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19991 95 2019-4-11
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Finally it's here. The DJI OSMO Action

Ordered mine minutes after it was launched. Videos to follow.........

Check out the new OSMO Action forum, here on the DJI forums


Imagine if DJI made a camcorder or actioncam.


I know DJI are known for quadcopters and stabilisation but I think they'd do really well packaging their sensor/lens technology into a proper small camcorder, similar to what Sony and Panasonic etc. do.

Having used the Pocket now for about a month I'm still stunned by the clarity and detail of such a small sensor system. Imagine that same image quality but in a proper camcorder, something with more physical buttons and good sized screen, something that could be easier controlled for manual setups. I also think they'd give GoPro a run for their money as well if they made something similar in size and shape to a GP7.

I do appreciate that neither of these ideas would use DJI's USP, their gimbal systems. But I think DJI would probably be able to do an EIS that could probably rival that of the GP7. From what I've observed, even the Pocket seems to have at least the processing power of the GP7 or GoPro's GP1 processor (SoC).

Like I said, I'm simply blown away sometimes at what I get as far as picture/image quality is concerned with the Pocket and can't stop imagining that quality in a camcorder with better manual control. And that's with the small sensor on the Pocket, imagine what that would like with a 1 inch sensor or the guts of the X7?

When you think that the cheapest UHD/4K camcorder is probably twice the price of the Pocket, imagine what DJI could do with a small camcorder for around the £700/$900 mark similar to the price and size of a Sony AX53.

I know this is a only a pipe dream and probably goes against everything that DJI stand for but I think they'd wipe out the camcorder market if they made such a device.

Actually, maybe it's not such a mad idea. Afterall, DJI never used to make cameras, they used to be just the quadcopter that other cameras used. In fact, I used to use their first quadcopter with a GP.

How times have changed.


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I'd be OK with a self contained Osmo handheld (shrunk, but not as small as the pocket) with a built in screen.
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United Kingdom

I think what I would like to see apart from maybe a larger sensor and screen, is weather sealed gimbal motors.
Not watertight as such but may be able to cope with a light shower and a proper microphone stage with no need for additional adaptors.
Then if possible a series of detachable focal length lenses. I'm not so worried about being able to zoom if I could on occasion get wider angled shots and perhaps a mid-length focal range as I can't always get as close as I'd like to and other times I need to actually see 'The Bigger Picture'.
It also needs to be less reliant on a phone other than for updates or perhaps editing.
The reason for my last thought is purely that phones have limited processing and the relatively small screens really are not that good for editing on and still prefer large screens for viewing in general.
4k editing in general needs a very high specced machine to edit on, not to mention storage space and cloud-based solutions at present seems to leave a lot to be desired unless anyone knows differently.
I know smartphones are the future particularly with 5G on the horizon but equally don't forget that home cinema screens are getting larger and more detailed and are an excellent viewing source which a lot of people still prefer.
I understand this in not a camcorder as such but more of a mixture of what we have against other formats. I have no objection to a change of shape to the product or something similar to an articulating screen.

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And built in WIFI with live streaming.
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Hi Dave,
I agree with your wishes. I would also like to have a more sophisticated DJI Pocket 2.
One only needs to look at the development in the area of smartphones, which is all possible today, e.g. more than just a lens.
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"Imagine if DJI make a camcorder or action cam."

One thing for sure: hella late accessories.

Joke aside, I think it will be a good thing for gopro to have a challenger. They lead the action cam market for too long.
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United Kingdom

StardustGeass Posted at 4-12 09:28
"Imagine if DJI make a camcorder or action cam."

One thing for sure: hella late accessories.

"Joke aside, I think it will be a good thing for gopro to have a challenger. They lead the action cam market for too long."

Totally agree, I think  DJI could actually beat GP at their own game or at least force GP to up their game. Not that I have anything against the Heroes, I've had a good few and have a GP7, but they could do with some 'proper' competition.

