MM loss
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3645 81 2020-2-19
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Flight distance : 168163 ft

Hi, I report the loss of my drone as per log.
I think it is not a GPS problem but of temperature and pressure because it started to lose altitude and I was unable to make it rise. ... ENERALNotifications

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft
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DJI Gamora


Hi, thank you for reaching out and we're sorry for the incident happened to your DJI Mavic Mini. I will highly recommend you to contact our support team at to open up a ticket case. We do have our professional team who will handle and perform further analysis on what would be the exact reason for the crashed. A corresponding resolution will be provided once we receive the unit. Please note that DJI can only perform data analysis for units falling within the warranty period; otherwise, valid charges will apply. Thank you for your kind and understanding.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

DJI Gamora Posted at 2-19 13:00
Hi, thank you for reaching out and we're sorry for the incident happened to your DJI Mavic Mini. I will highly recommend you to contact our support team at to open up a ticket case. We do have our professional team who will handle and perform further analysis on what would be the exact reason for the crashed. A corresponding resolution will be provided once we receive the unit. Please note that DJI can only perform data analysis for units falling within the warranty period; otherwise, valid charges will apply. Thank you for your kind and understanding.

The drone is lost, it is not the season to dive to 12 meters to recover it
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Flight distance : 12717890 ft
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Sorry for your loss, lots of errors.

To much wind, your MM could not even climb to your RTH setting of 30 meters.
It just drifted backwards.

hope DJI can help you out!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6763835 ft
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You have "Not Enough Force/ESC Error" throughout the flight... If you ever see that warning you should return immediately. ... -flying-rth-issues/

"Receiving the DJI Mavic Mini Not Enough Force/ESC warning or Max Power Load Reached error can be quite scary.

The Mavic Mini may even drop altitude and can even crash. On many occasions the Mavic Mini will drop and recover it’s position.  However, if you are flying very close the the ground, the Mavic Mini may bounce off the ground.  This is pretty scary and you will be lucky if your drone is not damaged.

There are many reasons, which can cause this issue and at the time of writing DJI don’t have a definitive answer or solution to receiving the Mavic Mini Max Power Load Reached and Not Enough Force/ESC error.

However, quite a few Mavic Mini owners have solved this issue themselves or recognized what is causing the problem.

Here is our information, tips and troubleshooting in dealing with the Not Enough Force/ESC warning and Max Power Load Reached error.

Not Enough Force/ESC Warning And Max Power Load Reached
DJI Mavic Mini Not Enough Force ESC Warning and Max Power Load reached issue.The warning is that the Mavic Mini is not getting enough power and the error message is being generated on the Electronic Stability Controllers (ESC).

So, this message points the issue being with the ESC (Electronic Speed Controllers) and motors. You can read further on ESC, IMU, motors and propellers in our article How A Quadcopter Flies.

Now, power issues could also point to a faulty Mavic Mini battery. However, nothing definitive has come back from DJI on the cause.

This “Not Enough Force ESC warning” issue has been fixed by various methods, which we discuss here.

We will start looking at whether the Mavic Mini is being pushed above it’s recommended flying recommendations, which is causing the warnings or to actual real problems with the Mavic Mini quadcopter.

Maximum Wind Resistance Flying – Is the problem occurring because the Mavic Mini is flying in winds stronger than 17.9 mph (28.8 km/h), which is the maximum wind resistance speed for the drone.

17.9 mph (28.8 km/h) is level 4 on the Beaufort scale, meaning a moderate breeze. Many of these not enough force/ESC warnings are happening at a good height. While it may be calm on the ground, at a small height above, there could be a slight wind or more than a moderate breeze, meaning the Mavic Mini will find it difficult to fly against.

Flying at full speed – If you are flying at full speed and if their is a slight headwind, then this may also cause the error. The motors are being pushed to the limit. Ease back on the throttle and see if the warning goes away.

