Motor Speed Error, FW Update Error
30047 105 2020-4-27
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DJI Mindy

Michael Erb Posted at 5-14 10:10
I have sent you all that you requested. Two weeks ago I did this. I have heard nothing back from you or DJI. What is going on? I cannot refresh the firmware nor can I downgrade the firmware. This is ridiculous. My Mavic Mini is essentially new and has only had a few flights. Not happy with DJI right now.

Hi Michael, sorry for the inconvenience. I have updated to your post on the floor 47#, kindly please check it, thanks. Should there any further assistance needed, please feel free to let me know.

Hi all, for flight safety concerns, we added the detection of abnormal motor speed in the V1.0.5 firmware version. If such error occurs during flight, it is recommended that you first check whether the propellers are damaged or deformed.
You are recommended to replace the entire pair of propellers on the corresponding motor firstly. If there is a slight propellers deformation caused by improper storage, please flatten the propellers and try again.
If the above operations do not work after multiple attempts, you are recommended to send back for further tests.
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 4-27 20:22
Hi Michael Erb, sorry for the difficulties on the firmware upgrade, did you switch the battery? If the new battery was not updated, it could show incompatible firmware, please ensure all the batteries have been updated.
When you received Update Failed error, is there any other detailed error code?

This issue looks like it is happening to numerous customers who upgraded the latest Firmware. Is there a fix going to be pushed out to resolve this issue or should we do a factory reset?
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 5-15 05:22
Hi Michael, sorry for the inconvenience. I have updated to your post on the floor 47#, kindly please check it, thanks. Should there any further assistance needed, please feel free to let me know.


You guys just want us to keep buying propellers?

How can you say "improper storage" when the is only one way to store in the fly more combo case? Any direction the propellers should point to when stored in the case?
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Dear All,
It seems that I get same problem as you. After few flights I decide to update firmware. I have done it thru phone (just click in DJI as2 app update, drone was after flight). Update was successful. Unfortunately when I start new fly I get this "motor speed error". I changed propellers on left rear ESC (despite it was almost new - I have dron from ~2 weeks). Same problem appear after two flights (same ESC). Propellers was change again (second new set!) - still same problem. After that I decide not to change propellers and waste my money. Now I'm looking for help - what can I do?
Few data:
- dron is new (~2weeks) bought in combo fly set
- I use android phone
- there was no crash
- I changed propellers according to error hint, problem still exist
- I check dron - all looks like NEW
- weather was good - sunny, small wind (but I checked it at home also and there was same problem, when error occur, dron are not stable during stay in air as before update)

What should I do:
- make claim to shop ?
- downgrade of firmware ?
- is there any other not complicate trick that I could to in order to flight and not to wait for result of claim ?

It seems that it is a common problem, is it possible to get sets of propellers from DJI as warranty issue ?
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Flight distance : 884672 ft
United Kingdom

Yes I have the same problem with my Maverick mini I have just purchased this about 2 weeks ago and has been fine up to Sunday when I first took it out it was only open it there for a matter of seconds and it come up with this code 30246
I didn't fly anymore on Sunday tried it again on Monday and it was fine Tuesday Wednesday fine as well then took it out this afternoon and exactly the same problem and now it has had add another issue this code 30128 not sure what to do hope someone can help
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United States

Nearly New drone, same problem. New software update and error codes telling me to change my brand new DJI propellers with more brand new DJI propellers. Come on DJ I fix this issue with a new software update or push the old version until you can get it right.
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Flight distance : 8222 ft

Joined to the club
Brand new MM combo, updated to FW 1.05. The error started after my 3-rd flight...

P.S. I did't use FW 1.04
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brsoft Posted at 5-24 05:53
Joined to the club
Brand new MM combo, updated to FW 1.05. The error started after my 3-rd flight...

Just to make sure:
- Have you also updated battery firmware?
- What does the 'About' tab in the fly screen show for 'RC Firmware' and 'App Version'?
- Have you tried recalibration of IMU, compass, gimbal and remote controller?

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Flight distance : 8222 ft

Dan.K. Posted at 5-24 10:05
Just to make sure:
- Have you also updated battery firmware?
- What does the 'About' tab in the fly screen show for 'RC Firmware' and 'App Version'?

Hello Dan.K.,
- Have you also updated battery firmware? - Actually, i'm not sure, because Combo has 3 batteries. I updated Aircraft to 1.05 with "battery 1" via Android DJI Fly app. Then i inserted "battery 2" and recieved message to update battery firmware. I did that via android app. Finally, with "battery 3" i didn't recieve message to update firmware via app. Exactly in that flight i received "Motor sensor error". So battery firmware can be the problem.
- What does the 'About' tab in the fly screen show for 'RC Firmware' and 'App Version'? - RC Firmware 1.05, app version 1.1.2
- Have you tried recalibration of IMU, compass, gimbal and remote controller? - everything was calibrated via app.