Although I'd much prefer a DJI camcorder in a similar format to a Sony AX53.

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United Kingdom

its an interesting point in time, now the evolution of camera's.

I suspect the DJI design remit for the pocket was to create the absolute smallest high quality gimbal stabilised camera.  I think they hit this 100%. There are common complaints such as no tripod mount, and generally the accessories required to use it - however if these were all built in it wouldn't be so small !

This design however has highlighted the fact that camera's can be 'too small'.  And yet the previous generation of camcorders AX53, VX980 etc ... were definitely not too small. They were on the large side and were usually limited with their manual features on offer, presumably not to overlap too much on the more expensive prosumer models.

I believe with the stunning video performance from a current smart phone this has impacted the consumer camcorder market, taking the AX53 for example - this was released in 2016 and no replacement since.
As with camcorder magazines, they have all disappeared.

I had an AX53 and I loved the floating lens BOSS system, but limited manual controls and like most camcorders of that ilk I found it too big and people act differently when there is an obvious camera around - which is where things like the OP and GP excell.    ( If anyone is running an AX53 alongside their OP - I would be interested to hear your views of it side by side, I had mine a few years ago so can't really compare image quality etc ... ).

Price, I think the OP hit a sweet spot in the market at £329 and judging by the forums and reviews seems to have been a very good seller.  I think a 1inch sensor camcorder version could never be a budget  option and as such just would miss the casual buy it for travelling etc ...

Looking at some of the quality of the video's out there made from the OP/ GP / smart phones I also think we are at the point where the current technology is enough to make amazing quality content and yes human nature is such that we always want more, and of course better focus / low light performance is always desirable but its very easy to get caught in the upgrade / next best thing trap.

Apologies for the slightly off topic nature in this thread but I believe its all related since the market will drive what manufactures make.
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United Kingdom

MKosmo Posted at 4-13 02:33
its an interesting point in time, now the evolution of camera's.

I suspect the DJI design remit for the pocket was to create the absolute smallest high quality gimbal stabilised camera.  I think they hit this 100%. There are common complaints such as no tripod mount, and generally the accessories required to use it - however if these were all built in it wouldn't be so small !

I'm not sure that you got the point of what I was saying. I think the Pocket is great for what it is and I'm not suggesting a replacement for it. My point was what if DJI made something like an AX53 but with their sensor tech etc.

While the AX53 isn't fully manual, that was by design so it didn't encroach on other Sony products. It most certainly has the physical format for fully manual operation and could have been slightly smaller if not for its stabilisation. Now imaging a similar product by DJI, one that can have all the bells and whistles because they wouldn't have to protect other more expensive similar products.

I appreciate that smartphones and to a lesser degree action cams etc. have all but wiped out the small stills market and now effecting camcorders. But camcorders will be around for a while still as phones and actioncams still can't better a good camcorder for ergonomics and sensor tech etc. This is where I think DJI could still make an impact.

Sure, your regular user isn't going to buy a £800 camcorder when a phone will be good enough for them and the same type of person is just as unlikely to buy a Pocket or GP for the same reasons. But there are many people who buy camcorders because of what they offer over smartphones, probably most notably a proper physical interface and better sensor tech.

Having used a number of smartphones that can produce excellent video given the right conditions and having used the Pocket for a short while and appreciating its picture quality and while being a GP user since the H3. I'd still use a camcorder for critical shooting and always will, even if it's only for the physical size and ergonomics and despite the fact that the likes of a Pocket can match them for picture quality given the right conditions and the inevitability that we're not too far away from phones matching camcorders for pure picture quality. Let's face it, DJI have proven just how good a small sensor can be, with the Pocket.

Anyway, it's all quite interesting.

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United Kingdom

Sorry, just thought I'd re-hash this thread instead of making a new one.

While I'm not one for rumours, there's a few people out there talking about a DJI Action Camera. So maybe my original post wasn't so mad Although I'd rather see a DJI Osmo Camcorder, I could easily live with DJI Osmo Action.