Ascending very quickly in P-Mode – Does the problem occur when you are ascending quickly. If it does, then it is also because the drone encounters a high resistance during flying upwards and the flight controller detects this and the Not Enough Power ESC warning message will pop up.

Max Ceiling Service – Is the Mavic Mini been flown at or close to the max height for flying of 1.86 mile (3 km) above sea level.  Basically the air is thinner, the higher you are up.  In thin air, the drone motors have to work a lot harder to keep the drone in the air.

Propeller guards causing the issue – Remove the propellers guards if they are attached. A few Mavic Mini pilots have resolved the issue by just taking off the propeller guards. If this is causing the issue, then replace for new Mavic Mini propeller guards.

Faulty propellers – Quite a few of the Mavic Mini drone receiving the “Not Enough Force / ESC warning” and “Max Power Load Reached” have been fixed by simply replacing the props. There are many different Mavic Mini propellers on the market.

Examine the propellers. Even if you don’t see any fault, go ahead and change them. Their might be a slight defect in one of more of the propellers, which isn’t even noticeable to the eye.  The issue has been fixed for quite a few owners by changing to a new Mavic Mini propeller set.

Also, DJI recommend that you replace the full set together rather than just 1 prop at a time.

Faulty Battery – If you have purchased spare batteries, swap the battery and see if the Not Enough Force warning or Not Enough Power/ESC warning reoccurs. If you have a faulty battery, you should be able to have it replaced if the Mavic Mini is still under warranty.

Calibrate IMU & Compass – This simple procedure fixes all sorts of issues, especially flying erratically, having fly aways and disconnects.  If you have a crash and your Mavic Mini isn’t damaged, you will need to do the Mavic Mini IMU and compass calibration.  Here are the instructions with videos on how to calibrate the Mavic Mini.

Flying In S or P Mode – Does the warning happen only in S Mode or P Mode. It is one of the questions that DJI Support always ask and could be an indication on where they believe the problem to be. If it happens in only one of the modes, this might indicate a software issue rather than a hardware issues.  Proceed with updating the Mavic Mini firmware or if at the latest firmware, then downgrade the firmware and then update it again.

Update the DJI Fly App – Make sure you have the latest version of the DJI Fly App. Generally with a new firmware, their is also a new version of the Fly app.

Update the Mavic Mini firmware – The Mavic Mini, which you purchased may have been on the shelf for a few weeks and doesn’t have the latest firmware.  You can update the drone easily using these DJI Mavic Mini firmware update instructions.

Downgrade / Upgrade Mavic Mini firmware – The Mavic Mini Not Enough Force/ESC warning has been fixed on quite a few occasions by first downgrading the Mavic Mini firmware and then upgrading it again.

You can downgrade the Mavic Mini firmware using the DJI Assistant 2 app on your computer. If this fixes the issue, then the problem was originally with a corrupted firmware or it didn’t install completing on the Mavic Mini in the first instance.
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Dmitry Vishnevskiy
Flight distance : 588635 ft

Sorry for your loss.
You had to try in P mode to put him on a cape to your left. It was blown away by the wind in about that direction. And flying in S mode over water is not the best solution.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

Dmitry Vishnevskiy Posted at 2-19 13:11
Sorry for your loss.
You had to try in P mode to put him on a cape to your left. It was blown away by the wind in about that direction. And flying in S mode over water is not the best solution.

Unfortunately the wind came from the ground to the left of the take-off point and I, panicked, did not have the readiness to change on the P mode.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

I ordered another MM, sure that it is not productive to contact DJI, but I am interested in understanding not to repeat the mistake
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Dmitry Vishnevskiy
Flight distance : 588635 ft

Renato61 Posted at 2-19 13:24
I ordered another MM, sure that it is not productive to contact DJI, but I am interested in understanding not to repeat the mistake

Do not fly in a strong wind.
Do not fly at low altitude in sport mode, especially above water.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Renato61 Posted at 2-19 13:21
Unfortunately the wind came from the ground to the left of the take-off point and I, panicked, did not have the readiness to change on the P mode.

