Just unpacked my I1
1728 25 2015-8-19
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United States

Ok just got my I1 in, charging batteries as we speak... have been flying the P3 for months now and was wondering if you had any pointers... an yes my damn Pilot App did auto  upgrade to the Dji Go sdaly enough :-(
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Fly it like you stole it.

You will love it. More than the P3, your wife, kids, fishing etc.
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United States

So happy this bird is more than i expected. Went on my made flight and it was great... i love how you can control the gimbal. I know it's no POI but still... am going to have fun with this!
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Second Officer

United States

Good to hear you are enjoying your I1.
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United States

thanks Dave... I am one of the lucky ones... DJI has done good by me, always some glitches but things happen. I know you guys get a lot of grief on her, but between the P3 and the I1 right now have to say good job to you guys! Thanks
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United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-20 23:33
thanks Dave... I am one of the lucky ones... DJI has done good by me, always some glitches but thing ...

What P3 did you have? I'm in between right now for my business. Getting a P3P or I1? The people who had issues right out of the box and having issues with software is scaring me.
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United States

I have P3P... so same camera... from what i can tell (just had the I1 for a day) i do like the set up. I am going to be flying them commercially. I think they both have a place, I would feel more comfortable flying the P3 indoors for now, but like the gimbal on the I1. Haven't figured out how to go hike with he bulky I1 as well. They both are easy to fly right now from what i can tell as well.
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United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-21 00:11
I have P3P... so same camera... from what i can tell (just had the I1 for a day) i do like the set u ...

Thanks for your input. Trying to get as much information from people who own/have owned both.

Why do you feel more comfortable with P3 indoors? Just because of the size of it? Or is it more nimble? I see all the marketing on flying indoors from DJI but in the real world, how good is it at flying indoors? How high can you go off the ground until the sensors stop working?
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United States

I think just power and size and honestly my comfort level right now for sure plays a huge part. Indoors I wouldn't see the need for very complicated movement of the gimbal as the shots are more straight forward. This might change for me down the road. But then again I could be wrong as I haven't tried the I1 indoors yet.
Just i fly conservative and try to always be a step ahead of what could happen, so right now I don't think the I1 would bring mush more to the indoor for me anyway.
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Second Officer

United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-20 23:33
thanks Dave... I am one of the lucky ones... DJI has done good by me, always some glitches but thing ...

I do not think you are one of the lucky ones. I think you are one of the average users.
  DJI sells thousands of these things world wide every day. I remember hearing that B&H Photo at one point last year was selling 200+ Phantoms a day. That is just one store. Think about that!

So we are all shaped by our perceptions!!! Here is my perception, and my personal opinion:

There is an extremely large number of Phantoms and Inspires flying everyday. And they are being flown by a wide variety of people with a wide variety of skill and experience. Some guys with zero experience and some like me with 20 years and some with much more than that.

I think the number of guys having trouble is so extremely small compared to the guys that are not. I fly in a very urban environment where everyone knows a lawyer. I also am on the internet everyday in this forum and several others. I read all the horror stories. If anyone should be nervous to fly it should be me. Now, if all of a sudden we had the internet totally flooded on every forum with “flyaways” or "update nightmares"  you bet I would stop flying and not update my personal Inspire or my Phantom3. But I am not nervous to fly or update. I am not going to stop flying or updating because I keep it in perspective!  Because I see all the good stories also. Like guys with 300+ flights on their Inspire with no problems.
Also because of my personal good experiences. I have about 200 flights on mine.
I have 3 good friends that all bought Inspires because of my personal recommendation. All 3 fly all the time and have never had a problem other than 1 of them was having some video drop out. They are not nervous about flying because they are never on the internet.  I also belong to a flying club where 4 other guys that I know, but are not close friends, fly Inspires. They all know I work for DJI and I would be the first call they make if they had a problem, and so far no calls. I own a total of 12 DJI multirotors and I have been flying DJI for about 3 years with no trouble. So that is what is shaping my perception and my opinion.

