Customer dispute resolution team
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3779 111 2019-4-16
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Does anyone have contact information for Customer Dispute Resolution/Escalation team for DJI that is based out of North America?
I have been banging my head against wall since March 4, 2019 trying to get help from their support team and looks like I am not getting anywhere. Seems like my emails are not being read and understood before a reply is sent back as so far I have not seen single reply answering my questions/concerns. I have asked Chat support for contact information for escalation or dispute resolution team in North America multiple times, but everytime, rather than giving me contact information they keep telling me I will get an email with requested information and all I get is same information over and over again. I was shocked to see the last email I received, Data analysis team totally changed their version of what caused the crash. I sent an email back on April 9th 2019 asking for data supporting their new version and have not received a reply yet.

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DJI Mindy
Flight distance : 7 ft

Hi Harps, we apologize to read your unpleasant experience with our customer support team, we managed to get your case number via your Forum account, your frustration has been escalated to the higher level team to look into and follow up, we will have someone to contact you soon, please wait patiently, thank you.
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Neo Supreme
Second Officer
Flight distance : 76329 ft
United States

Hey, please keep us informed/updated here in the forums.  This seams to be a big issue.  Really sorry to hear you going through this frustration.
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Flight distance : 60958 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 4-16 19:44
Hi Harps, we apologize to read your unpleasant experience with our customer support team, we managed to get your case number via your Forum account, your frustration has been escalated to the higher level team to look into and follow up, we will have someone to contact you soon, please wait patiently, thank you.

Thanks. Please confirm the email I sent on April 9th, 2019 was received and added to case before escalation.
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Flight distance : 60958 ft

Neo Supreme Posted at 4-17 14:40
Hey, please keep us informed/updated here in the forums.  This seams to be a big issue.  Really sorry to hear you going through this frustration.

Thank you. I will keep you posted. I will post details of my case on weekend.
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Mr. Motta
Flight distance : 221906 ft
United States

Good Luck!
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DJI Mindy
Flight distance : 7 ft

Harps Posted at 4-17 16:49
Thanks. Please confirm the email I sent on April 9th, 2019 was received and added to case before escalation.

This email has been received, the team is following up your case, please wait patiently for the further communication, thank you.
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Flight distance : 60958 ft

Thank you!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1695351 ft
United States

Harp, the crash, anything to learn, benefit, remember, avoid, what did happen?
Apparently dispute between differing accounts of what downed the drone is in play
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Flight distance : 60958 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 4-18 02:28
This email has been received, the team is following up your case, please wait patiently for the further communication, thank you.

Hello Mindy,

I am very disappointed to say I still have not received replies to my questions/concerns and got a generic email again. It clearly shows the responder (Ejay) did not read anything in my last email (copied in my next comment). Also I got a call from DJI Support (I believe it was Ejay ) on April 18th 2019 asking what my story was, to which I responded it is all in the emails I have sent and asked if he had read the case or my last email before calling. His reply was, "The email is too long and we need time to read". This is completely unprofessional and I hope you understand my frustration with DJI support as this is what I have been dealing with Since March 4, 2019. And I do not understand purpose of the email reply below as there is no evidence attached for the analysis, no mention of why data analysis team changed their version of crash from pilot pulling down on sticks causing the crash to battery being too low to trigger RTH causing the crash and no response to the questions/concerns I have been raising since March 4, 2019. Could I please request escalation of my case to a team that will read all my emails and respond to my concerns with the analysis and provide evidence for the analysis. I apologize if I sound a bit rude, I am very frustrated with the way I have been treated by DJI support.

Below is reply I received today and I will copy my last email I sent on April 9th 2019 raising concerns with the Data analysis teams verdict on the crash in my next comment.

"From: Ejay (DJI Support) <>
Sent: April 23, 2019 8:31 AM
To: Randhawa.harpreet
Subject: Complaint case: CAS-2957883-Q5J2J9

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Ejay (DJI Support)

Apr 23, 23:31 CST

Hi Harpreet,

I hope you find this email well.

This is in regards to your complaint about the result of the data analysis of the incident that happened with your drone. We already forwarded a dispute to our analysis team and recheck every necessary information on the flight, however, the result will stick that the Aircraft crash not because of a product malfunction but due to pilot error.

I'm sorry for the news I provided but we suggest to send the unit back to us to let our repair team check it. We can only offer a small amount of discount for this cases.

Thank you for choosing DJI Products.
Best Regards,
Manager, DJI Technical Support

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Flight distance : 60958 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 4-18 02:28
This email has been received, the team is following up your case, please wait patiently for the further communication, thank you.

Sent: April 9, 2019 2:59 PM
To: DJI Support
Subject: Re: [DJI Support] : RE Re: DJI_Customer_Service-Escalation Confirmation for Your case CRM:0300000000173

Hello Aubrey,

I am disappointed to say DJI has not answered any of my questions/concerns I have raised in my last two emails or any emails/calls/chats I have had with DJI Support since March 4, 2019 and all information provided has been ambiguous and irrelevant to the questions/concerns I have raised. Please ask Data Analysis team to re-read my previous emails and answer the questions/concerns logically with evidence from data logs.

I am surprised to read your last email. So far DJI’s Data analysis team has been saying the drone crashed as a result of Pilot pulling the throttle stick down now they are saying that the drone crashed as a result of Low Battery (per your statement in last email, “However, the remaining battery was not enough for the aircraft to return back home, which was the root cause of the accident”). Could you please explain how the cause of this incident changed from Pilot pulling the throttle down crashing the drone to Low battery causing the crash? Could you please ask data analysis team to provide evidence for this new analysis? The Data analysis team is contradicting its own analysis now or maybe I should call it a story as I have not seen any evidence supporting their analysis so far.

If my case was escalated twice why have I not received any data analysis showing there was no data and video feed lag between the Drone and RC. This has been my main concern from day 1 and so far DJI’s data analysis team has not provided any evidence from data logs supporting its analysis that there was no video and data feed delay between the drone and RC. I will only consider this dispute closed when DJI shows me this evidence along with explanation how the provided evidence proves that there was no delay. I have been requesting this for over a month now and so far I have only received ambiguous and irrelevant replies.

I am going to go thru your last email line by line and raise my concerns with the information you have provided and point out all the irrelevant information DJI’s data analysis team has added to confuse me into believing that this crash was pilot error.

1.     Regarding your statement " Regretfully, the data analysis is an internal team and the only way to dispute the results is through an escalation dispute which has already been transmitted twice.”

This is not acceptable as whenever there is a dispute between two parties, the dispute resolution team has to be separate/independent from the team that denied the dispute in first place. Thank you for confirming that the dispute was escalated to same team twice and that there is no Customer dispute resolution team at DJI. Makes it easier for me to dispute this with local consumer protection agencies.

2.     Regarding your Statement “I understand that you have checked the forums on this case but we cannot say that the same thing happened on your case as the team has already checked the flight and didn't see the lag.”

I have checked multiple threads on DJI’s forum and all are talking about the lag which DJI’s moderators have acknowledged as a glitch on the DJI Go4 app and have confirmed it was escalated to the DJI Engineers (See screen shot below and the link for this thread is Please see my previous email for more links for threads discussing this topic on DJI’s Forum. Like I have said on all previous emails/chats/calls to DJI, I have experienced this video and data transmission lag multiple times and have had to use RTH to bring the drone back. (However, in this incident, the drone was only around 300 Meters away in an open uninhabited area, so it did not cross my mind that the video and data could be delayed).

