Trouble shooting encyclopaedia LISTEN DJI
1728 5 2014-12-21
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Second Officer

New Zealand

Hi all,
We all see many problems repeated here with many solutions from any of us that have had, and solved a problem.  DJI, what about using one of your staff to correlate this wealth of information into a comprehensive trouble shooting guide, based on this site (which is yours anyway.)  This would drastically minimise service calls to you and help all of the phantom folk out there.

We, the users are discovering solutions every day and posting here to help others.  You have this global wealth of information for free if you care to use it to your own and the customers advantage.  Guys, tick support on this thread and lets get the best out of this forum for us all.
Cheers and a happy Christmas to all.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1379308 ft
United States

Congratulations, you've had a BFO  (BLINDING FLASH of the OBVIOUS!)

Yeah, I made several suggestions along those lines over a month ago.  It's baffling but it's almost like DJI doesn't want to acknowledge any KNOWN ISSUES and SOLUTIONS and a lot of good ideas fall on deaf ears.  Heck, if they're too lazy to do an encyclopedia, at the very least they could identify the threads that have an actual solution and put something like RESOLUTION in big red letters so people wouldn't have to read through all 38 suggestions before they find the answer.  You'll probably find yourself scratching your head over more stuff in the future like:
  - where's the flight simulator to go along with that training port?
  - what?!?  No video tutorials!
  - why can't people click "support" on the very first post in a thread?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

I think that is a lot of the reason they created the forum - because people like helping others. Realistically, a lot of long term users are going to know more about the Phantoms than newly hired customer service folks at DJI.

There are other forums specifically about DJI Phantoms as well as many articles.

Sometimes resolution is not as easy as "this is the right answer" since it depends on a complete interview of the person with the problem.

I've run forums and web sites since 1995 and have also considered some of those "best answer" types of markings. BUT, the problem becomes "best answer" in whose opinion? The top DJI engineers cannot hang around forums and read and qualify every post or answer.

The forum is already serving to lower the % of people who have to contact DJI.  

DJI has come a long way in the last 6 months in terms of their customer service game. It went from about a 1 out of 10 to maybe a 4 or a 5...quite an achievement when you consider how quickly they are growing. There is still a long way to go, but considering that their CEO considers Apple Computer as their "model", we have to assume that DJI is gunning for the top spot (eventually) in customer service for a mass market quad maker.

Of course, quads are very different than iphones or laptops. If people were having "iphone dropping contests" and then going to Apple to complain that their phones cracked, Apple would have a harder time of things.

IMHO...all...of course!
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United States
Offline Posted at 2014-12-22 07:59
I think that is a lot of the reason they created the forum - because people like helping others. Rea ...

Somehow it looks like DJI is learning... For example, I understand in v3 they have better shielding of that cable connecting to the GPS. I see DJI people answering on this forum now and then... I don't really know how many DJI R&D engineers are actually around but at least we see some presence.
As far as using Apple as a model... yes and no. Yes for the nice design, apparent simplicity of the products and the clean interface.. But, Apple is aggressive into almost "forcing" all their user base to buy the "latest and greatest" going to the extent of damaging the performance or "bricking" old devices. Now, a phone or ipad may not work anymore as well as it used to do, but a "bricked" drone falling from the sky is going to be bad publicity and a safety concern.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 60709 ft
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United States

ciprianboboc@gm Posted at 2014-12-22 08:22
Somehow it looks like DJI is learning... For example, I understand in v3 they have better shieldin ...

Well, you can tell that to my early -2009 mac pro which is my daily computer and my iphone 4 and 4s..........

Drones, by their very nature, are unlikely to last even a year. Yeah, some do. Mine did. But most people crash or lose them. Maybe the average will be a year, some people lasting 2 and others a week.

Different products...DJI has much more of a challenge because people expect an aerial robot to "just work"...and flight isn't that simple.

Speaking of the knowledge base, I make sure to document things that I do to my Phantom in order to help others who may be searching for the answer. For example, I just replaced the TX....and detailed it here: ... r-to-phantom-1.723/

130 people have already found and read it, so maybe it's helpful...
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United States
Offline Posted at 2014-12-22 08:36
Well, you can tell that to my early -2009 mac pro which is my daily computer and my iphone 4 and 4 ...

"Drones, by their very nature, are unlikely to last even a year"

I think DJI and other UAV manufacturers will have to fight exactly this perception (or maybe reality?).
Try to convince FAA that it's safe for users to fly drones, if their reliability is so bad... That "one year" is very relative - one year can mean anything between 1 and over 400 flights... But regardless, an outside person will have the right to be afraid based on this perception that after one year, drones will start flying from the sky And then we get the "concern citizens" asking to ban them all... Well, then it won't be so good for UAV business anymore.

I have a T-Rex since 2007. I have seldom used it in the last few years - but the fact is it's 7 years old and still working. Yes, I had to replace some parts because initial crashes but a T-Rex is way more difficult to fly than a Phantom.

And I'm pretty sure there are users here using Phantoms for more than a year... Are there?
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