Has DJI allowed greater tilt angle for RTH?
10665 207 2020-3-14
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AntDX316 Posted at 3-17 10:49
Maybe there isn't enough CPU power and/or RAM to process everything while keeping the bird in the air w/o crashing at max speed in RTH?  Then, there should be an option to allow certain functions to be disabled to allocate those resources to the quad to fly 75° at full speed?

It takes computational power.  In Betaflight, you can change the protocol and the KHz.  You can change other things too and watch the CPU load go up or down.  With an F7 flight controller, maxing nearly everything makes the CPU load 10-11%, with an F4, it's just under 30%.  Some people had their quads fall out of the sky but it could have been because of other things.  You can even run at 4KHz instead of 8k/8k and drop it down to 4 and this is w/ no GPS and other things to calculate.  Just under load at idle.

there should be an option to allow certain functions to be disabled to  allocate those resources to the quad to fly 75° at full speed?
Your Mini is a low powered toy.
If you could tilt it 75°, it won't have enough lift to stay in the air and the only place it's going is into the ground.

As for your videos and wind speeds, where are you getting the wind speeds from?
Your beach video is labeled 25 mph, but the water's surface is clearly showing the wind is about half that.
Your other video title suggest that the drone was in a 55mph gust, but it wasn't.
It looks like the wind might have been in the 20s mph.

If your 31 mph spark experienced a 55 mph gust, it would be blown away at 24 mph.

You have a very poor understanding of how wind affects drones and seem to have no understanding that drones need lift.

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hallmark007 Posted at 3-17 09:36
Ok so would you agree that all dji craft should Rth at max speed, always remembering that these are small aircraft flying through the air no longer under the control of their user, all your doing is opening a Pandora’s box, trying to push out the limits to suit others ignorances, I know if my drone loses signal how it will get home, why should it be any different for anyone else ?

I know if I need to fly in stronger winds I must pay more for a different drone, in fact if I own and run a business I know that using prosumer drones is not a good idea and so I pay more.

What your looking for doesn’t make any sense, is not needed, won’t be introduced for very good reason

... and whoever says otherwise will be punished with 100 lashes!

but everything you complain about can very easily be remedied with simple follow the instructions, but you seem to think that because you can stretch the instructions then it should be done.

Never "complained" about the RTH speed, never said that people should not "follow the instructions", I have no clue what "stretch the instructions" means.
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120ccpm Posted at 3-17 17:19
What your looking for doesn’t make any sense, is not needed, won’t be introduced for very good reason

... and whoever says otherwise will be punished with 100 lashes!

Then what is it your complaining about, it seems you complain a lot about what you got but you want nothing.

What your looking for is Rth in sport mode without any control from controller . But Rth speed is already known so shouldn’t be hard to work out if craft is going to get home.

It seems other craft can do it as well as most of mini users.
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White Elephant in the Room.

Given some owners / Pilots of Mavic Mini are loosing their MM to Wind tells us owners do not understand:
a) Risk of flying Mavic Mini when there is slight wind.  Nor likely hood of higher wind sppeds as drone's altitude is increased
b) Don't have an idea as to what Wind is like when trying to relate it to "Max Wind Speed Resistance 8 m/s (Scale 4)"
c) Are not reading Mavic Mini's manual in first place.  Which in those cases, the speeds stated in m/s would be complete loss...
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-17 17:25
Then what is it your complaining about, it seems you complain a lot about what you got but you want nothing.

Show me a single post where I complain about my MM, please. So far, the MM has worked flawlessly for me, I'm very happy with it, I'm well aware of its limitations and I'm fine with that. For the money and the size, it packs some serious capabilities.
Having said that, if I notice something that could be improved, I say it. Typically it's stuff that can be tweaked via firmware, as I don't see the point in asking for features that the current hardware cannot provide...
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Labroides Posted at 3-17 15:06
there should be an option to allow certain functions to be disabled to  allocate those resources to the quad to fly 75° at full speed?
Your Mini is a low powered toy.
If you could tilt it 75°, it won't have enough lift to stay in the air and the only place it's going is into the ground.

