-Virtual Reality / Fpv Goggles-
7263 30 2015-7-10
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Flight distance : 10656 ft
New Zealand

I intend to start using this technology to better control my Inspire1 and would really appreciate any recommendations as to which are the best to use.
I don't wear glasses and price isn't an issue, assuming they cost only as much the I1 or less
Thanks All

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United States

I build the alien sunglasses fpv system, using nebula high definition video glasses, do a search tomorrow night for fpv video glasses inspire 1 on ebay, listing glasses tomorrow, I have been sold out.
http://www.phantompilots.com/thr ... /page-3#post-395721
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Flight distance : 10656 ft
New Zealand

Thank you, I will.
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Flight distance : 173402 ft

There seems to be several major choices:

1. FatShark Dominator HD
2. Zeiss Cinemizer OLED3. Sony HMZ-T3W
for actual VR goggles.
Then there are "cardboard boxes" for your smart phone
4. Headplay
5. Zeiss VR one
Aparently one choice for augmented reality (see through glasses)
6. Epson Moveo

If anyone has done a real comparison of these devices working with inspire 1 - please share.
I am overwhelmed with the choices. I want to get the goggles but also don't know what to get. My Inspire 1 already earned enough cash for any imaginable upgrade. So, now this cash is burning through my pockets and this drives me nuts as I can't make the choice. Anyone out there - help!!!  

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United States

sunflovver Posted at 2015-7-12 17:12
1. FatShark Dominator HD
2. Zeiss Cinemizer OLED3. Sony HMZ-T3W
for actual VR goggles.

Look at mine, the great thing about mine are is that they spec out about the same as the zeiss the oled screen on the zeiss is a bit better to watch a movie, but there is not that much difference out in the bright sun.  My glasses are thinner and you can keep a visual on the bird,  and see the pad without lifting the glasses.  The picture is very good very sharp and very clear. screen size and format better tnan zeiss.
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United States

Whatever you look at make sure you review the display output resolution.  The output is what you are going to see.  There are many glasses that label themselves as "HD" when in fact they only display 420 or 480.

The Inspire HD output is 720p so if you buy anything less than that display resolution you are working way below the system capabilities.
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United States

f1@frankschaffe Posted at 2015-7-12 21:26
Whatever you look at make sure you review the display output resolution.  The output is what you are ...

Do you no which, if any mentioned specs out to true 1280 x 720  I haven't found any, does, the Epson?
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Don't forget Avegant Glyph!  It will still be a bit of a wait, but I'm excited!
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United States

mtnmaddman Posted at 2015-7-13 05:05
Do you no which, if any mentioned specs out to true 1280 x 720  I haven't found any, does, the Eps ...

The best that I have heard of is Headplay, mine are on order should be getting them in the next few weeks.  They are about $250 and have 1280x800 max display resolution.
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f1@frankschaffe Posted at 2015-7-13 06:14
The best that I have heard of is Headplay, mine are on order should be getting them in the next fe ...

Headplay - great resolution, but also quite bulky and not very flexible.  

Probably good for a second operator who would be okay with a more immersive experience.  I actually want to be able to look above / below the glasses, to get orientation, etc.  Depending on how clear the image is in daylight, I may even opt for something like the moverio or the glyph for a single operator view, so I can keep looking towards the inspire, yet also see the camera view.
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I'm planning on attaching the headplay to the camera transmitter so that I can lean in and look at it, but mainly fly visually and referencing the iPad.  
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United Kingdom

We're currently working on implementing a VR mode in Litchi https://www.facebook.com/flylitc ... 157/?type=1&theater
It works with most mobile VR adapters such as google cardboard goggles, Homido, Freefly VR, Durovis, etc and is cheaper than most other solutions you'll find.
And it has head tracking, moving your head around will move the camera too.
It is currently in testing and should be ready soon (Android only).

ps: I own a pair of cinemizer and I am considering selling them since Litchi + a mobile VR adapter is a much better experience and much, much cheaper.
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Flight distance : 173402 ft

OK, ordering this "no brand thing" like mtnmaddman has. His was the most convincing comment.
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United States

sunflovver Posted at 2015-7-13 17:01
OK, ordering this "no brand thing" like mtnmaddman has. His was the most convincing comment.

