4261 34 2015-5-4
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United States

So I finally got my quick release Props kit today. I Immediately open the box and carefully installed the prop, read and follow the instruction and watched DJI's video to make sure i was doing everything correctly. Went to the lake by the harbor where it was open and had only some trees and no buildings around.

I was so excited to try the new propeller and it was easy and quick to install. Calibrated my bird and I was ready to fly. Started the motors and took off.. in a matter of seconds the bird went crazy on its own path. I was able to somewhat control the bird from flying away from me but it was just flying everywhere. My wife, mom and my son came alone with me as i finally convince my wife to learn how to operate the gimbal with the 2nd controller and my mom was there to play with my little son, We all panic as it was flying all over at a very high speed. I was scare didn't know what was going to happen, it was so difficult to control the bird and in my mind i was just thinking how to make it stop. I tried the Return to home button but nothing happen, at some point i saw it just going very far but I was able to bring it back closer to me. I was not able to read my control and check for any messages as I was so scare to lose sight of my drone and the only thing in my head was how do I land it safe and not harm anyone or end up with a broken inspire. All the Threads that i read about fly aways came to my mind.... altmost hit the trees but I some how gained more control of my bird, i was able to bring it down flying backwards how i manage to do this was weird, i can't even explian how i got it close to land. It hover above the water on the harbor and i was just praying that it wouldnt go nuts and just hit the water. I brought it Closer and I just made a hard landing and immidiatly turn off the motors. It was the longest 3 min of my life flying that bird. I have no Idea how i was able to manage to land the craft safely. After that my wife said that it was better if we just went home ans sent the flight log to DJI but I decided to give it another try hoping that it was some Pilot error. I checked my MIU and it was fine, calibrated my IMU just to be on the safe side. Calibrated my bird again, made sure my GPS signal was strong, Turn on the motors and felt as it was just going to take off on its own agin, turned off the motors read my controller and turn on the motors again and went up like 3 feet and notice that the light was green then red and it was acting weird i forced it to land as it was fighting me a bit and just turn it off and called it a day.

I am sure that this was not a Pilot error as i succesfully flew my drone on Saturday for the first time after the firware update. I dont know what cause it to go this crazy. Was it the new propellers, the new firware update.

I was talking to a DJI tech support on the chat for almost an hour last night trying to update my 2nd controller after trying for so many hours on my own, and i finally was able to update the controller doing it directly from the gimbal. When the update happen there was no blue light on the controller, just heard a constant beep and after a couple of minutes the beep change and I assumed the update on the controller was done. Checked the SD card to see if it worked, but no files where found with any messages. I checked my control and it was updated. Blue light on slave control and green light on master control. Messages on both controller said: Aircraft State... Overall Status Normal (latest Firmware) Was it something from yesterday while updating the control?????

I will be contacting DJI tomorrow and I will sent them my Flight Log.

I am so frustrated as I hope that i am not one of those unfurtunate guys that has to sent the bird To DJI to get it checked. That would mean no flying for 1 month.... I was looking forward to flying it this week to make my reel as now the weather is in our favor. Plus i order the new filters from Renaat

Any thoughts ?????????

I am Glad i still have my bird and no one got hurt.
Use props

United States

Looks to me like something did not update correctly...You are not supposed to lose GPS in wide open areas anymore. If I were you, I would run the update again. After the update, fly the Inspire in the simulator. If everything is fine in the simulator, then everything will be fine with the Inspire. The flight simulator uses the Flight Controller as well so if there is something wrong with the flight controller, you will be able to see that in the simulator...That way there is no risk to your Inspire or to anyone else. Let me know how it goes
Use props
Flight distance : 1045558 ft
United States

Do you think you installed the props backwards?  Like you criss crossed the colors?  Try removing the qr props and go back to the regular props. See if that helps.
Use props

United States

bostonlines@gma Posted at 2015-5-5 10:57
Do you think you installed the props backwards?  Like you criss crossed the colors?  Try removing th ...

Silver have the DOT and black PROP have no DOTS. Propellers with DOT went with Motors with DOTS (Silver ) Propeller with no Dot went on the motor with black coating on treads.
Use props

United States

mountmotor Posted at 2015-5-5 10:44
Looks to me like something did not update correctly...You are not supposed to lose GPS in wide open  ...

