dashcam is perfectly legal and yes I am law enforcement but I had no authority inside the NP!

Exactly - report it if you feel so compelled to do so but don't take the law into your own hands and using profanity to belittle someone is considered verbal assault in my country... - it is not your place to tell anyone how to conduct their business even if you feel they are breaking regulations - he may have very well had permission from someone in real authority - don't judge books by their cover!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 15:26
So it's ok for people to hurt the hobby for everyone just to get there Rocks off on everyone else's expense? Hmmm thats why the world is so screwed up today!

ok if you want to go play cop then go after all the ones here at the DJI forum that fly over people and cars in traffic and other things like flying way over 400' etc. This forum is full of them. Might take you awhile but you'll get the hang of it.
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Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 24101106 ft


rolling56 Posted at 2018-9-16 04:30
ok if you want to go play cop then go after all the ones here at the DJI forum that fly over people and cars in traffic and other things like flying way over 400' etc. This forum is full of them. Might take you awhile but you'll get the hang of it.

Well said!
Me for example I like to fly beyond los but I see the big iPad 10 inch bright screen with my glasses perfectly thank you very much ;)

Fly safe everyone
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Alex B.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 24101106 ft


Saboken why did you delete the video by the way?
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Yeah, I’m 42, and I can’t stand the snowflake thing either.  There’s a right way and a wrong way to approach the guy.  I would have approached him as well, just using a different approach...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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United States

Saboken Posted at 2018-9-15 17:02
Maybe your will se it on the news? All I’m saying is it was dangerous! If I was close enough when I saw it I would have tried to knock it out of the sky I have my reasons for no divulging the details! I was asked not to! That’s enough. I’m done here I can see how the other UAV Pilots think this is ok ! I was actually shocked so many supporters of this behavior it’s just shows the hobby is probably doomed!

I don't think anybody is saying what this guy was doing was okay.  He was clearly flying in an NFZ and it was not OK for him to be flying there.  I was just in that exact spot a couple of months ago and would have loved to have flown there as well.  

However, I think when there are almost 70 posts on here and every single one of them is giving you some sort of feedback about how you approached the situation, then it may not be a bad idea to take a step back from yourself and do a little bit of introspection and ask yourself why everyone (without exception) is disagreeing with you.

In my experience, if I'm the only guy in a crowded room that sees something a certain way, maybe there is something I can learn from the opposing viewpoint.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1382431 ft
United States

Hedsic Posted at 2018-9-15 17:18
This is a very yuneek situation we have here. One guy breaks the law, other guy aporochaes him rudely instead of first trying to act civily.

Nice play on words lol
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Flight distance : 2030272 ft

Hey, where's the video?
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R&L Aerial photography
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

If someone spoke to me like that they would have at least 1 black eye....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

KlooGee Posted at 2018-9-16 06:41
I don't think anybody is saying what this guy was doing was okay.  He was clearly flying in an NFZ and it was not OK for him to be flying there.  I was just in that exact spot a couple of months ago and would have loved to have flown there as well.  

However, I think when there are almost 70 posts on here and every single one of them is giving you some sort of feedback about how you approached the situation, then it may not be a bad idea to take a step back from yourself and do a little bit of introspection and ask yourself why everyone (without exception) is disagreeing with you.

exactly!  i can admit, i would be jealous as well that i cant fly there! but who is to say that this guy didn't get clearance or permission?   and given lack of proof that this guy was even flying dangerously, no video or even just details put into words of what exactly happened, hard to take his side..

plus ironic thing is he is claiming to be protecting the hobby, yet he is by far and away one of of the most anti drone people around from all of his statements.  

the way he acts, its like he thinking throwing cuffs on the guy would be the thing to save the hobby when in reality doing that would only kill the hobby more.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial photography Posted at 2018-9-20 11:07
If someone spoke to me like that they would have at least 1 black eye....

yep, i agree...  

he claims he's an officer/law enforcement?   we all know respect for police is pretty damn low overall, and people like him that dragging it down.  so he gets no respect from me, making a very poor example out of officers/law enforcement.
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Flight distance : 401706 ft
United States

Where's the video?
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Flight distance : 4129268 ft
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United States

I guess I'm to late to see the vid
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Bing Err
Flight distance : 9249964 ft
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United States

I saw a guy flying a Spark within a few hundred feet of the General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park. It was a HIGHLY populated area with crowds about 10-20 feet away. At first I regretted not filming the incident, but now I'm glad I didn't because it just draws more negative attention to the hobby.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23 ft
United States

I want to see it too.. Too late to catch the drama

Did he body slam the kid or call him a soyboy? Was he short like a midget or what happen
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1015679 ft
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Dude don't be a Karen .
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