Anyway, it's more likely a load of hot air but here's some links and videos.

BTW. Please, no questions to the mods and admins, even if this were true they wouldn't be able to comment anyway.



Imagine if DJI made a camcorder or actioncam.


I know DJI are known for quadcopters and stabilisation but I think they'd do really well packaging their sensor/lens technology into a proper small camcorder, similar to what Sony and Panasonic etc. do.

Having used the Pocket now for about a month I'm still stunned by the clarity and detail of such a small sensor system. Imagine that same image quality but in a proper camcorder, something with more physical buttons and good sized screen, something that could be easier controlled for manual setups. I also think they'd give GoPro a run for their money as well if they made something similar in size and shape to a GP7.

I do appreciate that neither of these ideas would use DJI's USP, their gimbal systems. But I think DJI would probably be able to do an EIS that could probably rival that of the GP7. From what I've observed, even the Pocket seems to have at least the processing power of the GP7 or GoPro's GP1 processor (SoC).

Like I said, I'm simply blown away sometimes at what I get as far as picture/image quality is concerned with the Pocket and can't stop imagining that quality in a camcorder with better manual control. And that's with the small sensor on the Pocket, imagine what that would like with a 1 inch sensor or the guts of the X7?

When you think that the cheapest UHD/4K camcorder is probably twice the price of the Pocket, imagine what DJI could do with a small camcorder for around the £700/$900 mark similar to the price and size of a Sony AX53.

I know this is a only a pipe dream and probably goes against everything that DJI stand for but I think they'd wipe out the camcorder market if they made such a device.

Actually, maybe it's not such a mad idea. Afterall, DJI never used to make cameras, they used to be just the quadcopter that other cameras used. In fact, I used to use their first quadcopter with a GP.

How times have changed.

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it is a very interesting idea. Always wondered if it will happen.

Analysis of the leaked images:
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United Kingdom

QuadcopterGuide Posted at 4-18 16:37
it is a very interesting idea. Always wondered if it will happen.

Analysis of the leaked images:


Yes, very interesting although the photos look very suspect even at such low resolutions. I suppose time will tell.

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David_Harry Posted at 4-19 13:50

Yes, very interesting although the photos look very suspect even at such low resolutions. I suppose time will tell.

it is odd, normally before a DJI Release we have a lot more information and images. Still on the fence of this one. Supposedly we find out tomorrow!
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United Kingdom

QuadcopterGuide Posted at 4-22 11:23
it is odd, normally before a DJI Release we have a lot more information and images. Still on the fence of this one. Supposedly we find out tomorrow!

Looks like it could all be hot air? If any product by any manufacturer were so close to release there'd usually be more than a dodgy inconsistent low res photo knocking about the web. Although a lack of official talk or photos doesn't make it not true.

I still wouldn't be surprised though if we see a DJI actioncam at some point in the future, it's a product that would easily fit within their ecosphere.
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I suppose what people mean when they say “no fisheye lense” (which the gopro does NOT have, it is simply wide-angle, not fish-eye) is that distortion will be reduced.

DJI could get rid of wide angle bulging distortion in one of two ways that I expected GoPro to attempt LONG ago: Rectilinear lens correction with extra lense elements, which will make the final product heavier. OR digitally correct the distortion in camera, which is less desirable, but again something I am surprised that GoPro never implemented.
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I will still buy Go Pro 7 for that matter .Go pro has action camera has ready Accesories available in the market.
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United Kingdom

Stuge234 Posted at 4-23 06:20
I will still buy Go Pro 7 for that matter .Go pro has action camera has ready Accesories available in the market.

The GP7 is great but it has many issues that can really get in the way.
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John Walker
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United Kingdom

Stuge234 Posted at 4-23 06:20
I will still buy Go Pro 7 for that matter .Go pro has action camera has ready Accesories available in the market.