Flying in s mode is not a problem unless your not used to it , it wont cause any more crashes and in the wind can sometimes beneficial.
You are right and your readiness may have been the problem here. A great start is reading the manual and understanding how your drone works, how to prepare for flying etc, you tube and this forum are great sources of information.
Put your crash down to experience costly one , I’ll leave below a preflight that’s may help you in the future if you have any questions about it just ask, don’t beat yourself up about it, it happens to many of us.


1/ Never calibrate Compass unless prompted to.

2/ start AC leave until you receive enough gps lock ,

3/ if you get Compass interference turn off AC and move to another location,
without interference.

4/ In bottom left hand corner on your map you will see small red triangle, check to make sure that this triangle is pointing in the same direction (heading) as your AC, this will show good compass on the ground.

Raise AC to height of 8ft
Hover for 20 seconds
Fly forward 2ft
Backward 2ft
Left 2ft
Right 2ft
Up 2ft
Down 2ft
Yaw left
Yaw right
Each time returning to hover position
If you have a good horizontal each time, you will then know you have good GPS good IMU and good Compass, and your ready to fly.

This exercise takes less than 2 minutes and is worthwhile doing before every flight,

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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Renato61 Posted at 2-19 12:37

From 0:25.9 your drone was failing to maintain altitude and slowly sinking.
Three times you gave it small amounts of left stick but they had no effect and the drone kept losing altitude and being at -6.9 metres in only 48 seconds.

You initiated RTH at 0:46.4 and the change of flight mode seems to have stopped the uncommanded descent.
The drone climbed from -6.9 metres to -3.0 metres and started sinking again
At 0:57 you gave it full left stick to fight the descent.
As soon as the left stick was centred, the drone started sinking again.

At 1:10.4 you initiated RTH again with the drone at -14.1 metres.
The Mini climbed until 1:14.0 when it started sinking again.
It recovered and started climbing again at 1:16.8 but by 1:20.2 it was sinking again.

This happens a few more times but at 2:13.7 the Mini finally starts to climb properly and goes from -14.1m to +6.4m at 2:35.2, when the sinking starts again.

This pattern was repeated over and over with the RTH climb to RTH height interrupting the uncommanded descent but failing to reach RTH height and the Mini continuing to fail to maintain altitude even with the left stick fully pushed forward.

This is a clear case of a serious fault in the Mavic Mini that has been seen many times already.
The Mini is not safe to fly and DJI need to do something about it.

The data shows a clear case where warranty replacement is justified without you needing to supply the wreckage (but I would ask for a refund rather than have another potentially unsafe Mavic Mini).
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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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JJB* Posted at 2-19 13:05

Sorry for your loss, lots of errors.

To much wind, your MM could not even climb to your RTH setting of 30 meters.
Even if blown backwards in a gale force wind, a properly functioning drone can climb when the left stick is pushed forward.
Too much wind was not the problem in this incident.
The drone failed to hold altitude and failed to climb with the left stick pushed fully forward in Sport Mode.
It's just another example of why the Mavic is not safe to fly.

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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Renato61 Posted at 2-19 13:24
I ordered another MM, sure that it is not productive to contact DJI, but I am interested in understanding not to repeat the mistake

Read my post #12.
You should file a warranty claim with DJI (see post #3), because the data clearly shows a fatal fault in your mavic Mini.
Feel free to copy my assessment of the flight data if you want to help your claim.

I am interested in understanding not to repeat the mistake
The mistake was to fly a faulty Mavic Mini.
If you don't want to repeat the mistake, I'd recommend canceling your order for another of these sinking Mavic Minis and ask for a refund for the lost one.

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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Dmitry Vishnevskiy Posted at 2-19 13:37
Do not fly in a strong wind.
Do not fly at low altitude in sport mode, especially above water.