So, tomorrow i will refresh firmware thru DJI Assistant 2 to all batteries and RC and i'll try again.

Have a nice day!

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Gf999 Posted at 5-21 02:52
Dear All,
It seems that I get same problem as you. After few flights I decide to update firmware. I have done it thru phone (just click in DJI as2 app update, drone was after flight). Update was successful. Unfortunately when I start new fly I get this "motor speed error". I changed propellers on left rear ESC (despite it was almost new - I have dron from ~2 weeks). Same problem appear after two flights (same ESC). Propellers was change again (second new set!) - still same problem. After that I decide not to change propellers and waste my money. Now I'm looking for help - what can I do?
Few data:

Hi all,
So this will be some update. I checked lot of posts and some information in internet and it looks like problems gone:

- first - I found that in combo set where there is dedicated case - dron should be store with precise propeller direction (in manual there is no information regarding that tip!). Before I did not pay attention to check if propellers are pointed to specified direction so I can’t say if that was a reason of error;
- I connected my dron thru cable to my computer and made refresh option in DJI application (note that there is some problem with installation of software on OS X, it need to be forced because OS X pointed software as dangerous);
- I made compass calibration.

After above action I made 4 successful flights without any motor speed error and my dron start to fly as well as before firmware update. I will confirm later after more flights if that condition is constants.

What is obvious now, that changing of two set of propellers were pointless and it should be treated as DJI firmware issue. In my opinion DJI should give some kind of coupon or free set of propellers for people that wasted good ones because of firmware issue! Shame of you DJI that still doesn’t done such action!
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Flight distance : 2277 ft


my dealer sent my mini to a German DJI-service. Now I have to wait for 3 weeks. In the meanwhile DJI pushed a new release for DJI Fly App.  Does it help ?

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Lorne Malvo


adabei Posted at 5-27 22:35

my dealer sent my mini to a German DJI-service. Now I have to wait for 3 weeks. In the meanwhile DJI pushed a new release for DJI Fly App.  Does it help ?

Hi! Updating DJI Fly App does not help at all. In my case downgrading firmware for drone helped, no motor speed error anymore. So, my drone operating on 040 now, controller stays with 050. I will wait until new, fixed firmware will be released, hopefully soon. BTW, for downgrading I use Assistant 2 for windows.
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Flight distance : 204626 ft
United Kingdom

DJI fix
FIXED ISSUE (and it's nothing to do with the case)

I had the exact same problem as everyone else, I even changed the props twice and managed to book my drone in for sending back to DJI but before I returned it I decided to have a play around and I managed to resolve the issue. I have been running the latest firmware for a few weeks and not had the issue once.

Here's the instructions for fixing the issue.

1. Download and install the DJI Assistant for Mavic 2

2. Connect the drone to your computer and upgrade to the latest firmware. (I first downgraded).

3. Replace the drone battery and do the firmware upgrade again, do this for every battery that you have.

4. Now plug your controller in and upgrade the firmware on this.

5. Once all firmware upgrades have been done connect your phone to the controller and power everything up (don't unfold the arms)

6. Go to your calibration menu on the app and calibrate the IMU.

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i was having the motor speed error after the update so i just simply downgraded my firmware version on dji assistant app on windows 10 and everything's back to normal
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 5-15 05:22
Hi Michael, sorry for the inconvenience. I have updated to your post on the floor 47#, kindly please check it, thanks. Should there any further assistance needed, please feel free to let me know.


Here's the thing Mindy, if you are with DJI then you should let them know that great customer service and retention of customers takes honesty! DJI needs to either fix the firmware or recall the propellers and carrying case that came with the fly more kit!! I'm sure like all corporations they would like the consumer to pay for all of this. If DJI doesn't own up to there mistake then this will be the last time I purchase any product from DJI. I will also post a review on youtube of my experience. If anyone on this thread is buying into this corporate crap, I'm sorry you have been manipulated by a multi-million dollar company that doesn't stand behind their products.
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DJI Mindy

djiuser_3GiDoKk526Bi Posted at 6-6 12:58
Here's the thing Mindy, if you are with DJI then you should let them know that great customer service and retention of customers takes honesty! DJI needs to either fix the firmware or recall the propellers and carrying case that came with the fly more kit!! I'm sure like all corporations they would like the consumer to pay for all of this. If DJI doesn't own up to there mistake then this will be the last time I purchase any product from DJI. I will also post a review on youtube of my experience. If anyone on this thread is buying into this corporate crap, I'm sorry you have been manipulated by a multi-million dollar company that doesn't stand behind their products.

