New Mavic Mini Safety Notification – “Motor Speed Error”
70274 318 2020-5-7
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First Officer
United States

"Resolving the error notificationPlease  land the aircraft as soon as possible and check if the corresponding  propellers are visibly damaged, bent, chipped. If the propellers are  slightly misshapen, can straighten them out and retest to ensure the  issue has been resolved. If the propellers show signs of major damage,  chipped or bent, please replace them before flying."

Suggest DJI provide further details and instructions on how MM's targeted audience can visually detect "slightly misshapen" blades.  After people have either said they could not see any problem with MM's props or posted pictures that did not show problem.  Acknowledging that several experienced forum members, with technical skills, have been able to take pictures showing subtle differences between known good blade and a flagged bad blade.

Along with details and instructions as to how MM flying general public should "straighten them out".  BTW: Wording of "straighten them out" is misleading, and likely to be taken litterally by general public.  Resulting in props with even less Pitch.  

Even though experienced forum members understand props need to have some pitch to provide lift, there is no information as to how much pitch.  Leaving them to attempt to adjust bad Prop's blades to pitch of a known good Prop.  Frankly, a fit gauge is needed to ensure a prop's blade pitch and twist have been returned to factory spec.  Keeping in mind, DJI says a bad prop should be replaced with a factory matched set of blades!

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First Officer
United States

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 5-30 21:33
"【Resolving the error notification】Please  land the aircraft as soon as possible and check if the corresponding  propellers are visibly damaged, bent, chipped. If the propellers are  slightly misshapen, can straighten them out and retest to ensure the  issue has been resolved. If the propellers show signs of major damage,  chipped or bent, please replace them before flying."

Suggest DJI provide further details and instructions on how MM's targeted audience can visually detect "slightly misshapen" blades.  After people have either said they could not see any problem with MM's props or posted pictures that did not show problem.  Acknowledging that several experienced forum members, with technical skills, have been able to take pictures showing subtle differences between known good blade and a flagged bad blade.

Related question:
After a Prop has had it's pitch changed as result of storing in case, then tweaked back to as close as possible to known good prop by MM Pilot - Will twice bent prop hold it's adjusted pitch?
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Flight distance : 8599 ft

I had the same problem, be sure to update the firmware of all batteries and solved
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3462946 ft
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im sick of this Notification !! I rolled  back Firmware , propellers are ok , goodbye this sick issue
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Flight distance : 15853 ft
United Kingdom

I have a  new MM, 6 flights, yesterday morning I took it up to 100ft and had the error, came back down, turned off/on, checked props all seemed ok, went to 100ft, again the same, calm morning no wind.
Came down again and changed the battery, didn't touch anyhting else, no issues, went to 200ft, no issues, tried all modes, nothing all fine, fast flying about still all ok.

Not managed to try it again but will be keeping a check on the original battery, when I got it I did all of the updates but one battery hasn't updated but it isn't this one.
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Hi all,
I just got a brand new Mavic Mini from Amazon the other day.
Opened the sealed box and did all firmware updates (updated from .400 to .500).
After 4 minutes of the first-ever flight got Motor Speed Error notification without specifically stating which motor has this error.
I landed my drone promptly. Inspected all propellers and they all look fine (they should as they are brand new with 5 minutes total flight time out of the factory).
Restarted and started all up again. This time after 5 minutes in the flight I got that dreaded error message again.
I downgraded my drone firmware one version down (to the one that came with the drone from the factory .400) and the error is no longer happening.

I must say that I'm contemplating returning this drone as I did not expect to have this type of issue with a brand new out of the box device.  
As a novice pilot, this message looks very scary and does not bring confidence to my purchase and quality of DJI product Mavic Mini.
What would you do if you were novice pilot that has experienced this type of issue with a brand new product upon your first ever flight?
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First Officer
United States

djiuser_wZpeVIQdUQgt Posted at 6-1 12:21
Hi all,
I just got a brand new Mavic Mini from Amazon the other day.
Opened the sealed box and did all firmware updates (updated from .400 to .500).

"After 4 minutes of the first-ever flight got Motor Speed Error notification without specifically stating which motor has this error."

Mavic Mini should make an alert sound using motor (beeping ESC) on arm that .500 FW has indentified as having problem prop (aka bad blade or blades).  

Blades have to replaced as a matched set.  Make sure you get correct spare prop for swap.  There are CW props and CCW props.