Do not fly in a strong wind.
Do not fly at low altitude in sport mode, especially above water

Better advice is: Do not fly a faulty Mavic Mini
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Almost all of that very long post is completely irrelevant and wouldn't make any difference.
The only relevant part might be about the propellers.
Unfortunately, the OP could not change propellers during the incident.
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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Renato61 Posted at 2-19 13:24
I ordered another MM, sure that it is not productive to contact DJI, but I am interested in understanding not to repeat the mistake

My apologies, when I came to the thread I presumed that others had checked your flight log, I now understand that no checking was done, but conclusions were made in a very hap hazard way , which may have led you into thinking you were responsible for this loss of drone.
Just as well Labroids double checks logs and spends much of his own time on behalf of forum members to insure correct assessments are made on their behalf .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 513061 ft

JJB* Posted at 2-19 13:05

Sorry for your loss, lots of errors.

Probably not the wind. Airdata reported only 4mph there.

The OP's record does show a very very messed up ALT trace (yellow segments) as if the altimeter was experiencing a sudden shift in altitude. I do not think the mini can maneuver like that. Something in his drone was very wrong.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Guorium Posted at 2-19 18:12
Probably not the wind. Airdata reported only 4mph there.

The OP's record does show a very very messed up ALT trace (yellow segments) as if the altimeter was experiencing a sudden shift in altitude. I do not think the mini can maneuver like that. Something in his drone was very wrong.

Something in his drone was very wrong.

This post above: ... 367&pid=2089991 makes that pretty clear.
This is just another one of way too many uncommanded descents, in case you wanted to see some more.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 513061 ft

JJB* Posted at 2-19 13:05

Sorry for your loss, lots of errors.

Labroides mentioned full stick up just after 57s in post 13. This can be seen in phantumhelp. But not on FRAP, refer to my chart in post 21. We have have a discrepancy here. Comments?
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First Officer
United States

Labroides Posted at 2-19 18:25
Something in his drone was very wrong.
Post #13 makes that pretty clear.
This is just another one of way too many uncommanded descents, in case you wanted to see some more.

Post #13 needs to be read with a Caution.
Under Step #4 - the wording after post-liftoff drone maneuvers; can lead a pilot to a false sense of security.

The post-liftoff drone maneuvers do not verify GPS, IMU, & Compass are good and you are ready to fly.  Drone maneuvers are Joystick response test, as in drone flying in pilots chosen Mode of 1, 2, or 3, coupled to possible movements of both joysticks.

Example being: Drones taking off without sufficient number of GPS satellites and signal strength, yet appearing to respond correctly to joystick commands.  Believe reason involves drone  using VPS and Barometer, instead of GPS.  We know from a recent flyaway and crash, drone's Compass was off by nearly 180-degrees at takeoff, yet drone appeared to respond correctly to joystick commands and initially flew without problems.

What really matters is verifying drone's Compass is indicating correct direction before takeoff.  The post-liftoff drone maneuvers would be of use, if pilot verified compass changed to correct heading when drone was turned 90-degrees to Left and Right.  

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

Now I insert a ticket to DJI, I want to test their seriousness in giving an answer. This will depend on whether to purchase a more expensive DJI drone in the future or to seek out competitors.

In any case, any quota loss NOT DECIDED BY THE OPERATOR should induce the firmware
to leave the control, in my case he did not respond to the commands even without GPS or compass problems, otherwise I would have brought it back to the ground.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

Having not purchased any assistance package I do not understand where to insert the ticket, since it is not a repair
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Renato61 Posted at 2-19 23:46
Now I insert a ticket to DJI, I want to test their seriousness in giving an answer. This will depend on whether to purchase a more expensive DJI drone in the future or to seek out competitors.

