Firmware 1.3.20 - DJI Go 2.0.0 App Discussion Thread
30061 305 2015-8-3
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United States

ljwsteenbergen@ Posted at 2015-8-15 01:26
Same here. Flight behavior definitely improved. VPS seems to work (but had it switched off anyway) H ...

Just updated hoping to improve the indoor flying. I don't think it did. But, I'm not sure what to really expect either. I imagine it should 'stay put' if I take my hands off the controls, but I still have to constantly fly the thing. Not at all what I expected. Not at all like outdoor GPS flight. I tried various indoor areas. They were hard surfaces with distinct, non-repeating patterns.
Also, I'm not sure I understand what people are talking about with the horizon. I've not noticed a tilt or anything like that in my photos or video.
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is this 1.3.20 firmware better than the previous 1.1.9?
currently i have 1.1.9 (out-of-the-box) with DJI Pilot 1.2.0 app and no problem so far as i understand. quite happy with it.
lately the app auto-updated to DJI Go 2.0.2. should i update my P3P firmware to 1.3.20 also?
does DJI Go 2.0.2 play fine with 1.1.9 firmware?
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Hi. When I try to update RC via DJI GO it tells me that there is new firmware - P3 Standard 1.0.20, Update Now. The problem is that I have P3 Professional and can't update with 1.3.20 software for professional. When I put the SD card in RC, nothing happens. After 10 min the RC start beeping and that is all. What can I do in order to fix this?
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dansonamission Posted at 2015-8-6 02:51
Anyone seeing their phantom no longer flying straight?
In doors or outdoors, any height. Fly forward ...

The same thing happens to my craft after upgrade - it'slowly drifts to the left.
Another bad thing is that craft loses height moving forward or backward or sides, so you have to adjust it always.
Have no idea what's going on, upgrade was done for RC using android smartphone, but all went ok, with no warnings.
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geo33 Posted at 2015-8-23 00:00
The same thing happens to my craft after upgrade - it'slowly drifts to the left.
Another bad thing ...

To all: please disregard my 2 posts about craft non-steadiness after FW upgrade to 1.3.20.
15 minutes ago I've completed outdoor tests - everything is OK.
I suspect the reason of problems I had in the morning is a kind of hasty and sloppy (and unedequate!) compass calibration - the two axis of calibration were not orthogonal at all.
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United States

Flew my P3P this morning.

Firmware version 1.3.2, DJI GO app version 2.0.0

One battery and all went well flight and camera-wise.

Returned, put new battery in, took off and flew up over 100 meters AGL and was 1200+ meters from home point when the grid started flashing off & on, camera parameters in upper right of screen all went to N/A.

Was recording video as this happened. The little line that animates during image acquisition around the red shutter release button started being animated, then stopped animating and video recording ceased and the camera image onscreen went black, all parameters for camera went to N/A.

The video file on the card was unreadable. All still images up to that point were readable.

I stopped flying away from the home point and hovered in one spot. closed the app, relaunched, no effect.

rebooted ipad, no effect.

returned to home point, swapped in a third battery, no effect. Still a black screen, N/A on all parameters for camera.

Does anyone have suggestion(s) on what is causing this or how to resolve it?

I see no point in contacting DJI support, they are useless, never return emails.

thanks for any tips you can offer.

PS it flew straight, but the gimble was cocked and I needed to adjust it for accuracy.
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  • >>>
United States

coastodian Posted at 2015-8-23 04:06
Flew my P3P this morning.

Firmware version 1.3.2, DJI GO app version 2.0.0

Did you upgrade all your batteries first?
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United States

I keep having an issue where the firmware starts & does the D-D-D-D beep & the camera flashes green & red, then all of a sudden it goes to straight red & the sound changes to 1 constant noise. When I check the text in the file on the SD card, it says the file is corrupt & to re-download from website only to have it do the same thing. What am I doing wrong? I have used 2 different SD cards.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
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United Kingdom

rrobertsvideo Posted at 2015-8-28 16:59
I keep having an issue where the firmware starts & does the D-D-D-D beep & the camera flashes green  ...

Try formatting the SD card using the DJI Go App then putting a fresh firmware BIN file on it..

I have seen it myself where for some reason either the download it corrupt or it becomes corrupt when copying from PC to SD card.. Try another SD card READER. Also make sure no AV is scanning the file.
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United States

sploodge Posted at 2015-8-28 11:17
Try formatting the SD card using the DJI Go App then putting a fresh firmware BIN file on it..