From work done by several dedicated and determined forum members, it is believed MM's rear props are getting bent or flattened during storage in Mavic Mini case.  The bending or flattening is reducing the pitch of props.  Been pointed out, instructions for folding rear blades is incorrect.  The tip of either left or right prop gets tucked under opposite prop, resulting in flattening or bending.

If Mavic Mini is not identifying which prop LF, LR, RF, RR is bad by making motor create an alert sound; there is another way to identify bad prop or bad props.  It involes hovering MM, get .dat file from App, uploading it for analysis by one of aforementioned members.   See this Post.  And Thread
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 6-1 12:51
"After 4 minutes of the first-ever flight got Motor Speed Error notification without specifically stating which motor has this error."

Mavic Mini should make an alert sound using motor (beeping ESC) on arm that .500 FW has indentified as having problem prop (aka bad blade or blades).  

Thank you for your reply and for the info provided.
Please note that my Mavic Mini is brand new out of the original packaged box. I am not using any storage case including the Mavic Mini case.
Having to replace brand new original blades after 4 minutes of initial flight is very concerning to me as a consumer of this product.  Technically speaking, I would say that this product was shipped damaged out of the box to me.
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djiuser_wZpeVIQdUQgt Posted at 6-1 12:21
Hi all,
I just got a brand new Mavic Mini from Amazon the other day.
Opened the sealed box and did all firmware updates (updated from .400 to .500).

You say you downgraded to the previous firmware "and the error is no longer happening".  

Slight clarification.  If you downgrade the firmware the error condition very likely still exists, only the warning message is no longer being displayed.  That Motor Speed Error warning message is a feature that was added in the v01.00.0500 update.  The test for that warning didn't exist in previous firmware versions.  Downgrading to previous versions does not cure the problem, it onlly eliminates the message that would otherwise alert you to the existence of the propeller problem.

You said you, "Inspected all propellers and they all look fine (they should as they are brand new with 5 minutes total flight time out of the factory)."  This is what you should be looking for.  Below is an extreme example that's easily spotted.  Yours may be more subtle and less easily detectable.  This photo below was posted in this earlier thread.  He says the prop blades looked like this straight out of the box.  It had never been flown.  Check out the left-rear prop blades.

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djiuser_wZpeVIQdUQgt Posted at 6-1 12:21
Hi all,
I just got a brand new Mavic Mini from Amazon the other day.
Opened the sealed box and did all firmware updates (updated from .400 to .500).

You say, "After 4 minutes of the first-ever flight got Motor Speed Error notification without specifically stating which motor has this error."

The Motor Speed Error message tells you to, "After powering off the aircraft, replace the propeller on the beeping ESC."

Skip to 6:14 in this video which shows me receiving the Motor Speed Error warning.  Then skip right to the end of the video at 11:06 it shows what the beeping ESC sounds and looks like as the left-rear motor is twitching.

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Zbip57 Posted at 6-1 13:36
You say you downgraded to the previous firmware "and the error is no longer happening".  

Not sure how I can tell if any of the brand new propellers have any issue as they look like this.
Does anybody see anything wrong with them I don't but I'm not the expert?

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VuKc Posted at 6-1 14:23
Not sure how I can tell if any of the brand new propellers have any issue as they look like this.
Does anybody see anything wrong with them I don't but I'm not the expert?

It can be difficult to detect whether the blades are deformed simply by looking at them.  If you have a fresh set of new blades, you can hold a new blade up against the old blade to try to compare their shapes.  But even then you might not be able to see a difference.

It is even possible that the blades were only slightly deformed from being compressed in the shipping box, just enough to cause your Motor Speed Error in the first 4 minutes of your flight.  But. once stored outside of the box without folding the props together, it's possible the blades eventually spring back to assume their correct shape.

So far, the most reliable way to determine whether the props are healthy is to do a hover test.  Press auto-takeoff, allow the drone to hover for a couple of minutes with no control inputs, then auto-land.  Then examine the DAT file from the flight log to plot your motor speeds.  If all four motors run steadily near 10,000 rpm then it's a pretty good sign that the blades are performing as they should.  But if one motor, usually the left-rear, is running significantly faster than the others, that is an indication those blades are producing less lift and the motor has to run faster to compensate.

Here's a sample graph from my Mini after I had already replaced the left-rear blades (blue line) which had triggered the Motor Speed Error message.  Note how in this graph it's now the right-rear motor (yellow) that's running faster than the others.

If you don't know how to plot this data, just upload the DAT file from your short hover test and we'll plot it for you.