The Spark was variable tuned so it's not stock.  I've increased the tilt angle and motor power limit.  Descent and ascent rates modified.
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 3-17 18:16
White Elephant in the Room.

Given some owners / Pilots of Mavic Mini are loosing their MM to Wind tells us owners do not understand:

Same as people who don't know how to drive when it's snowing.  When there was a blizzard near here way back people were all doing 65mph+.  I was worried to drift it as I was kind of losing control but could've drifted it.  My concern was not that I couldn't control it but the people near me freaking out in some way and them losing control and everybody else behind them.  When it's snowing hard w/ a fully snow-covered street the safest speed is pretty much 35mph.  If it's slushy you can do 80mph+ and be ok.  People just don't know, once you lose control it takes time to regain and if there is too much yaw tilt going on, it can be unrecoverable.

I can go on and on w/ the vulnerabilities and even the methods to fix the vulnerabilities have their own set of problems.  If people have made it into a better afterlife for whatever reason then it was good the vulnerabilities weren't addressed but if not, well there are those who have already died so either we take into consideration everybody who has ever died as bad, or as good, but then you have the people who want to die as their internal feel about life is pretty much finished.  You have people who want to live forever and would do whatever it takes even cannibalism.  Imo, things are already premade and how we go about could already be determined but I feel the biggest way to set paths is to come into contact w/ them to begin like how drugs work, gateway drugs for some.  If you never have any contact w/ knowing, then there is Zero percent chance of it ever happening to our future.  Can it be a strategy to engineer things from the absolute beginning?  Imo (disclaimer), of course.

It just takes time to process it with our sequential nature but with the power of the computer, if we preload everything into it, it can pretty much spit out course of actions so fast the world may not be able to handle or at least few to many as there will always be at least One person where it has no effect or the opposite.  The coronavirus, engineered, driven, and guided by our creators is evening things out it looks like.  I can try to go into detail with it but I'm tired.

If people can't make it then they can't make it.  It's that simple.  Just try not to lose our minds by buying a lot of guns to most likely siege up a ration house so we can live a few more weeks (all the people buying guns now).  When things go to end game, the strategies become completely different than normal game.  We need to be aware and not so ignorant.  Most likely, the really strong people would make it, the rest wouldn't so if you are strong, continue on and figure out how to make it with the changed world.  If you are weak, phase next?

The truth is, all beliefs can be just a guess.  All religion is calling on support or executing methods that we feel will make us have a better life.  We may get a response, we may get lucky, but we just don't know if things will continue as they are, for the good wise.  It's not as guaranteed as having $5 and buying something worth $2 from a store and leaving with it during operating hours under normal operations of life.  All our hearts could stop beating, the moon could crash into Earth or leave orbit, the sun could explode but we don't think about it.  We all just stay within what we are taught and not deviate.  Some who find other ways that they don't like, finding what they thought was wrong, commit suicide or worse.  As long as a better or similar solution is found, things should be ok.  Cigarettes and drugs w/ people who feel they don't need it anymore because they found other hobbies and activities to do.

It's cool to keep conversating here to keep our minds off the pandemic of the coronavirus but it's just quicker to say, we need more tilt angle to start and we go from there After it has been made.  The conversation is great.  If people want to continue, please continue just be mindful about taking too much focus off other things because we are kind of dealing with something that can be addressed quickly.  Everyone who is saying they have no problems hasn't been in a situation where it matters but those shouldn't be ignorant to those who come here wondering what happened?  They do not possess the process we have.  They are the people who prefer to get in an Uber or as a passenger in an aircraft or bus but do not want to operate them at all.

