DJI Demands Withdrawal Of Misleading Video
1348 22 2018-10-20
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DJI Demands Withdrawal Of Misleading Drone Collision Video

Simulation Was Staged Faster Than Both Maximum Possible Speed And FAA Guidelines

October 19, 2018 – DJI, the world’s leader in civilian drones and aerial imaging technology, today demanded the University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI) withdraw a misleading video and blog post which claim to depict a collision between a DJI Phantom 2 drone and the wing of a small airplane.

UDRI staged its video to create a scenario inconceivable in real life, at a higher speed than the combined maximum speed of the drone and airplane, which is also faster than U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) testing guidelines. UDRI has not disclosed its testing methodology or the resulting data, and while it acknowledged that a similar test with a simulated bird caused “more apparent damage,” it has only promoted the video showing damage from a DJI drone.

In a letter to the lead researcher involved in the video, DJI’s Vice President of Policy & Legal Affairs said UDRI “recklessly created and promoted a video that falsely claims to depict a dangerous condition posed by one of our products. … Your public comments deliberately present an entirely improbable, if not impossible, event as a commonplace risk routinely faced by airplane pilots.”

The full text of the letter is reproduced below, and a pdf of the letter as delivered is available at this link.

October 19, 2018

Via Electronic Mail

Kevin Poormon

University of Dayton Research Institute

300 College Park

Dayton, OH 45469

Dear Mr. Poormon:

I represent DJI, the world's largest manufacturer of small unmanned aircraft systems, commonly known as drones. We lead the industry in developing systems to help ensure drones continue to safely share the airspace with traditional air traffic. DJI takes aviation safety seriously. It is integral to who we are as an organization and as aviation professionals. We have proactively incorporated dozens of safety features into our products, including altitude limitation, airport geofencing, return-to-home failsafe systems, computer vision anti-collision sensors, and pilot knowledge testing. We also support research professionals who work alongside the industry and regulators to provide academic grounding to aviation safety efforts.

It is thus distressing to see how the University of Dayton Research Institute has recklessly created and promoted a video that falsely claims to depict a dangerous condition posed by one of our products. Your “Risk in the Sky?” video, blog post and media tour created a collision scenario between a drone and an airplane wing that is simply inconceivable in real life:

  • Your video assumes a Mooney M20 light aircraft is flying at its maximum possible speed of 200 mph, and encounters a drone apparently flying faster than its maximum possible speed of 33.5 mph. The plane could only achieve such speed at full cruise, typically more than a mile above ground. At the altitudes where that plane would conceivably encounter a Phantom drone, it would fly less than half as fast — generating less than one-fourth of the collision energy.

  • Your video was created contrary to established U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) crash test parameters, which assume a bird striking an airplane at its sea-level cruising speed — which is typically 161 mph to 184 mph for Mooney M20. Your video deliberately created a more damaging scenario, and was widely cited as evidence for what could happen to a large commercial jet — even though the Mooney M20 is a small plane with four seats.

  • Your video was not created as part of a legitimate scientific query, with little description of your testing methodology and no disclosure of data generated during the test. Your blog post describes a similar test performed with a simulated bird that caused “more apparent damage,” but your decision not to post or promote that video indicates your bias toward sowing fear. This contrasts with the reputable research performed by the Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE), the FAA Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, which meticulously tests a variety of impact scenarios in order to provide the public, the FAA, and the UAS industry, with supportable conclusions about risk. You have done nothing of the sort.

Given UDRI's wide-ranging publicity efforts in print, broadcast and online media, it seems clear that your misleading video and incendiary blog post seem designed to generate paid research work for UDRI at the expense of the reputation of drone technology broadly, and DJI's products specifically. Your public comments deliberately present an entirely improbable, if not impossible, event as a commonplace risk routinely faced by airplane pilots.

To elaborate on the points outlined above, the impact velocity tested, 238 mph, far exceeds any conceivable collision speed between a Mooney M20 and a DJI Phantom 2. The M20J Pilots Operating Handbook lists the maximum structural speed of a Mooney 20 at 174 knots, which is 200 mph. Cruise speed will typically be 140-160 knots (161-184 mph), more than a mile above ground. The Phantom, and our other drones, have built-in altitude limitation features.  Thus in the altitudes no higher than several hundred feet above ground where a drone is likely to operate, the Mooney M20 would be taking off or landing at speeds between 70-88 knots (81-101 mph).