That and this...
(Stating the obvious so please do not take offense)
Do not believe everything you read on the internet. We have a lot of competitors that love to lie on the internet to make us look bad. We also have a lot of DJI haters, for various reasons, that also love to lie on the internet. They see a thread with someone complaining  or any other negative thread and love to pour fuel on the fire. So of all the bad stories we read. A big portion are lies or user error, most ((user error)) from what I have read and researched. (But not ALL I know that.) And there is always some risk, nothing is perfect. Also there is a huge number of people flying everyday with zero trouble compared to the number of guys with trouble, that I know for sure!
Think about it. If you go buy a new car and drive it down the road, if it works you just drive it down the road. You don't get on the internet and tell everybody, “Hey guys, my car drives." No, you just drive it and enjoy it. However if your new car breaks down, then you bet, the first thing you do is get on the internet and tell everyone. I understand that and I would do that too.
So I personally keep this in mind also. The internet can skew your perception in a unrealistic and negative way. Most of the guys flying the Inspire are too busy working to be telling everyone how great the Inspire is.
In the 20+ years I have been flying RC the Inspire is the best thing I have ever flown!

I know DJI has troubles and problems. I will never be able to defend DJI from everything that is going on. In fact I sympathize with all the customers that have trouble. Very much so!  I have been a DJI customer a lot longer than I have been a DJI employee.  

(one of our bigest problems right now is turnaround time for repair) We are working on making that better but it will take some time.


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United States


Thanks for your take and insight. I do apologize if my comment was taken negatively. It was actually a positive post and I am still buying DJI products, I am a happy customer. I expect bugs, I have been flying RC an planes for a while and know that procedures aren't to be messed with.
That said I am also a business owner and know that you can' please everyone, and some people are childish and have unrealistic expectations. Every company had growing pains and it is what it is.
Take my maiden flight did it go 100% no, when i was done was letting the battery drain to below 5% as requested after the update, then i tried to put it back in travel mode it wouldn't... when i got home i tried and it did. I am sure someone would have posted a negative, but we (as you know more than i do) are dealing with state of the art very new tech, so yes sometimes glitches happen. Same with the P3P, every now and then it will do something weird, land it check it, make sure all is well and go on with your day.
As for turn around times yes that is a bummer, but I am sure this year is also exceeding all expectations, and you are all scrambling to create new procedures and trying to do you best. The fact that there are more moderators, the fact that you listened to feedback on the new FW, this is great, I applaud you for it as a company. It shows that all rumors about DJI are wrong and that even if you are not perfect you are trying to make people happy with the product.
To make this short, my "lucky" comment was probably more sarcastic than you think in the sense that yes I have updated every time and have had no issues. I love to fly and cringe when people say that the product is awful. It is a lot of user error and I said in a post a while back that I think the biggest mistake DJI made was marketing: everyone can fly easy... in a sense it is true but no one follows directions lol. Same goes to a parent that gives a 16 year old a Porsche he will crash it... As for my comfort level with the I1 i think i am just cautious, i have had it for a day, actually have a photo shoot on friday and will probably only take my P3P until I get more stick time with the I1... but that is just me.
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United States

And to add and be realistic (to your point), when you have a 1300 or a 3000 investment it is easier to say it is DJI's fault and hope for a refund than admit tit was your fault and just be down the money. This is fact and in today's world (i don't know if you are in the states) but no one wants to take responsibility for anything anymore.
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United States

DJI-Dave Posted at 2015-8-21 01:22
I do not think you are one of the lucky ones. I think you are one of the average users.
  DJI se ...

Thanks for responding to the thread DJI-Dave. I agree 100% with what you said. You've got to look at percentage and not amount of people. I get that and that's why I'm sticking with DJI. But on the other hand you still have to find which product has the least amount of issues from manufacturer. Going to your car analogy, if 5% of Car A drivers experience manufacturer defects and 1% for Car B, then that does weigh into the decision.
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Second Officer

United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-21 02:10

Thanks for your take and insight. I do apologize if my comment was taken negatively. It was a ...