I am 100% positive that the same thing happened in this incident. If DJI’s Data analysis team disagrees then please provide evidence from data logs with explanation how the provided evidence proves that this did not happen in this case.

If DJI’s Data Analysis team is saying they have looked at the logs and did not see any lag between the drone and RC then please ask them to provide evidence for this from data logs. I have repeatedly asked for analysis of data/video communication between the drone and RC but have not seen it addressed in any emails from DJI so far, instead I keep getting irrelevant information to confuse me.

3.     Regarding your statement,” There are many possibilities that will lead to the interruption of the flight record or the connection between the aircraft and the controller. For example, if there was obstacles or interference (visible & invisible), disconnection may happen. The direction of the antenna would also affect the remote connection, but that doesn't indicate the aircraft itself malfunctioned.  Even after losing connection, the aircraft would do what it was designed to do to return home after losing connection. That's the reason why a return to home function was created. To have the unit return to home even after disconnection. However, the remaining battery was not enough for the aircraft to return back home, which was the root cause of the accident.

As you can see on the below picture, the signal was strong and the aircraft was connected to 18 satellites for navigation to return but it failed to do so because the set altitude is too big, the RTH was cancelled when triggered and the battery was too low to trigger RTH again”

In this statement you are saying there are many possible reasons for signal interruption and in the very next statement you are saying the signal was strong. I am confused here as to which statement is true and what signal you are referring to. Does the data log show there was interruption/interference between the drone and RC or does it shows the signal was strong and there was no interruption? Please pick the statement that is true per data log and provide evidence for it. Just to clarify again, there were no obstacles between RC and Drone and I am 100% positive there was no interference as no warnings popped up during the flight. I would have used RTH if I saw any interference warnings. It’s a green area over a lake and there are absolutely no obstacles. The Antennas were pointed towards the direction of the drone and the drone was only around 300 meter away. This drone is advertised with a maximum range of 4 kilometers, so I fail to understand why there was a video and data delay at merely around 300 meters (and less as the drone was travelling towards the RC) in an open uninhabited area? Clearly the aircraft malfunctioned. If DJI’s data analysis team is refuting this, then please ask them to provide evidence with explanation how the provided evidence is relevant to the claim.

In this case Return to home is irrelevant as the drone never disconnected from the RC. Like I have said every time I have contacted DJI, the reason for the crash is Video and data feed delay from the drone to the RC and yet I have not seen a single response from DJI showing evidence that the data and video feed was not delayed.

The picture you have attached does not show signal strength between the drone and RC, nor does it show there was no video and data delay. I have repeated this statement everytime I have contacted DJI and so far I have not seen a single reply explaining how this picture (or any other pictures DJI has sent) is the evidence that there was no data and video delay between the drone and RC. The drone does not connect to RC via Satellites so this information is irrelevant to the previous reason cited by DJI’s data analysis team for the crash. The Satellites are used to help the drone position and have nothing to do with video and data feed between the drone and RC.

So, I do not understand what RTH or cancelling RTH has to do with this incident. First reason RTH kicks in is when drone looses complete connection with RC, however in this case it was connected but the data and video feed was delayed. Also, data analysis team has claimed the RC was connected to the drone and the drone was responding to the stick commands (which I have not denied as that’s what happened, however the video feed and data presented on screen was definitely delayed) then why would RTH trigger or be a factor in this crash. In all previous communications data analysis team has claimed the cause of crash was pilot pulling throttle stick down crashing the drone into water and now they are claiming the drone crashed as the RTH could not trigger because the battery was too low and the RTH height was set too high. This is absurd and irrelevant. Why would RTH trigger when the RC is connected and the sticks are responding? Either ways, low battery was not cause of this crash as the drone had 20% battery at the time of crash and no “Critically Low battery” or “Drone auto landing” warnings kicked in before the crash plus the drone was merely 113 meters away from home point, it would have easily made it back to home point if the video and data feed was not delayed, which is what resulted in false information being presented to pilot causing the pilot to pull down on throttle thinking the drone is still high up which was the root cause of the crash and not the battery.

The other reason RTH kicks in is if the battery is just enough for the drone to return home. Per the flight logs it triggered at 13:48 and I cancelled it. At 13:57 I started bringing the drone towards me from around 300 m away with 23% battery. It was 113 meters away when it crashed into water and the battery was 20% at that time, so there was no way it did not have enough battery to travel another 113 meters and land safely. Hence there was absolutely no reason for me to trigger RTH again, as at that time, I thought I was in complete command of the drone, which obviously was not true as my ability to navigate the drone safely was impaired by false information being presented to me as a result of the delayed video and data feed from drone. So clearly there is no relevance of RTH in this incident and this ambiguous/irrelevant information was sent to confuse me into believing that this crash was caused by pilot error.

Again the cause of crash was the delayed video and data feed which caused me to believe the drone was way higher than it actually was and that’s what caused me to pull the throttle down. Per the data logs, I pulled throttle down at 14:06 to start bringing the drone down, then I let go of the sticks at 14:15 to see how high the drone is and pulled down on throttle again at 14:19. Again at 14:31 I let go of the sticks to see how high the drone is again and then pulled down again at 14:36 and the drone crashed into water at 14:43, which is within 7 seconds of my last check. Like I have said each time I have contacted DJI before the only reason for me pulling down on the sticks was because the data/video presented to me was delayed. And like I told you on the phone and previous emails, this has happened multiple times with this drone in past and I have used RTH to bring it back. Since in this instance, the drone was only around 300 Meters from me I did not expect the data/video to be delayed so trusted it. Anyhow, this should not be happening on a $1000 drone advertised with a range of 4 kilometers in an open uninhabited area.

There are multiple threads on DJI forum discussing this problem, I sent you links to below threads in last email and am copying it again below.

4.     Regarding your statement, “I have also checked what can be further provided. But regretfully, the team has already concluded that it was not a product malfunction. What I can only offer now is to have the unit sent to the repair center then check what can be provided in a form of a discount once a quotation is provided.

I'm sorry if this will not meet your expectations but we already did our best to coordinate your concern. Should you accept it, please inform me so that I can process it. Otherwise, we will be closing the escalation.”

Again, if the data analysis team has concluded this was not a product malfunction then please provide evidence for this conclusion/claim. And I am not expecting anything from DJI at this point for the way DJI support has treated me by sending confusing and irrelevant information to avoid admitting that the product malfunctioned. I am respectfully demanding DJI to provide evidence from data logs showing there was no data and video feed delay between the drone and RC if data analysis team is claiming that pilot pulling down on throttle was the cause for crash or provide evidence for the analysis that the drone crashed as the RTH could not trigger because the battery was too low and the RTH height was set too high. And that DJI honor warranty repair in this case if it cannot provide evidence of pilot error and that the product did not malfunction in this incident.

Thank you


From: Aubrey (DJI Support) <>
Sent: April 8, 2019 4:35 PM
Subject: [DJI Support] : RE Re: DJI_Customer_Service-Escalation Confirmation for Your case CRM:0300000000173

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request(#2047347)has been updated, please reply the email below.