Hi there, sorry for the inconvenience caused. I will forward your suggestions to the related team, we appreciate your continued support and will keep improving to provide better products and service to you all. For the Mavic Mini prompts " motor speed error", kindly please check the below methods:
In order to protect the flight safety, we added the detection of abnormal motor speed in V1.0.5 firmware version.
If such problems occur during flight, it is recommended that you first check whether the propellers are damaged or deformed.
It is recommended that you replace the entire pair of propellers on the corresponding motor firstly. If there is a slight propellers deformation caused by improper storage, it is recommended that you smooth the corresponding propellers before attempting.
If the above operations do not work after multiple attempts, please send it back for further tests.
Additionally, for daily usage, please refer to the following image in order to appropriately fold the propellers.

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Michael Erb Posted at 4-28 09:31
When the update failed message appears, there is no other detailed error code. It simply shows "Transmitting V01.00.0050" and the progress stays at 0% for at least 5 or 6  minutes then the Update Failed message appears with a link asking to Upload Error Log, which I do upload, then a confirmation appears that simply says Uploaded.

I have 3 batteries and have swapped each of them out and attempted doing this with each of them and all of the attempts have the same Update Failed result.

I have the same problem. Did you solve that? Thx
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Michael Erb Posted at 4-28 09:31
When the update failed message appears, there is no other detailed error code. It simply shows "Transmitting V01.00.0050" and the progress stays at 0% for at least 5 or 6  minutes then the Update Failed message appears with a link asking to Upload Error Log, which I do upload, then a confirmation appears that simply says Uploaded.

I have 3 batteries and have swapped each of them out and attempted doing this with each of them and all of the attempts have the same Update Failed result.

I have the same problem. Did you solve that yet?
Use props

DJI Mindy Posted at 6-6 19:56
Hi there, sorry for the inconvenience caused. I will forward your suggestions to the related team, we appreciate your continued support and will keep improving to provide better products and service to you all. For the Mavic Mini prompts " motor speed error", kindly please check the below methods:
In order to protect the flight safety, we added the detection of abnormal motor speed in V1.0.5 firmware version.
If such problems occur during flight, it is recommended that you first check whether the propellers are damaged or deformed.

Seriously ? I guess if selling of new propellers is your new target then this tip is very important for DJI but not fair for users!

As I wrote few post before - a have this error in almost completely new dron - after firmware update I changed propellers twice! Error still exist and after that I despise error:
1) refresh firmware thru computer
2) made compass calibration
and my "motor speed error" vanished (please note that I did not changed it third , so it were same propellers that had error before). I made more than 15 flies without this error.

So what is my conclusion:
1) check your propellers against damage
2) be sure if you storage your dron (in combo set) properly
3) do NOT CHANGE propeller if point 1 and 2 are ok - just do refresh firmware and do calibration!

DJI - please advise how to get back my two sets of new propellers from DJI for your misleading tips.
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djiuser_JNwA7VB2JTMY Posted at 5-3 16:32
How can you tell which one needs replaced? I couldn't tell which was beeping?

It's beeping and moving a little bit.
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Flight distance : 283904 ft

Hello everyone, I had the same issue with the propeller error. I was using the latest firmware (0500), so I connected the bird to the laptop and used the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic and redid the firmware upgrade for all 3 batteries and the controller. This seems to have solved it as I flew for about 15 minutes without any issues. I would have been really surprised if my props were to blame as it was my very first flight as I received this Mini for Father's Day. I'll keep double checking the props from now on. Safe flying everyone.

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Flight distance : 19678 ft


Same error here, beeping and same rear-leaft motor, please fix it DJI.
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Flight distance : 19678 ft


DJI Mindy Posted at 6-6 19:56
Hi there, sorry for the inconvenience caused. I will forward your suggestions to the related team, we appreciate your continued support and will keep improving to provide better products and service to you all. For the Mavic Mini prompts " motor speed error", kindly please check the below methods:
In order to protect the flight safety, we added the detection of abnormal motor speed in V1.0.5 firmware version.
If such problems occur during flight, it is recommended that you first check whether the propellers are damaged or deformed.

Hi Mindy,

If this is a stow issue, why always happens on the left-rear motor? (Please see previous thread and mine is left-rear, too) It should happen randomly on both sides.
I knew you added a new checking feature on V1.0.5 firmware, it's good.

But please find out the root cause, I don't want to change propeller every time even there's no damage on it, Thanks!
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Hey there,
Got the same error: a brand new Mavic mini with just a couple of flights of 4 miles length.  There were no issues with .400 firmware. But as soon as i have updated to version. 500 got an error for left rear engine.

DJI team: that is certainly an often problem. when will you fix this error?
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Flight distance : 2356 ft

Por si ayuda a encontrar una solución al error 30246.
Yo he notado que el error 30246 me sale cuando hace un poco de viento. Los días que no hace viento no me sale dicho error.
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Same problem here (back left motor)
But guys what do you mean with "upgrade the firmware for each battery"? The firmware is on the dron not on the battery, isn'it? In fact if I downgrade to 04 and then upgrade to 05 with a battery, when I take it out and insert other batteries the firmware is always 05
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