Oh thanks, but I did not think your lucky statement was negative. But I could see how in my reply you might think I did. I guess I was just coming off from reading some other negative post this morning. I was posting my insight on the subject.
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Second Officer

United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-21 02:16
And to add and be realistic (to your point), when you have a 1300 or a 3000 investment it is easier  ...

Very true, especially with the Inspire.
I am in the States so I know what you mean.
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Second Officer

United States

buckeyenation Posted at 2015-8-21 04:15
Thanks for responding to the thread DJI-Dave. I agree 100% with what you said. You've got to look  ...

Very true! I do a lot of research before I buy things also and that would weigh into the decision.
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United States

One question actually... could be several things... have a new battery that i hadn't cycled thru... charged it, updated it then went flying again today.(but hadn't discharged it to 5% and charged it again) At one point a red warning came back "not enough power in battery" it was at 75%, it always seemed to happen when i was going away. Does't it just mean that the system thought that if i continued i might not have enough power to come back? Dounbtful as i was only maybe 500 feet away. Or is it just because it isn't calibrated 100% yet. No other problems and that message was't constant just more like a warning.
I am assuming it has something to do with me not having it totally cycle through the upgrade yet.
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nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-21 07:04
One question actually... could be several things... have a new battery that i hadn't cycled thru...  ...

I would go through the process of the calibration. If that clears it up then you are done worrying about that message. If it doesn't clear up then come back with the concern. I would start a new thread though as you question may get lost in this thread.

Charge the battery to 100% then fly that battery down to about 20% or so and then land and leave the battery turned on. Let it shut itself off and then recharge it to 100%. That should get the battery calibrated.
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United States

Thanks... like i said not too worried but figured i would ask... i will see what happens tomorrow and if it happens again will start a new thread. Still love this bird though!
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Second Officer

United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-21 07:04
One question actually... could be several things... have a new battery that i hadn't cycled thru...  ...

I think it just needs to be calibrated.
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Second Officer

United States

remltr Posted at 2015-8-21 07:29
I would go through the process of the calibration. If that clears it up then you are done worrying ...

I agree....
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Second Officer

United States

Also about questions getting lost in threads. This happens often. One thing to do is quote the person you are asking the question of. That way that person will get a remind notice in their home page and at the top menu bar. Please keep in mind that that does not work all the time also!  The website needs to be improved some. I am in so many forums and so many threads that I miss questions all the time. It is impossabe for me to go back and check on every thread I have posted in. I just happened to come back to this one because there was some good discussion here and I wanted to see if anyone else had chimed in.

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United States

DJI-Dave Posted at 2015-8-22 03:25
Also about questions getting lost in threads. This happens often. One thing to do is quote the perso ...

Thanks for coming in again! And I am happy to say that the I1 worked flawlessly! Had a small shoot of the local football team, was going to use the P3P but winds were in the 15-20mph, so took out the I1 instead and it was perfect, in all aspects... and there is always the wow factor with kids. :-) they loved it and all went well got some good footage and I am sure they will be happy as they are the only team to have a video on top of pictures right now :-)
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Second Officer

United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-8-23 08:07
Thanks for coming in again! And I am happy to say that the I1 worked flawlessly! Had a small shoot  ...

Good to hear it. I couple of years ago I was the assistant coach for my sons Pop Warner football team. I had the P2 with a GoPro and I always wanted to take some footage from above. I though I would get a chance because I was only the assistant coach. But I never did I was always too busy. Now I have the I1 and P3 but my son does not play footbal anymore. He switched to basketball.
So I am glad you got to do it.
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United States

nofearmx, other than reading and understanding the Inspire manual -- here are some helpful hints and tips:

Find the latest must-haves, fixes, mods, how-tos, guides, and accessories for your Inspire.
Inspires in stock and ready to ship worldwide! (see availability)
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United States

Thanks inspire1help. Great tips in that video !
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