If you order from other than me you will need a power supply for the nebula's  My alien sunglasses package comes with a power supply that I have tested thoroughly. I only have one complete set left I am having trouble getting product from china.  If you buy somewhere else contact me and I will sell you a power supply for direct connect of the glasses or a p. supply that will connect the glasses wireless to your pad or phone device,  direct connect is of course a bit better.
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Flight distance : 173402 ft

mtnmaddman Posted at 2015-7-13 20:28
If you order from other than me you will need a power supply for the nebula's  My alien sunglasses ...

I happen to live in China )). Didnt quite get the point about the power supply. Can you explain?
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United States

sunflovver Posted at 2015-7-13 22:18
I happen to live in China )). Didnt quite get the point about the power supply. Can you explain?

the glasses will plug direct hdmi into the remote, but you still need to power the glasses, You should of course buy the glasses there, Where you buy the glasses should be able to supply you with an independent battery power source for your glasses drop me a note if you need help  its my avatar name at hotmail.com
You will like the glasses you can see in bright sun without the full shield, watch the bird and be able to see your pad, all of the others have slight drawbacks somewhere.
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Flight distance : 173402 ft

cant wait for them to arrive ))
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Flight distance : 173402 ft

Well, I got them.
It was a huge disappointment. I expected too much.
What i get is a narrow field of view screen hovering in the darkness (sort of). No virtual reality here. Just a low rez screen in front of your eyes. Not an immersive experience at all. My phone gives me better sensation.
The good thing is that the profile of the glasses is small and you can see above and below them. It means that you can see the bird and the RC. That turned out to be super convenient.
I figure - this is the best resolution the market can offer for now. I'll have to live with that. Until there is a device that can provide 90 degrees FOV I won't even bother to check it.
Well, I didn't try the cardboard boxes yet like VR one but i wouldn't expect much more

So - to all that are looking for VIRTUAL REALITY glasses - save your money. don't buy anything. As of july 2015 VR glasses don't exist.
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Flight distance : 10656 ft
New Zealand

Hey Paul.   Don't give up just yet, I've just ordered a pair of Zeiss Cinemizers as well; sight unseen but I have faith in Zeiss, they make top optical gear and have done for a long time. I estimate that once the diopters on the goggles are properly set the image will be much better than it's rivals; not just because of the price but it's German, they make all the best Optics.

I don't expect my Cinemizers to give a completely immersive experience but I expect to get a MUCH better image than is offered by my tablet and shade and I expect be able to fly much more confidently as I can better estimate distances between my I1, my subject and the environment.   I fly and steer as best I can with my tablet but it's just not good enough, when Im seeing the final video on an HD Tv Im often realizing how much better video I could've taken but for the limitations of my Samsung 10 inch tab4.  I look forward to reading about your response to the Cinemizers once they arrive ( should you post one of course ).  
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United Kingdom

Let us know what you think, personally I was really disappointed, especially for that price. It's not immersive.
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Flight distance : 656444 ft
United Kingdom

The Cinemizers are very good.  Not a fully immersive experience but for camera operator on a bright day they are great.  I have a pair and will not be getting rid of them as they make a great addition to the setup.  I'm sure you will enjoy them, just don't expect them to provide a true VR type experience and you will be pleased
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Flight distance : 10656 ft
New Zealand

Thanks for that Wattsnb.  I like to believe the cinemizers & the sunshade will make my tablet redundant.

Im not surprised the goggles being sold my Mtnmadman aren't fit for purpose, just look at them; so narrow, where's the light shading and for the price of $250 what do we expect? I'd pay 8 times that much for goggles that performed to my needs.  Im crossing my fingers that the Zeis gear will deliver!
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Flight distance : 1472162 ft
United States

I have Zeiss Cinemizer OLED3 and a pair of the Sony HMZ-T3W.  The Sony are better, bigger screen but bulkier and take fiddling to get fit to head.  You also can't pull them on and off so easily to see to take off and land the bird.  The Zeiss are nice that you can adjust for no glasses/contacts.  They also have light shields.  It is nice with the shields.  Without the shields, you can see over them to land and take off.  I got a neck strap for the Zeiss, so I just leave the shields on them and drop them off to look at iPad control or bird directly.
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United Kingdom

Here is a small preview of what you'll be able to do with Litchi's VR mode once released
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United States

sunflovver Posted at 2015-7-20 18:35
Well, I got them.
It was a huge disappointment. I expected too much.
What i get is a narrow field o ...