It was not just GPS it actually flew away from me. I change it to different fly modes From P to A to F and nothing. I Tried the Failsafe RTH and it didn't work. I have used this many times when I fly so far to bring it back to me and it has worked. Today the bird had a mind of its own... Even If i had lost GPS i should have total control. It was weird it was as if I had my right throttle stick forward. and turning to the left... i can't explain i was so nervous trying to keep it from flying away and crashing into the trees.
Use props
Flight distance : 1045558 ft
United States

joekeantang@gma Posted at 2015-5-5 11:02
Silver have the DOT and black PROP have no DOTS. Propellers with DOT went with Motors with DOTS (S ...

It's just weird how this started happening w/the new props.  Uninstall them and go back to the old ones.  If that solves the issue, then it might be that you either installed them incorrectly or they are improperly marked.  
Use props

United States

bostonlines@gma Posted at 2015-5-5 11:29
It's just weird how this started happening w/the new props.  Uninstall them and go back to the old ...

Are you flying with your new props? I don't think i over  tightening the screws. I follow the video and instructions. below you can see the quick release on the motors. each photo has the case corner to identify which motor it is.

Let me know if it looks correct compare to how you have yours set up..


Back Right Motor

Back Right Motor
Use props
Flight distance : 1045558 ft
United States

That looks right.  But I would just try to take them off just in case. Then fly with the old props and report back.
Use props

United States

bostonlines@gma Posted at 2015-5-5 12:38
That looks right.  But I would just try to take them off just in case. Then fly with the old props a ...

Thank you bostonlines, I am going to do this if DJI Support is not able to come up with some logical explanation after I sent them the Flight Log tomorrow. I tried talking with someone on the DJI 24 HR Technical support but they just said that I should contact DJI Support in the US tomorrow. So First thing I will do tomorrow at 9am is Contact DJI Support via phone. Hopefully i will be able to get a hold of someone without having to wait an HOUR.
Use props

United Kingdom

Top marks mate for getting that back. The guys have covered all the bases so I cant think of anything else to add other than have you checked the controllers are still set as slave and master?
Use props

United Kingdom

I forgot to mention I always recalibrate my sticks after a firmware update. That might also be worth doing before you relaunch. Please keep us posted. Its all useful information.
Use props
Flight distance : 1602986 ft
  • >>>
Dominican Republic

Please keep us posted!! Sorry that situation happened to your bird...
Use props
Wildcat Willie


DJI just did an update and took away the ability to calibrate or even see anything related to the IMU in the Pilot App for Android.  I always check my IMU values  and yesterday my IMU was there normally and the next flight anything dealing with IMU was gone.  Iam waiting to hear back from Tech Support and Tahoe Ed as to why they would remove this critcal feature...Prior to the update removing the IMU my I1 and controller would not link up. I had to reboot my I1 for it to Link up again...Check to see if you can go in and look at your IMU values or even check it???  It may be coincidental but it seems a little more than coincidence that they update the IMU and your bird goes crazy at the same time...DJI some communication please ...
Use props

United States

Wildcat Willie Posted at 2015-5-5 22:02
DJI just did an update and took away the ability to calibrate or even see anything related to the IM ...

I use an IOS device, after this happened I went to my settings and theres two taps one to check if  IMU need to be calibrated and the other one is to calibrate IMU. I check it and it was fine it said that it dint need an IMU calibration but i still did the IMU before trying to fly my bird for the 2nd time. So its weird. I am just waiting for DJI US to be open so that i can talk to a rep. But i Will keep you all posted.
Use props

United States

Rockeyes Posted at 2015-5-5 17:08
I forgot to mention I always recalibrate my sticks after a firmware update. That might also be worth ...

Didn't think of that, but i did one flight of almost 30 min on Saturday and it did a great job. But thats something to keep in mind.
Use props

United States

So i called DJI US support and they said to sent the bird in. I asked if my flight log would help determine anything and he said no. So whats the point of Flight log? I asked if i should try flying it one more time and he said that i could and to carefully make sure that i do pre flight check very well. I said what if it crashes he said if its not your fault and its a problem with the actual software then they would take care of the damage.

Should I try one more time on an open field? i am just scare .... or do i sent it now and not see my bird for 6 week???? WHY NOW THAT THE WEATHER is nice???? WHY ME!!!! .....
Use props
Flight distance : 120784 ft
United Kingdom

joekeantang@gma Posted at 2015-5-5 23:59
Didn't think of that, but i did one flight of almost 30 min on Saturday and it did a great job. Bu ...