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Even though there really was no need to do it, and certainly no more Motor Speed Error warnings, I went ahead anyway and also replaced the right-rear and left-front blades.  There was absolutelly nothing visibly wrong with either of those propeller blades.  However, you can see for yourself in this second graph that there was a significant improvement in performance with the new blades, as evidenced by the fact that all of the motor speeds are now nearly equal when hovering.  Only the right-front motor sitll has the original blades.

If you're just looking at the blades, you're only guessing unless there are visibly chunks missing out of the blades.  But the hover test will tell you for sure whether the props are good or not.

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I should also have mentioned, on the flight that triggered the Motor Speed Error for me, the flight log data showed the left-rear motor reaching almost 16,000 rpm several times.  That was while flying around on a windy day.  But the left-rear (blue line) was running significantly faster than any of the other motors.  At a hands-off hover, with good props, all the motors should be running equally at just under 10,000rpm.
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First Officer
United States

VuKc Posted at 6-1 14:23
Not sure how I can tell if any of the brand new propellers have any issue as they look like this.
Does anybody see anything wrong with them I don't but I'm not the expert?

Follow what Zbip57 has suggested, it's best way.

Before going on, please don't feel overwhelmed or like any of us are trying to talk over your head.  The subject of Motor Speed Error warnings, has left even best here scratching their heads or disagreeing.  

As for answering your question.  Not from pictures you posted.  

Have only seen two methods which showed difference in good props vs bad prop.

One takes time, in that all blades after being first marked as pairs are also marked as to MM arm prop is located on.  Then all props are removed, and carefully mounted on flat wood surface with woods screws.  Followed by taking pictures of blades from their sides for comparison and from their blade tips.

Other is folding arms, with blades positioned towards body of MM, but not tucked under one side or other.  Then taking images from front and back of MM.  Making it difficult is getting images of MM straight on.  Mavic Mini is not twisted left/right, Mavic Mini is level with camera side to side, and Mavic Mini is not above or below camera lens.

What you are looking for is difference in pitch of blades, slow slight twist from blade hub to blade tip.  Blade that appears flat, less pitch is likely a bad blade.
Another thing to look for is blade is bent upward or downward.  Tip of blade is above or below the top of hub or bottom of hub.

Hope that answers your question.

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Maciek Jasinski

Ok Guys. I'm suspicius that there is only a problem with case and unproper storage. I made only 3 (three) flights with multiple starts and landings and i had to change full spare of blades from combo...upssss. There is almost impossible that I bend blades all three times. But...... I have a small remark. I started most of the time from one specific place. My parents countryhouse has in front of the building a large hatch. It is 2 cm above the ground and is flat but with small almost unrecognizable tilt . During every start I noticed that mavic makes a small also almost unrecognizable tilt in the direction of left rear blade. I cannot say that mavics blades touched surface but the amount of dust in this place was visibly higher. Maybe there is a problem with starting sequence in other situation than completely leveled surface and somehow soft compensates start too much to the right left side and blades hit small parts of grass dust and other small debris which don't visibly damage blades but in fact cause problem. As others i don't believe that there is a problem with one specific arm in such a large number of users.
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Do a short 2-minute hover test and post your DAT file.  That will demonstrate whether the rear motors are turning faster or not.
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Flight distance : 84350 ft

RE: New Mavic Mini Safety Notification – “Motor Speed Error”

I get this message on every flight.
Could you just switch places between the bladed with problem and the one that has no issue reported? If the error is false than you will get again error for the same motor. If the blades are really deformed the error appear for the new motor.
I will do it next time I fly.
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Zbip57 Posted at 6-1 17:38
I should also have mentioned, on the flight that triggered the Motor Speed Error for me, the flight log data showed the left-rear motor reaching almost 16,000 rpm several times.  That was while flying around on a windy day.  But the left-rear (blue line) was running significantly faster than any of the other motors.  At a hands-off hover, with good props, all the motors should be running equally at just under 10,000rpm.

Hello again,

I have managed to extract my flight data and got the flight data graph.  
I have to mention one really interesting observation ):
In any of the next process steps, I never touched or changed any of the original propellers that cam with MM.
Before completing the hover test flight I did upgrade my original (downgraded) firmware version from .0400 to .0500. I did that from my Win10 laptop via USB cable (instead of a mobile phone as I did the first time). I refreshed firmware of the controller and upgraded MM firmware to .0500.
During my hover test, I did not receive any engine error messages.
Here is my engine rpm graph:

After landing I took one flight test of 8 minutes. In this flight test, I never received any engine issues reported what so ever. It might be too early to say that the firmware upgrade from Win10 laptop (instead of a mobile phone) rectified the error engine message issue but time will tell.

