1” sensor drama! (IKOPTA)
1272 23 2018-9-30
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El Diablo
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Comparisons are so difficult to be truly conclusive - so many variables to consider. The M2P clearly has a more cinematic image in the right setting.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1730177 ft

Good point of view.
But he talks a lot about colour and compare image in standard mode. Also I can see that picture from MP2 washed out little bit.
So you need to see some ART videos from someone before you take his words or complains? I didn't see any ART from your posted guy also.
I think everyone can have their own opinion. I am not taking anyone side on that question.
Of course it stupid move to send back MP2 just only because of this "issue"

P.S. I like how MP2 performs in low light conditions and with noise of image. It is very good step forward.
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El Diablo
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El Diablo Posted at 2018-10-1 02:21
Anyone buying into the H.265 DLog 10 bit hype should understand that a flat profile needs to be color graded in post. The fact that the M2P footage looks less sharp is because DJI isn’t applying any digital sharpening out of the box. Adding +1 works miracles and the footage still looks more natural and organic.

I really don’t understand why some folks are so much obsessed with the 10% difference in sharpness between the Mavic and the Phantom when sharpness is only a part of the overall image quality. At the end of the day, we try to shoot at 24p to get that ‘Cinematic’ look and introduce a natural motion BLUR and on the other hand we want absolute sharpness in an unnatural artificial way.

Good points.
Back in the day many thought the £409 X3 camera gave a better image than the £1,699 X5 on the Inspire - despite the X5 being a M4T sensor (essentially a mirrorless DSLR). The opinions stemmed from the sharpness because many didn't realise that a softer image is in fact more natural and cinematic and easier to work with in post. The camera on the M2P is clearly an entry level 'pro' camera - it is not a point and shoot like the 1/2.3" sensor on the MP1 and a few need to understand the difference.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1730177 ft

El Diablo Posted at 2018-10-1 02:21
Anyone buying into the H.265 DLog 10 bit hype should understand that a flat profile needs to be color graded in post. The fact that the M2P footage looks less sharp is because DJI isn’t applying any digital sharpening out of the box. Adding +1 works miracles and the footage still looks more natural and organic.

I really don’t understand why some folks are so much obsessed with the 10% difference in sharpness between the Mavic and the Phantom when sharpness is only a part of the overall image quality. At the end of the day, we try to shoot at 24p to get that ‘Cinematic’ look and introduce a natural motion BLUR and on the other hand we want absolute sharpness in an unnatural artificial way.

Man, I am not complaining about M2P picture etc. I am shooting in Dlog and colour grading etc. I am just telling you that there can be a lot of opinions.
Also if there no one will complain there no will be progress or fix etc. Like 3-4 years ago everyone was telling that 4k is useless and not needed. Or that M2P has function and shoot video like 3-4k cameras. Or that it has 1inch sensor and what you want more Ok after 2 years it will be everywhere.
Some hope you get my point of view.
P.S. I saw all that youtube videos ;)
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Thank you for sharing this good review. He brings things to the point, no bla bla as it is the case with many others who in addition don't know what they are talking about. And one question: Would you recommend to set sharpness to +1 as default for M2P?
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El Diablo
Second Officer


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El Diablo
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El Diablo
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Good video, well described.
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At the end of the day, it’s about the footage you can capture and how it looks to you, M2 P certainly looks great to me as regards footage and photography, but like everything the more you work with it the better results you will get.
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United Kingdom

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Flight distance : 261509 ft

El Diablo Posted at 2018-10-1 14:36
You are welcome. Yes, +1 Sharpness works best, even the soft footage at f/11 becomes kind of usable. If you’re shooting in DLog, also +1 Sharpness & -1 Contrast seem to work the best. In both scenarios I’ve seen no artifacts or extra noise. I wouldn’t go beyond that with the settings. Also I’ve seen no difference if adding sharpness with the app or my editing software. I believe DJI has done a great job with the internal programming.
What people is forgetting is that all these pixel peeping comparisons are zoomed in from 100% to 400%, that is totally crazy imo...