Aubrey (DJI Support)

Apr 9, 07:35 CST

Hi Harpreet,

Thank you for the response. Regretfully, the data analysis is an internal team and the only way to dispute the results is through an escalation dispute which has already been transmitted twice.

I understand that you have checked the forums on this case but we cannot say that the same thing happened on your case as the team has already checked the flight and didn't see the lag.

There are many possibilities that will lead to the interruption of the flight record or the connection between the aircraft and the controller. For example, if there was obstacles or interference (visible & invisible), disconnection may happen. The direction of the antenna would also affect the remote connection, but that doesn't indicate the aircraft itself malfunctioned.  Even after losing connection, the aircraft would do what it was designed to do to return home after losing connection. That's the reason why a return to home function was created. To have the unit return to home even after disconnection. However, the remaining battery was not enough for the aircraft to return back home, which was the root cause of the accident.

As you can see on the below picture, the signal was strong and the aircraft was connected to 18 satellites for navigation to return but it failed to do so because the set altitude is too big, the RTH was cancelled when triggered and the battery was too low to trigger RTH again.

I have also checked what can be further provided. But regretfully, the team has already concluded that it was not a product malfunction. What I can only offer now is to have the unit sent to the repair center then check what can be provided in a form of a discount once a quotation is provided.

I'm sorry if this will not meet your expectations but we already did our best to coordinate your concern. Should you accept it, please inform me so that I can process it. Otherwise, we will be closing the escalation.
Best Regards,

DJI Support Manager

Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

cutis Posted at 4-18 15:12
Harp, the crash, anything to learn, benefit, remember, avoid, what did happen?
Apparently dispute between differing accounts of what downed the drone is in play

Hello Curtis, apologies for late reply, we had 4 day ling weekend here. Please see the emails I have posted today.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1695351 ft
United States

hi harp, i finally gps flew replaced pair brand new zero mileage, still close radius signal lost and concomitant warns strong aircraft interference, and screen latency very severe.
its gotta be the apk bloat causing this ?
i would be at archival loss killing apk ver14 and clean installing apk ver12 which i retain from day zero purchasing mavic air.

i posted about this today: i am wondering whether our real world technological wireless growth advancements broadcasting actually has rendered mavic air enhanced wifi connectivity obsolete already?

it is common sense our real world can not accommodate enhanced wifi and places absent of broadcast interfere are no more.
Use props
DJI Mindy
Flight distance : 7 ft

Harps Posted at 4-23 09:17
Hello Curtis, apologies for late reply, we had 4 day ling weekend here. Please see the emails I have posted today.

We are sorry again for the experience with our support team, your concern has been forwarded to the management department for attention, the team will contact you, if you have further concern, please let me know.
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 4-24 23:56
We are sorry again for the experience with our support team, your concern has been forwarded to the management department for attention, the team will contact you, if you have further concern, please let me know.

Thank you Mindy. Looks like the concern was resent to same manager. He responded yesterday but did not respond to my main concern with previous data analysis and did not address why data analysis team changed their version of crash. Instead he is reiterating that me cancelling RTH caused the crash. He is saying that I ignored RTH and kept on flying the drone, which is completely false. If you look at flight log, RTH was triggered at 13:48 and I cancelled it. I always do as I like to fly the drone back my self as I always fly within 500m of homepoint. At 13:57 (9 seconds after the RTH was triggered) I started bringing the drone towards me from 358.9m away with 23% battery. It was 113 meters away when it crashed into water and the battery was 20% at that time. It traveled 245m with 3% battery, so there was no way it did not have enough battery to travel another 113 meters and land safely. Clearly, the manager's statement that the pilot ignored the message and continued to fly is false and irrelevant because I did not continue to fly, I started to bring the drone back home immediately (9 seconds) after the RTH was triggered. I don't understand why I am being fed irrelevant and false information.

The root cause of the crash is delayed video/data feed from drone to RC causing me to believe the drone was at a higher altitude than it actually was and that's what caused me to keep pulling down on throttle causing the crash. Per the data logs, I pulled throttle down at 14:06 to start bringing the drone down, then I let go of the sticks at 14:15 to see how high the drone is and pulled down on throttle again at 14:19. Again at 14:31 I let go of the sticks to see how high the drone is again and then pulled down again at 14:36 and the drone crashed into water at 14:43, which is within 7 seconds of my last check. Clearly I was being careful and checking on height and distance of the drone but the data presented was false/delayed and that’s what caused the crash. Just before the screen went blank (drone disconnected as a result of falling in water) the screen displayed an altitude of 30m or 50m. The ROOT cause of the crash is DELAYED DATA/VIDEO feed from Drone to RC. The Data Analysis team has been claiming there was no delay and all I have been asking is to see evidence of this, but so far all I have been getting is irrelevant information.

I am copying the last email I received and my reply below. I would appreciate if an independent department/team could review this case and provide a solution ASAP or provide evidence of pilot error and I will gladly pay for the repair.

Thank you and I appreciate all your help.
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 4-24 23:56
We are sorry again for the experience with our support team, your concern has been forwarded to the management department for attention, the team will contact you, if you have further concern, please let me know.

Sent: April 25, 2019 5:56 PM
To: DJI Support
Subject: Re: [DJI Support] : RE Complaint case: CAS-2957883-Q5J2J9

Hello XXXX,
I am disappointed to say I still don’t see my main and only concern answered in this email either. Regarding the first/original reason cited as cause of crash by DJI’s crash analysis team, I have repeatedly asked for evidence to support DJI’s crash analysis team’s claim THAT THERE WAS NO DATA/VIDEO FEED DELAY BETWEEN THE DRONE AND RC. So far your last email and the multiple emails before that have not provided this? And this is all I am looking for as I am 100% confident that I did not cause the crash and the root cause of crash is Data/video feed delay between the drone and RC aka product malfunction. I will be repeating this information multiple times thru the email hoping someone will read it and provide this key piece of evidence.
Please read my replies to your statements from your last email below,
“I will try to answers every query you have from the email you sent us last April 10. This is when I check the flight that happened the last time you flew your drone.”
If you read my email again, you will notice I have asked DJI to provide evidence THAT THERE WAS NO DATA/VIDEO FEED DELAY BETWEEN THE DRONE AND RC atleast 5 times and yet I have not seen it addressed in your reply? Did you selectively decide not to read that part or simply do not have any evidence supporting DJI’s claim that there was no Data/Video delay between the drone and RC?
“• Yes, the real caused of the incident that happened is the pilot pulled down the throttle stick and pushed forward the elevator stick. The record ended after that and according to the TOF height and positioning, the Aircraft fell into the water.
You may check this screenshot that obviously the pilot pulled down the throttle stick and pushing forward the elevator stick.”

Yes, the screen shot shows the pilot pulling down on throttle right before the crash and I have not denied this information ever. I have repeatedly informed DJI that the ONLY reason I was pulling down on the throttle was BECAUSE the screen showed me that the Drone is at high altitude. Per the data logs, I pulled throttle down at 14:06 to start bringing the drone down, then I let go of the sticks at 14:15 to see how high the drone is and pulled down on throttle again at 14:19. Again at 14:31 I let go of the sticks to see how high the drone is again and then pulled down again at 14:36 and the drone crashed into water at 14:43, which is within 7 seconds of my last check. Clearly I was being careful and checking on height and distance of the drone but the data presented was false/delayed and that’s what caused the crash. Just before the screen went blank (drone disconnected as a result of falling in water) the screen displayed an altitude of 30m or 50m. The ROOT cause of the crash is DELAYED DATA/VIDEO feed from Drone to RC. I STILL DON’T SEE ANY EVIDENCE OF YOUR CLAIM THAT THERE WAS NO DELAY. Please don’t waste my time by repeating same information without any evidence.
“• For your question about the low battery, I've checked that before the incident happened, the application obviously provided you the warning to push the return to home now because the battery is low and enough only for return to home but the pilot ignored it and continue to fly until the incident happened. If the Pilot push the RTH button by that time, it will prevent the accident that happened.

