Mavic 2 Crashed on the first day of use
66762 66762 2019-2-24
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

Hello there.

I've bought my drone on this Saturday's evening and had a great time exploring and taking it for the test drive. However, the app insisted me to do the firmware upgrade. Before I did that, I took it for a quick test of "follow me" function, and it failed, by ending up in the tree. I did manage to get it from there, replaced one of the propellers, and it was all fine. Then afterward, I did the firmware upgrade, and we went flying in the open area. After returning back to home, toe drone just started rolling down and crashed. It lost one leg (could not even find it, since it fell down from a decent height), battery broke apart, the camera got lost from the main board, and maybe something even more. I picked all the parts that I could have found at the place, I have all the flight logs (they're in the case I've opened and still waiting for the shipping labels to be sent to me) and I even have the video if the failure.

The following questions I have:
1) What could have been the cause of this? Is it really my fault?
2) Since I have the online repair case open, is that the right thing to do?
3) Since it was the first 48 hours (Actually, first 24) of use, am I eligible for some better deals, than buying a brand new one?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 16722920 ft
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You can share logs here to see. Are you sure you fully charge your battery before flight, did calibration of imu, gimbal, vps and compass?
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

Vendex Posted at 2-24 23:55
You can share logs here to see. Are you sure you fully charge your battery before flight, did calibration of imu, gimbal, vps and compass?

I did charge my battery, yes, and I also did a calibration. I will attach two of the latest logs here. One is of successful flight minutes ago and the other one is when the crash happened.
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Flight distance : 6054295 ft
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..  i just watched the crash: frame by frame: did you lost a propeller while flying ?
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

michaelk Posted at 2-25 01:53
..  i just watched the crash: frame by frame: did you lost a propeller while flying ?

That would explain the rolling, but how come, it just got lost in the middle of the air, if that's the case? When it dropped, I was not able to found the whole right front arm, only the wires were still intact. I'm pretty sure it did not collapse with anything (like a bird or something).
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Sky Donkey
Second Officer
Flight distance : 355157 ft
United Kingdom

You lost a prop, watch the video can clearly see the spindle where the prop should be attached..

still taken from video

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Flight distance : 2520 ft

Sky Donkey Posted at 2-25 02:22
You lost a prop, watch the video can clearly see the spindle where the prop should be attached..

still taken from video

But what do I have to do with that, that's the main question for me If they were pushed inside correctly.  I'm not afraid of taking the responsibility there, really, but I just want to know what could I have done wrong, since I'm sure I checked each and every one of them before the flight, and it was also flying just fine for about 20 minutes.
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Sky Donkey
Second Officer
Flight distance : 355157 ft
United Kingdom

You say you lost an arm.. was it the arm missing a prop. Did the remaining 3 arms have props on them when you recovered the drone.  Did it hit any buildings on the way down or straight into the ground? The missing arm probably just bounced off and landed somewhere pretty close.

Im wondering how the camera managed to film  the missing prop?   Maybe one of the arms collapsed/ folded or become separated from the drone?   Possible bird strike?  Why did the prop come off is unknown especially if you had pre checked them, not seen any others reporting props flying off.
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

Sky Donkey Posted at 2-25 02:43
You say you lost an arm.. was it the arm missing a prop. Did the remaining 3 arms have props on them when you recovered the drone.  Did it hit any buildings on the way down or straight into the ground? The missing arm probably just bounced off and landed somewhere pretty close.

Im wondering how the camera managed to film  the missing prop?   Maybe one of the arms collapsed/ folded or become separated from the drone?   Possible bird strike?  Why did the prop come off is unknown especially if you had pre checked them, not seen any others reporting props flying off.

Down there were many buildings. First, it hit the roof, then it bounced off and fell down on the ground. When we found it, the whole right front arm was missing (just the wires were still there), and rear right arm was there, but it felt like it was out of place as well. None of the arms had the propellers in them at that point, and I was able to find only a few pieces of what's left from them. But I believe they were lost during the hit to the roof or ground, and not in the air.

And about the birds' attack - there are no birds here in Lithuania at February when it's -5 outside...
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

Sky Donkey Posted at 2-25 02:22
You lost a prop, watch the video can clearly see the spindle where the prop should be attached..

still taken from video

Is it just me, or it looks like the arm's leg is somewhat broke? I mean, that could be the reason for losing propeller, if the leg turned sideways. Even though, I don't really see how that could happen on the brand new drone...

Anyways, if it turns out to be mine. fault, is it possible to fix the missing leg, and camera? Or should I just buy a new one in that case? It's kind of a situation for me since I bought this one for my wedding, which is happening this April.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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It’s not easy to put props on incorrectly, did you check black with black and white with white, it was almost certainly your problem.

You did the right thing starting a case it will be up to dji to make a warranty decision on this, they may be sympathetic who knows.
Try contacting a moderator here on the forum give him/her your case number to follow up .
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Sorry to watch that mate
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2-25 03:54
It’s not easy to put props on incorrectly, did you check black with black and white with white, it was almost certainly your problem.