So what battery do you have that gives you nearly 30 minutes then????????
Use props

United States

Lol i change my battery several times. It would be awesome to have a battery that would last that long.
Use props
Wildcat Willie


When I went to check my Invidia today I found that the IMU was back. Howeer, it had disapeared from the Advanced Settings and is now in the Sensor settings...Must have glitched when it moved over so it is there now and you can check it...Just be aware that they are doing things with the Pilot App and keep it in the back of your mind...BTW...My bird is performing the best its ever been...
Use props

United States

So another guy from this forum just posted saying that his bird went crazy and eno up in the water in a pool. he was unfurtunate and his bird clip a brach. Funny thing is that another person said that his drone acted up when flying over water. When my bird went crazy i first flew over the lake....
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
  • >>>
United States

joekeantang@gma Posted at 2015-5-6 01:22
So i called DJI US support and they said to sent the bird in. I asked if my flight log would help de ...

Wow this is a sad tail my friend.. I would have thought the flight recorder logs would have been useful to DJI! I am leaning toward suggesting you to send it in to DJI and not taking a chance of crashing it.

I have one question, did you look at the hidden log file on the SD chip showing your the update progress step by step? I wonder if something did not update correctly. Here is the one from my Inspire for reference.

[00010295]========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 unsynchronized ======
[00010308]Packet [C:\WM610_FW_V01.02.01.03.bin] detected.
[00010318]Packet upgrade start...

[00010332]Packet checking...

[00010348]Version checking[1]...
[00010354][01 00] v1.7.2499 -> v1.8.2729 need upgrade
[00010358][01 01] v1.7.2499 -> v1.8.2729 need upgrade
[00010393][03 05] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00010430][03 06] v2.0.5.10 -> v2.0.5.14 need upgrade.
[00010452][04 00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.16.0.76
[00010489][05 00] v2.5.6.1 -> v2.5.6.1
[00010501][08 00] v1.11.0.19 -> v1.12.0.21 need upgrade.
[00010517][09 00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.7.0.3
[00010548][11 00] v3.3.0.0 -> v3.7.0.0 need upgrade.
[00010588][12 00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010628][12 01] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010688][12 02] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010728][12 03] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010794][15 00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00010829][17 00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.1
[00010893][17 01] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.1
[00010909][19 00] v1.0.8.59 -> v1.0.8.96 need upgrade.

[00012918]Waiting for user confirm...
[00022922]Timeout, start upgrade automatically.

[00022932]Firmware upgrading[1]...
[00024986][01 00] Firmware upgrading start...
[00010223][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00010237]Version checking[2]...
[00010243][01 00] v1.8.2729 -> v1.8.2729
[00010249][01 01] v1.7.2499 -> v1.8.2729 need upgrade
[00010290][03 05] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00010330][03 06] v2.0.5.10 -> v2.0.5.14 need upgrade.
[00010342][04 00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.16.0.76
[00010370][05 00] v2.5.6.1 -> v2.5.6.1
[00010388][08 00] v1.11.0.19 -> v1.12.0.21 need upgrade.
[00010405][09 00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.7.0.3
[00010456][11 00] v3.3.0.0 -> v3.7.0.0 need upgrade.
[00010513][12 00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010550][12 01] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010610][12 02] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010650][12 03] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00010708][15 00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00010730][17 00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.1
[00010790][17 01] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.1
[00010805][19 00] v1.0.8.59 -> v1.0.8.96 need upgrade.

[00010814]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00010935][01 01] Firmware upgrading start...
[00041173][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00042026][08 00] Firmware upgrading start...
[00363033][08 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00363212][03 06] Firmware upgrading start...
[00575776][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00575792][11 00] Firmware upgrading start...
[00656488][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00658432][19 00] Firmware upgrading start...
[00876510][19 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00876523]Version checking[3]...
[00876528][01 00] v1.8.2729 -> v1.8.2729
[00876533][01 01] v1.8.2729 -> v1.8.2729
[00876561][03 05] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00876601][03 06] v2.0.5.14 -> v2.0.5.14
[00876612][04 00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.16.0.76
[00876641][05 00] v2.5.6.1 -> v2.5.6.1
[00876657][08 00] v1.12.0.21 -> v1.12.0.21
[00876671][09 00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.7.0.3
[00876701][11 00] v3.7.0.0 -> v3.7.0.0
[00876761][12 00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00876821][12 01] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00876882][12 02] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00876941][12 03] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
[00877004][15 00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00877041][17 00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.1
[00879601][17 01] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.1
[00879616][19 00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00879621]Packet upgrade finish successfully.