How does my short hover engine test flight look to you?

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Alxy Posted at 6-2 05:55
I get this message on every flight.
Could you just switch places between the bladed with problem and the one that has no issue reported? If the error is false than you will get again error for the same motor. If the blades are really deformed the error appear for the new motor.
I will do it next time I fly.

The motors work at different speeds depending on what's happening during your flight; flying forward/backward, Sport-mode vs C-mode, windy days vs calm.  You may not encounter the exact same conditions that triggered the Motor Speed Error every time.  Just moving the blades from one motor to the other may not be enough to trigger the warning again while flying.  So it's not a conclusive test.

Doing the hands-off hover test, indoors to eliminate any influence of wind, will minimise the influence of other complicating factors like wind or confusing control inputs.

Plot your motor speeds like VuKc did in a hover test, then move the propeller blades to a different motor and repeat the hover test.  I'm confident that you'll be able to see the increased motor speed follow the affected blades to the other motor.
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VuKc Posted at 6-2 12:00
Hello again,

I have managed to extract my flight data and got the flight data graph.  

If you were to get the warning on every flight that would certainly be cause for concern.  But if the warning only pops up occasionally that's a sign the propellers are marginal and are triggering the Motor Speed warning under extreme demands, such as horsing around in Sport-mode. If you've received the warning before, but not again on your most recent flight, it just means you weren't stressing the motors in quite the same way this time.

I would be very surprised if a hover test triggered the warning. The motors shouldn't be working very hard during a hover.  The hover test is useful for identifying if any motor is spinning faster compared to the others.  They should all be spinning at relatively the same speed.

You ask, "How does my short hover engine test flight look to you?"

The left-rear (blue) is consistently turning faster than the right-rear (yellow).  Was it the left-rear that was identified as needing replacement by your Motor Speed Error message?  If so, this hover test confirms the left-rear blades are the most suspect.  You could start by replacing those blades, or just leave them and see if you ever get the warning again.

Do you still have the DAT file from the flight that triggered the warning.  You could plot the motor speeds from that flight to see what the left-rear motor was doing then.

Your right-front (red) is also spinning faster than the left-front (green).  But that might actually be affected by the left-rear issue.  The right-front and left-rear are paired as counter-clockwise rotating.  If the left-rear aren't doing enough of their share of the work, then the right-front is involved in carrying more load.  I would replace the left-rear first, then repeat the hover test to see how that affects the results.

With fresh blades on my Mini, the motor speeds while hovering average out to just under 9800 rpm.  On your plot, just eyeballing it, I'd guess your motor speeds are averaging more like 10,500 rpm.  That doesn't seem like all that big difference.  But it is more.

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Flight distance : 548734 ft


i think, bad motors are the problrm. Maybe try to lubricate motors from time to time!!!??? Use to have Spark and was flying  with every cheapest peace of s..t props from eBay without any problems
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Flight distance : 5184 ft

nntom Posted at 6-4 00:53
i think, bad motors are the problrm. Maybe try to lubricate motors from time to time!!!??? Use to have Spark and was flying  with every cheapest peace of s..t props from eBay without any problems


many of the MMs are really NEW.

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chris neiner

United States

dronespilot Posted at 5-7 23:25
Thank you for provide information about the issue.

Although I see this notification as an advantage, I still believe it should be retested as so many Mavic Mini pilots have reported issues. I believe DJI should ensure the notification regarding the props is accurate.

This error is so annoying I am about to go back to the previous version of the firmware.

Some say there is a fix hidden in the current version if you connect the drone to a PC and "Refresh" the Firmware.  I did that and still got the error.

If my drone has never been wrecked or even scratched, and stored in the DJI Fly More case then why should I need to change propellers.  Cheap propellers maybe to keep the weight down??  They won't tell me.  They told me to replace the propellers that were not bent, scratched, cracked, or damaged in any way.  DJI tech tells me to replace the props.  I said OK that's fine.  My drone was just a week or two old.  I typed in my address and said send me a set of props and a tracking number please.  OH NO....No No NO....They said use the extra propellers that came with the drone.  I said NO NO NO...I paid for those propellers and I didn't pay for them to replace defective propellers.  They absolutely refused to even consider sending me a new set of props  Why?  If your props are defective and you tell me to replace them then WHY are you refusing to send me a new set??
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chris neiner

