New Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom Firmware Released(2018.10.11)
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DJI Susan

Pavel.Donev Posted at 2018-10-16 03:38
The sensors do not work and light! The screen shows that they are off! Check out the video I uploaded! The landing error is more difficult! Appears every time!

Thanks for the clarification. The sensors will not work when the drone is during the landing period. As for the Obstacle Avoidance Temporary Error, I've forwarded to our engineers to check and will keep you updated on the latest progress, thanks!
Landing Protection.png
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DJI Susan

kkent Posted at 2018-10-16 05:07
Totally agree. Used to overcome it before by setting shutter in photo mode and then entering HL mode, but now even this was 'fixed'. There was  ability to shoot wonderful night hyperlapses, and now it just gone.

Hi kkent, as the optical measurement technology used by the Mavic 2 requires continuous image information, so if the shutter speed is too low the video bitrate will stop, causing the visual measurement to fail; therefore the minimum shutter speed is limited to 1/30. We continue to optimize the shutter threshold to ensure the user's flight experience, please pay attention to the firmware update, thanks!
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DJI Susan

bjr981s Posted at 2018-10-16 09:22
Hi Susan,

You may want to tell these people that complain about obstacle avoidance and show pitch black camera images that the vision system is optical not radar or Infrared and does not work of a night.

Hey Brian, thanks for heading up. For crash accident, it will be better to check the flight records and flight data to confirm the exact status, we cannot speculate the reason without any data.
Also, we suggest our users read the user manual carefully and use the vision system properly. Wish you all have a good time!
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DJI Susan

SkinJob2501 Posted at 2018-10-16 09:35
I ended up using the desktop app....GTG

Thanks for keeping us updated. If there is anything else we can help, feel free to contact us.
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DJI Susan

HummerGuy Mavic 2 Pro Posted at 2018-10-16 15:35
Updated the new Oct 2018 FW on my Mavic 2 pro using DJI Assistant via a PC a week ago.

Some issues after the FW update.

Hi there, if the OA does not work during the flight and invalid bottom lights, please kindly upload a short screen recording of your operation when the two appear, we'd like to check the exact status, thanks so much!
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DJI Susan

RichJ53 Posted at 2018-10-16 20:07
Hi Susan
Thank you for asking and giving us this information. I guess, I would request that your engineers reconsider this option. The Mavic series are smaller portable drones which means you travel with many batteries. We need the ability to discharge the packs sometimes before 10 days....   Please reach out again and see if we could have this option reinstalled.

Thanks for your suggestion. If there is any change in the future, we'll release on our website.
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DJI Susan

RGMGFitness Posted at 2018-10-16 09:55
Just a reminder to folks regarding the 4th item in this announcement;  "Enabled Lateral Vision Systems for QuickShots sub-modes of Circle, Helix, and Boomerang.".  Unless DJI is changing their position on this you still want to be careful using the lateral vision systems.

Also, DJI ADMIN...maybe pass along that the user manual needs to be updated as well (perhaps someone's already working on that).

Thanks for your suggestion. This will be forwarded to our engineers to check.
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DJI Susan

dv8ed Posted at 2018-10-16 20:23
Previous firmware and latest firmware still getting this incorrect image on Android 4.3.2 shouldn't it say OA disabled like iOS? It's when I switch from P to Sport mode.

Hi dv8ed, the sensors will not work during landing. As for the Obstacle Avoidance Temporary Error, this has been forward to our engineers to check. We'll keep you updated on the latest progress.
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DJI Susan

Nelsonlee Posted at 2018-10-17 00:18
I don't know what actually DJI engineering dept doing, every times come out with new firmware have not tested properly and just release to public and we are the one to update/test/crashed/error....etc then report on the forum.

Do DJI really think of us, we spend so much money is not for tester, we need proper firmware/hardware/software....etc.

Hi Nelson, we're sorry for the unpleasant experience. Generally, the new firmware will fix some previous issues and introduce some new features. We keep optimizing the experience and very sorry if this bothers you. If you encounter any troubles with the update, do not hesitate to contact us.
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DJI Susan

Akossss Posted at 2018-10-17 01:56
The only thing I don't understand, why no one can upgrade using the app? Okay, Mavic 2 arrived with pre-released fw-s, that had upgrade issue, I accept it. But there was an upgrade since that, even the app has new version number, but still nobody could do fw upgrade through the app. Why? This feature work in every other model, but here...

Apart from this, upgrade was successful using the Assistant, sensors are okay, everything seems to be okay (2 test flights so far)...

Hi Akossss, may I know which mobile do you use and what's the current App version? You may clear the cache or reinstall the App to check. If the issue persists, please kindly export the upgrade log( dji/dji.go.v4/log/cache/up_new_all) for better assistance, thanks!
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DJI Susan

fanscb6385d2 Posted at 2018-10-17 03:57
Susan, thanks for your reply.

But if this FOV "4K" with 2.7K quality, is the best DJI can get out of the sensor, due to hardware limitations, why call it 4K?