I h ...

I got it to work. I think the problem was that even though I deleted the old corrupt file off the card, I didn't empty the trash bin so that it would fully take it off of there before I put the new file on there.

Also, do I just put in a new battery to update each battery with that same zip file or do I have to re-download another zip file? & is it updating the camera every single time for each battery?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
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United Kingdom

Yeah, after the initial update. delete the logs off the card only leaving the BIN file and stick it back in with a different battery.. Look at the rear light of the battery and you can tell when its updating..
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yegorius Posted at 2015-8-4 15:04
I can not update the firmware on Phantom 3 Pro (v1.3.20). At first time updating process was about 2 ...

Same problem, and the video is not broadcasted to the smartphone.
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United Kingdom

Can't update to 1.1.9 or 1.3.2 (from 1.1.8) and I've now lost video feed (NO SIGNAL) after trying the DJI GO app.

Worked flawlessly on 1.1.8/DJI Pilot a week ago.

There should be a known/stable version of both f/w and app for people to use - not this constant stream of updates/fixes and newly introduced bugs. I'm so annoyed right now!!
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Flight distance : 3051302 ft

justin.owen Posted at 2015-9-1 04:16
Can't update to 1.1.9 or 1.3.2 (from 1.1.8) and I've now lost video feed (NO SIGNAL) after trying t ...

I finally gave up with the Go! App (or not go as the case maybe) and fw 1.3.2, flying was perfect but the app crashing randomly was just doing my head in. Wouldn't matter if I was 2km away or 500m away it would just shut down and come back with no signal until I unplugged usb and re reinserted. Useless.

On Sunday I downgraded the firmware to 1.1.9 and installed the pilot app v1.10 both of which were the ones I had when I first took the phantom out of the box . It still flies the same but now I don't have any stupid app crashing/loss signal/disconnect issues. I would say the combination of these two have been the best and certainly the most stable.
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United Kingdom

I'd love to do that drone_hunter - but unfortunately you can't roll back the App on iOS...

The odd thing is I still have Pilot on my iPhone - and while this worked when i swapped the devices over, after powering off/on Pilot is now also showing 'NO SIGNAL'.

So either my lightbridge is goosed or the GO app said something to the Phantom!? Call me cynical/paranoid!?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 8139875 ft
United States

hey sploodge,
my p3 with busted gimbal. The one i ve painted black, it flies great without any issues. it has 126fw on both rc and p3, the batteries have 132, as i use them on my other p3.
i decided to see if i can update the fw with the busted gimbal, the cables from the gimbal to the vps board and the MC are fine. when i turn on p3 with the 132 fw, the gimbal goes thru the normal dance and then it goes limp with the lens pointing downwards, the fw does not start, no beeps, just flashing green and then red, back and forth. no txt on sd card to say it failed. i checked and stil 126 on it!
i am not too worried about updating it, but the real question is having dji go latest version and 126 on rc and p3, is that a potential issue? can i take my camera off from my other p3, update this one to 132 and then put it back on the one it came from?

i am going to get a standard camera for it as its for my 11 year old, and i know you can put advanced cam on a pro p3.

what r ur thoughts?
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Flight distance : 1483192 ft
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United States

Any one know now to Change DJI Remote from 8ch to 32 ch...with IOS APP 2.2.0?
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JtrJr-UAV Pilot
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4341 ft
United States

drone_hunter Posted at 2015-8-31 14:52
I finally gave up with the Go! App (or not go as the case maybe) and fw 1.3.2, flying was perfect  ...

Drone Hunter,

How did you get back to 1.1.9? I can't get past 1.3.2.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

Thanks for the Post sploodge.
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sploodge Posted at 2015-8-4 11:01
How to Update the Firmware
Follow the process described below to upgrade the aircraft, remote contro ...

I just purchased a second battery, I entered the sd with the latest firmware, the P3A lit but did not see any flashing on the battery so I think that has already been updated by dji is possible?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
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United Kingdom

asfodelo42 Posted at 2015-9-30 14:40
I just purchased a second battery, I entered the sd with the latest firmware, the P3A lit but did  ...