Use props

United States

Hi Rich, Actually I didnt, I sttill have my SD card with the origal file. I had one flight under my belt afther the previous update t was the 2nd flight. Confusin part is that I had also change to the quick release props and the night before I had use the the gimbal of the camera to get my RC which gave me so much trouble updating. SO theres 3 factors that could be the reeason of why that happen or maybe somehting else. So yes i did sent the bird didnt want to take any chances specailly if i want to make money with my bird would be the worse thing that could happen while working for a client.
Use props
Flight distance : 942585 ft
United States

Has there been any update to this thread?  Are more people seeing this after the firmware upgrade?  I have flown mine without issue many times after the update with 100% success.....I hate inconsistency and hopefully there is an explanation of why this happened out of DJI.

Happy and Safe Flying all.
Use props

United States

chris.wilcox@ic Posted at 2015-5-29 22:05
Has there been any update to this thread?  Are more people seeing this after the firmware upgrade?   ...

Nothing yet my bird just got check in a few days ago. I have yet to hear fom DJI! Iasked Tahoe if they know why are there so many fly aways but it seems as if DJI are not talking anymore
Use props
Flight distance : 7782 ft
  • >>>
United States

I am glad that you had enough skill to bring it back some guys would panic and do the wrong things good for you!!
Use props

United States

CrabHawk Posted at 2015-5-30 11:20
I am glad that you had enough skill to bring it back some guys would panic and do the wrong things g ...

yes, thank you!  l was very fortunate to land the bird after a long struggle fighting the bird. Honestly it all happen so fast and yet it felt like an eternity. I had such a weird sensation in my stomach specially since i knew that i had invested so mush money on it. I hope that some time soon we will be able to fly without feeling afraid that something will happen to the inspire 1.
Use props
Flight distance : 7782 ft
  • >>>
United States

JKT Posted at 2015-5-30 11:41
yes, thank you!  l was very fortunate to land the bird after a long struggle fighting the bird. Ho ...

I know the feeling Very Scary!
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
  • >>>
United States

Wow, that's scary.

If you haven't already, read this post regarding the new QR props. maybe you can glean some insight from the information and double check your prop set up. If you had a good flight with the new props, then that is not the problem.

Use props

United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2015-5-30 14:15
Wow, that's scary.

If you haven't already, read this post regarding the new QR props. maybe you can ...

well right now I won't be able to do anything as my drone is with DJ North America, they asked me to send them my bird. I hope that at the end I might have some answered
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
  • >>>
United States

JKT Posted at 2015-5-30 14:41
well right now I won't be able to do anything as my drone is with DJ North America, they asked me  ...


Most likely you will never know unless DJI comments after their inspection.

Use props

United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2015-5-31 00:20

Most likely you will never know unless DJI comments after their inspection.

You might be right plus DJI has no time to deal with the inspire 1 as they get ready to launch the Matrix 100, that explains why DJI doesn't seem to concern about the inspire 1 problems. The forum moderators might be to busy testing the new matrix 100 to be paying attention to what is said in this forum. It looks to me that platforms like the inspire 1 has helped them develop new platform that will make them even more money. I feel like we where just a way for them to collect data to develop new platforms. It makes me angry that they seem to completely forgot about the inspire 1 costumers. Its great that DJI want to continue growing and creating new products but why cant they just make one perfect product before moving on to new things. I think that the inspire 1 has been in the market for a pretty long time and by now this product should be to a point where the only issues causing some sort of damage to the inspire 1 would be pilot errors not some  software problems or hardware problems.      
Use props
Flight distance : 73127 ft
United States

Hi, what happened with your Inspire?

I just had the same thing happen to me. I don't think the props would be installed improperly, since if they were, the thing would never leave the ground. Mine flew fine rising off the ground, the erractically zipped north, then south, and ultimately west into a tree. I sent it to DJI for repair. Let me know  how your situation panned out.
Use props

United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2015-5-12 09:28
Wow this is a sad tail my friend.. I would have thought the flight recorder logs would have been u ...


Quick question...What is all the text/log at the end of all your posts?
Use props


Do not calibrate your compas before every flight, youbhave to calibrate it once and forget. Once you move for more then 400km or more re-calibrate it. Here is no need for compas calibration, only when dji pilot says calibrate. Most flyaways i read about start with "i calibrated my compas before flight...".
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
  • >>>
United States

Outlander0088 Posted at 2015-7-29 16:05

Quick question...What is all the text/log at the end of all your posts?

Hey there,
I use this example when helping.
This is a hidden text file (MISC/LOG) that can help identify if everything updated correctly during the firmware update. It can come in handy when you are trying to troubleshoot problems.

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