We can all avoid the "what happened??" with a good sequence prior to operating these things and/or increasing the performance envelope but as of now, we have to just continue to take in all the Mini losses that have happened and will continue to happen because we are nowhere near a Leader at ensuring things are done right before they are set to happen.  If you want to make it dramatic, think about a Mini losing control over a highway and people getting crippled for life and worse because of it.  Does that make it more of a reason to implement things that should happen?  Of course but all we can do is try to influence.  Address all performance should be the first thing to do before doing anything but if anything goes wrong, it was most likely meant to go wrong for hopefully everyone else but us and people we care about.  It kind of blows my mind when people are about those who have died like Kobe Bryant and people saying how come there was no Terrain Awareness??  Billions of dollars and couldn't even get the right tech on board before it was too late?   Kobe Bryant on Tiger Woods shoes?  Maria Sharapova using Kobe as an excuse to retire for her doping?
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AntDX316 Posted at 3-17 21:35
Same as people who don't know how to drive when it's snowing.  When there was a blizzard near here way back people were all doing 65mph+.  I was worried to drift it as I was kind of losing control but could've drifted it.  My concern was not that I couldn't control it but the people near me freaking out in some way and them losing control and everybody else behind them.  When it's snowing hard w/ a fully snow-covered street the safest speed is pretty much 35mph.  If it's slushy you can do 80mph+ and be ok.  People just don't know, once you lose control it takes time to regain and if there is too much yaw tilt going on, it can be unrecoverable.

I can go on and on w/ the vulnerabilities and even the methods to fix the vulnerabilities have their own set of problems.  If people have made it into a better afterlife for whatever reason then it was good the vulnerabilities weren't addressed but if not, well there are those who have already died so either we take into consideration everybody who has ever died as bad, or as good, but then you have the people who want to die as their internal feel about life is pretty much finished.  You have people who want to live forever and would do whatever it takes even cannibalism.  Imo, things are already premade and how we go about could already be determined but I feel the biggest way to set paths is to come into contact w/ them to begin like how drugs work, gateway drugs for some.  If you never have any contact w/ knowing, then there is Zero percent chance of it ever happening to our future.  Can it be a strategy to engineer things from the absolute beginning?  Imo (disclaimer), of course.

When the Antman writes an essay, you can tell it's going to be incoherrent.
Just like this one is.
Totally meaningless babble.
It's way past your bedtime Mr Ant.
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120ccpm Posted at 3-17 19:14
Show me a single post where I complain about my MM, please. So far, the MM has worked flawlessly for me, I'm very happy with it, I'm well aware of its limitations and I'm fine with that. For the money and the size, it packs some serious capabilities.
Having said that, if I notice something that could be improved, I say it. Typically it's stuff that can be tweaked via firmware, as I don't see the point in asking for features that the current hardware cannot provide...

“Dji will do what they like”

I’d say that was complaining.......
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Well I suppose the poster has said that MOST Americans wouldn’t understand M/S , so maybe it’s an American thing
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ok, so to sum it up. Regarding increasing the speed up to S-mode speed in RTH:

- it would save some of the drones being lost to wind, especially by more unexperienced pilots.
- I would say increase safety, as having a drone blown randomly "against its will" is not ideal.

CONs. I personally don't think there are any valid CONs to this but I'll list all of the ones I read here and give my 2 cents on them:
- "there will still be people losing their drones flying in 50mph winds". Ok, so? By this logic let's remove airbags on cars. Some people will still die, despite having airbags so, obviously, airbags are useless, right?....
- "inefficient, flying in S-mode uses more battery". The drone already knows its ground speed, it would be easy enough to switch to S-mode only when not being able to make progress in P-mode (say when going below 5mph for instance). This would be an absolutely trivial change for the FC code.
- "other bigger DJI drones also use P-mode when RTHing". - This is isn't really an argument imho, unless we all already agreed that whatever DJI did before the Mini is the absolute truth. Also, other DJI drones have a valid reason to not fly in S-mode, their front collision sensors wouldn't work anymore. This is obviously not a concern for the Mini. Furthermore, since we're saying it should only go to S-mode when not making progress in P-mode, not even this argument makes sense. Going forward at 10mph in S-mode with collision sensors disabled is obviously a better option then trying to fly forward and being blown back.
- "pilots who fly the Mini in too strong winds deserve to lose their drones" - This is the worst of them all. Aside from the fact that as stated above, an out of control drone is also a safety issue for others, not just a loss for its pilot, If we're being so drastic, why stop there? Remove manual RTH. People who can't manually fly back deserve to lose their drones. Remove automatic hovering. People who can't fly manually have no place being in the air (I know for a fact some FPV racers think this way). Why have airbags on cars? Why have automatic emergency braking on cars? Why, why, why? If a little piece of code is capable of helping out the human in charge when he loses control, i think it's ridiculous to insist the software should instead idly stand by and just allow the event to happen, no matter the consequences, because the human "deserves it".