In any case, any quota loss NOT DECIDED BY THE OPERATOR should induce the firmware

I would completely ignore post above, it’s a troll post, you will notice that dji has posted number 13 as a sticky for the last 3 years so it’s highly recommended from dji .

To contact dji you need to email dji support to arrange ticket, you will also need to sync your flight, they will check your log and make decision, you can if you wish let them know about labroids findings above it should help .
Good luck

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2-20 00:10
I would completely ignore post above, it’s a troll post, you will notice that dji has posted number 13 as a sticky for the last 3 years so it’s highly recommended from dji .

To contact dji you need to email dji support to arrange ticket, you will also need to sync your flight, they will check your log and make decision, you can if you wish let them know about labroids findings above it should help .

Thank you very much
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Renato61 Posted at 2-20 00:34
Thank you very much

Your welcome, I would suggest after you contact support come back here and try contacting dji Mindy she will help you escalate your case .
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2-19 23:36
Post #13 needs to be read with a Caution.
Under Step #4 - the wording after post-liftoff drone maneuvers; can lead a pilot to a false sense of security.

None of which has anything to do with the problem that cause the loss of this drone.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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Renato61 Posted at 2-19 23:54
Having not purchased any assistance package I do not understand where to insert the ticket, since it is not a repair

Or you could synch your flight data (click the cloud icon on the flight records page in the app)
Then go to : online support and start an online chat and they should take it from there.
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Flight distance : 12717890 ft
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Guorium Posted at 2-19 20:18
Labroides mentioned full stick up just after 57s in post 13. This can be seen in phantumhelp. But not on FRAP, refer to my chart in post 21. We have have a discrepancy here. Comments?

Hi Guoriom,

Checked both downloads (airdata, phantomhelp) and they show different data than your view in #23.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

I sent an email, I'm curious to read what they will invent.
Surely my trust in DJI will depend on that
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 439915 ft

Sorry for your loss and I really hope they issue a refund if it was a faulty device.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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Guorium Posted at 2-19 20:18
Labroides mentioned full stick up just after 57s in post 13. This can be seen in phantumhelp. But not on FRAP, refer to my chart in post 21. We have have a discrepancy here. Comments?

It’s of no use to anyone putting up charts that can’t be interpreted correctly or are plain wrong, it’s pretty clear now what happened here .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

16th of Feb... those were the days of yellow wind warning, I do remember that from the UAV app.

Flying at sea with those conditions meant an almost certain death flight. Since I was flying with my MM inland I did remember having a reported ground wind of about 2 m/s but it was much higher above (and clearly in large flats, like the sea), a wind so strong any Mavic Mini would be overpowered, and more so one if it had less than perfect props (flattened for use, storage etc.).

Your MM has no fault, it responded at your commands as long as it could... poor little being.
If you believe DJI is at fault for that you're really on the wrong step.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

m80116 Posted at 2-20 04:10
16th of Feb... those were the days of yellow wind warning, I do remember that from the UAV app.

Flying at sea with those conditions meant an almost certain death flight. Since I was flying with my MM inland I did remember having a reported ground wind of about 2 m/s but it was much higher above (and clearly in large flats, like the sea), a wind so strong any Mavic Mini would be overpowered, and more so one if it had less than perfect props (flattened for use, storage etc.).

You are wrong, the drone did not respond to commands and strangely moved almost only against the wind, against all logic.
I argue that the software is too invasive and that it should intervene less.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

So you think of being the utmost right but your data log shows otherwise.

You were flying during a yellow wind warning, at sea... something you should not have been doing in the first splace.

Then you began your flight with a MFA (Maximum Flight Altitude) of 500m, that not only is illegal (but it's far from my point) but more importantly inappropriate, especially for the place you were in (and did ignore the rule of setting the MFA for the place you plan your flight). Personally I think I never climbed beyond 400m but going on the side of a mountain, and rising the MFA accordingly only when I needed during mid-flight.

These factors alone already tell me that you're really a different kind of pilot than me.