Please see this screenshot at T=13:48 that showed the warning before the incident happened.”

You are right, the RTH was triggered at 13:48 and I cancelled. I always do as I like to fly the drone back my self as I never fly it more 500 m away. If you look at the flight log, at 13:57 (9 seconds after the RTH was triggered) I started bringing the drone towards me from 358.9m away with 23% battery. It was 113 meters away when it crashed into water and the battery was 20% at that time. It travelled 245M with 3% battery, so there was no way it did not have enough battery to travel another 113 meters and land safely. Your statement that the pilot ignored the message and continued to fly is false and irrelevant because I did not continue to fly, I started to bring the drone back home immediately (9 seconds) after the RTH was triggered.
This is statement from Aubrey's last email on April 8, 2019:-
"However, the remaining battery was not enough for the aircraft to return back home, which was the root cause of the accident.
As you can see on the below picture, the signal was strong and the aircraft was connected to 18 satellites for navigation to return but it failed to do so because the set altitude is too big, the RTH was cancelled when triggered and the battery was too low to trigger RTH again”
Per the statement above, clearly DJI changed the root cause for crash to battery being too low causing the crash, which is completely false and a failed attempt at throwing random confusing information at me to make me believe that this crash was my fault. And you are trying again to tell me that, me cancelling RTH caused the crash. Do you mind explaining how me cancelling RTH in this case caused the crash?
“• Your concern has been escalated multiple times and provided you the result of the data analysis multiple times also. That's the reason I think that you're saying there's a contradicting issue on the result provided to you by the analysis team and Aubrey. I explained that on my statements above with the two screenshots.”
What I am saying is if my case was escalated multiple times then why have I not received ANSWER for my concerns. I HAVE REPEATEDLY ASKED FOR EVIDENCE THAT THERE WAS NO DATA/VIDEO FEED DELAY BETWEEN THE DRONE AND RC. Those screen shots do not explain or provide evidence of this. Those screen shots only repeat the same information over and over again and don’t explain anything. I think I am looking at this screen shot for the 10th time without any explanation how it proves that there was not data/video feed delay between the drone and RC.
“• We filed a request to dispute the analysis and our analysis team reviewed it multiple times just to provide you the resolution you needed. There are different individuals who checked your flight records and I do also check it that's why I provided you the result from my own evaluation of the data.”
Are you telling me that multiple individuals have checked the flight records and read my emails and still did not bother answering the ONE question/concern I have been raising all along. PLEASE ASK ALL THOSE INDIVIDUALS TO KINDLY READ MY EMAILS AND PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE WAS NO DATA/VIDEO DELAY BETWEEN THE DRONE AND RC. I am not lying, if I caused the crash I would own up to it and pay to have it fixed. If DJI’s analysis team is claiming that I am lying and there was no DATA/VIDEO feed delay, then please provide evidence.
“• When I checked the flight records, the flight continues and saw no lags on it. It clearly showed the warning to you but ignored it. If you want the video communication of the drone and RC, I will ask for it if possible to send it to you.”

Please show me where in flight logs it shows that there is no video or data feed lag? This is all I have been asking all along from day one. Nobody seems to read my emails before sending a cookie-cutter reply. Are you kidding me with the statement, “If you want the video communication of the drone and RC, I will ask for it if possible to send it to you.” , what reasons would DJI have to not send me this information? It is my drone’s information and nothing should stop DJI from sending it to me.
“• As I've previously stated above, the low battery warning was already showed but the Pilot ignored it and continue to fly. The possibility to ignore it will cause the drone not to go back to home safely because the remaining battery after that may not be enough to return it to home.”
Again, did you actually see the flight log. I cancelled the RTH and within 9 seconds started flying it towards me. It had 23% battery at 13:57 when I started flying towards me and it travelled 245m consuming 3% battery and would have been back to home point easily consuming another 1-2% battery with 18-19% battery remaining. So quit saying I ignored RTH warning and kept on flying the drone. That is a FALSE statement.
“• This is the solution we can provide you on this case to have your unit check and diagnose by our repair team but it will be a paid repair because of the result of the data analysis. We can offer a small amount of discount but I'm sorry we cannot provide you a free repair.

That was the final solution we can provide you and if you will not send the unit to us, I will close this complaint case as we can no longer do anymore.”
So are you saying you will close the case without providing any evidence that this crash was not caused by drone/RC malfunction? I am not asking DJI for a free repair, I am asking DJI to provide evidence that this was not a product malfunction and that the crash was solely caused by pilot error as I am 100% confident that the crash was caused by Data/Video feed delay aka product malfunction.
If it was my fault I will gladly pay for the repair but if it was caused by DJI’s product malfunction then DJI should be liable to repair it. SO I WILL NOT CONSIDER THIS CASE CLOSED UNTIL I SEE SOLID EVIDENCE THAT THERE WAS NO DATA/VIDEO FEED DELAY BETWEEN THE DRONE AND RC.
Finally, I have a request, please do not email me unless you are including this evidence as I am sick and tired of repeating myself.
Thank you

From: XXXX (DJI Support) <>
Sent: April 25, 2019 3:01 PM
To: Randhawa.harpreet
Subject: [DJI Support] : RE Complaint case: CAS-2957883-Q5J2J9

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request(#2088703)has been updated, please reply the email below.
          XXXX (DJI Support)
Apr 26, 06:01 CST
Hi Harpreet,

Thank you for your response.

I will try to answers every query you have from the email you sent us last April 10. This is when I check the flight that happened the last time you flew your drone.

For your concern on this one: "I am surprised to read your last email. So far DJI’s Data analysis team has been saying the drone crashed as a result of Pilot pulling the throttle stick down now they are saying that the drone crashed as a result of Low Battery (per your statement in last email, “However, the remaining battery was not enough for the aircraft to return back home, which was the root cause of the accident”). Could you please explain how the cause of this incident changed from Pilot pulling the throttle down crashing the drone to Low battery causing the crash? Could you please ask the data analysis team to provide evidence for this new analysis? The Data analysis team is contradicting its own analysis now or maybe I should call it a story as I have not seen any evidence supporting their analysis so far. "

• Yes, the real caused of the incident that happened is the pilot pulled down the throttle stick and pushed forward the elevator stick. The record ended after that and according to the TOF height and positioning, the Aircraft fell into the water.

You may check this screenshot that obviously the pilot pulled down the throttle stick and pushing forward the elevator stick.

• For your question about the low battery, I've checked that before the incident happened, the application obviously provided you the warning to push the return to home now because the battery is low and enough only for return to home but the pilot ignored it and continue to fly until the incident happened. If the Pilot push the RTH button by that time, it will prevent the accident that happened.

Please see this screenshot at T=13:48 that showed the warning before the incident happened.