Bring on the hate

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hallmark007 Posted at 3-18 01:53
Well I suppose the poster has said that MOST Americans wouldn’t understand M/S , so maybe it’s an American thing

Of course, people who use feet would prefer to use the feet system instead of m/s.  I use m/s because I couldn't change out of it.
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Dirty Bird Posted at 3-18 03:00
All drones are incapable of making forward progress against the wind if the operator chooses to fly in winds beyond the aircraft's capabilities.   Being a lighter, less powerful drone, the Mini just has lower limits.

A lot lower limits to the point where it becomes dangerous imo.  It's like trying to haul something the vehicle cannot tow and everything going backwards down the hill.
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Dirty Bird Posted at 3-18 02:46
"Obtuse", ignoring the connection to trigonometry, means someone is too stupid to comprehend.   This is why I say you are using the term improperly.   One only need comprehend a few common speeds that are easily memorized, or distance units that can be easily converted in your head:

5 m/s = 18 kph = 11 mph

An easy way is

5-10m/s = fast enough
10-15m/s= faster
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Ice_2k Posted at 3-18 02:01
ok, so to sum it up. Regarding increasing the speed up to S-mode speed in RTH:


If I’m overtaking in a car at 120kph but forgot the rules of the road and now need to get speed up to 180 kph to avoid collision with oncoming traffic, but manufacturers forgot to write in line of code so I crash, should have learned the rules of the road and limitations of my car .

Limitations can be changed in almost all tech, including how fast we can drive our cars .

What you are asking for is dji to change its limitations on the mini for no reason that can’t be avoided by the person who owns and flys the drone, so dji have made it possible to fly a drone within the parameters they have set down, which are safe which will see no one who uses those parameters loosing their drone or having any problems flying within its parameters.
Dji have also other really great options for those who need to fly in different conditions.

If somebody flying an inspire looses signal and it fails to Rth because he was flying in winds not conducive to the capabilities of his drone, he’s basically an idiot to lose a 10k drone because he disregarded any simple planning he’s experienced does he deserve to lose his drone when dji allow other drones to fly in Rth in sport mode but he’s expected to know what might happen so tough.

The truth is phantoms inspires Mavic pro M2’s Spark have all been lost to the wind because of inexperience and ignorance and complete failure to understand what’s happening and nothing has changed there.
Why ? Well because the more you push out the limits the more people will look for them to be pushed, you won’t save any craft simply because you are just going to allow others through their own ignorance to just push that little further.

I would say that I have seen no more than 4 cases here that drone was lost from wind because signal was lost, I have seen many more lost because of controller not knowing what he should be doing when he hits Rth and fails to act when he sees his drone is not returning.

So for me a lot more energy should be put in to teaching others to learn how their drone works than to waste more time trying to redesign the wheel, because you are not going to save any more drones in fact I think you are just as likely to see more lost.
It’s not just a coincidence that almost all mini drones lost are from beginners and no matter what dji drone is released this pattern remains the same.

I’m sure you know the saying about teaching the guy to fish rather than giving him a fish, well same applies here.
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Since ANT doesn't have a mini and can only experience what he reads I'll share this for you.

Air Data pt1 w/ wind inflight wind information Air Data pt2 w/ wind inflight wind information Phantomhelp pt1 Phantomhelp pt2

This is real experience flying with in the Mavic Mini's flight profile, avg ground wind speed of 14+mph and gusts up to 20+mph, the mini handled it beautifully but I'm an experienced flyer and knew what I was getting into before hand. This is more to show that the mini isn't has handi capped as some readers want to make it seem, from actual experience the mini handles winds relatively well for it's small size.