How do you know that the GoPro Accessories won't fit a DJI Action Cam ?  We haven't seen it yet.  It might not even be happening  
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United Kingdom

FFS Posted at 4-23 01:37
I suppose what people mean when they say “no fisheye lense” (which the gopro does NOT have, it is simply wide-angle, not fish-eye) is that distortion will be reduced.

DJI could get rid of wide angle bulging distortion in one of two ways that I expected GoPro to attempt LONG ago: Rectilinear lens correction with extra lense elements, which will make the final product heavier. OR digitally correct the distortion in camera, which is less desirable, but again something I am surprised that GoPro never implemented.

GP do electronically alter geometry in certain resolutions and FOVs. The main reason they don't do this optically is because Heroes have always been actioncams not camcorders. The vast majority of people using Heroes are doing action sport stuff, these people don't usually want typical video focal lengths or FOVs.

Linear FOV is definitely an electronically geometrically corrected FOV in 2.7K on the later Heroes and is most in keeping with a traditional FOV with less barrelling. The reason it's not done at 4K is probably down to processing power, or lack of.  
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And a DJI Event is confirmed! ... th-event-confirmed/
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Flight distance : 257188 ft

But only in German

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John Walker Posted at 4-23 09:54
How do you know that the GoPro Accessories won't fit a DJI Action Cam ?  We haven't seen it yet.  It might not even be happening

event confirmed now .

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If the event confirms a new DJI Action Cam to compete with the likes of GoPro 7 Black.... it would need to compete in terms of new/more features (hardware and software) and also a better or similar pricing.  If this all happens and DJI knocks it out of the park, it may be a dagger in the coffin for GoPro... unless they have a much improved re-iteration in the GoPro 8.  

Also, if the DJI action cam does become reality and is waterproof... I think that DJI may abandon the waterproof case for the osmo pocket since they seem to be having so many problems with it working with the OP and bringing it into the market.  If thats the case, there will sure be many unhappy OP owners out there who bought it for this promised feature/accessory alone.
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United Kingdom

Looking at the poster for the event, I really hope DJI aren't about to release a submiserable camera system Although the poster may be a hint at some kind of  waterproof camera.

I really hope this is an actioncam. If it is and even if it doesn't match or beat the GP7 in all functions, I hope it has the sensor from the Pocket and an as equally excellent optical system but much wider FOV..

If it is an actioncam and its picture quality is as good as the Pocket and it has a good mic interface, or even a good internal mic like the Pocket, it could be the best vlogging camera to date and will wipe the floor with the GP7 for vlogging.

If they go all out and go toe to toe on all aspects of the GP7, I can't see GoPro, or any other actioncam manufacturer for that matter, being able to compete.

What's going to be interesting, again if it's an actioncam, is what the stabilisation will be like. It can't be a gimbal if it's as small as a GP7, there's simply no space for the mechanical movement like what we have with the Pocket. Although it could be a Piezo actuator system, basically a magnetic gimbal that floats the sensor, similar to what some phones have. But my money would be on an EIS, which would be very interesting as I'm sure it would be the first time that DJI have done one and would be a very interesting departure from their main and excellent platform, motorised/gyroscopic stabilisation.

Maybe we'll see a first for EIS on an actioncam. An EIS that uses a higher resolution than the output, basically an EIS that doesn't impede on the optical output. Maybe a 5 or 6K sensor that uses a 4K output???

I bet GoPro are praying that it isn't an actioncam. Poor GoPro

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Flight distance : 240856 ft

DJI Osmo Action. Really hope it has Hypersmooth like stabilization so I can sell my GoPro H7B.

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United Kingdom

andrei193 Posted at 5-10 03:17
DJI Osmo Action. Really hope it has Hypersmooth like stabilization so I can sell my GoPro H7B.


I really hope these photos are legit.

Thanks for posting.

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United Kingdom

David_Harry Posted at 5-10 06:45

I really hope these photos are legit.