For your concern on this quote: "If my case was escalated twice why have I not received any data analysis showing there was no data and video feed lag between the Drone and RC. This has been my main concern from day 1 and so far DJI’s data analysis team has not provided any evidence from data logs supporting its analysis that there was no video and data feed delay between the drone and RC. I will only consider this dispute closed when DJI shows me this evidence along with explanation of how the provided evidence proves that there was no delay. I have been requesting this for over a month now and so far I have only received ambiguous and irrelevant replies."

• Your concern has been escalated multiple times and provided you the result of the data analysis multiple times also. That's the reason I think that you're saying there's a contradicting issue on the result provided to you by the analysis team and Aubrey. I explained that on my statements above with the two screenshots.

For this one: "1. Regarding your statement " Regretfully, the data analysis is an internal team and the only way to dispute the results is through an escalation dispute which has already been transmitted twice.”
This is not acceptable as whenever there is a dispute between two parties, the dispute resolution team has to be separate/independent from the team that denied the dispute in the first place. Thank you for confirming that the dispute was escalated to the same team twice and that there is no Customer dispute resolution team at DJI. Makes it easier for me to dispute this with local consumer protection agencies."

• We filed a request to dispute the analysis and our analysis team reviewed it multiple times just to provide you the resolution you needed. There are different individuals who checked your flight records and I do also check it that's why I provided you the result from my own evaluation of the data.

For your next query: "2. Regarding your Statement “I understand that you have checked the forums on this case but we cannot say that the same thing happened on your case as the team has already checked the flight and didn't see the lag.”
I have checked multiple threads on DJI’s forum and all are talking about the lag which DJI’s moderators have acknowledged as a glitch on the DJI Go4 app and have confirmed it was escalated to the DJI Engineers (See screenshot below and the link for this thread is Please see my previous email for more links for threads discussing this topic on DJI’s Forum. Like I have said on all previous emails/chats/calls to DJI, I have experienced this video and data transmission lag multiple times and have had to use RTH to bring the drone back. (However, in this incident, the drone was only around 300 Meters away in an open uninhabited area, so it did not cross my mind that the video and data could be delayed).
I am 100% positive that the same thing happened in this incident. If DJI’s Data analysis team disagrees then please provide evidence from data logs with an explanation of how the provided evidence proves that this did not happen in this case.
If DJI’s Data Analysis team is saying they have looked at the logs and did not see any lag between the drone and RC then please ask them to provide evidence for this from data logs. I have repeatedly asked for an analysis of data/video communication between the drone and RC but have not seen it addressed in any emails from DJI so far, instead, I keep getting irrelevant information to confuse me."

• When I checked the flight records, the flight continues and saw no lags on it. It clearly showed the warning to you but ignored it. If you want the video communication of the drone and RC, I will ask for it if possible to send it to you.

For this statement: "3. Regarding your statement,” There are many possibilities that will lead to the interruption of the flight record or the connection between the aircraft and the controller. For example, if there was obstacles or interference (visible & invisible), disconnection may happen. The direction of the antenna would also affect the remote connection, but that doesn't indicate the aircraft itself malfunctioned.  Even after losing connection, the aircraft would do what it was designed to do to return home after losing connection. That's the reason why a return to home function was created. To have the unit return to home even after disconnection. However, the remaining battery was not enough for the aircraft to return back home, which was the root cause of the accident.
As you can see on the below picture, the signal was strong and the aircraft was connected to 18 satellites for navigation to return but it failed to do so because the set altitude is too big, the RTH was cancelled when triggered and the battery was too low to trigger RTH again”
In this statement you are saying there are many possible reasons for signal interruption and in the very next statement you are saying the signal was strong. I am confused here as to which statement is true and what signal you are referring to. Does the data log show there was interruption/interference between the drone and RC or does it shows the signal was strong and there was no interruption? Please pick the statement that is true per data log and provide evidence for it. Just to clarify again, there were no obstacles between RC and Drone and I am 100% positive there was no interference as no warnings popped up during the flight. I would have used RTH if I saw any interference warnings. It’s a green area over a lake and there are absolutely no obstacles. The Antennas were pointed towards the direction of the drone and the drone was only around 300 meter away. This drone is advertised with a maximum range of 4 kilometers, so I fail to understand why there was a video and data delay at merely around 300 meters (and less as the drone was travelling towards the RC) in an open uninhabited area? Clearly the aircraft malfunctioned. If DJI’s data analysis team is refuting this, then please ask them to provide evidence with explanation how the provided evidence is relevant to the claim.
In this case Return to home is irrelevant as the drone never disconnected from the RC. Like I have said every time I have contacted DJI, the reason for the crash is Video and data feed delay from the drone to the RC and yet I have not seen a single response from DJI showing evidence that the data and video feed was not delayed.
The picture you have attached does not show signal strength between the drone and RC, nor does it show there was no video and data delay. I have repeated this statement everytime I have contacted DJI and so far I have not seen a single reply explaining how this picture (or any other pictures DJI has sent) is the evidence that there was no data and video delay between the drone and RC. The drone does not connect to RC via Satellites so this information is irrelevant to the previous reason cited by DJI’s data analysis team for the crash. The Satellites are used to help the drone position and have nothing to do with video and data feed between the drone and RC.
So, I do not understand what RTH or cancelling RTH has to do with this incident. First reason RTH kicks in is when drone looses complete connection with RC, however in this case it was connected but the data and video feed was delayed. Also, data analysis team has claimed the RC was connected to the drone and the drone was responding to the stick commands (which I have not denied as that’s what happened, however the video feed and data presented on screen was definitely delayed) then why would RTH trigger or be a factor in this crash. In all previous communications data analysis team has claimed the cause of crash was pilot pulling throttle stick down crashing the drone into water and now they are claiming the drone crashed as the RTH could not trigger because the battery was too low and the RTH height was set too high. This is absurd and irrelevant. Why would RTH trigger when the RC is connected and the sticks are responding? Either ways, low battery was not cause of this crash as the drone had 20% battery at the time of crash and no “Critically Low battery” or “Drone auto landing” warnings kicked in before the crash plus the drone was merely 113 meters away from home point, it would have easily made it back to home point if the video and data feed was not delayed, which is what resulted in false information being presented to pilot causing the pilot to pull down on throttle thinking the drone is still high up which was the root cause of the crash and not the battery.
The other reason RTH kicks in is if the battery is just enough for the drone to return home. Per the flight logs it triggered at 13:48and I cancelled it. At 13:57 I started bringing the drone towards me from around 300 m away with 23% battery. It was 113 meters away when it crashed into water and the battery was 20% at that time, so there was no way it did not have enough battery to travel another 113 meters and land safely. Hence there was absolutely no reason for me to trigger RTH again, as at that time, I thought I was in complete command of the drone, which obviously was not true as my ability to navigate the drone safely was impaired by false information being presented to me as a result of the delayed video and data feed from drone. So clearly there is no relevance of RTH in this incident and this ambiguous/irrelevant information was sent to confuse me into believing that this crash was caused by pilot error.
Again the cause of crash was the delayed video and data feed which caused me to believe the drone was way higher than it actually was and that’s what caused me to pull the throttle down. Per the data logs, I pulled throttle down at 14:06 to start bringing the drone down, then I let go of the sticks at 14:15 to see how high the drone is and pulled down on throttle again at 14:19. Again at 14:31 I let go of the sticks to see how high the drone is again and then pulled down again at 14:36 and the drone crashed into water at 14:43, which is within 7 seconds of my last check. Like I have said each time I have contacted DJI before the only reason for me pulling down on the sticks was because the data/video presented to me was delayed. And like I told you on the phone and previous emails, this has happened multiple times with this drone in past and I have used RTH to bring it back. Since in this instance, the drone was only around 300 Meters from me I did not expect the data/video to be delayed so trusted it. Anyhow, this should not be happening on a $1000 drone advertised with a range of 4 kilometers in an open uninhabited area.
There are multiple threads on DJI forum discussing this problem, I sent you links to below threads in the last email and am copying it again below."