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ABeardedItalian Posted at 3-18 03:51
Since ANT doesn't have a mini and can only experience what he reads I'll share this for you.


This is real experience flying with in the Mavic Mini's flight profile, avg ground wind speed of 14+mph and gusts up to 20+mph,
Where did those wind numbers come from?
Estimated wind speeds are notoriously inaccurate
Looking at the water surface and the trees, the actual wind appears to be less than 10 knots.
Be advised that Airdata's estimated wind speeds for the Mini are overestimates since they use the same algorithm that they do for the faster Mavics.
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-18 03:46
If I’m overtaking in a car at 120kph but forgot the rules of the road and now need to get speed up to 180 kph to avoid collision with oncoming traffic, but manufacturers forgot to write in line of code so I crash, should have learned the rules of the road and limitations of my car .

yes, because making your car suddenly have 1000bhp is the same as the drone accelerating more *within its existing limits* to account for the current conditions, right. You know, like automatic gearboxes on cars automatically increase the clutch pressure when taking your foot of the brake while on an incline to prevent the car rolling backwards and crashing into the car behind. By the *same exact logic* here, they shouldn't account for the road incline and should just let you crash in the car behind if you're not quick enough to apply the throttle yourself.
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Ice_2k Posted at 3-18 05:11
yes, because making your car suddenly have 1000bhp is the same as the drone accelerating more *within its existing limits* to account for the current conditions, right. You know, like automatic gearboxes on cars automatically increase the clutch pressure when taking your foot of the brake while on an incline to prevent the car rolling backwards and crashing into the car behind. By the *same exact logic* here, they shouldn't account for the road incline and should just let you crash in the car behind if you're not quick enough to apply the throttle yourself.

Exactly know your car know your drone, nobody has a problem with their drone if they  use the parameters gain experience, so why try creating problems by increasing parameters .
The loss of drones won’t be less by increasing the speed for Rth . If you believe this then post some information to show. In fact you’d find it hard to find one case where 29mph would have saved a mini, remembering that all other dji drones return at 22 mph, the whole thing is becoming laughable.
Maybe try having a debate without all the downvoting .
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I didn't downvote you. I did now, so you can see it increase. As for having a debate... it's clear that it's pointless. You give this ridiculous example of the car maker "writing a line of code" to help you magically jump from 120kph to 180kph, I point out why that's not only irrelevant to the discussion at hand but absurd in itself and your reply is "exactly". It's fine man, you're right, I'm wrong, let's just move on.
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Ice_2k Posted at 3-18 05:38
I didn't downvote you. I did now, so you can see it increase. As for having a debate... it's clear that it's pointless. You give this ridiculous example of the car maker "writing a line of code" to help you magically jump from 120kph to 180kph, I point out why that's not only irrelevant to the discussion at hand but absurd in itself and your reply is "exactly". It's fine man, you're right, I'm wrong, let's just move on.

You’re usually wrong around here I’ve noticed, probably best to learn how to use your drone for what it is rather than something it’s not .
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AntDX316 Posted at 3-18 03:04
Of course, people who use feet would prefer to use the feet system instead of m/s.  I use m/s because I couldn't change out of it.

Yeah it’s really hard to set up mph or kph in the app, you need to have an IQ with numbers after it . ;+)::::
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hallmark007 Posted at 3-18 05:57
You’re usually wrong around here I’ve noticed, probably best to learn how to use your drone for what it is rather than something it’s not .