Looks very similar to the Photorumours images. ... sensor-4k60p-video/
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David_Harry Posted at 5-10 06:45

I really hope these photos are legit.

Some more images, rumours price will be €399, it looks like the cat is out of the bag.
Hopefully a better audio system.

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It needs to be priced on par or better then the GP7 otherwise it will not be a GoPro killer unless they will offer some killer feature(s) to justify the higher pricing.

I am predicting a price drop from GoPro for the GP7-Black after the release of the Osmo action if it is priced similarly to the GP7.

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American Samoa

Leaked pics look promising.  Is it just me, or I'm not too excited about this camera.  Maybe I'm enjoying my Osmo Pocket too much that I prefer its form factor but never say never.  If this new action camera performs better at dark than my gopro black 7, I might reconsider.   
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United Kingdom

Ray-CubeAce Posted at 5-10 07:47
Looks very similar to the Photorumours images.

Hi Ray.

Yes, these are the same pictures and would seem to suggest that this is legit.
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United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 5-10 08:28
Some more images, rumours price will be €399, it looks like the cat is out of the bag.
Hopefully a better audio system.


I really do hope the cat is out of the bag

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Second Officer
United Kingdom

Joemar7 Posted at 5-10 12:14
Leaked pics look promising.  Is it just me, or I'm not too excited about this camera.  Maybe I'm enjoying my Osmo Pocket too much that I prefer its form factor but never say never.  If this new action camera performs better at dark than my gopro black 7, I might reconsider.


I think it's just you I'm proper excited about this if it's all true, I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas.

I'm sure that you and a lot of other people will become excited once it's out. The Pocket is awesome and I don't think a DJI actioncam will change anything about that, for me personally I don't see these as competition to each other.

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cEQtBhqjyKJB Posted at 5-10 10:52
It needs to be priced on par or better then the GP7 otherwise it will not be a GoPro killer unless they will offer some killer feature(s) to justify the higher pricing.

I am predicting a price drop from GoPro for the GP7-Black after the release of the Osmo action if it is priced similarly to the GP7.

time to buy go pro
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Offline ... a-have-been-leaked/
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Flight distance : 240856 ft

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United Kingdom

andrei193 Posted at 5-14 01:24

WOW, nice one Andrei.

That's total confirmation.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 240856 ft

David_Harry Posted at 5-14 01:49
WOW, nice one Andrei.

That's total confirmation.

Yes, somebody let the cat out of the bag a bit early. Their version of hypersmooth is called Rocksteady and it seems pretty good considering we see just 4k footage (hypersmooth in 4k is also a little bit more wobbly). I am definitely excited.
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Second Officer
United Kingdom

andrei193 Posted at 5-14 02:00
Yes, somebody let the cat out of the bag a bit early. Their version of hypersmooth is called Rocksteady and it seems pretty good considering we see just 4k footage (hypersmooth in 4k is also a little bit more wobbly). I am definitely excited.


This is massive news.

I'm really excited as well. This is going to be a masssive deal for DJI, regardless of how good or not the Action is. This will be the first camera I've ever preordered, that's how excited I am

How on earth did this YouTuber get their hands on that video? It's only very low res, which may suggest that it's a deliberate leak. If this were some stolen video there's no reason to not have a full resolution version.

It's hard to gauge from such low quality but the camera itself looks sexy as F..K Not sure about the stabilisation, again though this very low quality so hard to gauge anything really.

From some of the speculated specifications it does technically resemble the Yi 4K+

As long as the stabilisation is up there with GP7 and the Action has a built in mic socket that works or a great internal mic. The Action is going to real hurt GoPro and could be the first true bridge camera for action footage and vlogging. It may even be the perfect vlogging camera.

I hope it's got a 40.5mm thread size as I've already got some filters off my old 4K+ rig.

Seriously, thanks again for posting, I'm defo now going to be that kid who can't wait for Christmas to come

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