As for the other aircraft in this scenario, DJI has not manufactured the Phantom 2 drone for years, but its published specifications indicate a top speed of 15 meters/second, or 33.5 mph. In other words, it is virtually impossible for these two aircraft to encounter each other at the speed of your test. Given that kinetic energy, and therefore resulting damage, increases by the square of velocity, the arbitrary increase in your test velocity results in dramatically more damage.

More to the point, a test deliberately designed to generate the worst conceivable outcome is contrary to the FAA's established testing parameters, which seek to measure the risk that an aircraft is most likely to encounter. The relevant Federal Aviation Regulation states an airplane must be capable of successfully completing a flight despite striking a bird at the equivalent of the aircraft's cruise speed measured at sea level, which as stated above is 161-184 mph for the Mooney M20. Your test was thus performed at a speed 54 mph to 77 mph faster than a responsible collision test would require, creating a case that is unrealistic and damaging to the reputation of our company's products.

Reputable testing institutions have meticulously tested a variety of impact scenarios in order to provide the public, the FAA, and the drone industry with supportable conclusions about risk. ASSURE has set the standard for this work by releasing detailed reports with careful documentation of their testing methodology and hundreds of pages of data. By contrast, the limited information available about your demonstration prevents anyone from determining other flaws in your methodology and conclusions.

Your video and blog post have been promoted in media around the world, yet nowhere in any of your print or television appearances have you qualified the limited and unrealistic nature of your test. As a safety researcher, surely you understand the detrimental impact on public perception when purported scientific research is not presented with appropriate caveats and with an opportunity for peer review and alternative views.

Unbalanced, agenda-driven research does substantial harm to our industry and to our company. Policymakers at all levels of government have responded to sensational media coverage by proposing and enacting new restrictions on drone ownership and use. These limitations prevent people and businesses from using drones safely for beneficial purposes, such as performing hazardous inspections or finding missing people. At least 195 people around the world have been rescued from peril by drones, many of them saved by small drones such as DJI Phantoms. By misleading the public and promoting fear about drones, you are undermining their benefits and encouraging restrictions on their lifesaving uses.

We respectfully demand that you withdraw your research, remove the alarmist video from circulation, and issue a corrective statement to the public and to all of the media outlets you have appeared in, acknowledging that the configuration of the test was invalid given the flight envelopes of the two aircraft tested, FAA testing standards, and the limited value of a single test.

Yours very truly,

Brendan M. Schulman
Vice President of Policy & Legal Affairs


Dr. Allan Crasto, Director, UDRI

Mary Ann Poirier Recker, Vice President and General Counsel, Univer

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DJI Gamora


Hi hallmark007, thank you for sharing. Have a safe flight always.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

wow it was just a test and that's all it was. Not sure why DJI got their panties in a wad lol
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1357589 ft

rolling56 Posted at 2018-10-20 04:10
wow it was just a test and that's all it was. Not sure why DJI got their panties in a wad lol

Actually it's not difficult to see the point there. ''Controlled Tests'' like that is a tool in every politician's hands that wants to force new laws and limitations of drone flying. And that's something that will affect both the industry and the users.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1118323 ft

It is very good that they take action against this. They really did their homework this time. I hope we will get a statement back. The people should see drones are not only bad, scary and dangerous, but are more and more becoming a well used and appreciated tool, aswell as a nice hobby. Although it indeed needs regulations to prevent idiots from doing dangerous stuff
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
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rolling56 Posted at 2018-10-20 04:10
wow it was just a test and that's all it was. Not sure why DJI got their panties in a wad lol

I suppose bad press or wrong reporting is always going to have an adverse effect on any business, if you just sit back and say nothing, then you allow a free for all and end up with people having a very lobsided view . So I don’t believe the reaction was any different than any manufacturers would have made, and in this case I believe dji were correct .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 529836 ft
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United States

Next time they need to do a video on what happens when they don’t correct inspire 2 firmware.  Perhaps around A crowd of people.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Drones are dangerous to manned AC. I highly doubt the FAA took this so called test into account for anything. The FAA does their own tests and not let anyone elses test sway them in the least.