You did the right thing starting a case it will be up to dji to make a warranty decision on this, they may be sympathetic who knows.

I am 100% positive that I matched black to black and white with white. I was following a guide on youtube and that guy emphasized that enough. Right now, I'm reading that it could be a spring fault, for some cases? Anyhow, I'm not going to point and blame the DJI right here. I just want to know what's the best possible solution here.
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Flight distance : 4129268 ft
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United States

Sorry to watch. looks like you lost a prop mid air.

Hopefully you're back flying soon
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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jusmat Posted at 2-25 04:13
I am 100% positive that I matched black to black and white with white. I was following a guide on youtube and that guy emphasized that enough. Right now, I'm reading that it could be a spring fault, for some cases? Anyhow, I'm not going to point and blame the DJI right here. I just want to know what's the best possible solution here.

Well hopefully dji will have an answer for you, and one that’s in your favour.
Good Luck.
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Flight distance : 2517654 ft
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I think one of two things could have caused your prop to come off: one might be that you put the prop on, but it was not fully secure. Yet, you were able to fly for a period of time before it finally came off.  The other possibility, was that the prop might have been  damaged prior to the flight.  I can’t think of any other possible ways that it could have come off on its own.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 774203 ft

Once i lost one Gopro Karma propeller and i did notice only after it landed. I though without one propeller you can still flying your drone. Never lost DJi drone propeller.
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First Officer


3. If you are still within 48 hours from registration, get DJI Care Refresh and the cost of the repair should be substantially lower.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 173734 ft


I think,, when you switched to a new propeller, that it wasn't locked.
You can still fly a while but after a yaw moment, by stick input or by wind, the propeller can unlock.
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

eYeSkYeYe Posted at 2-25 08:25
3. If you are still within 48 hours from registration, get DJI Care Refresh and the cost of the repair should be substantially lower.

I am still within those hours, but I don't think this is quite right to do so, as the event happened yesterday. Unless any of the DJI's staff members could say that it's completely ok to do so.
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

For your interest guys. this is how my bee looks like right now.

Surprisingly, it managed to boot and connect after the crash, but I don't really want to try anything more with this battery.
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Flight distance : 13498560 ft
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South Africa

michaelk Posted at 2-25 01:53
..  i just watched the crash: frame by frame: did you lost a propeller while flying ?

That also what it looks like to me, maybe the props were not put in properly or it got hit by a bird
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Flight distance : 13498560 ft
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South Africa

jusmat Posted at 2-25 02:34
But what do I have to do with that, that's the main question for me If they were pushed inside correctly.  I'm not afraid of taking the responsibility there, really, but I just want to know what could I have done wrong, since I'm sure I checked each and every one of them before the flight, and it was also flying just fine for about 20 minutes.

Did you have Care refresh, if yes you are saved if not
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3301621 ft
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According to picture and video there is clear that propeller was lost, but I  really do not think it could be due to bad install, if you mismatch propellers it will not fly as they have opposite direction of blades, and if you would install correct propellers on correct place and just not lock them it would not fly so far it would fall off immediately. Or even if you lock them half way down - so they didn't click to end lock position they would self lock as direction of lock is opposite as propeller rotation. That is my personal opinion. So there are two scenarios I think:

1. You hit something in the air - but that is not very likely as during that I think propeller leafs are damaged bud center of propeller would be left on motor
2. There was some issue with locking mechanism either on motor or on propeller itself

Didn't you notice any damage of propeller or locking mechanism during propellers install? Did you lost only one propeller? All 3 others were installed on motor when you found drone? If you have all arms available I would examine carefully locking ring on motors if there is kind of damage.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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jusmat Posted at 2-25 09:15
I am still within those hours, but I don't think this is quite right to do so, as the event happened yesterday. Unless any of the DJI's staff members could say that it's completely ok to do so.

I believe that you would have to do that surreptitiously, as they are dji employees, I’m surprised someone advised you to do this on an open forum, if you do keep it private .

However as I said earlier and DH Pilot has said, it’s incredibly difficult to put a prop on wrong and expect craft to fly, I believe if this was a malfunction and it could very well be, then dji will warranty your craft and if they don’t they will explain why .
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

DH_Pilot Posted at 2-25 10:44
According to picture and video there is clear that propeller was lost, but I  really do not think it could be due to bad install, if you mismatch propellers it will not fly as they have opposite direction of blades, and if you would install correct propellers on correct place and just not lock them it would not fly so far it would fall off immediately. Or even if you lock them half way down - so they didn't click to end lock position they would self lock as direction of lock is opposite as propeller rotation. That is my personal opinion. So there are two scenarios I think:

1. You hit something in the air - but that is not very likely as during that I think propeller leafs are damaged bud center of propeller would be left on motor

Thank you for your input. As I mentioned above, I found the drone with only two propellers (actually, only root of them still fixed in the locks, and the broken wings were lying around), and only with three arms (see the pictures above). I was able to find pieces of propellers around. However, I suspect, that this was more like as the result from the hit (it should have been a hard one, as it hit the roof first, then it bounced off and hit the ground). I must mention that it took me around 15 minutes to find it after the crash, and I was not able to find the missing arm anywhere. Maybe it got left on the roof or bounced off somewhere.