With a ground wind forecast of 1.9 m/s the actual wind for a large flat like the sea was likely to be much higher around 8 m/s, as fast as the maximum RTH speed, with gusts above that, this at sea level already.

I grant you a likely not properly shaped propellers, but that could be another blame on your part. You're beind told to inspect the propellers at every flight, and you should have regardless of MM package a spare set to which to compare against.

To be fair to the poor being shuffled around by the wind it didn't show significant errors until it was put into RTH and you did absolutely nothing to ease its job. It was just under the raised flat on which you launched, trying so hard to ascent while it was being pushed down, you then took control and rotated it and sent further away, to which it responded decently considering the radio signal was almost completely blocked. You cancelled RTH several times entering into Sport mode (as the warning suggests you do, fly manually and land) but neither of these short times you kept inputting the Contro Stick(s) to counter the wind and bring it back.

You insisted repeating the RTH until the end, when it was too late and I feel you made an attempt to control it manually, but it was still too few, too late and your Mini went for the dive.

Considering on how you were getting the ESC errors, the environment, the yellow wind warning it is highly likely even the propellers were in perfect shape. A sound waste of a perfectly working Mini.
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DJI Gamora


Renato61 Posted at 2-19 13:03
The drone is lost, it is not the season to dive to 12 meters to recover it

You don't need to have the drone, just sync your flight records on the application and we have our engineers to look out on your flight records and provide you the exact reason why the drone crash but before all, you still need to create a case to us. Thank you for your understanding and support!
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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m80116 Posted at 2-20 04:10
16th of Feb... those were the days of yellow wind warning, I do remember that from the UAV app.

Flying at sea with those conditions meant an almost certain death flight. Since I was flying with my MM inland I did remember having a reported ground wind of about 2 m/s but it was much higher above (and clearly in large flats, like the sea), a wind so strong any Mavic Mini would be overpowered, and more so one if it had less than perfect props (flattened for use, storage etc.).

Your MM has no fault, it responded at your commands as long as it could... poor little being.
If you believe DJI is at fault for that you're really on the wrong step.

You are completely out of your depth on this and your assessment couldn't be any more wrong.
Go back and read these two posts to see what the issue was:
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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m80116 Posted at 2-20 11:46
So you think of being the utmost right but your data log shows otherwise.

You were flying during a yellow wind warning, at sea... something you should not have been doing in the first splace.

Then you began your flight with a MFA (Maximum Flight Altitude) of 500m, that not only is illegal (but it's far from my point) but more importantly inappropriate, especially for the place you were in (and did ignore the rule of setting the MFA for the place you plan your flight). Personally I think I never climbed beyond 400m but going on the side of a mountain, and rising the MFA accordingly only when I needed during mid-flight.
I can't see where you are getting these numbers, but they show just how far from the truth you are with this.
The drone never went any higher than 64 ft (19.4 metres) during this flight.

These factors alone already tell me that you're really a different kind of pilot than me.

This is telling me that your analysis is 100% nonsense.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

The MFA left it set to 500 meters after a test flight, it has no relation to the last one in which the drone landed in the water WITHOUT MY AUTHORIZATION.

I demand that the drone respond to my commands, not the other way around, as responsibility is mine and I command.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

@Labroides I suggest you take it easy and not personally should you decide to behave mature.

The MFA wasn't set for the environment and left there at 500m, as confirmed by the user. Did you check the log file or are you just using selective data to corroborate your ideas?

I am saddened for another MM loss but if we don't promote the idea that a MM can't counter rafts of wind such as those at sea, during a yellow wind warning and next to a raised plain we won't save not even a finger of a user.

I am almost certain an in-depth analysis of the .dat file would show how maxed out was that poor Mini. I am sorry for the inability to lie facing reality, may my discouraging words be takens as a cautionary warning... to him and everyone including myself. MM has its limits and one should be very well aware of them to avoid an even worse outcome.
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