• As I've previously stated above, the low battery warning was already showed but the Pilot ignored it and continue to fly. The possibility to ignore it will cause the drone not to go back to home safely because the remaining battery after that may not be enough to return it to home.

On this one: "4. Regarding your statement, “I have also checked what can be further provided. But regretfully, the team has already concluded that it was not a product malfunction. What I can only offer now is to have the unit sent to the repair center then check what can be provided in the form of a discount once a quotation is provided.

I'm sorry if this will not meet your expectations but we already did our best to coordinate your concern. Should you accept it, please inform me so that I can process it. Otherwise, we will be closing the escalation.”
Again, if the data analysis team has concluded this was not a product malfunction then please provide evidence for this conclusion/claim. And I am not expecting anything from DJI at this point for the way DJI support has treated me by sending confusing and irrelevant information to avoid admitting that the product malfunctioned. I am respectfully demanding DJI to provide evidence from data logs showing there was no data and video feed delay between the drone and RC if data analysis team is claiming that pilot pulling down on throttle was the cause for crash or provide evidence for the analysis that the drone crashed as the RTH could not trigger because the battery was too low and the RTH height was set too high. And that DJI honor warranty repair in this case if it cannot provide evidence of pilot error and that the product did not malfunction in this incident."

• This is the solution we can provide you on this case to have your unit check and diagnose by our repair team but it will be a paid repair because of the result of the data analysis. We can offer a small amount of discount but I'm sorry we cannot provide you a free repair.

That was the final solution we can provide you and if you will not send the unit to us, I will close this complaint case as we can no longer do anymore.

Thank you for choosing DJI Products.
Best Regards,
Manager, DJI Technical Support

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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Harps Posted at 4-26 10:55
Sent: April 25, 2019 5:56 PM
To: DJI Support

I appreciate your having difficulties getting answers you need from dji, but surely your posting here for support and to highlight your plight, can I ask why ? You don’t post your flight log  .

I think many around here can help and support you, particularly if your so sure your being had for some reason here.
It just doesn’t seem to make sense that a company would risk such hassle and bad publicity for what is most likely to set them back a couple of hundred dollars, but defending their policy of not paying without proof is a different matter altogether.
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 4-26 14:52
I appreciate your having difficulties getting answers you need from dji, but surely your posting here for support and to highlight your plight, can I ask why ? You don’t post your flight log  .

I think many around here can help and support you, particularly if your so sure your being had for some reason here.

Thank you for your comment and suggestions. The only reason I posted here was because DJI’s Technical Support would not provide me contact information for customer dispute resolution department and said Data Analysis team is the only one that can look at my case. I have not got any evidence supporting Data Analysis teams’s claim and certainly no reply to my concerns so I posted here to see if I can get contact information for a dispute resolution team or another department that can look at my case independently as I have received different versions of crash from Data Analysis team.

Please let me know how I can upload flight logs and I will gladly upload. If you read thru emails I have posted I am sure you can get an understanding of what the dispute is. I have posted last 3-4 email communications with DJI support and if you can see anywhere my concerns have been answered by DJI support, please point me to it and I will gladly pay DJI to repair my Drone. I can upload all emails and chat communications I have had with DJI if that helps.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
  • >>>

Harps Posted at 4-26 15:58
Thank you for your comment and suggestions. The only reason I posted here was because DJI’s Technical Support would not provide me contact information for customer dispute resolution department and said Data Analysis team is the only one that can look at my case. I have not got any evidence supporting Data Analysis teams’s claim and certainly no reply to my concerns so I posted here to see if I can get contact information for a dispute resolution team or another department that can look at my case independently as I have received different versions of crash from Data Analysis team.

Please let me know how I can upload flight logs and I will gladly upload. If you read thru emails I have posted I am sure you can get an understanding of what the dispute is. I have posted last 3-4 email communications with DJI support and if you can see anywhere my concerns have been answered by DJI support, please point me to it and I will gladly pay DJI to repair my Drone. I can upload all emails and chat communications I have had with DJI if that helps.

Use link below, I do know that there have been any decision’s where a second look and a revisit to flight logs have been arranged by moderators here on this forum, not to sure if they have such a division for dispute resolution, I’m sure dji like any other company have people who make final decisions but not all are going to favour those looking for second opinion. You can upload logs to link below and come back and post link, I can only tell you from experience that if logs are not conclusive as to malfunction or pilot error offer is usually 30% discount.
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 4-26 17:34
Use link below, I do know that there have been any decision’s where a second look and a revisit to flight logs have been arranged by moderators here on this forum, not to sure if they have such a division for dispute resolution, I’m sure dji like any other company have people who make final decisions but not all are going to favour those looking for second opinion. You can upload logs to link below and come back and post link, I can only tell you from experience that if logs are not conclusive as to malfunction or pilot error offer is usually 30% discount.

Flight logs uploaded.
Yes, Mindy has arranged a second even a third look, and I am very thankful to her for trying, however it went to same team and the reply was same without any answers to concerns I have been raising from day one. If you have patience and time to read my emails, please go thru the one I posted on April 23 at 8:02 pm (Comment #17). You will notice I have repeatedly asked for evidence that there was no delay in Video/Data feed as that is the root cause of this crash and it has not been addressed a single time in the reply (posted in second half of Comment #23, First half is my reply to that email).
30% discount if it is Pilot error is very generous, however not good enough if the logs are not conclusive to malfunction or pilot error.
Anyhow, imho, DJI will not offer any discount or free drone replacement if a customer does not provide any logs/evidence of malfunction then why should a customer pay DJI for repair when DJI cannot provide evidence of Pilot error?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Harps Posted at 4-26 19:34
Flight logs uploaded.
Yes, Mindy has arranged a second even a third look, and I am very thankful to her for trying, however it went to same team and the reply was same without any answers to concerns I have been raising from day one. If you have patience and time to read my emails, please go thru the one I posted on April 23 at 8:02 pm (Comment #17). You will notice I have repeatedly asked for evidence that there was no delay in Video/Data feed as that is the root cause of this crash and it has not been addressed a single time in the reply (posted in second half of Comment #23, First half is my reply to that email).
30% discount if it is Pilot error is very generous, however not good enough if the logs are not conclusive to malfunction or pilot error.

I don’t see the flight log anywhere .

I have read most of this thread and I’m aware that in the manual it clearly tells you Not to depend on the app to fly your drone, I’m not certain this covers dji, but it’s there in B&W.

However we might see more in your flight log.
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 4-27 02:03
I don’t see the flight log anywhere .

