So many fly away stories
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3145 54 2015-8-4
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Im afraid to fly my I1, is there anyone reading this forum that hasn't had any fly aways?
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United States

not me, 4 this year alone.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

No flyaways so far. Actual flight has been fine.
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United States

Flying Inspire 1 since January and still have mine. I did have some problems with the earliest firmware, possibly related to compass and IMU but cannot be sure.  There were some instances of brief  switching into Atti Mode during one of the previous updates but I have had no inadvertent  loss of P GPS mode since the April firmware update ..., I think.   Just take it easy at first and I think you will be impressed.
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United States

No flyaways here.  We were one of the early orders for the Inspire and received it in March.  Haven't had a problem.
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United States

No flyaway here. Purchased Feb. 24th
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Flight distance : 501250 ft

No fly away here.
Vid feed loss, signal loss...all problems of the past. little fly away with a suspicious acting battery.
But I got it under control right off the ground and landed....upside down after hitting a curb.
Besides that...all good
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DJI team

Hong Kong

Never experienced fly away, everything is fine
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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"Flyaways" are the most overstated problem in multirotor flying. The people who have had them (or in most cases, just "think" they've had them) are the most vocal forum posters, bar none. The people who have ACTUALLY had them (and these are very, very, very rare) have almost always had their I1's replaced at no cost by DJI once it was confirmed it was DJI's fault.

Case in point: go to MRH or the Phantom 1/2 forums here and you'll think that the Phantom is the most unreliable aircraft ever built. DJI has, by all accounts, sold hundreds of thousands of Phantoms. Do you really think these things are so defective that they're just falling out of the sky randomly? You don't think the press would have a field day with that given the already huge distrust of "drones" by the public?

It's like anything else. The complainers are the most vocal. The 99.9% of the rest of the people who are very happy flying their copters never say a thing.

Learn how your Inspire 1 works. Learn how to fly in ATTI. Learn how to fly on instruments alone (no FPV signal, just telemetry). Learn how to RTH your aircraft without the tablet/phone interface working properly. Learn what the controller LED's mean. Learn how to fly without the table/mobile even connected. Learn how check your sensor MODS and how to calibrate them (and when not to).

If you throughly understand how the I1 actually works, you'll be fine and have fun flying.

I've never had a problem with the Inspire 1. Zero "flyaways". I fly almost exclusively over open water. Inspire 1 is one of the most rock solid quad copters I've ever flown. It's not as "pro" as an A2 or even NAZA v2 based aircraft (you don't get as much control over the system) but it does expose enough functionality and flight system data to make me happy flying it and comfortable enough that I know what's going on in the FC.

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So nice to hear the  positives
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Flight ops are solid - don't be scared to get out there and enjoy yourself.
Just do your pre-flight checks consistently, maintain your familiarity with gps and atti modes and you'll be golden.
As well stated above, verified fly away incidents are extremely rare.
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

SimplePanda Posted at 2015-8-6 02:01
"Flyaways" are the most overstated problem in multirotor flying. The people who have had them (or in ...

Glad you have had no issues simpleP,

just because you haven't had an issue does not equate to saying that the ones that have had fly aways are just inexperienced people that do not know what they are doing. Big call mate, hopefully you do not have to fall on your sword if it occurs to you.

If you did have an issue, I am also sure you would want to share the experience of what occurred with fellow owners of the Inspire....not complaining just explaining. Yes some fly aways are user error/stupidity  but certainly not all of them.
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Paul Joy
Flight distance : 3754318 ft
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United Kingdom

Just over 100 flights now and no problems at all. There's no way I would be so bold as to say it's not going to happen to me becuse there are many elements out of my control. Saying that, the more I fly the more I believe that a good understanding of when you should and shouldn't calibrate the compass and also learning to use GPS as feature rather than a foundation go a long way towards staying in control. Hopefully not famous last words!
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Flight distance : 90833 ft
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United States