Check the log file in the hidden folder ( /MISC/LOG ). If it has an entry similar to the one in RED below, then its already updated.
[00355608][03 05][00] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[00355728][03 06][05] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.3.0.13
[00355808][04 00][00] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[00355908][09 00][00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.7.0.3
[00356072][11 00][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.7.0.0
[00356197][12 00][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00356329][12 01][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00356457][12 02][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00356602][12 03][00] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
[00356766][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00356897][17 00][00] v1.1.1.7 -> v1.1.1.7
[00357056][17 01][00] v1.0.2.7 -> v1.0.2.7
[00357168][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00357240][01 00][00] v1.23.3419 -> v1.23.3419
[00357387][01 01][00] v1.23.3419 -> v1.23.3419
[00357469][08 00][00] v0.12.0.4 -> v0.12.0.4

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thanks'll check, polite as ever, having no battery to date what are the problems ???
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

asfodelo42 Posted at 2015-9-30 14:59
thanks'll check, polite as ever, having no battery to date what are the problems ???

Nobody knows what the battery firmware does. Maybe it fixes a problem and maybe it just makes the battery status report better..

I would think its best to update it..
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I connected the sd to pc but do not read anything in the LOG folder appears empty, I read the card through the p3?
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sploodge Posted at 2015-9-30 16:05
Nobody knows what the battery firmware does. Maybe it fixes a problem and maybe it just makes the  ...

[00011749][01 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[00011910]Packet [C:\P3S_FW_V01.04.0010.bin] resumed, card sn [0x90ce15e8].
[00011947]Packet vlink 01.04.0010 <-> 01.03.0020.
[00012014]Version checking[2]...
[00012091][03 05][00] v34.2.0.8 -> v34.2.0.9 need upgrade.
[00012166][03 06][00] v2.1.6.9 -> v2.3.0.13 need upgrade.
[00012207][04 00][00] v1.36.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0 need upgrade.
[00012271][09 00][00] v1.6.0.4 -> v1.7.0.3 need upgrade.
[00012392][11 00][00] v1.6.0.0 -> v1.7.0.0 need upgrade.
[00012480][12 00][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0 need upgrade.
[00012555][12 01][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0 need upgrade.
[00012646][12 02][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0 need upgrade.
[00012725][12 03][00] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0 need upgrade.
[00012767][15 00][00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
[00012836][17 00][00] v1.1.1.2 -> v1.1.1.7 need upgrade.
[00012956][17 01][00] v1.0.2.4 -> v1.0.2.7 need upgrade.
[00013011][19 00][00] v1.0.8.59 -> v1.0.8.96 need upgrade.
[00013048][01 00][05] v1.21.3647 -> v1.21.3647
[00013083][01 01][00] v1.7.2735 -> v1.21.3647 need upgrade

[00013154]Firmware upgrading[2]...
[00013304][01 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00043576][01 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00043633][12 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00110241][12 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00110290][12 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00173750][12 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00173803][12 02] Firmware upgrade start...
[00236015][12 02] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00236068][12 03] Firmware upgrade start...
[00298663][12 03] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00298722][17 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00382398][17 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00382446][17 01] Firmware upgrade start...
[00442081][17 01] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00442124][11 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[00491736][11 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00491793][03 05] Firmware upgrade start...
[00563120][03 05] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00563356][03 06] Firmware upgrade start...
[00865220][03 06] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[00868198][19 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01032810][19 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01032874][09 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01083493][09 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.
[01083560][04 00] Firmware upgrade start...
[01142130][04 00] Firmware upgrade finished successfully.

[01142207]Version checking[3]...
[01142304][03 05][05] v34.2.0.9 -> v34.2.0.9
[01142403][03 06][05] v2.3.0.13 -> v2.3.0.13
[01142450][04 00][05] v1.41.0.0 -> v1.41.0.0
[01142500][09 00][05] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.7.0.3
[01142608][11 00][05] v1.7.0.0 -> v1.7.0.0
[01142718][12 00][05] v1.10.0.0 -> v1.10.0.0
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Flight distance : 3686975 ft
United States

Sploodge, do you happen to know why when I unlock the red/blue arrow top right of screen on ipad mini that it points in opposite direction( The red aircraft in map), but when I lock it it points correctly in the direction that the aircraft is pointing?. It used to point in nose direction in the map always, but since I switched to ios it does so only when locked. Very had to fly FPV when aircraft is pointing in wrong direction on map, when I unlock it' fine though! Any Help here? Thanks!
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