United States

This error is so annoying I am about to go back to the previous version of the firmware. Some say there is a fix hidden in the current version if you connect the drone to a PC and "Refresh" the Firmware.  I did that and still got the error. If my drone has never been wrecked or even scratched, and stored in the DJI Fly More case then why should I need to change propellers.  Cheap propellers maybe to keep the weight down??  They won't tell me.  They told me to replace the propellers that were not bent, scratched, cracked, or damaged in any way.  DJI tech tells me to replace the props.  I said OK that's fine.  My drone was just a week or two old.  I typed in my address and said send me a set of props and a tracking number please.  OH NO....No No NO....They said use the extra propellers that came with the drone.  I said NO NO NO...I paid for those propellers and I didn't pay for them to replace defective propellers.  They absolutely refused to even consider sending me a new set of props  Why?  If your props are defective and you tell me to replace them then WHY are you refusing to send me a new set??
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chris neiner

United States

ABeardedItalian Posted at 5-8 02:49
Not all bad props increase the rpm, this warning only trips at high rpm.

I got the alarm the other day filming a pond at 27 foot altitude in Cinematic mode.  It was fairly windy, but not more than about 12mph because I looked at Kittyhawk.  12mph was the max for the entire day.
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chris neiner

United States

fans1cafe718 Posted at 5-8 03:15
...yep...100% with you.

My props are all schmucked out...especially rears...and still originals...

I read most of the people who have the issue bought the Fly More package that comes with that nice little case that apparently smashes the drone enough to flatten out the rear props.

Either way DJI knows about the problem.  They know what causes it and they know how to fix it, but they will NOT tell you about it because it probably involves sending out all new props and drone cases to everyone.  You know that's NOT going to happen.  In the mean time they sell 50 million dollars worth of Mavic Min props to unsuspecting customers and they put the drone right back in the case until another motor error gets them back online buying another set of props and this goes on and on until DJI has enough money made from Mavic Mini props to buy their own Island in the South China Sea..
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chris neiner

United States

zeb_ Posted at 5-8 06:14
So it seems DJI need to enhance the QC of their prop production.

They need send every Mavic Mini owner a new case and new props.  Hahahah....and that will happen NEVER.
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chris neiner

United States

m80116 Posted at 5-8 10:47
I play the devil's advocate role here: you may get the motor speed error on the left because it maybe the first one to be checked or the circuitry might have marginally more resistance driving that motor, or it might even be that the left rear is the heaviest part and it needs a slightly stronger lift to stay level. Many have already proven replacing the props flagged that they were indeed no good anymore.

I think one should replace the props when prompted, only if the swap wouldn't lead to any appreciable result it might be the case of questioning whether there is an underlying problem. Chances are there isn't as long as the replaced props are new and have not been flattened by incorrect storage and handling.

If I did that I would have $400 in props by now. DJI is not going to just send you props to replace perfectly good props.  They will gladly sell you props all day though.

I put brand new props on the drone.  I got the same errors the same day.  The drone had never seen the inside of the case that day.  DJI's first recommendation is to replace the brand new props on a brand new drone.  A brand new drone needs new props and it's only go 15 minutes of flight time??

OK send me the props then DJI and I will gladly replace them. It sounds like a warranty issue.  Do you know what their reply will be to that....NO NO NO.  Send the drone in for testing.  

6 years later and $398 you get your drone back with a firmware update.  By then you have a Phantom 4 and don't even use the Mavic Mini.  Your batteries won't even take a charge.
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chris neiner

United States

NeuTronas Posted at 5-8 11:51
My drone is pretty new (bought few days ago). Flew few times and got an rotor error with rear left engine. Propeller seems to be completely perfect and unbent. Can't see any difference to any other propellers.
It's really weird that this is not a bug in a software....

It is a software issue, but DJI is blaming the customer for improper storage of their drone in the case they provided and the props they provided.
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chris neiner

United States

m80116 Posted at 5-7 20:08
Thank You DJI support... personally I wouldn't rely on users to check if the propellers are bent or even (wondering what's intended) straighten them out, because I've seen this already happening when the users identify propellers as good even when they are not and insist that the firmware is faulty up to the point of downgrading to the next previous version that didn't have the safety motor speed control.

The best advice I could personally give to those that have the "Motor speed error" is to just replace the propellers and keep replacing them for every propeller that is being flagged by software.

Do you own a freaking Mavic Mini propeller factory or something dude?  Are you a Mavic Min propeller salesman who works on commission?  I get this error every time I use the drone no matter how many propellers I buy and no matter if it was ever in the case with new props or not.  There is a defect somewhere.  Stop blaming the customer.  