The Mavic 2 has both HQ mode and FOV mode, we're sorry if this bothers you. As to precision landing and waypoint, we do not have the timeline for now and will release as soon as they are ready. Appreciate your attention.  
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DJI Susan

Peo93 Posted at 2018-10-17 22:06
Well Im speculating it being the firmware as I didn't get any warnings before hitting the wall.. I flew fairly fast (about 33-38km/h) sideways in Position mode.. so though it may haven't stopped it from crashing.. I just wonder why I didn't get any beeping or warning from the avoidance system at the building was a huge apartment building with brick walls and regular windows.. I hit the bricks.

Hi Peo93, I'm so sorry to read the accident. Please kindly start a case and send it in from here: If you have any doubts about the crash, we'll arrange data analysis if the unit is under warranty period. If you encounter any difficulties during the period, feel free to contact us with your case number, we're glad to help.
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DJI Susan

ChristWolves Posted at 2018-10-17 08:23
I have two comments for the new firmware update on Android 4.3.2:
1. Transmitted image on the screen appears to be having dreamy effect
2. Obstacle avoidance system is totally failed, I.e. NO avoidance in all directions of the flight.

Hi Chris, just as Vendex mentioned, the VPS will not work well in the night, you may test in daylight and confirm. As for the dreamy effect, you may adjust the ISO and check whether it helps.
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Flight distance : 1004383 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-19 00:15
Thanks for the clarification. The sensors will not work when the drone is during the landing period. As for the Obstacle Avoidance Temporary Error, I've forwarded to our engineers to check and will keep you updated on the latest progress, thanks!

It's clear from the video that this is on take-off!
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Flight distance : 115728 ft

Thx Susan to keep us updated! I hope this sensor/OA problem will be solved quickly.
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DJI Susan

fredbotton75 Posted at 2018-10-16 12:41
DJI Susan, would you give me some details about the Remote ID stuff introduced with this firmware? Is it related to AeroScope? To national regulations? What changes with previous remote information sent over the air?

Hi Fred, may I know where do you read the Remote ID? Could you upload the screenshot for better assistance?
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Jose C. Borrero
Flight distance : 1170768 ft
Puerto Rico

Tomasz Kierepka Posted at 2018-10-15 04:41
How many restart u made after sensors back? I made 3 and nothink better

I did the update at the sunset that night did couple of restart, but not until the next morning.
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Jose C. Borrero
Flight distance : 1170768 ft
Puerto Rico

KlooGee Posted at 2018-10-14 19:39
Were they disabled when flying or just when on the ground?  If you've read any of this thread, you will see that many have discovered that while on the ground, the sensor shows disabled, but once launched, it works normally.  Is this the behavior you see?

sorry for late reply , new here.., the sensors were not working on while flying. switching to sport to program and tripod mode changed the fly sensitivity, but the warning sensors and alarms were quiet at that time.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-19 00:56
Thanks for your suggestion. If there is any change in the future, we'll release on our website.

Thank you Susan

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-19 00:22
Hi kkent, as the optical measurement technology used by the Mavic 2 requires continuous image information, so if the shutter speed is too low the video bitrate will stop, causing the visual measurement to fail; therefore the minimum shutter speed is limited to 1/30. We continue to optimize the shutter threshold to ensure the user's flight experience, please pay attention to the firmware update, thanks!

This is not correct information when put into practice. Using a MUCH lower shutter speed has never yielded a fail and tracking the target/subject is flawless.

In other words, when flying the Mavic 2 Pro in Hyperlapse with a ¼ second shutter, ISO 100, f/5 (for example with ND filter), the measurement operation performs as intended.

Now I could see how it would fail if the exposure was blown out or too dark, in which case, the operator probably doesn’t know what they are doing at all. However, the other 99% of us are more than capable of setting this all up in Manual Mode just using Live View.
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Thanks for the update
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Flight distance : 649403 ft
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DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-15 01:55
Thanks for the clarification. Could you upload a short video of the issue? I'll double check with our engineers to see if the issue can be figured out remotely.

Hi Susan,

Here is the video. Problem started immediately after the firmware upgrade.

Thank you
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DJI Susan

Pavel.Donev Posted at 2018-10-19 02:46
It's clear from the video that this is on take-off!

Actually, I have checked your video several times, for the red icon before taking off, it is normal for Android device, no worries.
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DJI Susan

Brentjuh Posted at 2018-10-19 03:07
Thx Susan to keep us updated! I hope this sensor/OA problem will be solved quickly.

Hi Brentjuh, may I know which specific question do you refer? For the OA issues, there are some points need to be clarified:
1. Before taking off, the sensors icon will be red in Android, this is normal. We'll optimize the experience in the later version.
2. The sensors will not work during landing, this has been mentioned in the user manual.
3. As for the obstacle avoidance temporary error, I'm checking the exact status with our engineers, will keep you updated. If there is any other question, feel free to contact us.
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DJI Susan

DRONE-flies-YOU! Posted at 2018-10-19 11:27
This is not correct information when put into practice. Using a MUCH lower shutter speed has never yielded a fail and tracking the target/subject is flawless.

In other words, when flying the Mavic 2 Pro in Hyperlapse with a ¼ second shutter, ISO 100, f/5 (for example with ND filter), the measurement operation performs as intended.