I know I'm a newbie pilot, but I'm not a dumb one, and I sure did double check the locks and propellers before taking off. At this point, I'm glad that while falling down it did not hurt anyone since it was a little crowded area nearby.
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello and good day jusmat. I am sorry to know what happened to your DJI Mavic 2 Pro and thank you for reaching out. It is nice to know that you reported this issue directly to DJI Support and opened a ticket for the said drone. Once the data analysis team have all the information they need, you just need to wait for the result, that will be sent to your email. I hope you will get the result soon. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 19974 ft
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United States

eYeSkYeYe Posted at 2-25 08:25
3. If you are still within 48 hours from registration, get DJI Care Refresh and the cost of the repair should be substantially lower.

That won't work.  You have to provide video proof that is working perfectly at the time of purchase.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Fazmanicg Posted at 2-25 12:29
That won't work.  You have to provide video proof that is working perfectly at the time of purchase.

Not within 48 hours of activation. After 48 hrs yes video evidence is needed.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Good luck to you
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United States

Looking at those pics make my stomach turn. But as said in previous posts if you watch the video slowly you can see the missing prop as the camera remains pointed at it the entire time.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 784265 ft
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United States

jusmat Posted at 2-25 09:50
For your interest guys. this is how my bee looks like right now.[view_image] [view_image] [view_image] [view_image] [view_image] [view_image]

Surprisingly, it managed to boot and connect after the crash, but I don't really want to try anything more with this battery.

Oof thats painful to look at. I hope you can get it repaired.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 623432 ft
United States

If it hits something, there will still have a small part of the propeller on the motor, however, it seems like there is nothing left on the motor in the video.
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

IcannotThinkOfAName Posted at 2-25 18:46
If it hits something, there will still have a small part of the propeller on the motor, however, it seems like there is nothing left on the motor in the video.

Only one motor still had a piece inside when I found it, but I believe it was because of the crash at the ground, since they were spinning all the time untill the contact.
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Brett Brandon
United States

The new CAPTCHA crap is the last straw.
Im tired of DJIs crap and am removing my posts and will be on my way.
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First Officer


Fazmanicg Posted at 2-25 12:29
That won't work.  You have to provide video proof that is working perfectly at the time of purchase.

For extending the care refresh or after 48 hrs from registration yes, prior to that, no.
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Flight distance : 2520 ft

Brett Brandon Posted at 2-25 23:43
I can see another possibility here. You mention that it crashed in a tree and you replaced a prop and all was good before that flight. My guess is that all was not good. I think there was damage to where one of the legs is connected to the body and that is what gave way while in the air. The moment it breaks loose, it swings around, the prop hits the drone itself, rips the prop off and down she goes.
That would explain the props being checked and secured properly and why you can see the leg in the camera. It also could fly until just the right movement or wind twisted the leg just right to finish the break. Thus the missing leg.
Just a guess but still a bummer any way you look at it.

I do see how that could be the case, but I'm not convinced. I really checked the drone, and the crash which happened prior to that was really not a big deal. Even the iPhone would have survived that, since it was just a few meters and ground was really soft. Anyways, as much as I want to believe it's not my fault, I will let DJI to make a decision.  

And thank you all for the support, it means a lot when community appreciates a newbie right away from his first day & post.
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Sky Donkey
Second Officer
Flight distance : 355157 ft
United Kingdom

Brett Brandon Posted at 2-25 23:43
I can see another possibility here. You mention that it crashed in a tree and you replaced a prop and all was good before that flight. My guess is that all was not good. I think there was damage to where one of the legs is connected to the body and that is what gave way while in the air. The moment it breaks loose, it swings around, the prop hits the drone itself, rips the prop off and down she goes.
That would explain the props being checked and secured properly and why you can see the leg in the camera. It also could fly until just the right movement or wind twisted the leg just right to finish the break. Thus the missing leg.
Just a guess but still a bummer any way you look at it.

I said something similar in my post Brett. Yes its perfectly visible throughout the video, that without question he lost a prop. But how was the top of the arm filmed so easily. The arm must have collapsed \ twisted,  folded or become detached from the drone so it was in a position that was easily filmed.  

What caused this, is unknown but the subsequent failing of the arm probably caused the catastrophic fail and loss of the prop as the arm probably still attached at this time by the wires, smashed against itself as the drone span out of control earth bound.

unseen bird strike, Arial collision, previous unseen damage to arm. Defect during manufacturing process
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First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

I think you had a damaged arm/motor or prop from the first hit into the tree.
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Sorry to watch that buddy
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