I have read most of this thread and I’m aware that in the manual it clearly tells you Not to depend on the app to fly your drone, I’m not certain this covers dji, but it’s there in B&W.

I clicked on the link you posted and uploaded the flight log there. Do I need to do anything after that? Sorry I have not done it before and you did not provide any instructions.

I have a Mavic Air and am looking at the manual, could you let me know what page it says not to rely on the app to fly the drone? I ll be surprised if DJI mentions that in the manual as they rate Mavic air for a 4 km range and Mavic Pro for 7km, not sure how DJI would expect consumers to fly that far without relying on the app?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Harps Posted at 4-27 08:47
I clicked on the link you posted and uploaded the flight log there. Do I need to do anything after that? Sorry I have not done it before and you did not provide any instructions.

Hi you need to come back here and post your link to the logs that is the only way to view them.

Regarding manual and app yes it is in all manuals see below .
Use props
Flight distance : 127713 ft

Harps Posted at 4-27 08:47
I clicked on the link you posted and uploaded the flight log there. Do I need to do anything after that? Sorry I have not done it before and you did not provide any instructions.

You'll need to copy a link back here (this will not happen automatically), and this link will look like this:
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 4-27 09:30
Hi you need to come back here and post your link to the logs that is the only way to view them.

Regarding manual and app yes it is in all manuals see below .[view_image]

I went thru Mavic Air manual again and do not see this warning. Could you download Mavic Air manual from link below and point me to the page with this warning.

Also I downloaded Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom manual and went to page 53 and below is what it shows not what you posted. Looks like you fabricated this page. I wonder why? Do you mind confirming if you have any affiliation with DJI?

If DJI actually had that warning in Mavic Zoom's manual then this is an attempt to avoid any liability because there is clearly no way of flying a drone 6-7 km far without relying on DJ GO App. It's like a sports car manufacturer telling its clients, "We have installed a 5000 horse power engine in your car and have also installed brakes, however please do not rely on brakes to stop the car."

Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

DJ-MA Posted at 4-27 09:37
You'll need to copy a link back here (this will not happen automatically), and this link will look like this:

Sorry I didn't know I had to copy and paste the link here after uploading. Here it is. Let me know if I got it right this time.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 28743 ft
United Kingdom

Harps Posted at 4-27 10:52
I went thru Mavic Air manual again and do not see this warning. Could you download Mavic Air manual from link below and point me to the page with this warning.
Looks like you fabricated this page. I wonder why? Do you mind confirming if you have any affiliation with DJI?

If its any help look at page 54 the next page down for that information, maybe the manual has been updated which they quite often do....... and maybe an apologie to someone who was trying to help.....
Use props
Flight distance : 127713 ft

Harps Posted at 4-27 10:55
Sorry I didn't know I had to copy and paste the link here after uploading. Here it is. Let me know if I got it right this time.

No worries, and this attempt was more successful, your flightlog now comes through - no errors are showing up (quick scan & didn't read the long post, so not entirely sure what the flight issue was and I'm no expert - you can also read your remote control input if you click the time points). HtH
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
  • >>>

Harps Posted at 4-27 10:55
Sorry I didn't know I had to copy and paste the link here after uploading. Here it is. Let me know if I got it right this time.

First off I was trying to help, I’m also very aware of what’s in both the manual and included in my warranty, so I can fly with a full knowledge of what I’m covered for.

I’m not to sure your car analogy makes any sense either does the fact that a drone flys 4km distance,  anyone can make these analogies, your car has a top speed of 240kph , but do you drive it at 240kph , probably not, and so you seem to feel it’s ok to avoid the parts of your manual and general drone flying laws, and your justification for this is it can fly 4K so my warranty should cover me if I’m that far out, but will your car insurance cover you if your driving dangerously at 240kph , answer no .

So whether you are granted warranty or not by dji , That will be up to them.

I resent you accusing me of somehow tampering with the manual as well as going further to accuse me of somehow being in collusion with dji , which frankly is ridiculous.
It does however lead me to think that much of your complaint is just bluster .
Good day.
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

Tomcatuk Posted at 4-27 11:59
If its any help look at page 54 the next page down for that information, maybe the manual has been updated which they quite often do....... and maybe an apologie to someone who was trying to help.....

Thank you for your comment. I checked Page 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56 for Mavic pro 2/Zoom and did not find that page. I browsed thru entire Mavic Air manual and did not find that page. I will apologize if my comments are untrue, however calling out to someone for posting untrue/fabricated information does not require an apology. I appreciate all the help I am getting here, however I am not going to shut up if someone is trying to feed me $#!^.

Please dont take my word for it, download mavic pro 2/zoom manual and Mavic Air manual and check for your self.
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 4-27 15:19
First off I was trying to help, I’m also very aware of what’s in both the manual and included in my warranty, so I can fly with a full knowledge of what I’m covered for.

I’m not to sure your car analogy makes any sense either does the fact that a drone flys 4km distance,  anyone can make these analogies, your car has a top speed of 240kph , but do you drive it at 240kph , probably not, and so you seem to feel it’s ok to avoid the parts of your manual and general drone flying laws, and your justification for this is it can fly 4K so my warranty should cover me if I’m that far out, but will your car insurance cover you if your driving dangerously at 240kph , answer no .

I appreciate you trying to help me. I truly do, however if someone is gives me incorrect/false information I always call out on it. I did not accuse you of anything. I simply asked if you any affiliation with DJI or what ur motive is behind posting that page which does not exist in DJI Mavic 2 pro/zoom's manual. If it does please point me to the page number and I will apologize for my mistake. I have checked pages 50-60 on DJI Mavic 2 pro/zoom's manual. and I have browsed thru entire Mavic Air manual and did not find that page.
Yes, car insurance won't cover if I drive 240km/hour in a 120km/hour max zone, however, there are lot of highways (Example Autobahn) that have no speed restrictions and that's where people with sports cars like to go enjoy their cars.  I follow all transport Canada Guidelines and have my drone license and have set my drone's max distance to 500m. However, there are lot of countries that do not have 500m distance restrictions on flying drones and I would like to fly it beyond 500m there. So if DJI's manual tells me I cannot rely on DJI GO APP (provided it is true) then they are in conflict of their advertising/claim of 4Km range and I made a mistake buying a DJI product. I could have bought a drone with 500m range for 1/4th of what I paid to DJI.
Again, I did not mean to offend you in anyway. If your information is correct please post link where you downloaded the manual from and post the page number so we all can see it. If my complaint is a bluster, I would appreciate if you could read thru the information I have posted, go thru the flight log and explain how it is bluster? Maybe I am not seeing something because I feel 100% confident that this crash is not my fault.   
Use props
Flight distance : 60958 ft

DJ-MA Posted at 4-27 12:39
No worries, and this attempt was more successful, your flightlog now comes through - no errors are showing up (quick scan & didn't read the long post, so not entirely sure what the flight issue was and I'm no expert - you can also read your remote control input if you click the time points). HtH

Awesome. I have looked at the logs multiple times on my phone and don't see how they support DJI's Data Analysis team's claim. Thanks for looking into this....
Use props
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
  • >>>