Brand new drone, brand new props, brand new firmware.  If this Mavic Mini is that sensitive to microscopic propeller defects then maybe it should be recalled.  It could be unsafe to fly outdoors.  It will be interesting to see if this error goes away with the next update, but they are not going to admit there is a defect with any of their hardware or software.  Typical of DJI to just push the blame all on the poor sucker that bought the drone and is now buying 30 sets of propellers a month from DJI.
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First Officer
United States

chris neiner Posted at 6-4 05:34
This error is so annoying I am about to go back to the previous version of the firmware.

Some say there is a fix hidden in the current version if you connect the drone to a PC and "Refresh" the Firmware.  I did that and still got the error.

"I paid for those propellers and I didn't pay for them to replace defective propellers.  They absolutely refused to even consider sending me a new set of props  Why?  "

"If your props are defective and you tell me to replace them then WHY are you refusing to send me a new set??"

Valid question!   
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
  • >>>

chris neiner Posted at 6-4 05:57
It is a software issue, but DJI is blaming the customer for improper storage of their drone in the case they provided and the props they provided.

One thing you’re right about , it is a SW problem, if the prop looks ok it is ok, to many odd opinions going around.
Use props


nntom Posted at 6-4 00:53
i think, bad motors are the problrm. Maybe try to lubricate motors from time to time!!!??? Use to have Spark and was flying  with every cheapest peace of s..t props from eBay without any problems

Have a look at the two graphs in posts #132 and #133 above.  I only changed the right-rear and left-front propeller blades.  There is a clear and obvious difference between those two graphs.  No motors were lubricated. Only the props were changed.
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chris neiner Posted at 6-4 05:34
This error is so annoying I am about to go back to the previous version of the firmware.

Some say there is a fix hidden in the current version if you connect the drone to a PC and "Refresh" the Firmware.  I did that and still got the error.

You wrote, "Some say there is a fix hidden in the current version if you connect the drone to a PC and Refresh the Firmware.  I did that and still got the error."

Some say, after refreshing the firmware using the Assistant software they never saw the error message again, and therefore some say that is proof the error message is caused by faulty firmware.

Yet what you say seems to prove completely the opposite, since you still get the same error message even after re-installing the firmware with the drone connected to your PC.

So, instead of listening to and re-posting the obviously unreliable opinions of what some say, why not just test your propellers using the hover test?  Then you will have concrete proof of whether your props are up to snuff, or not.

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Flight distance : 230 ft

Zbip57 Posted at 6-4 12:22
You wrote, "Some say there is a fix hidden in the current version if you connect the drone to a PC and Refresh the Firmware.  I did that and still got the error."

Some say, after refreshing the firmware using the Assistant software they never saw the error message again, and therefore some say that is proof the error message is caused by faulty firmware.

I never got this error and my props are still originals and not pretty...
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Mavic Craig
Flight distance : 120745 ft

I am having the same issue with my MM. First flight in a little while I get the Motor Speed Error notification. Returned home replaced the indicated propeller with brand new ones and still received the same error. I do have the Fly More combo and store my drone in the case. The props are straight and unmarked. I'm thinking it's a firmware issue. It appears that it is a common issue DJI.
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First Officer
United States

Mavic Craig Posted at 6-4 18:47
I am having the same issue with my MM. First flight in a little while I get the Motor Speed Error notification. Returned home replaced the indicated propeller with brand new ones and still received the same error. I do have the Fly More combo and store my drone in the case. The props are straight and unmarked. I'm thinking it's a firmware issue. It appears that it is a common issue DJI.

After reading a few recent posts, causes could be:
1) Bad blades on rear of MM, as a result of storing DJI case.
2) Bad blades, (not all - some) coming from DJI.
3) DJI's Firmware updater failing to properly install FW update and verify update
4) Combination of 1, 2, or 3.

Summary: DJI storage case, DJI blades, DJI FW updater

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Flight distance : 548734 ft


That kind of topic is a reason  I do not have drone no more. Or rebuy Spark and fly 10 minutes, but with no problems at all.
@chris neiner  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 10186312 ft
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nntom Posted at 6-5 14:00
That kind of topic is a reason  I do not have drone no more. Or rebuy Spark and fly 10 minutes, but with no problems at all.
@chris neiner

That’s a pity, because mini is a real good drone and flying better than it ever did, but to many people trying to create problems that are not there, by continually trying to steer what is a small SW problem down the unnecessary road of claiming it’s  HW.
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