I just got everything updated with the latest firmware and everything went well, I just did and Imu calibration, then I also calibrated the compass,I was just about the lift off when I noticed that the radio quality went from good to poor then I got a disconnect. I've been flying this inspire now for about four months and it's been awesome, absolutely no issues whatsoever until today. One very odd thing is that the indicator at the top of the app that indicates level of the radio signal, not the video signal indicator, but the radio signal indicator is showing full bars but I'm still getting getting good to poor messages and then all of a sudden it will disconnect and then reconnect.  I thought I would mention one more thing, after loading the updates on the inspire 1 and the RC controller I was in the app looking around and all of a sudden it crashed the iPad totally rebooted it. The ipad that I'm using is the latest air with 128 gigs  with the cellular radio in it.  It hasn't crashed since it rebooted.

At this point I  guess I'm going to have stopt flying until I can get some more information about what's happening, just a little unnerving.
I guess I'll try and call DJI or get on the chat and see if maybe they have any ideas.  Fingers and toes crossed

  Thanks for any ideas you guys may have

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Flight distance : 5345105 ft
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United States

I preordered the day after the announcement in November, have been flying since February with over 100 flight hours and 0 fly away problems.  I haven't even had problems updating firmware.  Other than the lack of some promised features, ie. POI, Waypoints, the Inspire has lived up my expectations.
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United States

SimplePanda Posted at 2015-8-6 02:01
"Flyaways" are the most overstated problem in multirotor flying. The people who have had them (or in ...

agreed for the most part, no issues with inspire flyaway and ive had it since january, still running firmware version and app from then.  Ive also had a p2vision for a month which was awesome with no issues and a p2 vision plus that was a steaming pile of dung.  It would take forever to acquire gps signal and frequently lose it getting progressively worse the longer i had it.

  It did fly away on me once but it was mostly my fault as i was flying without gps for 15 minutes, never getting a gps lock that whole time even though i was in the middle of nowhere with no interference or obstructions. Then my old style controller with AA batteries died and it drifted away crashing a mile from me tipping over and not shutting off the motors which burned one of them out.  The motors were hot and smoking when i found it, lucky i even found it as it landed very near water on 3 sides of it.  
EDIT:  oh and the vision plus did randomly fall out of the sky twice, doing a death wobble on the decend and not responding to controls.  Never broke anything other than props though, those phantoms can take a pretty good hit, lol
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 12584416 ft
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United Kingdom

Had the bird since early Feb and no fly aways here either,
as already mentioned, just be familiar with ATI mode in case it loses GPS signal and starts to drift,,
depending on wind speed, it can drift quickly out of sight, so always be ready to switch to ATI mode
and keep in control.

I really enjoy my Inspire, brilliant bit of kit.
Enjoy yours too.

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United States

50 flights and only one problem so far.... a tree that was taller than I was flying!

I enjoy flying my I1. Like others have said, do your pre-checks, relax and enjoy.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 239035 ft

Read only about how many car accidents there are every day and you'll be afraid to drive, but statistics show us the risk is very low.  

The issues a select few are having are very real, but it's kind of like the climate change scientist situation, kind of appears it's 50/50 but really it's only about 2%.

Keep a close eye out for problems but my Inspire has never given me a reason not to trust it.
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United States

jimhare Posted at 2015-8-7 05:22
Read only about how many car accidents there are every day and you'll be afraid to drive, but statis ...

well said Jim
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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Wolfman Posted at 2015-8-6 20:47
Glad you have had no issues simpleP,

just because you haven't had an issue does not equate to say ...

You'll notice I didn't say there are NEVER issues or that there has never been an equipment level failure of an Inspire 1. That's verifiably incorrect. Indeed, DJI has more or less indicated that the Inspire 1 has had the odd problem with both firmware updates AND the no-cost replacement of various aircraft when the issue is shown to be equipment related.

What I did say is that almost all crashes reported online aren't actually "fly aways" (in the sense that the aircraft fails on it's own despite best practice and a lack of user error). Almost all of the "flyaways" people post about here (or on MRH or elsewhere) clearly have user error involved from the description / videos provided. A lot of the time, the operator is out and out unaware of what they did wrong (What do you mean metal interferes with the compass? Why does this thing even have a compass?), but the number of "fly away" threads make them jump to the conclusion that obviously they were fine and the aircraft is to blame.