Harps Posted at 4-27 17:14
I appreciate you trying to help me. I truly do, however if someone is gives me incorrect/false information I always call out on it. I did not accuse you of anything. I simply asked if you any affiliation with DJI or what ur motive is behind posting that page which does not exist in DJI Mavic 2 pro/zoom's manual. If it does please point me to the page number and I will apologize for my mistake. I have checked pages 50-60 on DJI Mavic 2 pro/zoom's manual. and I have browsed thru entire Mavic Air manual and did not find that page.
Yes, car insurance won't cover if I drive 240km/hour in a 120km/hour max zone, however, there are lot of highways (Example Autobahn) that have no speed restrictions and that's where people with sports cars like to go enjoy their cars.  I follow all transport Canada Guidelines and have my drone license and have set my drone's max distance to 500m. However, there are lot of countries that do not have 500m distance restrictions on flying drones and I would like to fly it beyond 500m there. So if DJI's manual tells me I cannot rely on DJI GO APP (provided it is true) then they are in conflict of their advertising/claim of 4Km range and I made a mistake buying a DJI product. I could have bought a drone with 500m range for 1/4th of what I paid to DJI.
Again, I did not mean to offend you in anyway. If your information is correct please post link where you downloaded the manual from and post the page number so we all can see it. If my complaint is a bluster, I would appreciate if you could read thru the information I have posted, go thru the flight log and explain how it is bluster? Maybe I am not seeing something because I feel 100% confident that this crash is not my fault.

It’s very difficult to try explaining to someone who believes 100% he is correct and he will take no prisoners on his endeavor to prove all before him wrong. The page I posted is from M2/M2Z manual version 1.2 and it is correct.

In fact I will post from Mavic Air safety and disclaimers manual, which is probably the most important manual you have and almost certainly the first one you should read, it’s on page 8 of the manual and is included in all dji manuals,

Use props
First Officer
United States

Harps Posted at 4-27 17:14
I appreciate you trying to help me. I truly do, however if someone is gives me incorrect/false information I always call out on it. I did not accuse you of anything. I simply asked if you any affiliation with DJI or what ur motive is behind posting that page which does not exist in DJI Mavic 2 pro/zoom's manual. If it does please point me to the page number and I will apologize for my mistake. I have checked pages 50-60 on DJI Mavic 2 pro/zoom's manual. and I have browsed thru entire Mavic Air manual and did not find that page.
Yes, car insurance won't cover if I drive 240km/hour in a 120km/hour max zone, however, there are lot of highways (Example Autobahn) that have no speed restrictions and that's where people with sports cars like to go enjoy their cars.  I follow all transport Canada Guidelines and have my drone license and have set my drone's max distance to 500m. However, there are lot of countries that do not have 500m distance restrictions on flying drones and I would like to fly it beyond 500m there. So if DJI's manual tells me I cannot rely on DJI GO APP (provided it is true) then they are in conflict of their advertising/claim of 4Km range and I made a mistake buying a DJI product. I could have bought a drone with 500m range for 1/4th of what I paid to DJI.
Again, I did not mean to offend you in anyway. If your information is correct please post link where you downloaded the manual from and post the page number so we all can see it. If my complaint is a bluster, I would appreciate if you could read thru the information I have posted, go thru the flight log and explain how it is bluster? Maybe I am not seeing something because I feel 100% confident that this crash is not my fault.

I truly do, however if someone is gives me incorrect/false information I always call out on it.

As people should.  There is far to much Urban drone Legend and Internet drone Myths floating around.  Some of cases Myths and Legends were innocently or accidently started, and take on a life of their own.  In other cases Legends or Myths are result of people fluffing their Egos and pushing their Legends or Myths so they continue to grow till people take them as fact.  Then there are cases which are intentionally started to mess with (aka punk) people.  A certain internet group is well known for such antics.

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United States

If I am understanding this...  
OP's contention is drone crash was result of a delay in updating OP (aka Pilot) with current information (height and speed) of drone, and delay in video feed.  
Leading to pilot continuing with joystick command for drone to lower itself as it was being flown back home.
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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The forums biggest troll has landed as usual with nothing to add .
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Flight distance : 60958 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 4-27 17:55
It’s very difficult to try explaining to someone who believes 100% he is correct and he will take no prisoners on his endeavor to prove all before him wrong. The page I posted is from M2/M2Z manual version 1.2 and it is correct.

In fact I will post from Mavic Air safety and disclaimers manual, which is probably the most important manual you have and almost certainly the first one you should read, it’s on page 8 of the manual and is included in all dji manuals,

I am saying I am 100% correct because I was there when the drone crashed and the only reason it crashed was because the Data and Video Feed was delayed.

I looked up Safety and Disclaimer for DJI Mavic air and I do see that on page 9. The Statement, "DO NOT rely on app to control the aircraft" sounds vague. There is no other mechanism available on DJI Mavic Air to display its height and distance from home point, so if pilots should not rely on GO4 app then how does DJI expect consumers to fully utilize the capability of its Drone (fly 4km away or even 1km)? And what is the point of spending so much money on DJI product, any $200 drone can do 4K video with a range of 500m. I am sure lot of drone pilots on this forum will agree, It is very easy to loose sight of drone at a height of 90m and 300-500 m away on a bright day and no alternative to relying on GO4 app for drone's height and distance. Anyone from DJI care to clarify this?

And I apologize for saying you posted fabricated information, I looked the manual for M2P/Zoom and did not see that information on any pages close to page 53 shown on the image you posted and nor di I see it anywhere on Mavic Air manual.
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Flight distance : 60958 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 4-27 20:33
If I am understanding this...  
OP's contention is drone crash was result of a delay in updating OP (aka Pilot) with current information (height and speed) of drone, and delay in video feed.  
Leading to pilot continuing with joystick command for drone to lower itself as it was being flown back home.

That is accurate. Thanks
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Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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Harps Posted at 4-27 21:55
I am saying I am 100% correct because I was there when the drone crashed and the only reason it crashed was because the Data and Video Feed was delayed.

I looked up Safety and Disclaimer for DJI Mavic air and I do see that on page 9. The Statement, "DO NOT rely on app to control the aircraft" sounds vague. There is no other mechanism available on DJI Mavic Air to display its height and distance from home point, so if pilots should not rely on GO4 app then how does DJI expect consumers to fully utilize the capability of its Drone (fly 4km away or even 1km)? And what is the point of spending so much money on DJI product, any $200 drone can do 4K video with a range of 500m. I am sure lot of drone pilots on this forum will agree, It is very easy to loose sight of drone at a height of 90m and 300-500 m away on a bright day and no alternative to relying on GO4 app for drone's height and distance. Anyone from DJI care to clarify this?

I think again you must always refer to your manual, in it you will clearly ready that radio and video signal distance are optimal, you will also read where it’s best to fly, it also mentions interference and effects it can have.
What you are saying which is incorrect and nowhere does it guarantee including your warranty the signal of 4km, if you lose signal and follow rules of VLOS then it is quite simple to fly drone to safety.
If you fly in areas where there may be risk of interference, surely this cannot be down to dji as they clearly can not know what your doing or where your flying.

The safety and disclaimers manual is not in anyway vague, it clearly points you to check terms and conditions of using dji app.

I’m sorry for your loss, but I put this partly down to ignorance .
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Flight distance : 127713 ft

Harps Posted at 4-27 17:40
Awesome. I have looked at the logs multiple times on my phone and don't see how they support DJI's Data Analysis team's claim. Thanks for looking into this....

Good, glad to have that solved. What was their claim? I don't see any issues with the RC/AC communication in this log
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