I think people believe only LE and first responders should be the only ones to own them. They need to go about this different so the public understands what we do and why we do what we do.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-10-20 04:47
I suppose bad press or wrong reporting is always going to have an adverse effect on any business, if you just sit back and say nothing, then you allow a free for all and end up with people having a very lobsided view . So I don’t believe the reaction was any different than any manufacturers would have made, and in this case I believe dji were correct .

DJI should have jumped on this way before now.
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Viper Pilot
Second Officer
Flight distance : 31644 ft

There are a lot of issues with this video. Not only was the testing sloppy and ill conceived, but the promotion and dissemination of the video to the press (including social media) world wide with the intent to garner more business for the lab, smacks of professional sloppiness .  While I don't usually condone many of DJI's initiatives, in this case they are 100% right to call out the lab and their misleading conclusions to just make political capital and reap publicity and further work for their staff.  Just not right.
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United States

Some people think that university researchers are merely objective reporters of facts, but they usually aren't. They often have their own agendas, aren't above using alarmist tactics to promote themselves, and much of the research conducted is deeply flawed. In fact, most study results turn out to be impossible to reproduce at best and attempts to do so often result in contradictory findings. That's why one week you'll read, "X will help you live longer" and some time later will hear of another study suggesting instead that "X will cause you to die sooner".
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United States

The end point is DJI should be happy that the test was done so morons and idiots get scared and don't fly fly around airports and in airplanes routes.  It could have been any drone.  The point they are making is


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First Officer
United States

limited information available about your demonstration prevents anyone from determining other flaws in your methodology and conclusions.

That is a valid and fair counter point.  One thing that bothered me about test was the chosen impact test areas.
One place for drone.  Another place for jello bird.  Fair test would have had drone and jello bird impacting in same exact spot on two wings.
It is also possible UDRI's testers picked a structurally weaker area for drone and a stronger area for jello bird.  Need input from plane's manufacture.
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First Officer
United States

dronist Posted at 2018-10-20 17:44
The end point is DJI should be happy that the test was done so morons and idiots get scared and don't fly fly around airports and in airplanes routes.  It could have been any drone.  The point they are making is


so morons and idiots get scared and don't fly fly around airports and in airplanes routes

Major problem is they will continue, because they are morons and idiots.  Despite Hazard Warning lables on products, morons and idiots still manage to Darwin themselves.

This moron / idiot got lucky.

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United States

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-10-20 18:32
so morons and idiots get scared and don't fly fly around airports and in airplanes routes

Major problem is they will continue, because they are morons and idiots.  Despite Hazard Warning lables on products, morons and idiots still manage to Darwin themselves.

Good one Dude!  
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Flight distance : 395072 ft
United States

I'm kind of digging on the third bullet point, in part reads "Your video was not created as part of a legitimate scientific query, with little description of your testing methodology and no disclosure of data generated during the test."
I might be wrong in my analogy but I kind of equate that to the encryption of the data from DJI drones and have always asked, Why can't we see all of the data? Everything.
Still, they DJI seem to have made some fair points about the test in all.
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First Officer
United States

After all attention the video got (posted here at least three separate times);
DJI's request with counter points needs to be Flagged to stay at Top.

DJI Demands Withdrawal Of Misleading Drone Collision Video
Simulation Was Staged Faster Than Both Maximum Possible Speed And FAA Guidelines
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First Officer
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United States

marklyn59 Posted at 2018-10-20 20:01
I'm kind of digging on the third bullet point, in part reads "Your video was not created as part of a legitimate scientific query, with little description of your testing methodology and no disclosure of data generated during the test."
I might be wrong in my analogy but I kind of equate that to the encryption of the data from DJI drones and have always asked, Why can't we see all of the data? Everything.
Still, they DJI seem to have made some fair points about the test in all.

I second that!
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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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Interesting respond...
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Flight distance : 81401 ft
United States

I second why DJI didn’t respond sooner..  The video is misleading and impractical.

Good job DJI!!   
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El Diablo
Second Officer


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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

This reminds me of the iPhone bendgate a few years back ...
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Flight distance : 7425909 ft
United States

This was a smear campaign for all drones and DJI in particular.  It's very good that DJI has made a strong stance against it.  Unfortunately, the damage is done and this video has been all over the main stream media.
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