If something untoward ever happens to me I'll be glad to share. But my first assumption will be that I missed something, not that the Inspire 1 randomly decided that it wasn't in the mood for flying anymore.

Keep to the razor.

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United Kingdom

SimplePanda Posted at 2015-8-7 07:16
You'll notice I didn't say there are never issues. Indeed, DJI has more or less indicated that the  ...

I said exactly that, no flyaway, no update issues, those with issues has to be driver error......  Then it was my turn (after 3 months of faultless flying).

Be careful with your confidence sir, it's a long way to fall.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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jon@thefullers. Posted at 2015-8-7 07:25
I said exactly that, no flyaway, no update issues, those with issues has to be driver error......   ...

Not sure how you construed "confidence" as being a part of this equation.

How did you lose your I1?

I'm legitimately interested.
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United Kingdom

Confidence as in a somewhat 'superior' attitude, apparently assuming everyone who's had an issue is a fool.

I didn't lose my Inspire, but I did lose control of it, and it did completely fail to respond to a RTH command, after over 100 flawless flights.

I hope you don't experience a loss of control, but if you do, it will likely be a humbling experience.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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jon@thefullers. Posted at 2015-8-7 07:44
Confidence as in a somewhat 'superior' attitude, apparently assuming everyone who's had an issue is  ...

I have neither a feeling of superiority nor an assumption that you're a fool.

I was just stating a pretty quickly verifiable point: out and out equipment failure of the Inspire 1 is far rarer than loss of control and user error.

The signal-to-noise ratio on this issue is what causes threads like this.

Incidentally, how did you RTH your I1?
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United Kingdom
Offline ... mp;page=1#pid166190
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United States

Tip: the author has been banned or deleted automatically shield
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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It took of at 25MPH straight from take off? Crazy.
What did the MOD's say (ahead of time or in the logs)?
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United States

SimplePanda Posted at 2015-8-7 08:29
It took of at 25MPH straight from take off? Crazy.
What did the MOD's say (ahead of time or in the  ...

no flyaways
have been flying since january
just back from iceland
great place to fly and image

having trouble trying to calibrate the remote control for the inspire 1though

when i start the calibration, and move both sticks, the bar says 0%
not sure what the percentage on the bar should be doing

and when i hit finish
nothing happens

i have searched for a post on calibrating the remote control
but cannot find any

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United Kingdom

SimplePanda Posted at 2015-8-7 08:29
It took of at 25MPH straight from take off? Crazy.
What did the MOD's say (ahead of time or in the  ...

Actually, the 25mph was a bit of a guess, when I reviewed the flight record in the app, it had been travelling at a peak of 17M/S, which is 37mph, with neutral sticks.  At it's furthest, it reached a distance of 1000' from me, where it's orientation is impossible to judge, and it was spinning randomly. Very hard to gain control, or know which way to try the sticks.

After the event, I looked at the MOD values and they were spot on.

Remember, a few minutes before the flyaway, it had flown an entire battery, in the exact same location without the slightest sign of a fault.
As I said, I hope you're not visited by the flyaway syndrome, but if you are, it will change your view on things, it certainly did for me.
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Flight distance : 1268980 ft
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Here is my flyaway. DJI made me sent my I1 to them at my own cost for repair.

In July I had my I1 flew away. I did use the first battery without any issue. After replacing the battery and calibrating the compass, I auto took off. The first 10 seconds the drone    flew normally. Despite that it was in the GPS mode, it suddenly started to glide to one side. I tried to return the drone to its required position to continue filming but it misbehaved. Then I initialized the return home mode. It continued flying away.

In the video I saw that my drone did not hold horizontal position as it normally does. Usually when my control sticks were in neutral positions it supposed to hold one position.  
Do you think it can be my fault for some reason?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 23047543 ft
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No flyaways  - just pilot errors
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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jon@thefullers. Posted at 2015-8-7 15:01
Actually, the 25mph was a bit of a guess, when I reviewed the flight record in the app, it had been ...