I am sorry to here that. I have compared these glasses to practically everything out there .  I find them to be better resolution than most anything out there. I find them to be quite helpful and almost necessary here in the high mountain dessert to even be able to see the screen in the bright sun.  I use them as an aid, especially in the bright sun.  They have essentially the same resolution as the zeiss, the zeiss have oled screen which is better, but I see little difference in the bright sun the format appears better sized in these glasses, everyone that i have sold these to have been very pleased, One buyer even sent his cinemizers back.  Here is some info on the latest version.

You need to check these out http://www.phantompilots.com/thr ... /page-3#post-395721 I have a new version coming out that is specifically designed for the P3 (with hdmi board) and the Inspire, These are by far the best on the market. here is some info I just wrote to a private conversation.

I designed the original system to connect wirelessly to the pad or phone that was being used with the phantom, The original system was designed for the phantom 2 vision series, that had to connect wirelessy in most cases, due to the lack of video out on most devices.

The original system worked well, and was about the only alternative, that had the best connectivity to the largest number of devices, It of course had its limitations. very low resolution from P2, The original system still worked with the phantom 3, and the Inspire, I have been waiting though for the hdmi out board to become available, for the P3, before releasing my latest version.

I have been testing with the inspire the last couple of weeks, as soon as my new shipment comes in I will be releasing the new version, I have been working with the factory in china, for a version designed specifically for the P3 (with Hdmi board) and Inspire. The picture is much better in the new version With redesigned circuitry and direct hdmi it is light years ahead of the old version with the P2.

There is no lag and the picture is very good , compared to other glasses these are hands down the best option. They are very thin and light weight , you can see above them and below them maintaining visual sight of the craft at all times , being able to see the pad and the picture in the glasses also, adds a perspective that other glasses cant.

The new version does not have a power supply, they draw their power from the hdmi out on the remote, plug them in and turn on the remote that is it. The screen format is 16x9 unlike other more expensive glasses and goggles, that have the 4x3 screen format. The glasses provide you with the illusion of a 98 in. screen at about 15 ft. based on 32 degree FOV. There is no vertigo affect . I will post more with a demo and some pictures.  
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Flight distance : 173402 ft

mtnmaddman Posted at 2015-7-27 08:43
I am sorry to here that. I have compared these glasses to practically everything out there .  ...

Im not really complaining about the product. The product works. it is useful.
My negative reaction was due elevated expectations.
I wanted to feel being completely emersed. I guess I didn't do enough of my homework and didn't have a chance to try.

I didn't get the IMAX experience. Aparently it is just not possible these days.
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United States

sunflovver Posted at 2015-7-28 10:19
Im not really complaining about the product. The product works. it is useful.
My negative reaction ...

Yeah I understand, I have always tried to communicate that, the glasses are a flight aid to be used in the bright sunlight,  I use all three perspectives I like to be able to maintain LOS, see the pad, and the perspective that I get through the glasses.

The direct hdmi out, is great. I love that I can bring the maps up on my pad, have the video picture in the glasses and have LOS, (or at least a view of the  sky).  I have used these for a year on the P2V+ with very low resolution, the difference through the hdmi board is staggering.

I do find them immersive, as I actually find my eyes moving  to look closely at something on the screen.  I find the illusion to be as though I were sitting in a dark theater about half or three quarters of the way to the back. I am sorry they did not meet your expectations.  Your comments are helpful to those trying to decide what to buy.

Both in helping to establish an informed level of expectation, and provide a critiquing to help those decide what they really want and are purchasing the glasses for.  I think if you compared them side by side to similar glasses like Zeiss or fat shark you would find the pluses and minuses, of each would likely land the Nebula "Alien Sunglasses" on top.
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mtnmaddman Posted at 2015-7-12 11:14
I build the alien sunglasses fpv system, using nebula high definition video glasses, do a search tom ...

Can you send me a link so I can look at buying these. mtnmaddman. Cheers
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I like a look at them too....
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Flight distance : 8250568 ft
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United Kingdom

My diy fpv project

I made my own glasses by hacking old video glasses, so I can still see line of sight and FPV... only 50 ish quid... lol
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I like where the development of virtual reality is moving.
Now, for example, you can use in real estate, game industry, industry, web development.
I wonder where the virtual reality will lead us in the end
Cool article about this by link: https://codetiburon.com/augmente ... y-outlook-tomorrow/
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