Well, if you understood my previous reply as an actual admission of being wrong and not the usual "f*ck it, I can't talk to this guy, whatever" that you seem to get from a lot of people around here, then sure.... i'm usually wrong. But keep insulting others about their IQ ;)
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Ice_2k Posted at 3-18 06:09
Well, if you understood my previous reply as an actual admission of being wrong and not the usual "f*ck it, I can't talk to this guy, whatever" that you seem to get from a lot of people around here, then sure.... i'm usually wrong. But keep insulting others about their IQ ;)

I can read the forum thank you and Im well aware of your inadequacy to continue any form of debate without spitting out your dummy, something that many are realizing , it seems when others point out your ridiculous shortcomings and notions you tend to run for the hills.
But this is about drones keep it to that or expect retaliation when using the snark to get out of discussions.
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United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 3-18 03:03
They will understand all these things better once they lose a drone.  Failure is a valuable learning tool, & a reality check.  The first time you touch the glowing oven burner is usually the last...

Then there are some who still won't get it...

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United States

Dirty Bird Posted at 3-18 02:46
"Obtuse", ignoring the connection to trigonometry, means someone is too stupid to comprehend.   This is why I say you are using the term improperly.   One only need comprehend a few common speeds that are easily memorized, or distance units that can be easily converted in your head:

5 m/s = 18 kph = 11 mph

Think you are missing my two points:
1) People through experience with wind can relate it to mph or kph (which ever is their country's standard).  Whereas relating wind (how it feels or visual clues bending of trees, brush, grass) in m/s is something foreign to most.

2) General U.S. public has reading level around grade 9, but U.S. public prefers to read at grade 7 level.  Before anyone gets cocky, UK newspapers are written around a reading age of 13, which would be grade 7 in U.S.  Essentially same for both countries.
As such, using obtuse velocity measurements like m/s is writing over heads of DJI's targeted market for Mavic Mini.  

As a technical person, I can translate m/s to kph (k/h); multiple m times 3.6.    For miles per hour; multiply m times 2.236 (or 2.2).
But without translating m/s to kph or mph; I would not know what wind felt like when stated in m/s.  

Excerbating problem is general poplace is non-technical.  Doubt many would realize despite wind at ground level being 7-m/s:
1) on RTH drone would barely being making 1-m/s towards home (assuming flying into wind) - leading to low-battery / out of power
2) wind speeds above tree line can be higher, and at altitude far higher than MM's RTH speed of 8-m/s.

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I suppose the fact that absolutely not one single person has come on here and said he/she was confused by meters per second , is a real clue that only one person so far on this forum is having difficulty with meters per second, the rest of us have it worked out .

How many people crashed drone because of meters per second: 0.00
How many admitting to not knowing what MPS is.                            0.00

Total.                                                                                                           0.00
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United States

Fact that (some) people are losing their Mavic Minis to wind; says people don't comprehend Wind speeds vs. MM's normal (P) mode speeds.
With people minus (some) experiencing Mavic Mini's design failure involving sudden un-commanded descents.

Big Red Elephant in the Room

What would really help with automatically initiated RTH speed is for DJI to automatically set speed to Sport mode speed.   Additionally, for DJI to allow pilot to initiate a RTH and pilot switch to Sport mode.  And for DJI to stop switching MM to normal (P) speed.

Nobody, including DJI, has provided a valid reason as to why Mavic Mini can not fly home (RTH) at Sport mode speeds.  Although there has been normal blame pilot lines to distract from OP's point of thread, followed up by Ian's point.
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Labroides Posted at 3-18 05:04
This is real experience flying with in the Mavic Mini's flight profile, avg ground wind speed of 14+mph and gusts up to 20+mph,
Where did those wind numbers come from?
Estimated wind speeds are notoriously inaccurate

Uav forcast and Ventusky + air data's in flight "estimate" and my anemometer was reading around 13.4 where I was standing next to the water. Flying at 125' the wind was surly higher then what I was reading at the ground.