Sorry, I'm still not clear.

You took off and it immediately flew off without control under neutral sticks at 17m/s (which isn't 25mph but much faster), or did this happen after your hover check (mid flight, etc)?
Did you power down / up the controller between flights?
When you say "neutral sticks" do you mean physically neutral sticks or the flight logs report no stick input?
Did you send the DAT into DJI for analysis?
If not do you still have the DAT file so that the community can analyze it?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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Nomad Posted at 2015-8-8 02:26
Here is my flyaway. DJI made me sent my I1 to them at my own cost for repair.

In July I had my I1 f ...

Do you have the entire video available?

If you are having sensor issues that are going to affect flight there will be pretty telltale signs immediately after take off and during your initial hover.

Did you send your DAT's to DJI and is that how they indicated you were to cover costs? Or have you just had to cover shipping for now while they analyze the issue?
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United Kingdom

SimplePanda Posted at 2015-8-10 04:40
Sorry, I'm still not clear.

You took off and it immediately flew off without control under neutra ...

With respect, if you read the thread on my incident, all that info is there, including a video of the flight record showing stick input, speed, direction, orientation etc, alongside (synchronous) the camera footage from the flight.
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United States

Oh also i should mention that you should never move your inspire when you first turn it on and the camera is spinning. It's performing a self test and initializing sensors at this time and it will cause erratic flight if moved during this process. I think most fly away issues are due to people not realizing this who turn it on and then carry it to the launch site while its initializing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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jon@thefullers. Posted at 2015-8-10 05:08
With respect, if you read the thread on my incident, all that info is there, including a video of  ...

Based on your video... well do you want my honest thoughts in the interest in understanding what probably happened or should we just leave this alone?

I honestly don't want to pick at a scab as I know having issues can be upsetting.
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United Kingdom

No scab here to pick, I, more than anyone would like to know the cause of my loss of control.  However, I find your slightly superior manner mildly irritating tbh.
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Flight distance : 524032 ft
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United States

After nearly two years of flying DJI Phantoms and Inspires, the only fly-away I've experienced is with a first generation Phantom P2V+. There have been many improvements and firmware updates since then. I see no reason to hold back on flying because of fly-away fears.

If you're just generally afraid to fly, start in an open field or large empty parking lot and go slow. Focus on take offs and landings until you're comfortable. Then expand to forward/back, side to side and then turns. Learn to let go of the controls and experience what happens (it just stops in place). I believe many crashes from newbies is a result of an instinct for overcorrection. The best thing to do when in doubt in most cases is to let go of the controls. The aircraft will stop in place -- you can then take a deep breath, get your bearings, and continue to fly.
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Flight distance : 361263 ft

United Kingdom

Jon, there are many things to consider.

Did you check your flight zone for potential interferences before take off? These could be mobile phones, mobile masts nearby, electric fences, HIRTA zones (check on a VFR map), solar activity, other model aircraft etc. These are all things that should and must be checked before flight.

Did you check sensor values before takeoff (I know you checked them post accident, but you should always check them before you power up the rotors)?

Did you check the compass heading on the telemetry matched its physical heading before take off? From your flight data video there seems to be some discrepancy there (i.e. it flies facing out to sea while the flight data shows it pointing at land)
These are all checks you should do each time you fly.

Your response was to hit the RTH button. If your aircraft was out of control you need to switch to ATTI and take GPS out of the equation. This is something I am seeing time again, that a lot of people simply don't switch to ATTI mode or practice flying that way. GPS mode only really gives you an advantage if you need a hover lock for a shot anyway.

I don't think that SimplePanda is being high and mighty. There are so many instances of people blaming the aircraft. These are complex machines and you need to have safety procedures in place and a knowledge and plan of action of what to when something goes wrong. Getting that thing out of GPS mode when the sensors are all over the place should be one of your first reactions.
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