Thank you for the confirmation.
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El Diablo
Second Officer


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Just lobbing a rock in a bush, to see what comes running out................
Imagine if the quality of the MP2 videos and images, is so much better than before, without using the full 1 inch sensor, just think about HOW EXCELLENT it would have been, if it did utilize the full one inch..........
There is ALWAYS room for improvement.
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Todd Harper
Flight distance : 180669 ft
United States

El Diablo Posted at 2018-10-1 14:36
You are welcome. Yes, +1 Sharpness works best, even the soft footage at f/11 becomes kind of usable. If you’re shooting in DLog, also +1 Sharpness & -1 Contrast seem to work the best. In both scenarios I’ve seen no artifacts or extra noise. I wouldn’t go beyond that with the settings. Also I’ve seen no difference if adding sharpness with the app or my editing software. I believe DJI has done a great job with the internal programming.
What people is forgetting is that all these pixel peeping comparisons are zoomed in from 100% to 400%, that is totally crazy imo...

Agree with this 100%. Learn the camera, use it correctly and you wont have any issues.
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El Diablo
Second Officer


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El Diablo
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El Diablo
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Todd Harper
Flight distance : 180669 ft
United States

El Diablo Posted at 2018-10-2 05:19
Well said. The funny thing is that the majority of people raising their voice don't even own the thing... I've lost all respect for all these YouTubers / Vloggers, they conduct totally incomplete tests and yet, they pretend to be experts. The problem is accentuated because people go to YouTube to watch reviews and get informed. The funny thing is that YouTube is heavilly compressing the videos and in the majority of mobile devices it only allows reproduction at 1080p!

This drone offers the best flat profile available in the market today (in this price range) and folks don't understand that 10bit H.265 DLOG is supposed to be softer, with less contrast, no saturation. Those are the attributes one looks to bring back in post. They do not have a professional approach on what to look in the footage except for sharpness... what about artifacts, noise, ghosting, banding??? and of course, we need to complain about distortion... I didn't saw so many folks complaining about the distortion on the  - twice as expensive - Aspire...

Agree. In some cases YT reviewers are the new version "car dealer" salespeople.  Be careful of the person who's giving you the pitch, not so much what they are pitching. Do they really know drones and cameras?
The other thing is the realization just what this platform is and what it isn't. It is a complete flying camera unit. It is not a heavy lifter with a dslr or a RED underneath. Understand and accept what it is and then you'll be able to go out and maximize its strengths.  
I had one of the first original MP's to hit the market and promptly sold it after 2 weeks. Why? Because I knew what it was and what it was not. No complaints, I just moved on knowing that DJI would come back with a better version.
The 2 Pro is the system I wanted back then, and now I have it. I truly love flying and creating with it. No regrets and I feel DJI has made a superior platform in every regard.   
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Did some of my own tests and FOV +1 Sharpness looks mighty close to HQ Standard. Noise at HQ +1 Sharpness is off-putting.
Shooting charts on FOV does show a loss of fine detail however.

I'd be more concerned about having misaligned optics like some of the members on here.
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Flight distance : 208356 ft
United States

Has any one noticed this video seems comparing P4P @Full FOV vs M2P HQ? Look from 4:27 on the frame size (how much has been cropped on left and right). The M2P footage looks more like 40mm rather than 28mm.

The later part of the video then compares details on a 1:1 basis.. A bit misleading tbh.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 359705 ft
New Zealand

nxun Posted at 2018-10-3 00:29
Has any one noticed this video seems comparing P4P @Full FOV vs M2P HQ? Look from 4:27 on the frame size (how much has been cropped on left and right). The M2P footage looks more like 40mm rather than 28mm.

The later part of the video then compares details on a 1:1 basis.. A bit misleading tbh.

I thought the same thing the difference between 24mm and 28mm isn't that great!
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