I understand your point and very sorry for the inconvenience. Our engineers will continue to optimize this feature to ensure the experience in the future. Appreciate your support and patience.
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DJI Susan

DedeMavic Posted at 2018-10-20 02:12
Hi Susan,

Here is the video. Problem started immediately after the firmware upgrade.

Well received, I'll forward to our engineers to check and keep you updated.
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Flight distance : 649403 ft
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DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-20 02:45
Well received, I'll forward to our engineers to check and keep you updated.

Thank you!
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Flight distance : 649403 ft
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DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-20 02:45
Well received, I'll forward to our engineers to check and keep you updated.

Another video showing the issue while flying

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Jose C. Borrero
Flight distance : 1170768 ft
Puerto Rico

Well, I spoked too early. Yes, I crashed the mavic in my garage. It got confused. Did not reconized were to avoid the garage door. Only minor scratch on the lateral propeller at 2 foot height.
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Flight distance : 3041 ft
United Kingdom

DedeMavic Posted at 2018-10-20 06:30
Another video showing the issue while flying

Issue while flying

Have you tried downgrading the firmware?...I have not updated yet and don't think I will until this and the sensor issues are sorted
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Flight distance : 649403 ft
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hawkyzf Posted at 2018-10-20 07:14
Have you tried downgrading the firmware?...I have not updated yet and don't think I will until this and the sensor issues are sorted

Yes - that's the first thing I tried. I've downgraded, upgraded, refreshed, did pretty much everything I could think of.

Not looking good...
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North Idaho Guy
Flight distance : 2310082 ft
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United States

DedeMavic Posted at 2018-10-20 07:19
Yes - that's the first thing I tried. I've downgraded, upgraded, refreshed, did pretty much everything I could think of.

Not looking good...

You know...........If this problem NEVER occurred before the upgrade and ONLY came about AFTER the upgrade, now going back and after a downgrading, this new problem is STILL occurring? This  implies 2 things in my mind, one of which (#2) i've always suspected of DJI's firmware up/down grading processes

1) The upgrade somehow caused a hardware failure and of course, downgrading can't fix hardware failures........Small possibility

2) DJI is leaving remnants (still 100% functional code) of the current code (intentional or not). e.g., The downgrade processes aren't truly overwriting all data sectors/areas when re-flashing  to older FW.

" Downgrading" ISN'T  truly 100% going back to the previous version of  the FW.   
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Flight distance : 649403 ft
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North Idaho Guy Posted at 2018-10-20 09:43
You know...........If this problem NEVER occurred before the upgrade and ONLY came about AFTER the upgrade, now going back and after a downgrading, this new problem is STILL occurring? This  implies 2 things in my mind, one of which (#2) i've always suspected of DJI firmware up/down grading processes

1) The upgrade somehow caused a hardware failure and of course, downgrading can't fix hardware failures........Small possibility

Problem never occurred before the upgrade. It appeared immediately after the upgrade.... after the first reboot.
Let's see what they have to say... I'm still hopeful it's not a hardware problem but it's looking unlikely now.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 48504 ft
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DedeMavic Posted at 2018-10-20 09:55
Problem never occurred before the upgrade. It appeared immediately after the upgrade.... after the first reboot.
Let's see what they have to say... I'm still hopeful it's not a hardware problem but it's looking unlikely now.

If problem still issue so did you downgrade firmware and can work? Because i concerned that after upgraded firmware and bugged in hardware which cant fix. Only sometime DJI will give beta firmware to fix hardware but not 100%. Depend on your log data so tech will see whether can fix or not.
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Flight distance : 649403 ft
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bernardren07 Posted at 2018-10-20 10:18
If problem still issue so did you downgrade firmware and can work? Because i concerned that after upgraded firmware and bugged in hardware which cant fix. Only sometime DJI will give beta firmware to fix hardware but not 100%. Depend on your log data so tech will see whether can fix or not.

Issue is still there after downgrade
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 48504 ft
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DedeMavic Posted at 2018-10-20 10:25
Issue is still there after downgrade

Oh no. Better PM to dji and send your log data to them. See if tech can fix your hardware restore with BETA firmware or not.
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Hi team, my upgrade to latest version failed and so can't update using assistant 2 as well.... Its failing at 24% my dji account is please help...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1336581 ft
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United Kingdom

So do i really need this update just yet? I havent noticed any issues that stop me from flying and using on the current FW, but i like to make sure I am up to date just incase but judging by some of these posts its a gamble my guess is i will do the update unless anyone can shed some light on the downsides?

thanks in advance
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Flight distance : 649403 ft
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DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-20 02:45
Well received, I'll forward to our engineers to check and keep you updated.

Hi Susan,

Any updates? Is this a software issue or hardware? I’m traveling this Thursday and was hoping to use my Mavic 2.

Thank you!
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Flight distance : 296007 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-10-19 01:46
Hi Peo93, I'm so sorry to read the accident. Please kindly start a case and send it in from here: If you have any doubts about the crash, we'll arrange data analysis if the unit is under warranty period. If you encounter any difficulties during the period, feel free to contact us with your case number, we're glad to help.

thank you very much

I have started the case
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