Also It could be the same but this is on air data's website:

                                    How is wind calculated?
                                Wind is calculated using the angle of the aircraft and the speed of the aircraft at each point of the flight.                
                Version 2 of our wind algorithm has the following enhancements: (The readings I get on the ground have been close enough that I personally belive what's being reported even if it's not 100% it's still another point of data.)
  • Comprehensive aerodynamic profile for each drone type
  • All flight modes are now supported
  • Higher resolution: wind will be reported at all speeds
  • The new algorithm will handle turns and altitude changes
  • Better accuracy: balancing functions to compensate for non-balanced IMUs
Note: Version 2 will not report wind during sharp maneuvers, such as steep decline or fast turns

Wind Algorithm: v2.2
Aerodynamic profile: [MavicMini]

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Self destruct button pushed again, fact no one has come here except the ridiculous poster complaining about meters per second, proof that meters per second had nothing to do with crash or wind causing drone to be lost.. Full stop , go peddle your ridiculous ideas where someone is listening, nobody here is really bothered about you’re latest attempt to cause hysteria , if nobody is talking about it, it’s a good sign that it’s not a problem.
Also shows that all forum users understand meters per second , with the exception of one ....
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Dirty Bird Posted at 3-18 03:16
Which the astute individual would quickly realize indicates the vehicle is overloaded.  They would reduce the load.  Attempts to continue operation while overloaded would be considered obtuse...

I'm saying the hill has already been driven up and the angle at so great that it's going down that when it goes down it just gets worse and worse.  I'm not saying how we can stop, decrease load and continue on.  Mavic Mini pilots can land on the spot over ground but those over water are pretty much dead in the water Even if they have flotation devices on the Mini that worked.  The waves will just take it unless they are on a glass lake with no current and high winds of course in which a rescue can be performed either by water or another lift aircraft.
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AntDX316 Posted at 3-18 11:49
I'm saying the hill has already been driven up and the angle at so great that it's going down that when it goes down it just gets worse and worse.  I'm not saying how we can stop, decrease load and continue on.  Mavic Mini pilots can land on the spot over ground but those over water are pretty much dead in the water Even if they have flotation devices on the Mini that worked.  The waves will just take it unless they are on a glass lake with no current and high winds of course in which a rescue can be performed either by water or another lift aircraft.

"but those over water are pretty much dead in the water Even if they have flotation devices on the Mini that worked."

Landing on water, followed by un-commanded descent.   Dive, dive!    

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Dirty Bird Posted at 3-18 23:59
I'm saying that you should not overload the vehicle & be surprised when it fails to make it up the hill.  This is not a failure of the vehicle.  It is a failure of the operator.

I do not support, nor believe, that DJI is going to alter the Mini RTH protocol so it flies home at maximum speed, to compensate for careless pilots.  No other DJI model does this.  The Mavic 2 can achieve 45 mph, but if you fly downwind & lose contact in a steady 35 mph wind, your Mavic 2 is lost.  Fly the Mini within its design parameters & it won' be lost.

You can easily change the maximum angle on the other DJI drones w/ just a variable change.
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Dirty Bird Posted at 3-19 04:24
What are you talking about?  Unless you hack the firmware, max tilt & RTH speed is fixed.

It's fixed because they set it to be fixed.  It's just as simple as changing 1 or 2 numbers in the variable.  Unless they've designed that out for some reason.. which should take more a lot more work to "encrypt" and change the algorithm like making a huge puzzle that even the engineers working on it couldn't even change except for a very few people or just one (like knowing a BTC passcode), it should be easy.
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Dirty Bird Posted at 3-19 18:06

The max tilt angle is fixed because the max speed is fixed, dependent on mode (P-mode, Sport, etc).   Unless you have the ability to hack the firmware it can't be changed.  

yeah, I mean, someone had the mini pull 67MPH when there was as serious error so it really can be done

It's not like pulling 200mph but it definitely can do 40mph.

The probable reason why they don't allow it is because it has no OA and if it flew 65mph into something it would cause serious damage that would get the government involved.  It's not a physical limitation but the boundary is set for reasons other than it's actual performance.

It's an entry-level drone so it doesn't ask people to set their RTH prior to flight as entry-level people just fly and go.  This is why licensing is required like licensing to commercial drive and fly.  It spills into other areas such as litigation if the lawyers are top enough when things go wrong.  It's negligence on the part of user to not know certain things though but there are no laws in place for it to be required.  This is something that shouldn't be "cheated" as a pass.

