Locations near Pemberton NJ to fly?
682 2 2018-9-22
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Flight distance : 151 ft
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United States

I live in Pemberton NJ and I'm looking for some good places wide open areas to fly. I know it is prime flying in this area, since there are acres and acres of just woods, trees and parks, but right now I want to stay way from the trees. I usually just jump on Google Maps and see lots of areas of just nothing, but we all know here in NJ everything is owned by someone and posted trespassing signs are all over the place. Thanks!

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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Thank you for reaching out. Regarding your question you can go to this https://www.dji.com/flysafe/geo-map to check if you can fly safely in the Area and to make sure as well that you complying with Geo-zone.
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Flight distance : 151 ft
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United States

Thanks for the link. I am allowed to fly in warning zone, correct? A little hard to tell with the wording as with everything that is in NJ. What does a "verified account" mean? Does all that mean when I sign into the software/account/app , then I am allowed to fly in these zones?

WARNING ZONES. In these Zones, which may not necessarily appear on the DJI GO map ( nice, could not be on the map, great ), users will be prompted with a warning message. Just acknowledge it on the screen/app?
Example Warning Zone: A protected wildlife area.

Enhanced Warning Zones. In these Zones, you will be prompted by GEO at the time of flight to unlock the zone using the same steps as in an Authorization Zone, but you do not require a verified account or an internet connection at the time of your flight.
Example Enhanced Warning Zone: A farm which is 3 miles away from a busy international airport.

Authorization Zones. In these Zones, which appear yellow in the DJI GO map, users will be prompted with a warning and flight is limited by default. Authorization Zones may be unlocked by authorized users using a DJI verified account.
Example Authorization Zone: Model aircraft flying club near an airport.

I do see warnings come up on my DJI APP4 screen and I do acknowledge them when they come up. Just trying to figure out what is going to change the settings on my bird so I know ahead of time here before flight take off. Have to be prepared. I flew at the Burlington County Airport Club over the weekend and it was a really nice place. https://burlingtoncountyrc.com. Flat areas around with some trees and nice terrain to fly over/around. Looking forward to more places like that.

And yes, still debating about Litchi since I was told if something happens to your bird and not using the DJI APP problems you will have with DJI. Really dying to try it out. Looks like a great app to use. I do want to keep in compliance but it is just like the firearm laws in this state, which none of them whatsoever makes sense. I may have to bring along my buddy who has a class 4 pilots license or something. I think he said that. He's capable of flying small on prop puddle jumpers all the way up to the big jumbos and helicopters. Veteran of course.

Thanks folks.

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