If we placed a bet on the chances of an entry-level user who doesn't know anything about drones loses it in high-winds again, there is no way to lose that bet unless they knew about the bet and found ways on how to avoid it from happening because as of now people just fly and go.  People with More money do the same with their M2.  There really is no structure that should be done when people first update their drone.  Like a video DJI could play to show people what should be done that cannot be cheated and has to be watched w/ important questions or the drone won't be unlocked.  It will lessen the chance of something going wrong.  When things go wrong for people, it goes wrong for people the collide with like the 100-vehicle pileups during snowstorms.  It only makes sense to people who are involved but to everyone else, it shouldn't matter or matter as much.
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I don't understand why this subject always produces a shouting match with insults flying. Yes I am a poor pilot, there is no secret to that because of my short experience. But I am not the type to not fly my drone just because I am too scared to do so, like some of the veterans here. Apparently the "design" capabilies of this specific drone are not well known no matter what anyone thinks as of now. If I lose it, I will just buy another but I would like to save it for the flight data video if nothing else... and to maybe get the insurance benefit....and of course to minimize the pollution. You guys can sit on the ground if it's too windy for you while I fly and I will not criticize you for doing so. It's just not in me to do either.
There are plenty of insults I could fling at some members here but that accomplishes nothing except to pad the ego of the flinger.

"4 lines of code"...nothing else will suffice

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GaryDoug Posted at 3-19 19:49
I don't understand why this subject always produces a shouting match with insults flying. Yes I am a poor pilot, there is no secret to that because of my short experience. But I am not the type to not fly my drone just because I am too scared to do so, like some of the veterans here. Apparently the "design" capabilies of this specific drone are not well known no matter what anyone thinks as of now. If I lose it, I will just buy another but I would like to save it for the flight data video if nothing else... and to maybe get the insurance benefit. You guys can sit on the ground if it's too windy for you while I fly and I will not criticize you for doing so. It's just not in me to do either.
There are plenty of insults I could fling at some members here but that accomplishes nothing except to pad the ego of the flinger.

I was scared flying the $400 Spark way back.  No doubt it can feel scary and even worse when you lose the Mini.
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AntDX316 Posted at 3-19 20:55
I was scared flying the $400 Spark way back.  No doubt it can feel scary and even worse when you lose the Mini.

Don't be afraid like some others here. It's just a hobby. It's supposed to be a release from more immediate stressful factors in your life. If you take it too seriously, you have lost the sport in it. Fly whenever you like and take the consequences. That is what life is all about.
But it would be better if the tools of our hobby did not cause so much stress wouldn't it? That's all I am saying.
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GaryDoug Posted at 3-19 21:31
Don't be afraid like some others here. It's just a hobby. It's supposed to be a release from more immediate stressful factors in your life. If you take it too seriously, you have lost the sport in it. Fly whenever you like and take the consequences. That is what life is all about.
But it would be better if the tools of our hobby did not cause so much stress wouldn't it? That's all I am saying.

It's not about having the will power.  It's about losing the drone after the will power has been decided to go.  My concern is bigger problems than just losing the drone.  People always complain about issues arising but it's due to being unprepared so either people like it went wrong or they get informed on how to change the future.
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AntDX316 Posted at 3-19 21:32
It's not about having the will power.  It's about losing the drone after the will power has been decided to go.  My concern is bigger problems than just losing the drone.  People always complain about issues arising but it's due to being unprepared so either people like it went wrong or they get informed on how to change the future.

I can't follow that. It is getting late I guess. I respect your opinion in any case but I'm not sure what that is ;-) Fly well.

Edit: I think I hear you. But you are saying its about the mechanism of the hobby not the enjoyment, is that right? i don't agree with that. I am well prepared and havent lost one yet. I just think that these can be better. My father mastered Rc helis in his 80's and that was no easy feat. But I know he would be much more delighted to fly one of these drones if he were still alive....even though they are much improved ;-)

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